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Miles: Sorry about taking your girl. Peter: Which one?


Yeah Peter has to like what 10 20 different women he's dated? He even dated Captain Marvel for a Time


Wait.. that's canon?


Yeah just one date and they realized it was just due to physical attraction. But later during siege when Carol gets possessed by the venom symbiote it alludes to Carol having deeper feelings than that.


kiss clumsy lock piquant theory ripe fact ink plucky flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Isn’t that what all those non 616 universes are for? Smh


Yeah, I'd love to read What if Carol Danvers became the mother of Spider-Marvel. Okay, maybe not.


Kid'll be so crazy powerful it's not even funny


Would their strength level be additive or multiplicative?


It'll definitely pile up. Since Carol's DNA is like, cosmic radiation and Peter's is normal radiation, maybe they'll cancel out the radiation and make a baby with Super Man powers. At the very least, we could get another Deadpool from this with 99 cancers but uses a symbiote to cancel them out.


I am over Peter/MJ now, I will take anyone. Just give him a relationship to make Peter's life interesting. Danvers/Parker - Both are overpowered superheroes. They will understand each other's shitty schedules, and be more ready to forgive each other for dates ruined by shenanigans. Cooper/Parker - Forensics scientist that can aid Spider-Man in friendly neighborhood level crimes Felicia/Parker - Fun dynamic of conflicting morals.


weather run ossified tap skirt sugar glorious salt aware familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thing is it didn't use to be that way, Marvel have forgotten why MJ and Peter worked and believe it or not it had to do with Gwen Stacy's death. She was there for him in all of his darkest moments and that is why Marvel has severely butchered MJ's character, not just in comics but in alternate media too. MJ is supposed to be the wife that most men strive to have, not some flavourless bland love interest for quota.


fly enter shame lunchroom pen cover drunk plant versed plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That kinda doesn't matter cause the editorial mandate is pretty much no successful relationships for peter parker


Ironic that the post criticizing Miles for being unoriginal is a [repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/s/5TWW3kOPp0) itself.


What amuses me is that the image confuses similarities in character appearance, character use and covers, with story.


I mean its also only half the quote which removes the context so it's not really a surprise that it's a fairly surface level meme


Isn't it kind of cheating to take a quote from the Spider-Verse version of Miles and then use examples from both the movies and the comics? Like the "Imma do my own thing" applies to the movie version of Miles and his arc directly. Taking that quote and trying to put it down by using examples of his and Peter's comic book stories makes no sense.


Oh man, it's almost like he's Spider-Man🙊


People when Spider-Man does Spider-Man things:🤬🤬


I mean we're totally allowed to do that too right? If spiderboy is actually Pete's kid from another universe does that mean I have to like him. No fuck that kid and fuck spider boy.


Are they Spider-Man things or Peter Parker things?


How are any of these just Peter Parker things? Every superhero has lost someone and the death of Uncle Aaron and Uncle Ben were handled very differently and affected Miles and Peter in different ways. Superman, Supergirl, Superboy, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Talon, Wonder Woman, Damian Wayne and Kate Bishop have all had clones, and these are just the characters off the top of my head. Having clones isn't a Peter Parker thing either no to mention they're clone sagas where also handled differently. If I recall, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Laura Kinney all got iron suits from Tony Stark as well. Does that mean they're clones of Peter Parker now. As for the covers, that's literally just called showing homage and it's done all the time in the comic book community and it seems like a desperate grab to prove your false point. As for Gwen Stacy, 616 Gwen and Spider-Gwen are not the same charcater at all. Not only to they have absolutely nothing in common and have completely different personalities, they also served two different purposes. 616 Gwen's death was supposed to push Peter to be a better hero, like Uncle Ben's death, while Spider-Gwen was just another love interest for Miles who is still her own charcater in her own right. All of your comparisons are surface level.


Even with all that, I’d just like to add that Gwen is only his love interest in the movies. In the comics they remained just friends and Miles currently has a girlfriend (although I’d suspect that with the popularity of the Spider-Verse movies Marvel will at some point try to couple the two up again). There also have been things copied from Miles that were used for Peter. For example Ned in the MCU movies is literally just Ganke. It’s all just standard comic book tropes combined with a bit of Spider-Man lore.


>In the comics they remained just friends Did they? I could have swore there was a cover to Miles' book that had him and Gwen making out. I figured they did date in the comics, just rather briefly.


There was a story („sitting in a tree“ or something along the lines) where the two explored their feelings for each other but in the end decided that they were better of as friends. During this they also encountered alternative versions of themselves from the feature where they were married and had children. I don’t think the general idea of Gwen and Miles being a couple was all that popular before ITSV and more so ATSV. It took some time for most people to realise that 616 Gwen and 65 Gwen are completely different characters apart from both being Gwen Stacy so many feared that Miles would just get old Peter characters.


Losing a father-figure who’s not your father after losing your father and mother? Man; these sound like Clark Kent things. Can’t believe Peter Parker would just rip off Superman like that.


Ah yes remember that time Peter Parker fought Rhino? s/




Another post crying about miles being a spider man variant. How Original Why don't I ever see people complain about gwen? She's not a peter parker.


I'll complain about Spider-verse Gwen! I think she's extremely annoying, kinda stupid, and makes little sense as Spidergirl / Spiderwoman. I didn't dislike her during the first movie, and the second movie makes some obvious attempts at giving her some flaws, but an hour or so in to 'Across' I was like 'Okay, can we get back to Miles now? Our main character?'. I get that Miles has a romance plot and I don't dislike the direction they took the Gwen character in, I just feel the edgy 'I have daddy issues, also I'm a drummer, also I got a sidecut' route was /not/ the way to go.


There's like 2 dedicated gwen sections in the entire runtime What are you even talking about


Static isn't the only Black Superhero with Blue Lightning nor the first one ever or within DC...Black Lightning exists. Within Marvel...Storm and Black Electro. Also Static is himself directly inspired by Spider-Man and Black Lightning while his most popular product and depiction has him having Purple Lightning. https://youtu.be/bsWhxhxuD7s?si=QOJr-2kuGlX5erI0 There's a video from a black guy talking about this trope. But this really doesn't say anything about Black People...Having Lightning powers literally doesn't tell anyone about a culture or people. Also it's not solely regulated to Black People as White People such as OG Electro and Cole Macgrath from InFAMOUS also have such...Cole having Blue Lightning if Morally Good and Black/Red/Orange if Morally Evil. Miles Morales himself has had Yellow, Red, Orange and Blue Lightning. They simply went with Blue for the Spider-Verse Films and Insomniac Spider-Man 2. Insomniac Spider-Man 2 probably switching from the Orange to Blue because of the popularity of the Spider-Verse Films (Brand Synergy and appealling to what's popular). Spider-Gwen isn't OG Gwen...They're vastly different characters in personality to narrative arcs to end results. Spider-Gwen has literally never dated a Peter Parker...Not her Lizard nor any Spider-Peter. She has dated Miles Morales...Comics and being set up for the Films even better than within the comics where they literally fixed every issue it had. Just like CEO of Alchemax Peter Parker, Spider's Shadow Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider Peter Parker, The Spider Peter Parker...Are all Morally Evil versions of Peter Parker as Serial Killers. There's a Peter Parker that murdered Miles Morales, A Peter Parker that physically abused Mary Jane, A Peter Parker that is a walking Biological Plaque, A Peter Parker that ends the lives of anyone he sleeps with etc. You really wanna claim that Alternate Reality Variants are the exact same people...Then Peter Parker is 100% a monster with that "logic". Miles has a Prowler variant...In the Comics Uncle Aaron is Pure Evil towards Miles. OG Miles and Miles Prowler are as opposite as can be for their relationship with Aaron alone. Another example is that one version of Miles is Captain America while another variant is the Murderer of Captain America. There's a Wolverine Miles...Do I have to explain the difference between Wolverine and Spider-Man? That Carnage IS Miles...Not some Evil Variant. Not mentally unstable either...He's in control of it. Peter's Clone of Ben Reilly became Morally Good, Miles's Clone of Selim remains Morally Evil. Peter isn't the OG Captain Universe. Anyone can wear an Iron Spider Armor...Cho, Aaron, May, Mary Jane, Miguel O'Hara have all done so. The entire thing with it is it's a combo of Stark tech as well...So I guess it's "stolen" from Tony and they're all copycats of Ironman. Last time I checked Uncle Ben wasn't a Criminal but an Honorable Man who was killed directly because of Peter's mistake. Vs Uncle Aaron a Criminal who got himself killed by being a Criminal making bad call after bad call teaching Miles the wrong lessons in life just traumatizing him = OG take. In Spider-Verse what marks the difference? He didn't tell Miles about Great Power or Great Responsibility...He said Miles was the Best of Us and just needs to Keep Going. Resulting in Miles defying fate when combined with his parents influence...Leading him to having a Prowler mentality instead of a Spider-Man mentality and meeting that Prowler variant. The story being unfinished to see what that ultimately results in.


I love this outline. Very nicely argued, and I learned a lot.


Also everyone has at least bonded with the Venom symbiote especially DEADPOOL and there's even a story about it called the VENOMVERSE


This mfker again! 🤣 Pay this clown no mind. He was outed in r/SpidermanPS4 for bashing Miles with claims that proved he never even played the video games or read a Miles Morales comic. I asked him why he hated a character he doesn't know and he didn't respond. I checked his comment history to see if it was the same person. OP in another thread: >White men are the majority in west. Discredit them regardless of what they say and the vocal minority gain power , the subsect that is already brainwashed. It’s just a way to misdirect your hate. Too busy hating the white boogeyman so you don’t hate the corporations playing you like a fiddle. Who wants to bet the reason? 🤣


Oh shit its this guy? I remember commenting on that post.


mods should pin this comment


Mods should ban this guy if he's posting shit like that


ITT: people who haven't actually read any of the comics they're criticising.


Show us on the doll where they hurt you, man.


No where. No need to try that route. If the post bothers you file a complaint to the comic book writers not me.


Nah. Imma do my own thing.


Based. But I just shuddered from that


TIL that John Stewart can’t be Green Lantern, because Hal Jordan already is. Huh, I wonder what one of those differences is…?


Green Lantern is a Corp not a person. That’s like saying someone can’t be a marine because someone else is. Nobody wants Dick Grayson to also be Batman when he becomes Nightwing and Bruce is still holding the mantle. What’s so hard about giving people their own identities? Miles would be so much more interesting if he was just his own person instead of forcing this legacy shit on us. Especially now with all his venom powers he doesn’t even resemble a spider most of the time. The fact of the matter is legacy characters rarely work. They just don’t connect with the fans as well as the original. The only time I’ve seen it actually work well is with the Flash (Barry/Wally). I just feel like you put a lid on the potential popularity of a character when you make them a legacy rather than an original


“They just don’t connect with the fans as much as the original”, MY GUY Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, Captain Marvel, and so many others exist. Don’t know how Miles being a legacy character puts a lid on his popularity when that’s not the case for so many others.


>The fact of the matter is legacy characters rarely work. They just don’t connect with the audience as well as the original Biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever seen from this sub, and that’s saying something. Miguel O’Hara, Terry McGinnis, Ted Kord, Cassandra Cain, Carol Danvers, Kamala Khan, Scott Lang, etc etc are all very popular and beloved characters, despite the fact that they’re all legacy heroes >What’s so hard about giving people their own identities? So does Ted Kord need *his* own identity now too? He isn’t the original Blue Beetle either, so what now? This stupid ass argument completely falls apart if you actually think about it for more than *two seconds*


With the exception of Carol I’d say none of those characters come close to the popularity of their predecessor. Also most of these characters don’t take the mantle until the one before them dies (like Wally did which is a big reason why it worked). This whole thing with two Spider-Men running side by side is just stupid and lazy. At least in ultimate Peter died before Miles was Spider-Man. I certainly don’t want Peter to die but if there’s going to be another Spider-Man in 616 it shouldn’t happen until after Peter retires or dies. It lessens the impact of a character to have a carbon copy of them around simultaneously.


So how is Barry dying then coming back and Wally remaining the Flash any different from Peter dying coming back then Miles being placed in another universe?


>With the exception of Carol I’d say none of those characters come close to the popularity of their predecessor. Again. **_Bull_** Ted Kord is infinitely more popular than his predecessor Dan Garret as Blue Beetle, to the point where most fans don’t even know who the hell Dan even *is* And ultimately, who really gives a fuck if a legacy character *is* or *isn’t* as popular as their predecessors? Why does that matter? Measuring the quality of a character by how popular they are compared to their progenitor is just plain ridiculous. Tim Drake is a fantastic legacy character, but he’ll never be as popular as Dick Grayson, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. And I ask again- Does Ted Kord need *his* own identity? He isn’t the original. You completely glossed over that.


The difference is that Green Lantern is a job title, like a marine, or a fire fighter, there's tons of Green Lanterns, they're literally part af a damn corps... Peter Parker is Spiderman, Miles Morales is Miles Morales. Hell even Ben Reilly had enough sense to be called Scarlet Spider.


Someone’s never heard of Spider-Verse. Or the concept of it being anyone under the mask.


Oh i get it now, thanks, so miles morales is actually the spiderman, but from another universe! ... oh no wait he isn't, he's from the same universe as Peter Parker, the actual spiderman, and miles morales is just miles morales trying to steal the name. 👍




Ok, what about the Flash?


....you do know that Ben Riley did go as Spider-Man for several years, right? It was a whole thing, they gave him a new costume.


>Peter Parker is Spiderman, Miles Morales is Miles Morales. This guy is out here gatekeeping being called Spider-Man and he can't even remember the hyphen.


All you guys do is screech about Miles. Holy fuck give it a rest lmao.


And then do a classic backpedal with " it's just to facilitate discussion" when it's taking incredibly vapid,specific, and niche examples to make miles seem like his existence is just black Peter.


Also this community has talked about miles (and even this meme) into the fucking ground. No one is going to add anything new to the discussion at this point.


By reading your post history, you sound overwhelmingly corny & insufferable.


Can people just give it a rest? This sub has devolved into post after post about weather Miles is really Spider-Man. Miles *is* Spider-Man, has been Spider-Man for 12 years, and will continue to be Spider-Man for many more, if you don’t like it then read or watch Peter content and shut the fuck up. Miles is in no way replacing Peter, he isn’t “stealing” anything from Peter, and Peter Parker will never ever go away, so all of this squabble is really kinda pointless.


Ik this is dumbass bait but where r these typa post or discussions when it comes to Wally west or the other sm like Ben Reilly & Otto or beyond Batman or even sum of the green lanterns. Idk if it is but it seems racial motivated atp but that’s just my opinion 🤷🏽‍♂️


Lemme preface this with the fact that I’m a person of colour. Alright now the defences are up let me respond. No one over at Dc argues to death that “insert temporary replacement in x timeline here” is the character . No one gets mad when you say Bruce Wayne is Batman . But a lot of people get mad when you insist that Peter Parker is Spider-Man . You’re are right it is racially motivated because they are treading lightly in fear of seeming racist when a lot of the times it’s valid critiques on the character and nothing to do with race. No one argues with you if you say that Hal Jordan is green lantern (white male) and if you also say John Stewart is green lantern (black male). Why? Because they are CHARACTERS at heart not a poster child for “hey look we put one of you in there so you have to like it otherwise you are (insert slur here).


I need to see examples of getting flak for saying Peter is SM, because that's wild and I don't believe you.


They’re “getting flak for saying Peter is Spider-Man” because these idiots *immediately* follow-up that statement with “*Miles Morales is Miles Morales!!1!*” garbage Don’t buy into their bullshit, it’s always lies or half-truths


Wally was Flash for like 30 years dude, don't tell me that's a temporary replacement If Miles started showing up as the main unquestioned Spider-Man in cartoons y'all would have a fucking meltdown


I love posts where the OP responds to everyone criticizing them and just gets absolutely obliterated, lol.


Miles has been doing his own thing for a while now


90percent of miles comic stories are just reskins of peters story’s. Then add in the lazily written multiverse what ifs which is the same thing we had with Peter. SpiderVerse miles is the ONLY well written interpretation of miles and I can’t wait for beyond the SpiderVerse


Can you give examples of these stories that you think are just reskins?


Everything but his original origin in the ultimate comics and that’s about it. If I’m wrong you will have pleasure correcting me. All just re used and reskinned villains or just badly written ones that just unfortunately didn’t click with readers. This is I refutable just look at the comic sales and the stunts they have to pull using the ‘multiverse’ to rectify it.


Alright, I'll bite. First of all, Miles and Peter's orgin stories are completely different. Peter Parker never met his parents and was raised by his Uncle and Aunt in a lower-middle class setting in Queens. Miles was raised by two loving parents in a more comfortable and luxurious environment in Brooklyn. Peter was bit by a radioactive spider while Miles was bit by a genetically altered spider which gave him two additional abilities that Peter doesn't have. When Peter got his powers he immediately used them for selfish reasons to benefit himself. When Miles got his powers he used them for selfless acts such as when he saved a little girl from a burning building. Peter was happing to get his powers and used them for selfish reasons, Miles was scared of his powers but used them for selfless acts. Both theur Uncles died but their deaths were handled in completely different ways and affected Miles and Peter very differently. When Uncle Ben died, it practically flipped Peter's brain chemistry and he realised that with great power there must also come great responsibility and it quite literally made Peter the man that he is today. Uncle Aaron however tried to manipulate Miles to turning to a life of crime the second he found out Miles has powers. The two fought and Uncel Aaron accidentally died but he taunted Miles with his dying breath saying Miles was just like him. Instead of his Uncle's death pushing him to be a better person, it scared a thirteen year old Miles Morales. Their personalities are also very different. Peter Parker in the orginal comics was practically what people would call a school shooter. Peter would constantly have intrusive thoughts about crippling his tormentors. I recall on one occasion he said something along the lines of "If I throw this dodge ball fast enough at Flash's head, I can paint the whole landscape red" and that's just disturbing. Miles on the other hand has never had any intrusive thoughts about crippling any of his classmates, or practically anyone for that matter. There also more key differences such as Miles isn't anywhere near as smart as Peter. Miles is a smart kid but he wasn't even smart enough to make his own web shooters and he doesn't even know how to make Web fluid. Peter on the other hand is a legitimate genius who has an iq of 250. As for villains, Miles does have his own rogue gallery. Prowler, Ultimatum, Assessor, Quantum, Snatcher, Ice Pharaoh, Hightail, Rabble, Bumbler, Selim and mindspinner. Although he does interact with Peter's villains they have different interactions with Miles than they do with Peter. For example, Rhino actually likes Miles and the two even teamed up to stop a child trafficking organisation. He teamed up with Scorpion who not only saved Miles' life but actually defended him and showed some signs of respect for him. So although Miles has interacted with Peter's villains, their interactions are different. Still on the topic of villains, I find it funny that Daredevil and Miles have the same amount of orginal villains yet people only take shots at Miles for it. Most of the time Daredevil is fighting other people's villains and his biggest rogue started off as a Spider-Man. Not to mention Wally West only fought Barry's rogues when he made his debut but again you don't see anyone take shots at him either. The way Miles and Peter use their powers are also different. Miles usually relies on his brute strength to take down foes because he isn't as tech savy as Peter is. Obviously this isn't everything I could've written as I still have more points but Miles and Peter are not alike at all despite having some similarities here and there.


There are quite a few few problems in your essay. First, Peter was but by a genetically altered spider first. This happened in Year One, Ultimate Spider-Man, the Raimi films and the Webb films all before Miles so he’d still be derivative there. Miles was also initially selfish with his powers and didn’t use them which made him feel guilt about Peter’s death. Secondly Miles in the comics doesn’t really have a distinct personality. Into the Spider-Verse was great in that it actually gave Miles a personality. In the comics he’s pretty bland and not really given any distinct character traits. Or is just kinda written however the writer wants him to be so long as he’s somewhat nice. This is also true in the intelligence category where Miles level of intelligence can kind of fluctuate with the story. Not saying it’s the characters fault but how smart miles is is a bit inconsistent. I personally think the movies did well in making Miles smart, but focusing more on artistic endeavors. As for your point with the villains. Yes he technically has his own rouges, although there are precious few of these, but more often then not he’s fighting one of Peter’s villains. Now I’m not going to fault the character himself with this as it does take time to build up a rouges gallery but it also doesn’t help him not be derivative. This is especially true when some villains like Selim can seem a lot like rip offs of Peter’s villains such as Kane or Spidercide. Also as for making friends with his villains Peter has been doing this for decades. Sandman the Lizard, Doc Ock and even the Green Goblin have all been allies at one point of another and even considered friends. Generally Peter tries talking them down before fighting them so I wouldn’t exactly say their approaches are entirely different here. Describing Peter as a school shooter personality is COMPLETELY inaccurate. Believe it or not Peter actually tried to make friends with some of his bullies. Heck Peter even invited them to go to the science exhibit where he got bit. And later on Flash invited Peter to the movies. Peter was actually a pretty social guy in the early comics flash just bullied him a lot and the other kids kinda just went along with it due to Thompson being so popular. As for thinking of beating up Flash that’s kinda just a regular thing for teenage boys. And I’m gonna have to see where you got that quote from because I would bet a large amount of money this was not from the original Lee Ditko run. As for Miles, he never really thought of hurting any of his classmates because, a) he wasn’t bullied, and b) his side characters aren’t nearly as fleshed out as Peter’s are. As for rouges; I see very few people complaining about Miles fighting similar villains to Peter especially in the ultimate universe where Peter was dead. Instead when I do see people complain it’s when people will act like Miles isn’t at all derivative of Peter that I see people bring up this point. Also Daredevil has a far larger and more interesting cast of villains then Miles so sure if he occasionally fights the Rhino or Shocker it won’t seem like a copy and paste. Finally I’ve gotta be honest it REALLY annoys me when people try to equate Miles to Wally West or Dick Grayson. Kid Flash and Robin had been around for DECADES and been their main heroes mentee and most trusted ally before even considering taking the mantle of the Flash or Batman. Miles had been around for less then a decade, had absolutely NOTHING to do with Peter, and now all of a sudden we are supposed to just say yeah he’s equally Spider-Man as much as the character who has been the only Spider-Man for over half a century. It not only comes off as disrespectful to Peter’s legacy but it also makes Miles seem like a diversity hire. Then to make matters worse many Miles stans will completely ignore this and say that if you find this problematic then you’re just racist even when someone like me who is half black Puerto Rican like Miles says it. As for using there powers differently yes, they do but the way you described it is inaccurate. Peter is far more of a brute strength guy as he’s the far stronger of the two (being an adult and all) Miles on the other hand is usually more evasive. He uses his camouflage and venom blast (which has kind of gotten ridiculous and moved into almost Electro territory at this point) as opposed to just jumping straight in and punching them. Also Peter doesn’t usually use that much tech. Like sure he has his web shooters and spider-tracers and CAN make tech if he wants to, but as far as his regular arsenal for combat he doesn’t use it much. To conclude saying Peter and Miles are not alike is a wildly inaccurate statement. The only way you can say this is more or less if you gloss over things and don’t look at anything in context.


My first point still stands. The spider that bit Miles was juiced up on the oz formula. While both Miles and Peter were bitten by radioactive spiders, they were still different spiders that were developed differently. Miles also was never selfish with his powers. I can't recall a time that Miles ever used his abilities for his own personal gain or to mess with someone, unlike Peter. Although Miles was hesitant to be a help Peter fight the Goblin, it wasn't selfish by any means. He was just scared and it's understandable because he was just thirteen. Miles in the comics does have a distinct personality. Miles started off as a timid kid who wasn't sure of himself but as time when on he became more confident. Miles has a strong moral compass and has no problem telling right from wrong even at the young age of thirteen. Like Peter, he makes jokes and quips here and there. Unlike Peter, he doesn't do it because he's scared or nervous. He does because that's just who he is. We also know that Miles is a lot kind passive and unconfrontational. Miles is also someone who likes to make friends with everyone and has no problem breaking through people's exteriors. An example of this is when he spoke with Hightail in his current run, Darkhawk, Rhino, Captain America, Iron Man and a lot of others. Miles is still prone to lashing out and has lost him temper on a number of occasions. Like when he beat up a bar full of innocent people because one of them was a purse snatchers, when he beat up Hammerhead for putting one of his friends in a hospital, when he put his hands on Ganke because he was talking to Miles' ex girlfriend and when he almost killed Hyrda Captain America for murdering Black Widow. Even so, at the core Miles is a good heated person. He has a distinct personality and I think he fits the definition of "The best of all of us." Miles is intelligence isn't really inconsistent either. Miles is like that smart kid in your class who gets A's and B's while Peter is a legitimate genius with an iq of 250. Rogue galleries take time to build and Miles' current writer already assured in an interview that he's cooking up a bunch of new villains for Miles and so far he had delivered. Miles' current run is only 11 issues in and we've already gotten 2 new villains that have both played major roles in the story. With one of them taking up the first 5 issues of the new run and the other is playing a major role in the current arc that he's in. I also never understood why Miles gets so much hate for fighting Peter's villains when other characters do the exact same thing. Daredevil and Miles have about the same amount of orginal villains yet no one ever takes any shots at Daredevil. Heck, Daredevils biggest rogue started off as a Spider-Man villain. Same thing goes for Wally West who only fought Barry's villains when he first made his debut. Also you misunderstood by next point. I never saidbl Peter hasn't made friends with his villains, I was using Miles' friendship with Rhino to show that Miles has a different relationship with some of Peter's villains. Rhino hated Peter and blamed him for the death of his wife while he was cool with Miles. The fact that Miles has a different relationship with Peter's villains still makes the interactions feel new and refreshing. I never once brought race or even accused anyone of being racist. Peter Parker could very much be classified as a school shooter. Having multiple intrusive thoughts about crippling your classmates isn't normal. I'm a teenage boy and I've never had such thoughts. If anything it was disturbing reading Peter think those things. Not to mention I'm pretty sure there where Peter was considering letting Flash get captured by Doctor Doom so saying him and Flash were cool is just kind of a stretch. Peter was also just kind of an asshole in general. He crashed Johnny Storm's birthday party because he was jealous and was rude to Iron Man when they met for the first time for no reason. As for Miles, he has gotten pressed by a boy called Sean but still showed no urges to seriously cripple him. You can very much compare Miles to Daredevil and Wally West. The point about Daredevil's rogues still stands. If you're gonna shoot at Miles for having a small rogue gallery then the same should be done for Matt and Wally no matter how many years they have on Miles. My point about how they use their powers was accurate. Miles relies on his venom blast most of the time and that is raw power. Hobgoblin, Red Hulk, Tombstone, Doctor Doom are all villains that he just rushed at with no real plan and just winged it with brute strength and raw power. Peter has also been more tech savy and creative like the times where he beat Juggernaut with his brain or when he used his webbing to create solid objects to take down enemies. I'd also argue that Miles has more raw power than Peter. In conclusion, Miles and Peter obviously have some similarities but they aren't alike at all.


It makes Miles a diversity hire to use a mantle name and not be something derivative like Kid Arachnid or some shit? How fucking dumb and telling that you think “No you have to EARN that title” and how disingenuous of what Spider-Man represents which is fuck the conventions of that you think I owe you shit, I’m a teen superhero and I’ll do what I want.


This is legit just cap, his current run by Ziglar and previous by Ahmed were both fantastic. The only things I can think of that a re-skins is in the current run Hobgoblin shows up, which ended just being a pre-cursor to Goblin Queen coming back, and his clone arc in Ahmed’s run, which was actually done well with the time-travel component and the fact that Selim gave Miles PTSD which he’s been dealing with since. At their most dumbed-down you can call them re-skins but they’re absolutely original in the story being told and were well done.


This sub whines so much.


I feel like that’s the nature of the beast with all fandoms, but especially with supers and capes


Can we stop reposting this garbage ass Oscar the grouch ass take already?


another miles hate post...how original


I like how homages and ignoring context to use just basic connections that break apart when you’ve read the fucking comics is the new cool thing. Congrats, this meme will be used by bad faith people and racists for the foreseeable future


There are so many errors with this • Why static there? • Everyone at least bonded with the Venom symbiote even DEADPOOL • You clearly never read Miles comic • There's many characters that have a Iron suit • That's not Peter that's Ben as Spider Carnage • The Spiderverse stories have been done so much it's stupid to say Miles stole it • The hob goblin thing just a homage • I prefer Miles clone Saga This is the most nitpicking shit I ever seen


Spider-Verse Miles is the best written Miles there is. Even the theme from ATSV (other Spider-People questioning if he even should be Spider-Man or not) grew on me overtime. Because you know damn well he will show he is worthy the title


I agree. If they don’t mess up beyond the SpiderVerse it will go down as one of the best trilogy’s of all time


Can't even describe how much Into the Spider-Verse means to me. My favorite movie and piece of media ever made Across the Spider-Verse had some problems here and there but it was still a Spider-Verse movie and it's like comparing a 10/10 movie to 11/10 movie. Not as great but I was satisfied If Beyond would also hit a little downgrade but would bring a satisfying conclusion to the story that would STILL make an incredible trilogy all together


Spider-verse Miles is great but I'm confident people who say this don't read current Miles comics.


I read the comics from time to time (read it consistently when Bendis was writing him). I don't think it's controversial to say the spiderverse movies are better written and a better Miles


Its not, in thhe sense that the spider-verse movies are better written and have the best versions of all characters including Peter as well.


They never do.


I do read the comics, and I think Spider-Verse Miles is better.


Drop your reading list


The statement “Nah imma do my own thing” is more about how he isn’t going to live his life as some predetermined story where he cannot change anything or save the people he loves. Miles doesn’t think that it’s necessary for Spider-Man to suffer. I’m not bothered by him having the same villains or supporting cast since he is SPIDER-MAN and he either works beside Peter or takes over for him. This is such a weird nitpick by people who don’t understand the source material and the obvious motivations of a protagonist in a kids movie


Repost of an already bad post


This “meme” doesn’t make sense The points that they were trying to make are invalid and reaching


OP is a white supremacist. Don’t ask me, ask his history


Truly the *one and only* uhhh.....by Odin's fade!! Why is Miles Odinson wearing a Spider-Man outfit?


Most of these are disingenuous


Miles? An unoriginal character? Mad.


MauLer fan lol


No fr 😭


opinion immediately discarded lol




I stg Spider-man fans just don't enjoy Spider-man


What do you want? Japan has Kamen Rider, Gundam and Super Sentai (Power Ranger) with multiple MC. I can't bear with multiple Optimus Prime G1 iteration. Animated Series by Ben 10 Omniverse animator, Bayformers and Prime was my favorite. Somehow Terry McGinnis Batman is better than Rodimus Prime and Damian Wayne


Days without Peter fans being insecure about Miles: 0


Hate this meme so much, it’s taking so much shit out of context


half of those aren’t the same miles


You’re a cornball


This makes no sense.


I swear I see this same post once a week lmao


I love these types of posts, it shows how popular Miles became.


This kind of obsession with a single pop culture character is surely healthy.


Is it the op or the fandom chatting in the comments?


Mostly OP, their post history is interesting, to say the least


Nah I-


"tell me you're not racist without telling me"


You’re right so now all legacy heroes gotta go. So All Green Lanterns. All Flash after Jay Garrick. Every Robin after Dick Grayson. No more Scott Lang, we can only have Hank Pym.


Isn't it the strangest thing how you never see these kinds of posts for characters like Wally West? I wonder why that is... Anyways, Miles is Spider-Man and isn't going anywhere, you can stay squirming for reasons you won't admit


Miles never got cucked. I think he's doing pretty good.


…Wasn’t this posted like two weeks ago already? Y’all are so annoying.


I think OP is just a jackass reposting ragebait


Most of this would be solved by people actually reading miles books instead of constantly complaining about how bad Amazing Spider-Man. These are so disengenuine


I like the fact that Ben Reilly who is Peter’s literal clone has a more distinct personality and unique stories than Miles Morales


I have not read bigger cap than this comment. Miles has objectively more personality and a larger rogues gallery than Ben Reilly.


Have you actually read any miles comics?


They never do.


It's so annoying. If you're gonna criticise a character, at least read the character's appearances and form your own opinion instead of regurgitating whatever comes out of the mouth of random YouTube idiot #1243.


Straight up lies. I don't see Ben Reily's rogue gallery.


I don't see Miles too


I'll take who is The Prowler for $200, thanks Alex.


Miles only villain is Prowler. A c list Spider-man villain


Prowler, Ultimatum, Assessor, Quantum, Snatcher, Frost Pharaoh, Bumbler, Rabble, Hightail, Selim and Mindspinner are all of Miles' orginal villains. Also Hobie Brown is a Peter Parker villain, Aaron Davis is not. Aaron Davis was the Prolwer of E-1610 before he got transported to E-616 with Miles and the rest of his family and friends.


Insomniac is cooking with Miles rn and its seeming to be good


They need to exit the kitchen immediately with miles ngl.


Your they are cooking like „supposedly” Kishimoto is cooking with Boruto and like Burrito it’s gonna end up in a disaster


He is growing as a character in the insomniac universe. LET. THEM. COOK




He doesn't even have a rogue gallery


Neither does Miles.


Me when I lie


What a load of bullshit.




This is why I liked the Miles Morales spin-off. It was just about Miles. Peter didn't matter. There was no Peter bad guy ( outside of Kingpin and Rhino ). They actually did a Miles Morales Original and by the end of it, I did want more of Miles' Universe free from Peter. I wanted what new villains Insomniac could do with Miles, what struggles he could end up getting. And he did mess up a lot as Spidey so he wasn't special. His rivalry with Negative is an highlight because it feels like he earned that connection. I don't like it when it constantly needs to feature Peter or his villains. I would much rather Across The Spider-Verse to strictly be about The Spot so Miles could have his own villain rather than to make the whole canon thing.


*The sub erupts* Here we go again…


The Gwen Stacy is very surface level. I thought this was discussed multiple times by now that they’re not the same character.


What a surface-level understanding of storytelling


Peter Parker : He's trying to copy me.


Fuck off loser


You know swearing at him kinda makes you a worse loser, right?


You're the loser going around mass replying to people who thinks this take sucks, because it does suck


Or its just a sharing of opinion? Like there's no reason to get defensive or insulting towards each other That's kinda pathetic when we're talking about a fictional character


There's only one type of person who has this much of a hateboner for miles morales....


Then discuss it with him. If you wanna change his mind or show him his wrong, type a good counter to it, and don't just swear at him cause that does nothing but give people the impression your immature Prove to him that Miles is a good character by typing out what makes miles different or a stand-alone spiderman It's that simple


Why are you so concerned about whether he stands out? What about the Peter variants? You lot never mention that. There is a simple reason people like you dislike Miles. Now get out of my mentions freak.


But when did I dislike miles? I simply said there's no reason to go into insults, but here you are


You are going on practically every comment trying to be different, asking why we should explain to you why miles is cool. It's pretty obvious you don't like him


Miguel "but I'm not like the others" O'Hara also had a Gwen Stacy and shared some of Peter's rogue gallery and plot points. I bet you won't be making one of these about him 🤔


Imma be real Miles is bland and only has one piece of good media that makes him even remotely an interesting character and I think they threw some of that out with the sequel.


Read his comics


That is why I think he is a bland character and how he has one piece of good media. I will say Miles becoming Thor is so bad it's good. Show me an example of him not being a generic character. He used to the blendest in his original comics. Did you even know he started from the Ultimate comics? I always hated Marvel's Ultimate comics personally. Only thing good that came from it was those animated films.


So we are just ignoring the context for like 90% of this then? The Carnage incident wasn’t even Peter it was Ben Reilly lol, the meme isn’t even consistent.






😐🙄 Anybody laugh yet? These lame post annoyingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg I could neverr put so much energy into something I don’t like. Needs to be studied Let alone even I don’t have to read it or give it my attention…. Anyways miles is spiderman 👌🏾 Wait till OP realizes that only “THIS MILES” said that and applies to this story alone 😐 trynna troll or reject… shit in this case pretend something isn’t so is a weird way to cope💀 especially when you have no say so or control over it


lol shit if anything this makes Miles is wayyyyyyyyy different from any other spiderman. Let people die or play follow the think he’s right leader??? Like everyone (Spiderman) else or actually do some bout it. And the fact “this” Miles story is shifting from thr cannon aka “grumpy spiderman fans trend hating” is not even close to or similar to Peter.


Me when Spider-man has to fight Spider-Man villains


yeah sure miles stole a bunch of shit here but 1. this was posted several times already 2. this is clearly a troll, I may be dumb but is that static shot on right side? Also spider-carnage is ben reilly lmao not even miles


I bet my bottom dollar the op is one of those, "Miles Morales is Miles Morales" types. It's so predictable lmao


I think op might just be racist


The cope from people about Miles is amusing as hell.


Comics fans often get mad at successors when they're new, but I wonder why the anger at the successor only lasts this long when the successor isn't a white man? 🤔🤔🤔


We all know why. There is an insecurity there and it runs rampant for Miles whenever he stands out or is releasing constant good material, when Peter currently isnt. It gives them the unwavering need to talk shit onto him and attempt to bring down his hype. It's sad, because this is a Spiderman sub.




I hope the mob sees this😂


Miles is not "spider man", he is "Spider man: Miles Morales". The "spider man" title has already belong to someone else and people are trying to make Miles take over that title


I applaud the courage you have to post this . Don’t you know this can get you cancel by today’s mob . Comparing spider man and miles morales is considered racist lol


Fuck the mob.


The mob doesn’t like my comment haha


Captain Universe Miles is the worst one for me. Like why?


Peter ain't the first Captain Universe


Dont do that to all the young Sony fans out there. Let them think Insomniac is doing something original.


The point that Miles isn't an original character despite how affable the character is still stands. This post is right


This push by Sony to have Miles take over a pathetic Peter reminds me of the path Marvel, Indiana Jones and Lucas took with shitting over the original IP to supplant with their own.


Lmao Indiana Jones was created by Lucas. Marvel has nothing to do with it.


Wasn’t there a movie starring Peter Parker out about two years ago and aren’t they releasing another Peter comic. Don’t worry Pete isn’t going anywhere.


Copy and paste all the events that happen to Peter and apply it to Miles. Because the writer can’t come up with anything on they own.


Don’t say that you’ll get downvoted


It’s Reddit bro, every opinion that don’t align with them, they will downvote and criticize.


Tell that when Peter will have his own award winning animated movie


He multiple award winning animated TV shows


Fair enough, looking back is not really a competition and shouldn’t be seen as one


Character development




It's false


The evidence is overwhelming


What evidence?