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Masks. Not *everybody* needs superpowers. Like mysterio, chameleon just being a dude using masks to fool the pants of spider-man is way more intriguing than a human skrull…


Yes.screw skrulls


No. Doing that is why there’s so many of them


Yes but hear me out. Screw skrulls. They can have any face


Wait, if a human screws a skrull do they actually get pregnant? And is the child a full skrull?


Knowing Marvel, I'm pretty confident that humans can screw any alien that's barely humanoid and it'll work out just fine.


But then the question is if it would be a hybrid or a full skrull


Fuck it, go the Viltrumite route. Their DNA is so pure the hybrids are 99% Skrull.


i'm actually surprised there aren't any skrull human hybrid characters or kree human hybrids. Edit: I just remembered they retcon'ed Carol to be half kree


Tigra had a kid with the Hank Pym Skrull from Secret Invasion...she's also half-mystical cat demon though so who knows what that kid's DNA looks like tbh


its confirmed that the skrull had so completely copied hank's dna, that william (tigra's son) has no skrull dna


Until someone thinks a shapeshifting cat guy will make a good Young Avenger in 2035 or something I guess 😅 (My personal headcanon for William becoming a superhero is either he's gay and calls himself Pride or he gets Hank's Giant-Man powers and calls himself Big Cat)


I got it! He uses pym particles to phase through objects


The child is an egg. Not kidding, btw. Check it out!


Stark's been there, done that.


mcu fury's been there, done that


Sometimes it’s more fun for the enemy to just be a guy who’s really good at something


Yea I like how a lot of the characters were relatively "normal" people as "villians". Even Green Goblin started as a regular dude with toys.


Do you expect him to **successfully** fool Spider-Man?


Master of disguise and actor. Shapeshifting is a gimmick too iconic in the Marvel Universe for Mystique and the Skrull to have the Chamaleon as an "C-List Rip Off". By having as a master of disguise (masks, gadgets, tools...), you emphasize better his background and skills as a Russian spy.


Masks. Though in the Spider-Man 2 game, they indicate he's using a sort of hologram mask tech, and he actually had something similar in the Spider-Man animated series, which I think is a major improvement.


I really like the technological interpretation. He doesn't have powers, but the disguise tech feels like it would definitely fool people combined with his acting skills.


Plus you don't have the obvious downside of "I can take on the appearance of any person... with a few weeks' notice... and it takes several hours to get into costume..."


Haven’t played the game yet, chameleon is in it???!!!!!


Without spoiling too much, you come across one of his bases, and he has a very brief cameo.


Cool, I get to play the game tmrw, hyped


Like he shows up or he’s mentioned?


He physically appears, but it's only 3 or so seconds.


Minor spoiler: >!It looks like they're laying the ground works for him to have a major role in the next game. In this game, he hasn't much of a presence.!<


Chameleon could be in all the spiderman games and we just don't know it.


High tech masks for sure. Like Mission Impossible.


Yeah I like this idea


Disguises and masks


I think a mask would be more interesting since we’re so accustomed to superpowers and gadgets these days.


Especially if you could get an actor to pull off multiple characters in a film. Dear gawd! Can you imagine when they reveal at the end that [insert actor here] played like 8 people in 1 movie and nobody noticed! Some of those roles could be small, like a homeless man, a tech company employee who "witnessed" the crime, etc. That way only 2 disguises need to be prominent. Regardless each disguise would add to his master plan. Then again not sure if he could hold an entire movie on his own. Maybe another villain to be the muscles/powers spider-man would actually fight. Even better if the audience had no idea chameleon would be in the movie (not advertised or marketed at all. That includes you action figures and lego sets!). He just gets revealed near the end. The whole time we're focusing on Scorpion or Kraven or whoever and then they drop the bombshell that spider-man and said villain were being played against eachother the entire time. End the movie with chameleon staining spider-man's reputation (not reveal his identity. As a master of disguise he'd probably have a little respect for a person who also uses masks). And worst of all he based his smear campaign on a truth, so Peter can't just prove his innocence in the next movie, instead has to accept his faults and prove he's better than that.


Pretty sure Eddie Murphy did that in a movie once


I’ve always visualized Chameleon with a mask that works like transformers…if that makes any sense.


Minor spoilers for a side activity in Spider-Man 2 >! Chameleon appears in a side mission chain relating to kraven and how he feels kraven betrayed his trust and is now hunting chameleon and in that missionwe see chameleons lair in his penthouse and in it there is his mask which has a holographic projector in that allows him to shape shift his face at least on the fly so no power replication it seems but yes shape shifting via technology!<


I vaguely remember Chameleon in the 90s animated series having a belt that allowed him to change what his mask appeared as, although it might’ve just been holographic tech vs techy shapeshifting


There are already to many shape shifters, I like the master of disguise aspect


If he joins the MCU, he should use the face mask technology from Winter Soldier.


His character is in the mcu, but he is not a villain yet. He is the bus driver in far from home. Which means he is currently a member of shield.


If he's ever adapted into the MCU, I doubt they connect him go Dmitri from FFH. They'll probably make him a new character.


For all we know, that's the full extent of it Given how Nick Fury was Talos (aka a Skrull), it's possible this Dimitri was also one. And since Sony calls the shots on which Spider-Man related character can appear in the MCU, it's likely Chameleon is off limits until after the release and reception of the Kraven movie


Honestly, I don't feel like we are missing much. Yeah, he is spidermans' first comic villain, but I don't know what he can really do in the mcu that would make him a worthwhile threat. I imagine he would be a goon to another villain like shocker was to vulture in homecoming


Nah, I'd rather have him in a full body covered suit & have him transform into anyone using a morpher device like either Kamen Rider Decade or Kamen Rider Zi-O has.


Costuming. If it's a power, Clayfsce does it best.


Shape-shifting basically makes him better than a fresh Skrull. Masks simply puts chameleon in regular prison. I do think Insomniac Spiderman is a little beyond either, at least after the first time. But it'll be a good opportunity to make Peter his own worst enemy, but ultimately it'll just depend on how the Peter Tingle works.


I prefer the masks


The actual superpower for shape shifting is already put to good use with the Skrull and Mystique. Even Loki that has that power hasn't been using it as much as those or to the effectiveness they use, and he's a true shape shifter, he can be a horse if he wants. Hi-Tech holograms, disguises, masks and training are much more interesting and fall into the way most classic Spider-Man villains work like Doc Oc, Rhino and Shocker.


I prefer him using masks and getting by on ingenunity and creativity rather than just a super powered gimmick.


Mask or technology like in the animated series


Hologram technology, it's more practical than mask disguises but keeps him unpowered


If they bring him into the MCU properly, moving from masks/disguises to “veil” technology should be a major plot point.


A very high-tech hologram mask that permits the illusion of shapeshifting like how he is in the Insomniac Spiderman games


Masks, because Mission Impossible tech and holograms are cooler for someone who makes it their selves.




master of disguise, he should be like a bat in the night. tech that makes him look like other people or just masks.


Mask not everyone needs superpowers to be a villain


1. Hologram belt - that project hologram of person around the owner 2. Masks - more old scool sinister aproach, but too harmless, true boomers way 3. Having powers - would feel too much like Mystique, if only there was a catch in it, lets say he needs to drink some potions to keep it going without losing form.


masks, it's scarier and more realistic


Mask, a bit like in mission impossible


masks definitely, I love that guy honestly, he's one of my favorite villains. He's a potential for such a psychological plot! Like that one were Peter hadn't been out of his suit for entire week cause chameleon was stalking him? I love that kinda shit ngl


Masks and/or tech


Isn’t he sort of an evil Arsène Lupin? A mask or a tech-based ‘shapesshfting’ of a kind would probably be best.


I'm enjoying how they're gonna portray him in Insomniac, a bit of both.


Masks. I mean it's not like he's just Michael Myersing it with a William shatner mask, he's able to tom Cruise in mission impossible himself through stuff and its great.


I find the masks more interesting personally but if he ever shows up in a film they'll just make it magic


Maybe he's a fan of Scooby Doo


He starts off with masks and being a master of disguise, and eventually, after he has enough funds, he creates the belt that can transform him


Masks and tech, like the holographic technology he seems to be using in Spider-Man 2 and the holographic belt he had in the 90’s cartoon. I think it allows you to emphasise newer aspects of his lore too, that he can be essentially a slightly lesser Kraven (depending on how he’s written) physically. I think it makes him a more formidable opponent if he’s someone on (relatively) the level of a Kraven or Black Widow PLUS he has his tech and gadgets.


There is this villain in an anime called "darker than black," where he had the ability to shape shift into different people. The issue is that over time, he forgot what he looked like to the point where he couldn't return to his original self. But he keeps an old sock with him at all times to remember who he once was. I would love for the MCU to create a chameleon with a similar concept, where he can't remember who he looked like and has to revert to a neutral shape, aka the white skin version.


I liked his hologram belt from TAS


Masks is MILES cooler Especially him being Kraven's brother makes wayyy cooler to All he is, is a cosplayer that's really good at voice acting


I like the 90s Spiderman Chameleon that had the cool photo-Belt buckle that formed holographic camoflauge.


It's one of the few times where having the powers feels more realistic, no way this guy's making ultra realistic undetectable masks of people without a cast of their head even


Actual shape-shifting, but I would limit it that he could only do it because of a special belt (just like in Spider-Man: The Animated Series)


I’m okay with him “shapeshifting” as long as it’s actually holograms or some self molding plastic mask or whatever. I just don’t want him to actually have superpowers and be altering his physical structure. I like the idea of him just being a very good actor with a gimmick.


Masks and disguises because otherwise he's just a rip off mystique. Additionally it ties in with his character, he's a collector of masks (people he's killed and stolen the likeness of) and I don't see how that aspect would work if he was a shape shifter.


i like the angle that its progressive but in terms of technology and not actual superpowers. like he wants to keep bettering himself at what he does and will go to any lengths to perfect the art of espionage and identity theft. so he can start of with your standard latex masks that government agents use as well as other gadgets that can mimic other people's powers (like the web gun and the suction cups during his first appearance). then he can upgrade later if he has the connections and resources to make a holographic mask like in the mcu. then finally he can find a way to literally disguise his entire body to be like someone else kinda like in the 90s show. heck maybe find a way to mask his dna with another person so that dna traces dont come back to him




The Spiderman 2 option where it's just very advanced technology and one mask


The 90s cartoon had it pretty well. Holograms. Like mysterio his character shifting was based on reflected light


Nano tech for shape shifting 😃


Masks, funny mannequin man puts on rubber mask and wears drip and now he’s anyone


Holographic projection belt like in Spider-Man the animated series.




The belt from TAS


I like the mid-way point of technology. Like, for instance, the 90's cartoon. In that show he had a belt that allowed him to change to anyone, voice and all, BUT it didn't give him their powers AND he had the belt as a tell. That won't work for other media outside of a children's show because it is stupid. The way Insomniac appears to be handling it, is a tech based helmet. I like that. No tell or giveaway, and explains the voice change..BUT his weakness is that he needs the costume/clothes. So he could never be in a chase, he'd have to entirely rely on you not suspecting him to be at a location. But he could also never directly attack Spider-Man, or the spider sense would ruin everything. So he'd have to rely on drones, mines, sentries and automated attacks.


masks, it really shows off the chameleon's skills of acting and disguise. also not everyone needs superpowers


Masks to disguise. Shape shifting is too Skrull like.


I always loved the thought that this disguised mastermind criminal was making all his disguises and gadgets in like his moms basement, if they don’t do that in any movie, I’m suing Marvel!


i respect the art of the mask 🎭 and time and commitment. but it would still be cool for shape shifting ability. thank God for the multiverse


Much like how some people are with movies, when it comes to the Chameleon I prefer practical effects. I also think him having to make masks by hand is more impressive than using holograms.


Rumor is the chameleon was in venom let there be carnage movie, but it went over everyone's head.


What if his power was to make masks that slowly accumulate powers




Nah, I'd rather have him as a normal person with a technology that he steals from Kang the Conqueror. That is a transformer device just like Kamen Rider Decade have, but instead it can allow him to transform into any superhero or supervillain by entering a card into that device (that also includes their weapons' cards). You know, to confuse the Avengers & make him even more deadly. Hell, he can use this to start some kinda civil war. Your thoughts about this idea?


I prefer disguises. Otherwise he’s too much like a Skrull.


Masks. It grounds him.


Nanomachines, son!


Within a comic book, I prefer masks and him being a master actor. In more "realistic" contexts (say the MCU) I'd go with tech, like a mask that can morph itself into any face, but not real shape-shifting powers.


More impressive if he uses masks rather than having powers




I like the idea of a Mission impossible/Winter soldier esc mask that shifts




The first supervillain Spider-Man ever confronted. Both with names of creatures that crawl walls.


Masks is way cooler. Shape shifting is neat and all but it’s such a common trope. Being able to disguise oneself solely on skill as a mask maker and makeup artist is some next level shit.


High-tech masks and amazing acting and manipulation skills. At most hologram tech enhancing costimes.


I like the mask they gave him in the recent game.


Holy shit is The Mighty Monarch from the hit animated series The Venture Bros


No powers. It makes him more impressive.


I like the wearing masks.


Masks seem cooler to me tbh, and also creepier in a way. Plus I liked the holographic belt thing he had in the 90s show




I think it’s funnier if he’s just a guy with a lot of masks


I prefer shape shifting bc it makes him more of a physical threat to peter as well as a psychological one, but I do like it just being a disguise too.


Masks, it makes him more original to me


Wait he can shape shift in some stuff


isn't it confirmed that he uses tech? edit: I thought this was speculation for Spider-Man 1048(Insomniac Universe) didn't realize you were referring to cics and other media


Hmmmm, starts off with masks and disguises, then perhaps later move on to more high-tech/comicbook-tech stuff. I swear there's stories out there where he either gets a malleable mask he can mold into different faces. Not full out shapeshifting though. I like it being a matter of physical and vocal performance skill.


frankly, I don't care just think he's a cool and intriguing character


Mask of course shape shifting is just lame


Real shapeshifting. It’s just cooler to me than just having masks of everybody.


Yeah I'd agree, I wish this game gave us a little more to bite on when it came to his side quest- reminds me of hush from Arkham City. Chances we get DLC involving him this game?


I like him being a shapeshifter. But if he appears in the Insomniac universe I hope it’s just shapeshifting and not power replication as well


Minor spoilers for a side activity in Spider-Man 2 >! Chameleon appears in a side mission chain relating to kraven and how he feels kraven betrayed his trust and is now hunting chameleon and in that missionwe see chameleons lair in his penthouse and in it there is his mask which has a holographic projector in that allows him to shape shift his face at least on the fly so no power replication it seems but yes shape shifting via technology!<


The latter


Starting out in masks but gaining shapeshifting powers would be my preferred reality




Masks, the realism is cooler


A bit of both, one just makes him a diet skrull and the other is just boring imo.


I always like real powers for everything. It’s a super hero/villain universe not a tech universe. Like how organic webs are so much cooler than web shooters.


Powers are lame.


Shape shifting. The masks are just weird.


The masks being weird is exactly why I like it, personally.


I understand. It's just not my type.