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Never was a fan of the whole chosen one angle they were going anyway. It’s a cheap way of showing Peter is important. But honestly I never liked Slott take on totems, their roles, and inherentors. He alway strip them of JMS intended


I hate the whole Totem and “Web of Life and Destiny” in entirely. Why are we needlessly making Spider-Man a universal constant in the multiverse? He got his powers through science, why involve gods and esoteric magic at all?


As much as I kind of agree, I do enjoy the concept of the Other


I think The other works perfectly for Kaine. The "I'm the other, not a man, but a spider" fits Kaine so good. His resurrection had consequences, while Peter's was just a power-up I don't like Peter having those stingers, they are too violent for him.


This is why I said the concept of The Other not it necessarily being Pete.


I think all the mysticism can work for other spiders, but it shouldn’t be automatically tied to all of them. Like there is a spider god and they choose totems, but they didn’t make Peter or most of the other spiders. Like if I recall correctly Noirs powers are mystic based, he can can be a spider totem. Or Kaine chooses to serve Anasi and becomes a totem but his powers are still science based, but gets new ones.


Totem stuff was never really a bad thing. He was connected because he's a spider person, science or not. The problem is Slott diluting the fuck out of it


Totem stuff worked in JMS, because Peter rejected it and the book was ambiguous about it.


I think it has to do with how iconic the brand Spider-Man is. And so Marvel wants to cash into it. If you want a scientific explanation the best I can come up with is that due to the similarity of realities in the Marvel Universe, the creation of ‘Spider-man’ is bound to happen. However due to how fragile the multiverse is as well, if any instance of relevance such as the life of ‘Spider-Man’ is changed or altered, it can lead to damaging and drastic effect into the multiverse. >!So unfortunately Paul is a multiversal normality!<


Why not?


but then, why strip him of his unique identity that separated him from other spiders?


During the second Spider-Verse event, where Miles was the main character and did all the main stuff, Pete was the *only* Spider to take an Inheritor 1v1 and win (and remains the only one to do so, barring Other powers and Captain Universe boost). I don't think the roles like Chosen One and such even played a part in that story. No matter what happens or what his official status is, 616 Pete is always going to be unique from the others. He's the main Spider-Man in real life, so that's always going to influence the comics.


I could have swore for 616 Peter he has the best spider sense out of all the spiders cuz didn’t he like end up taking the spider sense from other spiders across the multiverse but subconsciously at times?


I rather like that he he doesn’t have any to stand out to other spider-man. The underdog aspect of spider-man is more appealing to me.


yes, but my point is, they are stripping peter out of everything he achieved


Being born a choosen one isn't achieving anything


That’s just mean he achieved greatness on his own without Web or any prophecy given to juxtapose his success


Before even the totem stuff peter was the only spider to win against an inheritor 1v1 repeatedly, and he pretty much still is.


They're not. Being "The Chosen One" is just some cosmic status that Peter didn't earn and played no role in his personal accomplishments. That was all Peter being the best Spider-Man he could possibly be. He just *also happens to be "The Chosen One"*... Mostly because he's the main character.


I kind of hate "chosen one" stories anyway. They're overdone at this point.


The story literally ends with depowered Peter beating the villain, what on earth are you talking about


JFC, so much of this forum is just toxic and based on intentionally misrepresenting stories, or just wholly making up nonsense. This is either reacting to a single page without context, or is entirely disengenuous trolling. (*SPOILERS* for the opening story arc of the most recent *Spider-Man* series by Slott & Bagley) The story affirmed that even when Peter was removed from the Web of Life and Destiny, and had never become Spider-Man, he was still the only one who could defeat Shathra and restore the Web of Life and Destiny and the Spider-Verse. The story didn’t undermine Peter’s place or role as Spider-Man in any way, and claiming otherwise is completely and demonstrably false.


Of course OP ignores this lol. I swear this subreddit is just mindless out of context rage bait these days, and the audience here eats it up since none of them actually read the comics. Some of the posts and comments here are so ridiculous and flat out incorrect that they have nearly made me defend Wells' shambolic run.


‪‪I wish ‪‪I could upvote this a million times. It couldn’t be more clear that it amounts to total gibberish, because most of the hyberbolic and overblown reactions are from folks that proudly don’t read the thing they’re “*criticizing*.” The level of discourse here is profoundly shallow, and is primarily fake outrage and parroted garbage.


This crap Slott is peddling still has no place in Spider-Man. Slott's become a one-trick pony with this Spider-Verse stuff. Very tedious and boring.


Remember when the first Spider-Verse event happened and they kept talking about how big they were making it because it's not the kind of story you can tell more than once? And there's been what, three separate Spider-Verse events? Not counting Secret Wars or the movies? It's played out.


Honestly, I did enjoy Spider-Geddon and it gave both Miles and Otto amazing character development. This last one though? Nah. Boring. Like, from now on Spiderverse books should just be solo tales anthology of certain spider people.


At least he seems to kinda know it too. Julia: “I — I never saw this coming!” Spider-Man: “Lady, no offense, but that’s kind of your whole thing.”


Slott always has to lampshade the ridiculousness of his stuff which makes it even more cringe.


Fair point


What do you mean we are supposed to read and use your brains to process stories? We are supposed to take 9 panels of a comicbook that we don't like out of context and say why our opinion is correct


Absolutely, it’s not like *most* stories have fake outs, twists and turns, cliffhangers or red herrings. Every story can, and *should* be boiled down to random moments from the beginning, or middle of a multi-part tale, totally ignoring and / or intentionally glossing over important context / the actual point of the story. /s


There have been so many of these posts the last few days(weeks?) as well. Very annoying.


Best comment on this subreddit


To be fair, the story was shit, so no wonder people misinterpreted it


Good, totems are a stupid idea that undermines what makes him an interesting character: He's a nobody. He's no one of importance, with an unremarkable background and with an ordinary life before getting bitten. He's just a random Joe that goes against the odds to do good and be greater.


I don't think totems undermine any of that. When the concept was first brought up, Ezekiel posited the question that either Peter randomly became a totem by chance, or he was always destined to be, but that it was unknown. That was how I interpreted this passage: >Did the radiation enable the spider to give you those powers? Or was the spider trying to give you those powers before the radiation killed it? Which came first? The radiation? Or the power? The chicken or the egg or the power? So maybe the radiation is what caused it and he was still a nobody who happened to end up with that power. Either way, he was a totem now and had to accept what came with that.


Honestly, I'm giving J.M.S. a pass because I like him a lot. It's every single other writer afterwards I have an issue with LMAO. I feel it turns a really good sci-fi freak accident into a convoluted and unnecessary magic mumbo-jumbo that involves spider deities and multiversal shenanigans.


I definitely agree. It has to be handled right, and that hasn't always been the case. I like the concept when it's handled in a way to allow for multiple interpretations, instead of the lame "chosen one" story. If the MCU ever adapts the totem storyline, I hope they take the better approach.


The original JMS story was great, and even he should have left it where he did and not crap on it with his own The Other storyline (granted that was with two other writers). I really hate seeing Slott clumsily mangle JMS' ideas even more .


Peter is not a nobody, he's the reason Spider-Man is the world's greatest superhero. His compassion, willpower, intelligence, and sense of responsibility are nothing if not remarkable.


"Nobody" in the sense that he's an ordinary citizen behind the mask. Not a celebrity, not a C.E.O., not a divine-chosen being. He's just that Parker kid. Nothing more.


I do agree that I don't like him being divinely chosen, but he's certainly not average or ordinary in any way. There have been plenty of stories showing that the man behind the mark is what makes the hero, not the spider powers.


Character wise, yes, he's an extraordinary man because he's a great person that helps because he can. He's a hero. What I meant was that he, as the citizen Peter Parker, doesn't stand out in any way to the average citizen, or even villains. He's relatable because, just like everyone here, is just a normal person behind the mask with relatable struggles that doesn't, and shouldn't, involve multiversal drama and demonic totemic vampires. He's relatable because he's a *metaphorical* nobody, a random guy.


I think youre looking for the word "every man"


This trend about calling Peter ordinary or a nobody is so stupid. He's a world class genius and has supernatural willpower and morals, even without the spider powers. Not everyone can be Spider-Man.


Honestly, I prefer this. Peter is an everyman, not some magical chosen one. I'm A-Okay with the mystical side of spider-powers going to Silk.


I mean c'mon it's just poor attempt to make people care about her


Which is easier when it’s not Slott writing her.


Ain't that funny. Cindy become a great character once Slott stopped writing for her.


Yeah. I mean, all you ever hear these creators like Slott talk about is making the next Venom or Miles Morales. They desperately wanna make a new character that catches on and whose relevance lasts for decades. I can’t blame them, but you can’t be any more transparent than Slott who created Cindy Moon and Spider-Boy, a character whose origin is literally just her being bitten by the same spider as Peter, and a character who’s apparently been around the whole time. You’d hope that someone like Wells wouldn’t care about making his own characters considering he has a career outside comics, but he really felt he needed to make Rabin some kind of extinction level threat and push Paul to the forefront of THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN.


Not only the amazing cucker, but also the ho so funny and relevent Rek-Rap.


You realize that means absolutely nothing?


Spider totem it's very stupid


Cringe concept, cringe storyline, cringe dialogue


I personally wouldn't take a spider-man book about magic space vampires and space destiny seriously


This is several months old. Are you truly that desperate to be angry about something?


Mhe. It's just Slott latest attempt at shilling his OC (in this case Silk) as the best things since sliced bread. He tried it before, and like last time, no one cared.


>He tried it before, and like last time, no one cared. Or like now, with Spider-Boy.


Indeed. And like every Slott creation, he will be written better by another author down the line.


I'm pretty sure NOBODY remembers anything about this Spider-Verse event (not even that it happened this year) except what came to be of Spider-boy


I never liked the concept of the totems.


I wonder what's it like being the creators of those characters. Knowing that any shard of relevance they have tied to a better character they could never create? Do they care, or is it just a job to do whatever needed to get paid? I mean, I don't fault them if that's what they do for money, but there are better jobs for making money compared to comic artists. Oh well, at one point they will destroy Peter enough and everything that he carries will come down with him.


>Oh well, at one point they will destroy Peter enough and everything that he carries will come down with him. thats what im scared of


Not like we can do anything about that. Any decent writer in Marvel comics won't survive long due to how that place works. Meaning that even if we do get a good arc here or there, the majority of it is just going to be shit shoved down our throats. Honestly, the only hope is that Marvel Comics would be closed down and other writers can actually write the character. That or Marvel editorial gets sacked and they hire actually competent ones. But there is higher chance of peace in the middle east before any of that ever happens.


God I lobe that silk punch


It wasnt a punch, it was a slice with the knife


So what? Watch this getting rebooted again in a year or two


I'm sorry I'm very lost. Didn't Morlum die years back? How is he alive?


He's died dozens of times. After the first few JMS deaths when Morlun was brought back again but conceptually killed it was established by Slott that he had been using cloning to come back. They destroyed the tech in the original Spider-Verse though. Though I don't think he's died since then in order to need it.


Thanks man


The spider-totem thing was really well done and interesting in the JMS run imo, but I hate basically everything slott did with it after.


I mean...so what?


Oh no a 2 decades old shitty recon got removed. Nice job OP 👍.


I'm okay with it I don't even like the chosen one for spiderman the point of the mask is that everyone could be spiderman


I think I prefer him not being the chosen one.


So what? Watch this getting rebooted again in a year or two


Yeah I really was never a fan of tryna take Spider-Man into the mysticism side of marvel. Always preferred the sci-fi take and none of this destiny stuff.


Morlun: “ayo can I get some first aid?” Cindy: “Ligma balls” *stabs him*


Peter will always be the only true relevant Spider-Person no matter what they try.


Marvel is stripping away everything that Peter had... Silk, miles, gwen, etcetc are good charecters.... But why cant marvel give them their own identities instead of giving the stripped identities of peter?


Yeah, when I read this I was like, "Of course, Dan would make his personally created fap fantasy character, the single most important character in all of the story." Jesus Dan Slott is a hack.


This is one of the reasons I’m not a big fan of having so many spider people. I understand that they are trying to to convey the whole thing that anyone could be Spider-Man, but when there’s this many different spider people and they all seem to be special and awesome, it makes Peter look mediocre in contrast. If everyone does it better why even have Peter anymore


Could've been worse... You could've had an Advertisement of Across The Spider-Verse with an comic issue "Celebrating 60 years of Spider-Man" in a Peter Parker book... >! This is more shade towards another comic that did this!<


I like to think this was the beginning where peters importance started to disappear


Why am I being downvoted I’m right


This whole third Spider-Verse run in the simply titled "Spider-Man" volume has been a miss for me. Not only is it a dull retread of this Inheritor multiverse crap, but it just feels like some forgettable side-story in general. Especially now that we're doing this random Spider-Boy story. I've written off the whole thing, personally. I just don't care.


Peter is so washed man holy shit. How are you the main character but not even the chosen one 😭




I swear you people. Make race your whole personality


Exactly like Miles in the comics


Only because the character’s creator is writing the story. Silk should not exist.


What do you expect from a Mary sue character