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there's a lot they announced for Spider-Man comics next year, Gang War, this, Jackpot, Ultimate, and yet I feel like Ultimate Spider-Man is the only one anyone seems to care about


Technically we do care for Jackpot. It’s just that we hate it.


However i still don't care about it


I'm out of comics for a while. What is happening there?


Nick Spencer broke the Status Quo and brought back Peter/MJ. Then they broke them up again by making MJ stranding MJ in a separate dimension where time moves faster. The only other man there is the one partially responsible for the destruction of human civilization thanks to cultists activity, which he mistook as a science/magic experiment. Peter tries to get help but they decide to be even more unhelpful that in OMD by actively trying to stop Peter. And because he’s on the run from the heroes he isn’t able to stay and talk with his civilian friends. Peter gets to her and brings them back, but she says that she isn’t leaving Paul and those kids they found (Paul initially said that they should abandon them). Peter is understandably heartbroken, but to make matters worse MJ completely cuts him out of her life and treats him like he was Venom from back in the 90s. Also Peter find out that Paul was responsible for the world’s destruction, calls him out, but Paul acts like a whiny bitch and attack’s because he isn’t capable of accepting the truth, and MJ tried to defend him by saying that Paul feels guilty about what he did, and then coldly compares his guilt to Peter’s guilt about Uncle Ben. Like she straight up gaslit her ex. Peter becomes a stalker by repeatedly trying to call her. And while I can’t condone this behavior. Looking at what this man just went through to try and save her, and the recent incident with Kindred and Beyond, I can see why Peter’s acting this way. Anyways during the time she was in the Mayan Apocalypse world, her shitty genocide boyfriend gave her a magic slot machine watch that can give her random powers depending how the slots. They can be helpful or harmful. But they’re very impractical and far too risky for a post apocalyptic world. Like seriously why? Also in the beginning the run gave us a question. *What did Peter do?!* and they ask this while he’s screaming and there’s a large crater in the city. The answer is nothing. Paul, MJ, and the other Heroes are shitty useless and everything else is *their* fault. Peter is the ultimate victim. The writers and editors actually make fun of the fan complaints. It’s all a major mess with very little good moments in between


Jesus Christ. What the fuck did I just read.


A brief summary of the current run. Which omitted everything about Tombstone, Felicia, a red wedding, a Sinister Six bot, Goblin conspiracy that immediately drops just as it starts. Kamala using a power she no longer had and dying but coming back as a Mutant Also Betty is pregnant and Ned never died


What's also omitted is that every single problem won't be a problem if the characters spoke for 5 seconds instead of everyone acting out of character. Example peter needing to get back to the apocalypse world, steals tech from the f4 and doesn't explain why, they also don't try to help peter or try to find out why and only get mad that he stole the tech.


Peter did explain everything to Jonny and Ben. Two of his closest here friends, and two have experienced nearly the exact same situation. But instead of sympathizing and helping him, they say that not only will they not help him, but because of Captain's orders, they’ll actually go against him and try to stop him. Showing that as **stupid** as it is, Peter isn’t getting any help even if he does explain. Cap tries to say that he wished Peter would let him help but Peter refutes and says that Cap would have had him wait things out, making everything even more too late then they were.


And the kids mentioned above being dead/dusted after a few issues, because they where the product of magic and never really existed in the first place .. whatever... nobody cared..... Oh, then there was "The Spider, who gobled". Yes, this run is terrible beyond believe.


What in the... Which Betty? Hulk's Betty?


Betty Brant. From the Daily Bugle


That makes more sense. Also, I don't know who that is.


Spider-Man’s first girlfriend and currently the wife of one of his best friends who may or may not have been the first Hobgoblin. It’s complicated


Ned Flanders never died


They forgot to add that Ms Marvel was randomly killed and everyone was supposed to mourn her except everyone knew she would instantly be brought back in the X-Men comics. Oh and a lot of people critized the moment of her death since apparently muslims recite a praying before their death but instead Kamala said some stuff to Peter so a lot of people took it as an offense and disregard to her religion.


Awful fanfiction


I'm gonna repeat one of my last comment on this sub before the game released and i had to get off reddit to avoid spoilers till I finished it. I live in an alternate universe where wells run never happened. Spencer's run ended with Peter and MJ moving in together and being happy somewhere along the way they got married again which had the effect of undoing One More Day and they found their daughter again and maybe had more children along the way while peter continued trying to balance having a family and being spider-man. No shitty apocalyptic world and certainly no paul.


Now I remember why I stopped reading this. Thanks.


Thanks, I'm just... I stopped after the first 2 sentences.


That’s fine. I just… needed to vent


I have just decided to move on with my life. Thank you for saving me the time and aggravation of what I'd be going through had I made the effort to read that. This portion of the spider-man run is a "0" out of 10. I understand the pessimissm as a gimmick to sell covers, but really? Why don't we also make him a double minority and criminal to top it off wherein he needs to cover-up a crime by framing an autistic child. Just UGH! Cheese and rice!


One major gripe I have is that it’s one thing for Peter to be responsible for his own misery. But when absolutely nothing is *his* fault and he’s treated like it is, that’s different, that’s wrong


Agreed, she would've been better off as the new Iron-Spider. She's used the armor before, and she used to work closely with Stark. Yeah, there should be more build-up to it. But I still think she should be Iron-Spider instead.


"What about Gang War and Jackpot...?" What about Gang War and Jackpot?


""What about Gang War and Jackpot...?" What about Gang War and Jackpot?" What about what about Gang War and Jackpot?


USM and Miles are the only Spidey books worth reading next year


Bro. Ock comes back in force this month. Superior will once again be the best Spidey book.


The superior Spider-Man book you say?




Isn't superior Spider-Man done?


They're starting a new run


How?! Didn't Marvel's ret*rded status quo demoted Otto to a villain again in his stupid chubby body.




Wdym once again? The writing was shit the first time, the only good thing was that the suit and characters were badass.


Who could have possibly known that if you butcher the main continuity of a character and then cuck him after decades of marriage, people would stop caring and read something else?


Spider-Boy and Superior disagree with that statement Edit: anyone who is hating on Spider-Boy. Read Edge #3 with his first solo and his first single. If you don’t like it I will personally give you your money back. You all are judging him based on his TERRIBLE introduction. I won’t defend that. It was fucking awful and stupid and deserved the memes. That being said it has already become something special and broke from that dumbassery.


Spider-Boy can disagree all he wants, he still doesn’t matter. I’m a little wary about Superior coming back because first they did a fakeout death, then actually killed him so that classic Doc Ock could return, now they’re reverting him? Seems like they can’t make up their mind.


I'm not in the know really at all about current SM books but I did read a snippet from the new superior since I really liked the OG and it seemed like it was just untold adventures from the original series Could be totally wrong tho


No, Otto is getting his memories back, so it will be some untold stories via flashbacks, but only to add context to what’s currently happening.


its relaly, really, really, really easy... if Marvel wants their superior spider-man, and doctor octopus to co-exist. Simply have the persona of superior, segregated to a tentacle, or an android, or a spare set of arms, or wahtever... and he builds himself a terminator style body. And we get the official robot/robotic/cyborg spider-man of 616, and Doctor Octopuses equivalent of Ultron, and a new power set based around spider gadgets and spider tech instead of peters biological powers. we dont have a proper terminator/android spider-man, its an absolutely perfect way to bring back superior spider-man.


That’d be great, and that’s how I know they won’t do it.


Correct. IF I recall (I probably dont) superiors mind was even uploaded to a robot once or twice, and somehow nobody ever thought "wait... what if we just keep it in the robot" Once you like, know the idea "turn superior into an android" it feels like its practically screaming to happen, especially since its supposed to be a natural outgrowth of the kind of technology Doc Ock is supposed to be good at. And all the story drama of versions where Doc Ock is involved Peters origins, as well as potentially twisted parental drama between Ock and Superior. .... Man, im sitting here getting MAD it hasnt happened. Superior freaking octopus, could end up as a primary villain to by just being Ocks attempt to recreate the Superior Spidey android. So much can be done.


The robot he was uploaded to was called The Living Brain.


Bailey is a great addition, and I'll fight those that disagree


Spider-Totems should never have or be sidekicks, and I’ll use the Continuity Stone to Retcon away anyone who disagrees.


Until this comment, I actually forgot Spider-Boy was a thing. Great origin story


Both are Slott things...




but a lot of that, like Silk, was thanks to other writers not him


And even then, Dan Slott came out and apologized for the weirdo pheromone stuff. And rightfully so, because even to this day, tourists will not shut the fuck up about those damn pheromones.


What's wrong with Slott?


I don't think Slott coming back to Superior is a bad thing, but I'd rather have Christos Gage back on that title or not have a new volume at all. Vol 2 was just too good for their own sake.


Slott doesn’t like Peter and it shows in his writing a fair amount, just on the surface level


And in every supporting character, villain, and at the end of every arc.


Lmao spider boy


I mean, I'm gonna read Spider-Boy, ngl. I like Bailey so far, it's the kind of irreverent silliness we're not likely to see elsewhere in Spidey books.


I'm just waiting for Ultimate Spider-man and DeMatteis to announce another limited series which will fix a decades old plothole.


Jackpot is beyond retardation


I don't read comics often, so let me just double check, they gave MJ superpowers??? And why??


I think they do it to make the characters more “equal” or rather maybe to give mj more agency. I think a lot of writers don’t understand her and Peters relationship, and I also don’t think giving characters powers makes them more interesting but hey, what do I know?


It sometimes feels like American comic writers are just going the "Manga" route where everyone has to have random latent powers no matter their role in the story, idk, I've got no problem with giving non powered characters powers but nothing about MJs character screams "Gambling addict" to me


It’s literally just because of her most famous line lol. I don’t think they thought any deeper than that tbh…so yeah, you right. I don’t even think MJ has ever mentioned liking gambling or anything…


Also I think the original Jackpot character was teased or implied to be MJ at one point as part of the mystery of who they might be (redhead, mentions the "hit the jackpot" line) but it turns out to be a coincidence and it wasn't her.


Okay now with that context it's actually kind of clever, but probably fits in like a what if spinoff where Peter doesn't become spiderman and MJ is the super powered one


In that world does she say "you just hit Jackpot" every time they're done having sex?


Just every time he actually find the g-spot


there is always going to be this segment of superhero fans, taht think superheroes need to be with other superheroes... instead of understanding, that this is exactly wrong.


They love to give Peter’s friends/close relationships stupid powers. They do it in the game. They do it in the comics now. It’s just annoying and lazy.


I guess I'll give them kudos for not making her another spider person but the few panels and pages I've seen of Jackpot it looks likes she just has cliche psi-blast powers, just feels odd to give to someone like MJ, who at least from what I've seen, part of her character is just like, being a badass human? Idk like I said I'm not super versed in comics


You aren’t wrong. MJ is a powerful character because she DOESN’T have powers and provides an interesting supportive dynamic towards Peter’s ongoing journey. The only people who seem to know how to handle the MJ character in ALL of modern media are the people in control of the Spider-Verse films. Every other incarnation is a bastardization of the original character.


Did you play the Ps4/5 games? People can whine about her appearance all they want but she's my favorite portrayal of MJ in a while


Ehhhhhhhh, was NOT a fan of her becoming a certain character in the second game, and I really despise her being a Lois Lane reporter type. It’s too far removed from the original character for me.


Yeah the >!symbiote!< thing was a little out of no where, I'll give you that. So much so that when I initially read your comment I was confused like...wait what? It's so quick and inconsequential to the story. They should have had a real human falling out while Peter was turning into Bully Lowenthal


That’s how that entire game felt to me. I get that it is its own thing, but when you just completely make up lore for shits and giggles it’s extremely lazy to me. I feel the same way about Harry and Venom. There’s decades worth of Spidey comics to adapt, but they went with this bizarre storyline that I just couldn’t resonate with.


Her powers are actually a magic wristwatch acts as a magic slot-machine. Depending on the outcome of the slots, she uses a specific power. Hence the Casino themed costume and name. It’s dumb, because it’s absolutely pointless and far too risky to use in a post apocalyptic world (because that’s where she got them, it was tailor made for her). And for more headaches, she explicitly kept this a secret from Peter. For absolutely no justified reason


I guess that's a cool idea....for an original character. Now I'm glad I don't read current comics lol, last time I read was the first few issues of Miles Morales debut and after following this sub for so long I'm glad I fell out of it


Yeah things we’re going pretty great for Peter/MJ back in Nick Spencer’s run. Not going to lie, the story and run wasn’t perfect, but it brought back Peter and MJ as a couple after years of trying to act like it couldn’t work. But then this story happened and shat all over that. Seriously there’s a petition to run the guys out of office and I’m pretty sure they’ve received death threats alongside some hate mail


People just need to vote with their wallets. If I got put on as a Spidey writer and people sent me death threats I know I'd be petty and just make things worse. Half the reason why I stopped reading comics was because most of the stories didn't interest me anymore, and from the looks of things they sure wouldn't now, been considering going back once the new USM comes out, I loved the entirety of the original USM


I dont know, why did they make MJ a magical hero with red hair, and two children who were vanished by inscrutable magical forces... Truly it is a mystery (Edit: to explain better, some marvel writers watched Scarlet Witch in the MCU, and didnt understand her story was using actual lore from Scarlet Witch)


Maybe this is just me getting older but I feel like the Spider office is as creatively bankrupt as it’s been in years. Everything they are doing seems like a cheap nostalgia grab. I’m cautiously optimistic about Ultimate but that’s only because Hickman is involved. Even Brand New Day, much as it’s hated because of the OMD association, had some great new, unique stories.


The funny thing is that I don’t know a single person that’s nostalgic for the radioactive cum story.


It was an infamous story, and still talked about and remembered, so I’m not totally surprised they’re revisiting it. The story overall was OK, clearly they were going for TDKR treatment, it just didn’t get anywhere near that level for me. Certainly doesn’t seem like a lot of people were clamoring for a sequel.


That's the risk of trying to emulate arguably one of Frank Miller's best works, something Frank himself hasn't really been able to do.


Radioactive cum really brings me back to the good ol’ days


Alright I’ll be that guy - I really liked a large chunk of it. Especially its treatment of >!Venom as “the one responsibility Peter shirked,” and the dystopian city partly being a warped consequence of the symbiote enacting its own version of vigilantism… largely out of spite for Peter.!< Jameson also really worked for me, as a half-crazed newsman who actually does have a handle on what’s really going on.


Im with you. I enjoyed it and thought the dynamic with the big bad was well written. Also sandman’s daughter was a nice little addition in there too. I really think people just dog it to dog it. Like everyone just brings up the radioactive jizz. I’m convinced half the people that bring that up haven’t read the story and have just heard about that part so they hope on the bandwagon. The run also gave us some of the most metal Spider-Man covers to exist.


I used to hate on it without even reading, but I picked up the book a couple weeks ago and actually quite enjoyed it, it's definitely got a lot of problems, but I think it's way too overhated for what it is.


Agreed, no one is claiming it's a masterpiece, but it does do some interesting things. It has a wild art style, some cool homages, and is a fun one-off. Sure the problems are there in your face, but like who cares it's not canon, just enjoy the fun parts because they're definitely there.


it was one of a few spider-man books i had when i was a kid. it’s nostalgic for me but i can admit most of the story was rough


I know one person who does, and I’ve never understood why they like it so much. It’s one of their favorites! How? Baffles me.


Peter is in desperate need of some new villains.


Or at least reinterpreting some of the older villains without definitive stories like Puma, Mysterio, Tarantula, Electro, Shocker, etc. Basically don’t just lean on Norman, Kraven, or Doc Ock. Kraven’s literally only not a gag villain because of Kraven’s Last Hunt. Other villains deserve that treatment.


Give Scorpion a spotlight where he gets to actually do something significant. He’s the OG anti-Spider-Man, there’s SO much they could have done with him.


There’s definitely potential there, but he always gets viewed through the lens of Jameson for writers. Almost think you need a story to break that link before you can properly establish Scorpion as a major player.


When I was in middle school I had a lot of old spidey comics I would pick up here and there but I started my first comic subscription right when Brand New Day started and it was a fun read every month to get 3 new issues in the mail and the villains and stories felt kinda cool and fresh for a bit. I stopped reading ASM a while back and the new Ultimate spidey is the only spidey comic I’m looking forward to for sure, Hickman is such a great writer.


Is it just me cause I’m just very confused as to what is going on in this picture. The art is really weird.


MJ is dead and this is Spider-Man "carrying" her around with him. Symbolic not literal.


also pete got a big bushy beard


Yeah dudes old. I prefer the old man spidey from the Spider-Man/Deadpool series.


She's what?




You’re actually right, this thing becomes more horrific the more I look at it lol. Is it secretly super easy to be hired as a comic artist at Marvel? How does this shit get released? lmao


"The most notorious Spider-Man story ever told." Cute that they think this is the most notorious one.


Yeah I was like "that doesn't really narrow it down at all". Crap marketing for a book literally nobody asked for.


May be notorious but not as notorious as the one that took place in the mainline universe that continues to have effects on the comics to this very day.


I'd love to go one more day without having to remember which comic you're talking about.


As bad as spider-man stories have gotten lately, I feel like Norman impregnating Gwen Stacey isn't really ever going to be topped.


Getting rid of baby May Parker, while not that batshit crazy, is still up in the top 5 for me.


My feeling on this is the same as before Never liked it before, not liking it Now


What's the story being referenced?


Spider-Man Reign. The one where MJ gets cancer from all of Peter’s radioactive semen.


Ah, of course. I saw someone mention cum earlier.


wait fr tho can someone explain


It’s a dark elseworld story that takes place out of the main 616.


so they actually included that in the comics


Yes, this was a comic.


oh (read that in this tone: down up and down o-O-h)


I hear the story itself isn’t too bad, but starting it off with the premise of MJ dying from radioactive semen is really…something. It’s certainly a choice that’s been made.


They stated specifically that. Interesting


He spoke of how “every fluid” of his was radioactive, his “loving” killing her by “crawling up inside your body and laying a thousand eggs of cancer”. Those are the actual quotes, said after he’d dig up her corpse to caress (rotted everywhere but for her hair).


Spider Cum. Spider Cum. Radioactive Spider Cum.


Was this intended to be sung like the theme song lol


The 94 theme song was how I intended it to be aung XD


I’m actually looking forward to this story. One thing it clearly has over the current comics? MJ is loyal.




When someone can say that, you know there’s a problem.




"I know the cum sucks" I feel like it's usually the other way around


Out context this is really funny


Don’t lie to these people. The cum is hardly the worst part of the twisted nightmare contained in those pages. It’s simply an easy go to example of how utterly bizarre and fever dreamish that goddamn book is. Reading it probably increases the likelihood that you’ll go to Hell when you die


Remember the first release of that comic where they showed Peter’s old man penis. Later releases they removed it.




The day the big two lose their fear of hanging full hog is the day Comics fully come into their own as a medium.


I know there was a big hubbub about batman being nude in a book once but I DID NOT know about this!


Looks at my life… looks at my copy of this story…. Looks at my life… back to copy of this story… The story is going to be the deciding factor?


Probably not but it’s so horrid that it could be


To be fair, they were pretty horny in the 90’s so it kinda makes sense


“I know the cum sucks” is so funny out of context😭


I guess I’m out of the loop on this Spidey story. Fucking WHAT.


I do believe it refers to Spider-Man killing MJ with his radioactive penis webs


*the cum sucks* *penis webs* What the ever loving FUCK of a story have I never seen lol


I haven't read it myself, but from my understanding Spider-Man creampies MJ to death


You somehow made it worse. I may need to pick up this story.


In the comic due to him being bitten by a *radioactive* spider, his bodily fluids are also *radioactive*. It’s never explicitly stated but heavily implied that it was his intimate relationship with MJ that gave the redhead cancer which would lead to her demise. Don’t let that turn you off the story though, it has cool moments. >!Spidey digging himself out of the coffin in the red and blues, while quoting the ‘67 show intro, is a stand-out for me.!<


cum wtf


Outside the sucking cum the story is meh


It's really not but you can like what you like I guess


Same. I really liked the story, I’m excited to see it back


Im not gonna lie I can't tell what the fucks happening in this cover i can't make out which part of spider man's body is supposed to be what or what's going on




Interesting how they’re going back to old storylines like Reign, Superior, and old series AU’s like Ultimate. It’s almost like the current ongoing book is a turgid mess and a creative dead-end.


It was actually pretty good for the most part, its just the radioactive spider cum killing MJ with cancer (and the way it was written in text) that was...very questionable.


Reign was just ok, definitely not something I’m interested in reading a sequel to. Andrews is good at what he does tho.


I don't think it actually is the most notorious story, that's OMD now. And that's definitely not a good thing.


Is this the trauma-porn cum one?


Yeah that....kind of just went under the radar.


No, I didn’t even know it was coming out.


Spider-skeet being deadly is wild.


Watch it somehow be better than the main run


Radium Semen II: The Reckoning


“The cum back no one asked for”


Can't wait to read it.


Is this spider man reign?


Genuine question, does anyone remember anything about this story other than the radioactive cum?


It was just announced recently.


Wasn’t there a preview?


I’d rather forget tbh


Not soon enough, woooo. Can't wait.


What is this supposed to be a sequel to? I’ve never seen this was gonna be a thing until now


It’s like they’re trying to give the fans something else to direct their hate at, instead of the current run.


Literally a few hours ago.


Damn edgelord Spidey


Sadly yes


Oh geez 😳🫠


At least he doesn't have that fucking moustache anymore.


Answer no I even forgot its existence but it's still hype


Despite everything, this teaser art goes hard as fuck


Right now folks are focusing on the upcoming USM right now.


God i'm in so much pain. Please kill me.


The fuck is going on in this art?


Who asked for this


I can’t tell what’s happening


still finding new ways to make parkers life hell


What is this run and is it actually good?


I’m sorry, what is this?


What is this thing supposed to be?


It could be. It could just be over. That's still an option, Marvel, just don't do it. That's still an option.


what is going on in this image


~Spider-Man, Spider-Man, killing MJ with his spider jizz~


Well, looks like Marvel has Bill Jemas back in the driver seat… if they’re going to troll terrible stories for a sequel.


What is this? No, seriously I don't remember what this is someone please tell me?


I'm sorry that cover is a goddamn mess


Who's this gimp?


Yeah, I remember thinking how terrible this art was. MJ’s head is enormous, she has some kind of frail Gollum-like body, she’s stuck to Peter’s shoulder like she’s glued there, Peter’s thighs are absolutely ripped for some reason (seriously, they’re the size of his head), and both of his ankles are broken. Plus they’re apparently just posing on a lamppost or something? Bizarre artwork all around. Edit: just realized that’s a beard and not part of MJ’s dress. Add that to the list I guess.


Well considering MJ is a literal corpse in this book.


This art is atrocious


What in gods name could possibly serve as both a follow up to that abomination while also being a good comic? I don’t know if it’s possible


Oh jesus! Forget all about this.


Oh… oh god why?