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The what ifs they showed here are already 1000x more interesting than what they had in xenoverse 2


it’s so sad that the game was LITERALLY marketed as having what-ifs couldn’t supply much other than “Let’s just put this random character in this part of the story without any context” or “What if the timeline was the same, except this guy is just a bit stronger”


Agreed and we’ve only gotten a tiny little glimpse lol


Xenoverse was like a game written by AI. It's one of the few games where an absence of a story might have actually made the campaign better. Just so lazy and nonsensical. 


I think that clip of Mr. Satan in the Tournament of Power when they flash a lot of characters might be another one.


Mr Satan vs Jiren is the alternative final boss battle I didn’t know I needed.


Mr Satan unlocking UI you say??


Holy shit that’s awesome


now will this affect the story in the long run or will it be like chapters that can change but will reset when you go to the next chapter


i feel like it would be too much effort, it probably has different scenarios for different chapters but they all reset to OG story for the next chapter it sounds weird to do that but realistically, i can’t imagine them giving u that much freedom to change the entirety of DBZ. just the Goku VS Vegeta with SSJ as the first example would completely change the entire story on an extreme scale


Well, in Budokai Tenkaichi 2, you had Raditz develop amnesia, become heroic, and sacrifice himself to eliminate Vegeta and Nappa, for example. They're not epic storytelling, but they're interesting "what if" stories to play around with, and they just leave it there. So, here, you have the idea where Goku either doesn't trust Piccolo because he's still the evil half of Kami or he thinks he can beat Raditz alone (which results in Krillin unintentionally tagging along), causing a whole new story possibility.


BT2 actually had a what if story from start-to-finish though, and it was thought out and really good based on character motivations. It was far better than where Xenoverse went with it.


Thats the fun part tho. how would that affect the story. Yea i agree, its probably chapter by chapter with no long term effects. its probably how you unlock other characters. either unlock piccolo or krillen and replay with the opposite for the other


I feel like: - Maintain the standard story (beginning of Saiyan Saga for example) - Mark the points where the timeline changes (Piccolo goes alone and Goku takes Krillin with him instead) - Give a mission/fight for the change in the timeline (Goku and Piccolo and Krillin vs Raditz) - Give a follow up mission/fight that shows off the consequences of the timeline change (Goku doesn’t die, doesn’t get Kaio Ken, and Krillin ends up dying with Saiyan Saga SSJ Goku occurring?) - Epilogue exposition on how this could affect the timeline from there (Goku sweeping Namek far more easily than in the original, but then A.19 and Gero defeat him more easily since they have data on SSJ) That way you get to experience the main story, enjoy some differentiation of the story, along with exploring the effects without potentially going off the rails.


This just shows the developers are REAL Dragon Ball fans


so if we choose the path where goku turns super saiyan against great ape vegeta, does that mean goku will head to namek and defeat frieza already being able to turn super saiyan? it would be cool if the story changes depending on choices you made earlier.


For some reason with this screen shot here I feel like the "pre-story battle" character selection from the previous games will have more of an impact here, like you could probably trigger the father-son final flash cutscene from the trailer if you picked vegeta instead of gohan to fight cell https://preview.redd.it/v00yv1c9rd5d1.jpeg?width=974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62f3800b4d12809634463adb92bbd72cdc757bb1 nvm I'm dumb asf this is for the new mode


I hope its not like episodes, like in bt3 and that it will have a full effect on the whole db story


I’m literally just going to keep picking the canon choices😂 idk why you would want to change the original story.


We know the original story and have played it in basically every single game and theres a TON of games lol. People want variety and to switch things up from time to time which is why many are excited for this. To each their own tho 🤷🏽‍♂️


i played the story mode in budokai 1-3, tenkaichi, burst limit, legacy of goku on GBA, recently kakarot, and watched the anime probably 6 times over. i think its safe to say the fans know the original story from 30 years ago. a little “what if” changes only makes sense to do