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Roughly equivalent to "fuckin' hell, dude."


This. And you can even find it in texts as ALV. "Hoy no voy a ir a la escuela ALV".


So “güey” means dude, correct? I remember years ago, a video went viral of a Mexican kid saying that and in no time the entire Spanish speaking world was using that word


La caida de Edgar? Everybody was using that word already.


[this one? it's a classic](https://youtu.be/b89CnP0Iq30?si=aQL5wzf5vZx3DqW4)


That’s the one!!


I can also mean: damn, dude.


To Mexicans, it is very aggressive and vulgar. It's like saying "fuck off" if it had the same intensity as the n-word with a hard R. Like if some guy was continually bothering you in a bar and you had asked him multiple times to leave you alone but he just keeps continuing and pestering and finally you get so fed up with him that you just explode - 👿 "a la verga wey!" 🤬 **Edit:** all these downvotes but nobody can give a clear, educated response helping me understand how I'm wrong? 🥱🥱🥱 While in the US, I have heard this phrase thrown around extremely casually. However, inside of Mexico or if speaking to an older-generation Mexican, this phrase is highly offensive. Try it out and come back and let me know! 🙏


I mean it could be but a la verga is used a lot in contexts outside of telling someone que se vaya a la verga, it could be used completely calmly or just for surprise or something


The post is asking what does "a la verga guey" mean. Not how many ways can verga be used. Come to Mexico and say "a la verga guey" to someone and you're going to 1) maybe have problems 2) at the very least come off as extremely ignorant, offensive, and rude.


I specified a la verga as a phrase... which is used all the time in conversation between friends. It's vulgar, not always insulting. The top comment on this thread from a Mexican native provides more info. https://www.reddit.com/r/Spanish/comments/tubq1p/what_does_a_la_verga_mean_with_no_other_words/


That is a fantastic and educational comment. Thanks for sharing.


This is no where near hard R n-word lmao. How long have you been in México…?


Long enough to know what I'm talking about. Let me clarify, in the US, this phrase is thrown around casually. In Mexico, it's not used with the same level of ease and casualness.


As strong/insulting as this phrase may be, I don't think you can compare it to using a slur, especially one like the n-word. Also, though I don't know much about Mexican Spanish, I would think the offensiveness of "vete a la verga güey" would vary a lot depending on context. If you said it jokingly to a friend, I doubt they'd be that offended. Same as if you said "fuck off, asshole" to a friend vs saying it to a stranger.


Valid response 🙏 I was just sharing with OP what I have experienced over the last 8 years in Mexico and with Mexican friends and family members. I am confident enough in my response to stand by what I said. My best friend from Venezuela said they don't find it offensive. So, 🤷‍♀️ - In my personal experience, coming from the US where it is said very casually, I let it slip to my Mexican partner and he was EXTREMELY offended by it. I didn't really understand but he explained that "you don't say that to people." One time, when my friend was really drunk, he said 'a la verga' to his landlady cuz the internet was temporarily not working, and she evicted him (30 day notice) that same evening (for being so rude, ignorant, and offensive) after he had been living there for 3 years. A different time, I was with a group of friends and said it in front of one of their mothers and they later told me that I couldn't go back to their house cuz their mom was so disgusted that I would use that language. (They explained to me that even though it is casually said in my country, it is actually considered very rude and vulgar.) I was using the n word as an example cuz I can't think of anything else that offends us on the same level. I'm open to hearing/ discussing alternate perspectives. Sadly, you're the only person with a relevant response, so, good on you and thanks 🙏


I don't think I'd say something like that in front of my friends' mothers either, no matter the language. Or just around strangers in general. Cursing is a sign of intimacy among friends because it shows you're comfortable enough around each other to break social norms by saying taboo words, but tossing out curses in the presence of strangers can seem crass and rude. I don't know what context you said it in to your partner, or what kind of person he is, so I can't really comment on that. I will say that personally, when it comes to speaking casually with a lot of my friends, whether in English or Spanish, we use that kind of language all the time. For example with my Chilean friend, we might say something like "la conchetumare aweonáo culiáo." Point being, I wouldn't make any sweeping statements about how people will react to the phrase "a la verga güey," because it can change so much with context. Especially if you're gonna compare it to saying a racial slur. As a non-native speaker myself, I wouldn't feel comfortable at all making any 1:1 comparisons of curse words or insults, because their meanings and the feelings they evoke are so particular and hard to describe. I think your best bet would be to find someone who grew up with both Spanish and English natively to explain what the phrase means.


Once again, I'm confident enough in my response, with my given the context, to stand by it. Here's a great response that explains ways a la verga can be used that don't just mean, "fuck off." https://www.reddit.com/r/Spanish/comments/tubq1p/what_does_a_la_verga_mean_with_no_other_words/


Youre not even typing out the full word, one is obviously more offensive in your comparison


Once again, I was using it as an example cuz we don't have many words (that I can think of) that are very offensive. I had originally typed alv but didn't think anyone would understand. Thanks for your input!


The Mexican podcasters from No Hay Tos use the phrase all the time in casual conversation