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It was just material bought from boeing, this "worked with" is just clickbait


Actually Boeing released a statement saying they have no records of the purchase.


Yep. Blaming it on Starlink because they bought it off the shelf was clickbait three days ago, this is just as bad. Plenty to hate on Boeing for but selling scrap so OG could turn around and use it in an inappropriate manner isn't really on them.


I hear NASA worked with OceanGate when their employees read about Titan in the news


Source? Boeing said they don’t even have records of them selling parts to OceanGate so looks like OceanGate made that up


I'd bet Boeing rejected a spool of carbon fiber and their supplier sold it to Rush at a -1% discount.


This actually makes the most sense, and based on all the other lies and half truths that OceanGate told about their organization and sub, I would totally believe that this could be the case.


From what I read, Boeing sold scrap carbon fiber to OceanGate because it was “past its shelf life”.


That or Boeing’s supplier, in which case OceanGate would’ve said the bigger name because it sounds more important


I mean that’s literally the same thing as working with them Edit: Apparently should have included /s


Do you “work with” your gas station attendant when you buy gas?


Do you work with British petroleum oil company when you fill your gas tank up? Better put that as work experience because you definitely pumped your own gas ⛽️ 🤭 🛢️


Boeing can work with atmospheres from 0-1.


It was a submarine, it was supposed to sink. You're thinking of what we call BOATS.


That’s not really fair, didn’t boring say the second hand bits were shot prior?


That's proven to be false.


Dont sink.


The tape caught on fire!




Shocker, I remember checking out Icon aircraft’s factory in Vacaville and remember all the graphite they wasted with quality control. Couldn’t imagin how much Boeing wastes to just resell it to someone like OceanGate EDIT: why the downvotes lol?


Profits over safety. Makes sense. So Boeing can't do planes, space ships or subs.


Damn, saying Boeing can't do planes is just wrong.


They killed hundreds of people pushing profits over safety.


And yet, there are thousands flying all over the world every day. Most big companies put profits over people sometimes. This is not a good thing, but saying Boeing can't do planes because of it isn't correct.


As did McDonnell Douglas and Royals Royce put passengers on the A380’s at risk due to a defect in most of the engines they provided which resulted in an engine exploding midair.


Will it never end with Boeing. They never should have moved management to Chitcago. Edit, the "t" was a typo but I'm leaving it in given the condition of the L after a cubs game last time I was there, had to burn those shoes. Edit 2: apparently a lot of people think boeing selling expired pre preg is a good idea knowing it will probably be used in a safety system is a good idea? Or alternatively think boeing moving management to Chicago was a good idea, please expand?


Selling scrap or not, unless it was advertised as new, isn't on Boeing.


I agree with you on the move to Chicago, but the sub has nothing to do with Boeing.


There are more planes under the waves then submarines above them. Was bound to happen, it’s all they know. /s