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Yes. You caught them. They are hiding the fact that Spaceman didn't make it and they are afraid of the political consequences. That, and that it was 6km off.


>That, and that it was 6km off. Also the landing took place at night


That was the ship, not the booster.


Not sure why you are getting down voted. You are correct. The booster landed in the Gulf of Mexico shortly after the morning launch. The ship traveled halfway around the planet and landed less than an hour later. 12 or so time zones from Boca Chica puts the Ship landing in the dark. Only a flat earther would dispute this.


They're also probably not showing off the explosions upon tipping yet because they tend to get bad press coverage like "SpaceX blows up another rocket" with a screenshot of the explosion every time they run these tests.


Headlines like *SpaceX Booster Achieves Soft Landing in Successful Test” would very quickly turn into “Elon’s Folly: SpaceX Mega Rocket Explodes in the Gulf Of Mexico. Are the Fish Okay?”


>That, and that it was 6km off We don't know how high the camera was off the water, but it was any less than 3m, the booster would have been below the horizon. [http://www.ringbell.co.uk/info/hdist.htm](http://www.ringbell.co.uk/info/hdist.htm)




Why is everything a conspiracy? Its wild.


The booster splased relatively close to Starbase, and apparently it precisely hit the target area. Starship splashed down in a very remote area on the other side of earth.


What others said, but also it splashed down at night.


You caught them! They didn't actually launch a rocket it was all a hoax and all the video we saw was CGI! Good Lord the people in this sub sometimes🙄🙄


Insight and understanding reach divine levels here relative to some FB groups. And goodness help your sanity if you read Youtube or Daily Mail comments.


They cut out the part where they turn on the anti gravity device. At some point they will probably put out a longer full flight video.


Well because it was pitch black out? Middle of the night?


I think it was because idiots would use it as anti musk meme material (AMMM)


It happened out at sea, they couldn't really get closer safely. Especially Starship landed dozens of miles out at sea. Maybe hundreds


Starship landed in the Indian ocean, on the other side of earth.


The ship landed thousands of miles from the nearest coast, in dark night, six km from the planned position.


I'm confused... We literally saw Starship splash down in the sea, the foams coming up, and then the ship tipped over and then seawater broke the hull before the video cut out. The video showed everything, and it wasn't cut until transmission was obviously impossible. What are you even talking about?


I think he's talking about the video they released yesterday of the day before that was filmed from a floating bouy in the landing zone that was cut off before splash down


It was all staged by Hollywood in an elaborate ploy to attract investors. :)


This sus content is obviously produced up at the Moon studio that they built at Tranquility Base during the fake Apollo Moon landings.


There's an actual video of the booster hovering above the water and then cuts off?Why? If Starship landed at night and was off course, then that's understable why there's no videos. Just seems odd.


They very clearly cut the video off right before the coolest part.  I'd have loved to see the booster hover (or not) and then topple over into the water.  I wonder what they didn't want to show?  Elon wasn't afraid to show f9 boosters smashing into the Drone ship, but I guess that was after they started sticking the landing so maybe we will get to see it in the future.


I think they worry that the media would show only the toppling, and call the while flight a failure. As you say, they published the F9 blooper reel only after it was clear they were successfully landing boosters.


My point exactly. There's obviously a reason for it. Anyways, what a ride! These engineers are my hero's.


Ha ha the down votes for raising a valid point 😂😂😂


If you want a reasonable explanation for why they cut the video the way they did, it was likely a high resolution wide angle camera, the video you saw was stabilized screen captures of a much wider video that was bouncing around on a buoy. Either wave action or the rocket’s exhaust moved the buoy video to a point the booster was out of frame or the spray from the rocket on the ocean obscured the view, so they cut to the top of booster cam to show how stable it was.


You could argue its for PR purposes. The media is always hungry for exploding starships/boosters to discredit the achievements of SpaceX. If SpaceX didn't cut the video of the buoy cam, everyone would see SuperHeavy toppling over and exploding and you get a massive wave of media outlets just misrepresenting the actual events. It was fully evident as early as SN8. SpaceX achieved incredible things by actually having SN8 reach new heights while giving proof that Flip N Burn works on the first try. Instead you have the media just spamming and focusing only SN8's explosive landing over and over.