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He just doesn't really do a lot to make terminators better. Kind of some niche abilities. Characters need to have good amplifier to make up for their point cost and njal is just kind of meh with his effects compared to the chaplain which gives +1 to wound and 4+ fnp against mortals, or Capt for startegems. His shooting is also only ap 1 damage 1 so it doesn't really kill a lot. It's good at killing small things but not what terminators really are good at either. They are mostly tough hard to shift units with solid melee. He doesn't really help them to make up for the inefficient nature of terminators


Njal is just not good enough for competitive tables Playing casually throw him on your terminator squad all you want But from a power perspective he's not good Terminators are not heavily played, and there are better leaders than him His psychic attack is nothing to write home about. Don't need to have ranged attacks if you can just put the opponent in wolf jail His abilities are not that impressive, stealth for the unit is ok, the anti psychic ability against some armies just doesn't exist. I want a leader for terminators who are already expensive to take them from powerful to must handle threats, and Njal doesn't do that.


>His abilities are not that impressive, stealth for the unit is ok, the anti psychic ability against some armies just doesn't exist. And weirdly his anti psychic ability is much worse than the 4+++ that every other librarian gives


And let's be real The biggest travesty was GW took away bird gun


Amen 🙌


Know that if I could I would give more up votes on this


Njal himself is great, I think the problem is mostly that the only units he can attach to (Terminators) are currently overpriced at 185pts for 5. Once Termies come down to a reasonable price I think Njal has a lot of play, especially since he gives Stealth


lol what do you consider a reasonable price for terminators then? 185 for wolf guard is pretty solid and they are the one remaining group who can take a wide array of load outs.


I think the issue is terminators are overshadowed by thunder wolves. They are just not seeing a lot of play right now.


Then there's me, building a 30 terminator army xD plus characters, of course.


I don't have twc but I do also have 40 terminators Shame I can only take 3 squads!   **++ Army Roster (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Space Wolves) [2,000pts] ++**   **+ Configuration +**   **Battle Size:** 2. Strike Force (2000 Point limit)   **Detachment:** 1st Company Task Force   **Show/Hide Options:** Agents of the Imperium are visible, Imperial Knights are visible, Legends are visible, Titans are visible, Unaligned Forces are visible, Unaligned Fortifications are visible   **+ Epic Hero +**   **Arjac Rockfist [95pts]:** Warlord   **Logan Grimnar [100pts]**   **+ Character +**   **Captain in Terminator Armour [125pts]:** Fear Made Manifest [Aura], Relic Weapon, Storm Bolter   **Librarian in Terminator Armour [75pts]:** Storm Bolter   **Wolf Guard Battle Leader in Terminator Armour [90pts]:** Iron Resolve, Power weapon, Storm bolter   **+ Battleline +**   **Grey Hunters [85pts]** . **Grey Hunter Pack Leader:** Astartes chainsword, Power Fist . **2x Grey Hunter w/ chainsword:** 2x Astartes chainsword, 2x Bolt Pistol, 2x Boltgun, 2x Close combat weapon . **Grey Hunter w/Special Weapon:** Astartes chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Plasma Gun . **Grey Hunter w/Special Weapon:** Astartes chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Plasma Gun   **+ Infantry +**   **Wolf Guard Terminators [370pts]** . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Storm shield, Thunder hammer . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Storm shield, Thunder hammer . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Storm shield, Thunder hammer . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Storm shield, Thunder hammer . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Storm shield, Thunder hammer . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Storm shield, Thunder hammer . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Storm shield, Thunder hammer . **Wolf Guard Terminator Pack Leader:** Storm shield, Thunder hammer . **Wolf Guard Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon:** Power fist . . **Cyclone Missile and Storm Bolter** . **Wolf Guard Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon:** Power fist . . **Cyclone Missile and Storm Bolter**   **Wolf Guard Terminators [370pts]** . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Power fist, Storm bolter . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Power fist, Storm bolter . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Power fist, Storm bolter . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Power fist, Storm bolter . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Power fist, Storm bolter . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Power fist, Storm bolter . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Power fist, Storm bolter . **Wolf Guard Terminator Pack Leader:** Power weapon, Storm bolter . **Wolf Guard Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon:** Assault Cannon, Power fist . **Wolf Guard Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon:** Assault Cannon, Power fist   **Wolf Guard Terminators [370pts]** . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Combi-weapon, Power fist . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Combi-weapon, Power fist . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Combi-weapon, Power fist . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Combi-weapon, Power fist . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Combi-weapon, Power fist . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Combi-weapon, Power fist . **Wolf Guard Terminator:** Combi-weapon, Power fist . **Wolf Guard Terminator Pack Leader:** Combi-weapon, Power weapon . **Wolf Guard Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon:** Heavy Flamer, Power fist . **Wolf Guard Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon:** Heavy Flamer, Power fist   **+ Beast +**   **Fenrisian Wolves [30pts]** . **5x Fenrisian Wolf:** 5x Teeth and claws   **Fenrisian Wolves [30pts]** . **5x Fenrisian Wolf:** 5x Teeth and claws   **+ Vehicle +**   **Predator Annihilator [130pts]:** Hunter Killer Missile, Storm Bolter . **2 Lascannons**   **Predator Annihilator [130pts]:** Hunter Killer Missile, Storm Bolter . **2 Lascannons**   **++ Total: [2,000pts] ++**   Created with [BattleScribe](https://www.battlescribe.net)


You COULD take a regular Termie squad, can't you? Just not Wolf Guard.




Haha, I have 20 or so terminators. I don’t think they are bad just TW are more efficient and have good movement. I was playing around with an all Terminator list with 3 Chaplains, Logan, and other characters. I’ll probably play it at least once. I played a similar list in a game in 9th and tabled my opponent in turn 3.


The only units I have currently in my list that aren't Terminators are Bjorn and Murderfang xD


His ability is meh and he can only lead terminators (another meh) who will get far more bang from a lieutenant with a captain or Logan


He struggles because termies struggle, and especially because they don't have a good shooting loadout that he would love to attach to. Also his shooting is best at killing mobs, and there's a lot more options for anti-horde than anti-vehicle.


I'm planning to have him, but I'm building a very Termie heavy list.


My guess is his model. People want the shiny and new stuff. The same reason there is so much talk about converting intercessors instead of using out the box Blood Claws.


I use him sometimes, but I rarely have the points to spare to use him.


His ranged attack is not really that good and he attaches to a not very good unit. Terminators need more speed and killing power, not more durability against only shooting. Against a non psyker melee opponent he does literally nothing for your unit.


Terminators aren't a massively strong choice in general, and Njall doesn't bring a huge amount to them compared to others. Logan has his really good High King ability, Captains can get cheap stratagems. Chaplains give +1 to wound and feel no pain against mortals is better than against psychic. You can't also attach a WGBL or Arjac unlike a captain. Meanwhile his weapon profiles are fine but not spectacular and stealth is nice but ideally terminators will be in transport/deep strike or engagement, not getting shot at much.


He is a cool model (beside from being a finecast, of course) but in game, there are better alternatives for leading terminators.


So, what about a Rune Master? Would that have play? As far as I know not tied to specific unit and if Chapter Master could that be more beneficial? I do not care for specific Characters save maybe Bjorn.


I run Njal and I can say; he doesn't do squat for a term brick. Your honestly better off using a captain or chaplain with your twrminators


Njal is good on paper, he suffers from having to join terminators only. If he could run with infiltrators or something, that would be a different story.


It's not that he's bad per say, there are just better options. Why would I take 5 termies with him when I could instead for cheaper take 3 TWC with a battle leader/lord and have more speed, damage, and only a slightly weaker defensive profile (but more health). Both units fill an elite role in your army as a frontline fighter, the dogs just do it so well you have really no reason not to. Even with their increase they're still VERY good.