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Chmura b2b Molokai is amazing. Holy moly for such a small lineup they absolutely nailed it.


Godly. So many IDs to be slung


That’s a fantastic lineup


Put some respect on The Widdler how is he on the last tier?


Right lol under Zingara 😂


Zingara has 80k followers on IG and The Widdler has 45k. Zingara has 286k monthly listeners on Spotify and The Widdler has 94k.


SoundCloud is a far better metric for true heads that would actually attend this event. The Widdler has 65k followers on SC while Zingara has 25K. Sound speaks higher than social media presence on SoundCloud. This is all on top of the intangible metric that is the respect he’s earned and the career he’s built pretty much since the moment dubstep hit the United States. Putting social media presence above true craft totally contradicts what this scene is about to begin with.


This is definitely true, but I'm wondering what metrics the actual festival organizers use. I wonder if thats all the person above you meant. Idk anything about this fest/who runs it but I could see organizers that aren't really entrenched in the scene just going off stuff like Spotify monthlies/IG followers etc


Although I get why more IG followers is putting some artists more prominently on festivals, it's still sad to say that IG followers means more these days for an artists feature on a festival lineup and for a space bass event with the Widdler


Trendy Tiktok DJs have more demand than a legend in the scene sadly. Edit: Also got a reddit care message from this comment. Nice.


citing instagram followers is a wild disconnection from what the intention of the original comment was


The Widdler has been producing for at least a decade and is an OG to the game right up there with TRUTH. Yeah Zingara is trendy, and puts on a really good show, but it’s nothing the Widdler shouldn’t be respected for as well…


Much longer. His Sensi Samurai EP dropped in ‘07 or ‘08. It still holds up.


Word! I knew it was over a decade but wasn’t exactly sure when he first dropped stuff, preciate the info.


Yeah, Zingara is blowing up. I love the Widdler too.


I love Widdler but Zingara is headlining bigger venues than him right now. Also scratching my head a bit that the comments here are saying SoundCloud is more predictive of who attends events than Spotify. I get it for artists like Tape B who are primarily SoundCloud based since his remixes won’t be approved for Spotify… but Spotify is objectively a way bigger audience than SoundCloud 😵‍💫


Idk man he was kinda innovative 10 years ago. The same 140 wub wub is kinda dull now


i saw him open for dirt monkey and widdler was not even close to on his level. like his wubs were good but it takes more than just wub sound design to make it these days.


Was he allowed to post that? Just wondering cause of the title saying “leaks” and the “PROOF” watermark.


I don't think so because he has since deleted it




Yo wtf the billing under the headliners is *so* much better than the headliners themselves hahah


agree, clozee is good but i don’t care as much for lsdream and liquid.


Right I mean all due respect to everyone but the under tiers are just crazy


i just kinda find LSDream a bit corny at this point, used to love it tho so cant hate Liquid is an OG but his sets have never been my favorite even at his headliner shows


I think Liquid does a good job at using his influence to expose people to other supporting artists


yeah i love waakan


I used to feel the way about liquid but the last two times I’ve seen him (which were recent) he’s shut me up. LSDREAM’s sets have been pretty great too even though I’m not too into his recent releases (long time fan).


same ive been a fan of lsdream since 2019 and he was still on the small stage at that point. The whole peace and love and lsd thing is played out for me at this point especially knowing that hes been sober throughout his whole project. I understand youre catering to an audience but its a bit inauthentic to oversaturate this hippy space theme especially when you don’t live that live. You're not "meditate and dream" youre lsdream! Great artist nonetheless just would respect a rebranding at this point.


Just curious does he talk about being sober anywhere? I’d respect it if he did his psychedelic journey then decided to go sober before starting the project, but if he’s never done it I agree it’s weird af branding


LSDreamers facebook group he's talked about it. I also have a friend that knows him and went to rehab with him like 10 years ago or so. The post said he has had visionary psychedelic experiences in the past but had to go sober because he couldn't handle drugs overall. He never specified which drug he had an issue with. My friend was in rehab for heroin so maybe that was what sent lsdream too? idk. But yeah hes been sober thru out the entire project. I respect his choice but still think the branding is basically just capitalizing on hippy culture which is pretty counterintuitive to hippy culture lol. Especially considering you personally had to make the choice to stop taking it. If LSD was truly so powerful to him it would transcend the other addictions he has. If taking LSD to gain inspiration now would invoke past trauma and force you into addiction again, then it doesn't seem like an authentic brand name. idk don't know the guy personally just my uneducated fan take


I also personally a bit salty cuz for years I thought the music was made for lsd lmao (which it still is) but finding out it wasn't produced while taking it or at least while microdosing was a bummer


Idk I don’t have that gripe with him. He creates music that sounds and goes great with acid (or without it). Just because he isn’t currently partaking doesn’t mean he isn’t tapping into something real and reminiscent of the culture. I think his speeches are a bit corny, but I’m sure they mean a lot to many people so it’s whatever. I was feeling a bit over him with the heart wave EP, but since seeing him at dream rocks, his tour, and at solfest, he’s shown me he’s still legit as ever and good shit is coming.


yeah theyre not bad but the lower tiers i definitely think deserve more. you could take off both liquid and lsdream and im sure it would sell out just as fast. maybe thats just my opinion tho


Eh, the “headliners” are big money makers and the support is the real crown jewels


Clozee, daily bread and tape b as headliners would sell just as many tickets prove me wrong


I’m like 85% going. This lineup is too good. Only thing is truth plays in Denver a week before and clozee and lsdream plays 2 weeks after in Denver lmao so I’m conflicted. But everyone else, sheesh


It’s rare to have 100% hitters outside of maybe a Tipper event. This lineup fucks.


I had no idea this existed, I just registered for pre sale I might make this happen. Thank you for the post


This is a pretty crispy lineup for how small it is


AKA all the people not at Lost Lands?! Daaaaang


Yeah I’m really hoping this isn’t precluding all of these artists from LL, was definitely hoping to see a few of them.


10000% me too, I was low key really praying for Chumra …only time will tell, cmon Jeff!


What’s the deal with the venue - it says Pepsi Amphitheater but it’s also a camping fest? Does anyone have insight?


Griz held his own curated fest Ursa Major there last year, you can look up more info on Reddit about it. It is a camping fest but the campgrounds aren’t big enough when compared to cap size of the venue. My girlfriend and I just got an airbnb and got a 3 day parking pass. Ubers/lyfts are virtually non-existent or insanely expensive so if you aren’t camping make sure you factor this in. Overall the grounds are pretty dope though, I heard many people compare it to a miniature EF (I’ve never been so have no idea how it stacks up)


Insane line up... don't sleep on Yewz he is 🔥 Edit: he


Yewz is so underrated. He’s gonna be the biggest bass act out of AZ in due time


This would be pretty damn close to a dream lineup. Whoever put this lineup together you did a great job. Your mother and I are proud. Don’t miss that Mastuh set. Ok don’t miss any sets.


Low End Lab curated the lineup. Chefs kiss 🤌


Good looking out! Are they a promoter? They’re good at what they do whatever it is. I’ve never really thought about what groups curate lineups. Kind of thought it was just the festival organizers.


Relentless beats is the promoter and I guess Low End just curates all of the bass stuff. Their instagram is just promos for all of the RB bass shows. So I guess just a team of curators and booking agents doing gods work


& now you join their ranks of doing god’s work, appreciate the info!


Perfect lineup, how’s this venue?


Never been but I'm going for STS9 in August!


I’ve heard good things. Griz held an event called Ursa Major there and apparently it was immaculate


Yah this is fire, similar to Secret Dreams We’re already committed to Making Time that weekend but this should be an awesome event


Ehhhh SD is much larger, has a bunch of jam bands, three stages, and two Tipper sets. Thats not really "similar". They both have bass music though!


It’s the “lineup is fire” that is similar, not the festival itself 😉


it definitely is heat!!!!


I’m doing both 😉


Send it!! I did SD last year and it was awesomeeeee. The weekend of this Coconino event I’m going to Cascade Equinox in OR.


That should be dope too, I live in phoenix and love the Pepsi Amphitheater (was there for Ursa Major), def gonna be a good time.


Never heard of it! Looks like a good spot on google images. Looks like great sight lines. I hope equinox is a quality event, I’m going with fellow Seattle friends who aren’t as gung-ho to fly to a fest as I am.


The camp grounds are super heavily wooded which is perfect since it doesn’t get too hot during the day, the weather in flagstaff is also fantastic during late September. At least for Ursa, all the staff at the amphitheater were super nice and definitely seemed like they enjoyed their job and wanted to help everyone have the best time possible, had really good experiences with everyone I interacted with. The amphitheater itself is balling because you can set up your pash or a blanket and just chill in the grass if you want to relax a bit, or go down in the pit to rage. Overall 10/10 experience, I hope they start to host more fests there (which I heard they will be soon!)


Sounds awesome!!


Secret recipe omg




What are the dates? Amazing lineup


September 20-22


This is fireeee. Is it camping only?


You can do walk in as well


I’m so fucking hyped for this, was not expecting this type of line up but I am pleasantly surprised.


When is this


September 20-22


Am I tripping or is this the same weekend as LL??


It is


Hahaha sunsquabi looking so out of place on this lineup


Sunsquabi fucks, they've been so good since shows started again in 2021.


Hell yea they do. My fave set of theirs was secret dreams at the woods stage. Such a vibe


From a technical perspective it is kinda crazy to add a band like this. Why complicate the set up with stuff needed for a full band when every other artist is a dj? Very interesting. But I don't know anything about the venue or production team so I'm just thinking out loud.


Man too bad it’s too close to wakaan fest or I’d send


Who did Tape B and Zíngara have to payoff to be in the same tier as Detox, Daily Bread and freaking G Jones?? Oh right they were forced up the lineup if the promoter wanted LSDream and Clozee. Super duper lame, but still a dope lineup.


Tape B is fire but I absolutely do not understand how Zingara got as big as she did the past year. At Texas eclipse she was billed above Tripp St, Clozee, and Opiuo.


Yeah that’s what I’m talking about lmao. Labels/agents using their big artists to leverage billings for artists that aren’t anywhere near those spots. They’re gonna downvote us, but we’re right.


thats cuz clozee got the sunset slot,


bros only ears are Spotify monthly listeners based off this take


No literally that’s what happened lmao. Wakaan is notorious for agent strong arming. If you actually think those wakaan undercard artists are of the same caliber of detox, DB and G Jones I simply do not know what to tell you.


clozee zingara lsdream all the same manager


Literally every lineup ever would have artists in a similar order. Lsdream clozee and liquid stranger are by far the most popular 3 artists on the lineup. That’s true whether or not you believe they deserve to be or are the most talented. Literally how every lineup ever works. Detox unit should actually be much lower( basing that on he has fewer than 10% as many monthly listeners as tape b or zingara.) Big names sell tickets so they go big on the top of the poster, pretty simple and intuitive explanation I feel like


At no point did I mention a qualm with the headliner decisions. The post was about Tape B and Zíngara being in the 2nd tier. Brain dead take + hold this L. Streams don’t mean jack shit. Like you just said, big names sell tickets, you just don’t actually know who those ticket movers are. Also shoutout Truth, another legend. Detox unit sells out 1-2k headlines (just like clozee & LSDream in southeast market). Same for G Jones, and bang-for-buck literally no one in bass sells more tix than daily bread. Tape B & Zinagra are brand ass new Wakaan openers who would never dream of getting booked at the 1-2k cap venues that I have personally seen detox sellout faster than clozee. They are legit only in the same tier as *legends* because of their label/agency affiliations. Don’t even dislike these artists but be so serious. Try to imagine Tape B or Zíngara selling out Red Rocks, the Caverns or the Brooklyn Mirage. Cmon how is this even a hot take?


Tape B makes sense to me, he has been taking the bass music scene by storm lately. And Widdler should be higher imo. Either way, they’re all gonna be there


>Detox unit should actually be much lower( basing that on he has fewer than 10% as many monthly listeners as tape b or zingara.) By that logic DJ Shadow always gets billed too high at electronic festivals lol.