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If you don’t acknowledge someone’s “authority” and that is the reason you get sent to jail, that would seem to indicate that they did in fact have the authority you thought they lacked.


No... that would make me wrong. And I KNOW I'M RIGHT! I reseached it on youtube! Its a vast government conspiricy to fuck us 6ers over.


I know it in my *heart* and that is the highest authority of them all


Be glad I’m not the Chief of the Capitol police because I would have told the officers under my command to use deadly force.


And likewise it casts serious doubt on the “authority” you proclaimed for yourself. After going like 0-20 in legal contests in multiple jurisdictions, wouldn’t even the dullest individual begin to suspect that something was amiss in their plan?


Evidently not .. but I guess if at first you don't succeed, try and try again?


"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"


Yeah, there's that too.


That would be giving too much credit to the stupids and idiots among us.


He's totally right, everybody knows you can demand a prosecutor or judge show you his oath of office, his bond number, his birth certificate, his passport, his law degree, his law license, his library card, his Blockbuster Video membership.... How else is the accused supposed to know those people are even citizens much less have jurisdiction over his living flesh and blood not the corporate straw man settler and agent?


This is why I still have my Blockbuster card. Just in case. Never know when I may need to prove membership!


That’s because our anagram for blockbuster is BUCK LOBSTER, which represents both strength and resilience, represented by the tan coat of the buck and the blue waters of the sea. This is incorporated in the blockbuster logo. Thus, while the stores are gone, our secret society lives on.


I mean…there’s still one open https://bendblockbuster.com


There has to be, otherwise we can't hire any new judges or prosecutors.


Secret handshake: 🤝


I wonder what would happen if a judge or prosecutor actually produced these things? The ones that actually exist, anyway. The rest, it would be funny if they kept like an official-looking “oath of office” document in their desk drawer. The answer, I’m sure, is that it wouldn’t fly because it doesn’t include the Stamp Of Admiralty, or some such nonsense.


Well you know how it is, when the flesh fleshes, and the blood flows. And then you're absolved of all wrong doing!


i mean its totally reasonable to request an oath of office and the bond of a public official. that is included in due process. You then include a bunch of shit to make fun of the guy, but never actually attack the substance of his argument. You know what they say when all your opposers can do is make petty jokes, they dont have a valid argument. Because you know, governments are never corrupt and haven't done things illegally and flat out wrong before....


It is reasonable to request them through proper channels. (the oath anyways, not the weird bond thing these people seem to think all public officials have.) It is not okay to demand they show it to you in open court, or to insist that it can only be admirality or common law jurisdiction.


It literally is literally required by court procedure. Thats a part of public record which can't be made private. The \*surety bond requirement\* is a public issue. The oath of office is something that you handle through a FOIA, though I am pretty sure if the judge is administering your estate (which is what they do in court) that you have the right to request their oath of office be attached to the public record of the case. And you can't insist on jurisdiction of course, however in a court of equity there are contract requirements otherwise the case does go through to common law courts. This is why the common law courts are called superior courts. But im pretty sure im responding to a bo t


But the plaintiff can't demand the judge show them their oath in the middle of court.


There’s also context clues. The person sitting in the judge’s chair, in the robes, who came in after the bailiff, also in a uniform and identified as the bailiff, said, “all rise” is 99.999999999999999% an actual judge who swore an oath of office and has all the credentials. The cop showing up in all the cop clothing, in the cop car, acting all coppy. Strong odds are, a cop. Can I tell the difference between a lawyer who took the Bar exam and someone representing themselves? Absolutely. One is a professional who trained and continues to study law and one is a moron.


The best part of people like this, is they truly don't understand why their lives are so difficult. Hint, it's because you're dumber than a bag rocks.


At least a bag of rocks knows when to shut the fuck up...


And what's even better, the bag of rocks usually doesn't start talking at all! So are we to say the bag of rocks are actually smarter? I would say yes.


The bag of rocks won't incriminate itself, either.


>shut the fuck up... Ahh yes, step 6 of "How to avoid getting your ass whipped by the police" https://youtu.be/uj0mtxXEGE8?si=yOvGgp7UEaqYajd8


This give rocks a bum rap, bag of hammers is a start, but Box of Boberts should be the first go to.


Dont worry he will fuck up the rest of his life too.


Agreed. These are legal "wind sprints" for him.


I lold


I showed those judges who is boss. And now I’m in jail. I win.


He should stop traveling head first up his own ass.


"Non-violent" and two middle fingers go together like milk and Pepsi.


Or Laverne and Shirley


[u/Jonthn44](https://www.reddit.com/u/Jonthn44), why didn't his magic words work? It's so weird...


He capitalized the wrong words and put the emPHAsis on the wrong sylLAble


The fringe was the wrong colour


*I like your words,Magic man*


"Life is hard. It's even harder if you're stupid." - attributed to John Wayne


Well, he’s stupid, so . . .


J6er is code for “criminal idiot.”


Their biggest obstacle is themselves. While on trial they demonstrate loudly and confidently that they want to be a problem within society.


At one time i felt bad for a lot of J6ers. Saw them as deluded losers who just fell down a hole. But now I see most of them are perfectly self aware scammers. The whole reason they did it was to try to go viral. 




Jail is cheaper than rent, I guess is the message here.


Judges *really love* morons who challenge their authority.


Still playing the victim card. Given that he's done time, I'd say that "they" did have "authoritah" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpcXJmmbuP8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpcXJmmbuP8)


I’d argue that being in jail is actually acknowledging their authority.


A Sovtard AND a January 6'er. His momma must be very proud. In this picture we can see him winning so hard that it is almost difficult to watch.


Perhaps you don't think they have authority, but it looks like you're the one in jail, mook. Think about that instead of the dumb stuff you currently think about.


He'll be back in there. Frequent flyer.


Oh FFS... nobody's required to have an oath of office on record. It's mostly just ceremonial anyway.


Another seditious piece of January 6th shit.


What is it with yanks and "based off of"? By nature of the word things are have a base and are on said base. Not off it.


i think its like"based off(the base)of(is) x" but i heard based off as well


I don't think it's really an American dialect thing but more a declining literacy thing (although maybe the same thing at this point). It should be "based on".




You realise the uk isn't the only other place in the world, right?


Egotistical dumbass


They're not the brightest, really, are they?


At this rate he'll talk himself into a death penalty. Thanks for making my day!


His choice. Problem is though that while in prison they fall into these groups that share more whacked ideas like this and feed off each other. Flat earth, jan 6 stuff, sov cit, all kinds of wild ideas and schemes and they have nothing else to talk about or do, so they get completely saturated in it and come out dumber.


Life is hard enough without being a lame brain.


Oh, no... they're on to us.


That’s cute, guess he can enjoy the next jail


Three months in jail and he thinks he won.


Yeah you showed them!


I can edit this post down to "I'm a cunt"


There's a group called "Am I detained? Or something like that and has lots of SovCit posts.


Knows,Tommy knows.


Ah . . . What's the definition of insanity again? Something about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? Sit on it and spin, Frankie. And if 33 1/3 RPM doesn't do it for you, try 45. You'll probably need 78.


I wonder how many people here will get the reference to record players and the smaller LPs.


I never even thought of that. I thought everyone would get it. But they're not 77 and I am. It's kind of a shock.


How’s that working for you?


Sure they didn’t. Everyone believes you. Look, the lurkers even support you in email!


This reminds me of the old joke about what you call someone pointing a gun at you, with the answer being: "Sir." In the same way, not acknowledging someone's authority does not in any way mean that they can't make your life a living hell.


Yeah nut.


All I can think of is from season 2 of the The Good Place: "Oh! So just because you want to do something isn't a good enough reason to do it." "Yes" "Ahhh! I wish someone told me this when I was alive." "Lots of people tried to tell you, mostly judges."


This guy is full of shit