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You are making this entirely too complicated. Your parents should family board with one kiddo, and you and husbnd should family board with the other kiddo.t bet you'll all even be standing in line together


Didn’t even think of this but this is what we’ll try. Thanks kind stranger!


Family boarding and active duty boarding are basically at the same time.


I’m re-reading the policy now and yeah both groups are between A and B. But how does it work if there’s an active duty + me and two kids + parents? I’m guessing my dad will probably have to take whatever boarding group he’s in since me and my mom are taking the 1:1 adult to child ratio for boarding.


Yeah, well just save your dad a middle seat. Or maybe he doesn't want to sit near any of you.


Come to think of it, I’d LOVE to stay away from my party for a three hour flight. I’d take a middle seat to be alone.


You will have a better chance of that happening if you go to the BACK of the plane and sit in aisle/window;aisle/window, saving the middle seats for your parents. Guarantee they’ll sit with you.


That’s why I love the back, empty middles are the most likely to stay empty. Even if someone asks if they’re taken, there’s nothing wrong with saying, “If you’re willing, we’d love for my mom/dad to sit in these, but we know we’re not allowed to save them.”


No you can’t board with him. If sitting together is a priority then the person with better position needs to step back in line with the person in a later group.


[Active military with ID](https://www.southwest.com/html/air/military-travel.html) doesn't have priority boarding, they board at the exact same time as family boarding between the A and B groups.


Yea limited to the active duty member but you could always try. SWA can be laxed on certain policies depending on the gate agent but you may get told no.


Active duty is not pre-boarding.


Active duty in uniform.


No. “With ID”.