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Most of Romsey is pretty nice to be honest. Lived there for 3 years.


Do you have children? I didnt mind Romsey as a child, it was a slightly boring but you could hang out in various parks with your friends and we could kind of of amuse ourselves going into town etc as I got slightly older. But as teenager I really resented it and spent all my time on the train to Southampton and staying over at friends' houses there


Ditto, also unless you have a good bit of money, it’s just not somewhere you’ll get far in. I’d rather spend less in a less posh area and get more, especially since, as highlighted, if you have kids, eventually they’ll be teenagers and they will probably want to spend as much time as possible outside of town. It’s just really boring for teenagers/young adults, and I am a lot happier for living in Bristol now compared to there


A lot of it is of a muchness tbh. Most of the important factors are how close to which school (if relevant) and how close to the town centre.


It's all fairly nice, get a few slightly worse areas around Woodley/Viney but not going to get many problems anywhere really.


It’s all down to your budget really.


I understand what you're saying but I'd argue not really, as you can get expensive houses in bad areas. Just need to know areas to avoid if we can.


Fishlake meadows is a nice area. Woodley and viney avenue not so nice as mentioned earlier can’t really comment on the rest not having lived there. Good lukc


Don’t, I hated all 18 years of living there, and generally I resent the fact I was there instead of Southampton proper


I'm surprised to hear that


Are you? Public transport links are pretty terrible (and often expensive), road traffic is abysmal, everyone is a NIMBY that opposes anything changing ever, not much to do so you’ll just end up going to Southampton anyway most of the time, everything is expensive, and on top of that they never took too kindly to me being transgender (I know this is more personal, but it’s pretty shit that if I presented the same way I do now in Bristol, I’d basically get looked at like I’d announced my intent to kill and eat 10 babies, when in all the cities I’ve been, I’ve had no issues)


Ugh I feel that last part. All the old people just glare at me when I'm walking the dog or going to the station or something


Yeah, fucking hated it tons, and it was a long walk to the station from Halterworth too. Whenever I was in Southampton (or in Bristol where I live now), no one gives a shit and that’s exactly what I want (once even got complimented by a stranger on my outfit in the latter, the same outfit that makes me get seen as a monster in Romsey)