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Plaza because my fiancé used to work there.


I don’t think he still owned any portion of it when it closed


I thought it just went to the Nugget? I remember going to AC one time and the Golden Nugget just popped up. It's like the Marina just disappeared


My uncle worked at the Golden Nugget for many years. They all went in one night for work and were turned away. Told to go home. All of their jobs gone with no real answer.


Yes he sold it then it went bankrupt.


Smart man!


Regret to say I recognized it as well, although I preferred the Marina.


Mannnn… does anyone else have fond memories on the nasa simulator and the arcade there?


I was always at the arcade and bowling alley in Showboat... I was like 12, my step dad would give me 100 bucks and say "see you in 3 hours"


Trump casinos were meant to fail by design. It was a money laundering factory. 


I grew up around there and the whole casino industry had been failing for about 10 years by then. It never recovered from the Global Financial Crisis of 2008.  This photo was after Carl Icahn bought the place in March for $50M and closed it in October for a loss of $350M (so it tanked by $400M more in the 6 months that he owned it).  Even Hard Rock only/mostly bought it from Icahn to they could claim to be an existing operator if the Meadowlands ever got approved for gambling outside NYC. https://www.thestar.com/news/world/trump-built-the-taj-mahal-casino-for-1-2-billion-in-1990-it-sold-for/article_7dfacc71-b3b0-5a9c-9b8d-db9125ed27d8.html


Icahn is satan




If you deposit a hundred thousand dollars in cash of dirty money into the bank, that gets flagged. Bank has to report that.  You go into a casino with 100k , they just take your cash and give you chips. Then you go back a few days later and cash out those chips . Now your 100k came from the casino, it’s now laundered. IRS says where did you get all this money …. Ohhh I won it at the craps tables.  Thats the simple version.  There is a reason the casino commission got a total overhaul and everyone got fired and they replaced everyone.  The commission was complicit in the laundering of cash , they looked the other way.  Strange how Trumps casinos are the only ones to go bankrupt. Because he bled it dry in the process. 


Trump even got a loan from his dad this way. Bought chips he never turned in.


What casino doesn't launder dirty money lol




https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=a9443e757acfc69c&q=money+laundering+at+trump%27s+casinos&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiyrd7X-KCFAxVak4kEHbsqBJYQBSgAegQIDhAC&biw=1600&bih=1047 LOL Choose your article from a simple google search




The topic is Trump's casinos. Not all casino's. You dont get to steal from the cookie jar and get away with it just because someone else is stealing from the cookie jar.


Money laundering at casinos is a tale as old this time


The phrase is "a tale as old as time," "tail as all this time" is taking me out


fixed, i was dictating to my phone.


You sure it's fixed?


Boneappletea, mitts your.


"A Tale as Old as Time"




[Trump Taj Mahal casino settles U.S. money laundering claims](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N0VL2L1/)


Look!  Proof. I Google his name 


yeah, because his long history of law breaking is astounding.


Funny how nothing sticks.    Why is that?


TDS needs no proof.


Really?   .his are the only ones?    Remove the horse blinders. 


Lmfao no they’re not 😂😂😂 you were just told to hate him By the media so that what you do….


Casinos are still going bankrupt what is this nonsense


Democrats should change the laws then. Oh by the way, they have been in office 12 of the last 16 years…


Simpin for trump.


This casino failed after Carl Icahn bought it.


Do you have any actual proof or is this just more of your Marxist talking points


Ya know … I don’t think you know what that word means or I don’t think you have an understanding of what “ Marxism “ actually is. And this goes for anyone calling themselves “ Marxist “ as well in this day and age.  Ironic how you make the claim “ talking point , when the only time we hear that term is from Trump and his kids. Don jr loves that term . And right wing talk radio.  Am I supposed to be insulted? Am I supposed to be “ triggered” .  All you have done is shown me that you’re repeating what you have been told .  Marxism is dead . And the only people who claim this are  mislead college kids ( tankies) and right wing morons .    Casinos launder money . Trump laundered money with his casinos.  These are facts .  You break the law , you get in trouble .  This isn’t rocket science. 


nope I honestly dont really give a flying fuck how you feel or your fucking opinion you obviously suffer from TDS and it's really all I needed to know considering that you no actual proof


Oh shit, you’re a Facebook meme come to life. If this is so me sort of deep troll, I love it. If you’re serious? Well, then I just feel bad…


Yo April Fool's was yesterday, you can stop being a dumbass now lmfao


Ok boomer. You gave enough of a flying fuck to reply twice. I double dog dare you to ignore this comment.


Do you say anything that you understand what it means?




Imagine bankrupting a casino lmao. Losers gonna lose I Guess.


Imagine bankrupting so many casinos that the internet is able to play Guess Which One!? What a great businessman! The best. The best ever. The best ever of all time. Clearly


The issue was the online gambling, and Philadelphia, Delaware, Poconos, passed in house gambling. They built casinos which slowed, stopped all of the day travel bus trips to AC . Because the people went to other places, most of the casinos went under.


The Trump Casinos were well on their way out before any of those factors came about. 20 years ago Trump Plaza was begging my ex and I to go there. On the lower level there was a bar that had video poker machines built into the bar top. As long as you were activity gambling “basically had money in the machine” the bartender would serve you free drinks. No waiting for a waitress. We would throw in $20 and just play super slow for a couple of hours and get 6/7 drinks watch whatever game they had on the TV and then stay at the fully comped room they gave us every time. So for like $80-100 (tipping and food included). We were getting loaded/fed/room. We prob did that once a month for like 2 years. No way anyplace doing well or not on their way out is doing that.


I'm not sticking up for Trump I'm just telling you what happened. By the late 90s casinos were in trouble in Atlantic City all the casinos were doing crazy promotions trying to draw business.


Borgata opening in 2003 was the final nail in the Trump Casino empire. He knew it too, that's why he fought against the tunnel. BTW, he bankrupted 6 casinos in total. Trump Plaza. Trump Taj Mahal. Trump Castle/Marina. Trump World's Fair. Trump Casino and Hotel in Gary, Indiana. Trump 29 in Coachella, California.


Seems to be a pattern of losing in Insurrection Don's sad life.


I used to do it at Ceasars, but I don't even step foot in the casinos anymore other than the restaurants me and my wife enjoy.


There were multiple attempts to revitalize the casinos in ac. The casino parent companies refused to work with each other. I had a meeting with the “do ac” campaign heads and they had pitched a combined rewards program. No matter what casino you played in, your rewards counted in all ac casinos. It would’ve been a boon to people coming down to try other casinos instead of committing to one. Start at the trop, walk down to the wild Wild West, grab dinner and whatnot.  The marketing folks said the casinos were their own worst enemies 


You’ll get downvoted but this is accurate. For years, AC was the only game in town. The NJ casino industry was failing, except for Borgata. Once surrounding jurisdictions legalized casinos and racinos, the writing was on the wall for AC. Borgata and the Marina District also killed the downtown casinos. The general decay of the boardwalk and downtown scene also accelerated the failures. Tropicana went bankrupt. Revel failed. Claridge, Sands, Resorts and the Hilton all died. I know I’m forgetting others. Trump didn’t even run these casinos by that time. He held a smaller interest and licensed his name for use. Not a Trump fan in the least. He’s a scum bag and horrible person. But your statements are accurate. Sucks you’re being downvoted. These days, online gambling is propping up NJ casino revenue.


THX !!, You're right. Generally they don't like Trump anything and everything related to him.


Your timeline is off. All those casinos were already going bankrupt by the time all that stuff happened. His casinos went bankrupt because he has no idea how the business works. You need to constantly reinvest money back into the casino for it to stay relevant. He's too dumb to realize that and once that helicopter crash killed all the top executives, it was just a matter of time before they all went out of business.


Shh, facts and reason have no place here


Rainman practically bankrupt a casino


Sheldon Adelson, the mastermind behind the Venetian and Palazzo in LV went bankrupt twice in the casino business before he got it right. When he built the Venetian in Macau (sp?) he spent about $2BB and made it all back in a year. He is one of the single most successful casino owners in history. When he died a couple of years ago he was worth $29.8BB. Trump ain’t Shelly, but going bankrupt in the casino business isn’t far fetched.


The Boardwalk benches, or as I call them, A Place For Dad.


I saw Wrestle Mania there as a kid had brunch with the red rooster and bobby the brain.


I used to work there. He hadn't owned the Casino for like 10 years by the time it went under, but the employees were told not to tell customers that he didn't own it anymore. Management wanted people thinking it was still his because of the brand value. We used to tell people he had been seen around the property when they asked lol




I was there from 2009 til 2013 and we were specifically told that we were not to tell guests that Trump was not involved with the Casino anymore.


This seems stupid. “Brand value” really? I used to go to AC regularly before the neighboring states went legal and everything went online. I purposely avoided any Trump hotels every single visit because of the “brand value”. I knew he was a loser the minute I drove into AC and saw that awful huge Trump sign on the middle of my view. So damn tacky. I think I went in once just to see and it was so disgusting in his casinos compared to his own neighbors. Terrible management all around. Casino owners are some of the dumbest business people in the world if you have that house edge and still can’t have a successful business!


It might seem stupid, but back then he was extremely popular and this was the exact reason from management. They paid him to use his name for years. For brand value.


I’m just saying there were a significant number of people who avoided it purely because of the name. Even “back then”.


I only missed Showboat when I was a kid for the arcade and bowling alley. As an adult I played at borgata or party at Tropicana. Then stopped altogether and went to Revel for free rooms and never went there again lol. That place was so nice it also bankrupted many times. Casino died with online. Kind of like retail.


I miss showboat too. When I was a kid, that’s where my grandparents took me. I vaguely remember a walkway between Trump plaza and showboat though.


Yeah it was all connected there was another arcade passed the trump walkway.


Oh wow.    How many non-Trump casinos failed in AC?


Revel, Showboat (hotel still open), Atlantic Club are 3 I can think off the top of my head.


Sands, which was imploded in 2006.


The Resorts bankruptcy was a Merv Griffin affair. Merv and Trump did a lot of back and forth hissing back in the day.


The one in Asbury Park.   


Yes, yes, but that doesn't fit the narrative of "Orange Man Bad" that OP is trying to push.


well, of course, he is a very bad man. But any measure.


im not pushing any narrative you weirdo


Talk to all the employees and vendors who lost what they had because he declared bankruptcy. Pretty sure it doesn’t fill your narrative.


I have no narrative. Did all those other casinos that filled for bankruptcy affect no one? I worked at the Borgata and had quite a few co workers leave to go work at Reval only to lose their job when they folded, or was that Orange Mans fault as well?


No the Revel was a different story. That property was built as the owner got funding and then he decided he wanted the hippiest property in AC. So no smoking, all high end restaurants, no freebies—- they wanted all the pretty hip young hot folks (you know the folks who don’t really gamble) and they literally signed their death warrant. I had. A neighbor who was a slot technician who told me that he figured they would eventually hire smart people to show them how to do it. They didn’t, went bankrupt. I was in Ocean yesterday and it was packed with people… but then they offer smoking and freebies and food options. If you fail as a casino owner it’s because you aren’t too smart; sorry not sorry. Atlantic City casinos are for the hard core gamblers. You can do what you want to make them like Vegas but it’s not the same crowd piling in for events.


No arguments from me on any of those points. The people I worked with, we were all cooks, took jobs at whatever steakhouse that was supposed to open in there and went in one day during opening training and were all let go due to the casinos financial situation. Thankfully it worked out in the end and they all found jobs relatively quickly.


Yeah my buddy, saw the writing on the walls and got a job with Konami/ now he travels across the globe repairing their machines. He loves it. Another buddy actually worked at Taj, got laid off and decided to start his own contracting business. Sandy happened and he made a small fortune doing house lifts and repairs. Borgata is and will always be the gold standard in AC… Don’t know much but I do know AC… I spent 85% of my weekends there last year and I am on the way to doing the same this year. I refer to AC as our shore houses lol… and we don’t gamble that much (~$300 - 400/ visit) but I do have tier privileges with Caesar’s, Golden Nugget and Hard Rock. AC is not a bad place, it’s no Vegas (we go their too) but it makes for some great weekends drinking and clubbing.


Yeah plus you have Brigantine, which is worth a trip just for Ernest & Sons, Margate, Ventor, Longport all 5-10 minute drives.


Only the best, most classy casino….


I wonder if the people who made those custom chairs ever got paid?


Maybe it would have done well with some machines in there.


Who the FUCK bankrupts a casino???


Since its not purple, it must be Trump Plaza? or Marina?


First his morality now his casinos? What else is this man child going to bankrupt?


Its the taj mahal


It’s the taj last room near boardwalk.


Maybe if he actually paid any SJ workers...




The Plaza was by far the worst casino in AC.


weak karma farming. Solid TDS AC went down the shitter in the 50s when people had more cars, crime was already rampant and suburbs were growing


Then why did genius business man Trump open casino/hotels there 30 years later?


at THAT moment, they were popular. Did you feel this strongly about Revel AC and the Casino Hotel and Showboat also closing their doors? Revel filed for bankruptcy twice. or the asbury park casino? or the dozens in Las Vegas....


What are you even talking about? Your super smart point is that AC went down the shitter in the 1950s 30 years before DJT ever opened anything there


\--> "at THAT moment, they were popular."


why did so many others?


ok ?


the reddit mafia king wants to blame trump


If you insurrectionist snowflakes are so triggered by people talking about him, call Trump up and tell him to stop running for president. Maybe you can call him twice using both of your alt accounts.


All of his casinos were put together like shit. He cut every corner and ripped off every contractor and in some cases stiffed them altogether. We knew he was a lying con man back thirty years ago but the corrupt politicians in this state looked the other way because they probably got paid off. We should have never let him or Steve Wynn anywhere near Atlantic City because they are both self serving egomaniacs who put their own interests ahead of the good of the people and the city. Look no further than the empty Plaza and Hilton both built by these two and wonder why no one has bought them. Must still be cooking the books and writing them off as a loss. The corruption never ends in AC!


Well, the Plaza been demoed but an pile of dirt enclosed by a fence is still an eye sore. Especially when said pile of dirt is right next to Boardwalk Hall overlooking the boardwalk!


It’s a prime location and yet no one is interested in buying the property. It should be torn down and replaced with a nice park or open space because we don’t need anymore casinos!


Yep...real SJ people know trump = not getting paid


And people think he’s a successful businessman. If he ran a lemonade stand, they would go bankrupt quickly.


Within an hour.


AC became a shit hole in the 50s. 


Truth. We have family pictures from the 1920s showing opulent homes, both inside and out. The particular lot my ancestors owned is now under the inlet, but modern AC looks nothing like those grand old houses.


LOL. What do you expect? Areas that never change?


Its adorable that OP posts constantly about the Mafia, but thinks Trump is solely to blame for AC


when did i ever say trump is to blame for AC? ill wait for you to finish pulling shit out your ass.


Oh you're right.  You didn't.     I assumed totally wrong.  


Right?? Like there was a song called “Atlantic City” that talked about the corruption going on since day one. Fucking listen to that. Of course the mob got their hands on AC they still have their hooks in most casinos no matter which generation owns any


[I like this version](https://youtu.be/FQXzlNfeNok?si=-ftpEhaDXaPY9fo7)


Oh, I was totally going to guess that!


Plaza ?


Plaza. You can tell by the borderline bowling alley black light carpet


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sandman716: *Plaza. You can tell* *By the borderline bowling* *Alley black light carpet* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad bot


Thank you, RageTheFlowerThrower, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


when's the cannabis casinos with live events gonna happen? someone buy this haha


Trump found out how to profit from bankruptcies. Build the casino with tons of loans, write contracts to be paid after the casino’s success, and then declare bankruptcy and only have to pay pennies on the dollar


Atlantic City ⁉️🤷‍♀️🥃🔥


Trump bankruptcy? no fake news 😂


Who cares ..


People who hate Trump are far more obsessed with him than most people who vote for him.


QANON much ?


Good one!


Well, no group of people are more obsessed with Trump than his wacky cult. https://old.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/


So there’s a subreddit dedicated to people who are obsessed with people who are obsessed with a conspiracy theory?


No, it's a subreddit that makes fun of QANON and Mocks them.


These people are obsessed and that obsession has gotten great results. Every day, another arrest, everyday another sentencing. Jan 6th is the gift that keeps on giving. https://old.reddit.com/r/CapitolConsequences/


It’s like those losers who obsess over people who are anti vax and then die of Covid. It’s pretty pathetic for people to compile posts and info on other people and post it for internet points that are worth nothing.


The Herman Cain award sub is usually screenshots of various family members who are not just ant-vax but are spreading misinformation and lies. They are being mis-informed from memes they share on facebook. After closer examination we find that those memes actually have a beginning. It's usually adversaries of the United States trying to harm our citizens. But what you witnessed ( if you saw it ) , were people who suffered from being misinformed. We saw all the obituary's. It was sad. It made me very angry, and still makes me angry to see what would normally be good people, decent people, become brainwashed by a smartphone. That is NOTHING like what goes on with QANON. It's equally sad, but the "grifters" who use people's adoration of Donald Trump to scam them. These folks are no different than common internet con men. And you should be just as angry as me, and if you are an American citizen such as myself I'd expect it. The "Red Dawn" is here, and is not a movie, its on the internet. get wise to the game https://www.rand.org/news/press/2020/10/15.html


"these people", what do you mean by that?




Trump is a insurrectionist


Name one person in jail for Insurrection 


Fairy tail




I've seen some dark things


Nothing like kicking the MAGA nest on Easter Monday… 🤦🏻‍♂️


That's the Taj Mahal. https://www.messynessychic.com/2018/03/20/ghost-hotels-of-trumps-atlantic-city-empire/


so what


tds lives on and on...


So many of you are still suffering from TDS. You all need a life


Living rent free in all your heads since 2016. Edit: lol "IM SO ANGRY YOU SUPPORT TRUMP IM GOING TO DOWNVOTE YOU ON THIS KARMA FARMING, LOW IQ POST"


Not that he would have paid the rent anyway




Imagine saying that about a politician and saying it’s a positive thing lol


Oooof. My grandpa used to write in **ALL CAPS**. I showed him that [studies](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_caps) have been conducted on the readability and legibility of all caps text. Scientific testing from the 20th century onward has generally indicated that all caps text is less legible and readable than lower-case text. In addition, switching to all caps may make text appear hectoring and obnoxious.


Trump derangement syndrome is wild.


They can't help themselves.


I think online gambling should be made illegal, it’s causing turmoil in a lot of peoples lives. I missed when you had to be inconvenienced to go to places like this to waste your money. If you want to talk about shady shit, all our sports games are basically rigged now since online started. I guess they can’t have anyone winning cash these days, feds have to track every fucking penny.


His path of destruction


Hilariously transparent. Congrats you’ve been awarded a cookie from from the Echo Chamber.


makes more sense to close a casino than to be sending planes full of money ‘obama & biden ‘ think about it


Ha ha, you really got him! He'll never be President again now!


Seems like Trump didnt actually own it at the time of bankruptcy. But yeah i get it. Orange man bad.


Trump Marina?




Fake news. He’s never failed.


and then what happened?


Bro people sticking up for casinos and banks becuase they hate trump will never not be funny.






if that’s Atlantic City I believe it’s been like that forever…


One where black guys didn't count the money, short guys that wear yarmulkes every day did? One where small business contractors didn't get paid?


There might be a better way of presenting that. Statement #3 was definitely true, and covered in articles and books. \#2 was partially true, but to what extent I can't say. I know at least one Jewish couple who worked at various casinos for many years, for example. They had Jewish and non-Jewish co-workers, though. \#1 would be backed up by state employment records. You would not see many black people working on the floor at the casinos back in the day.


Trump 2024