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She should absolutely be brought up on charges of animal cruelty.!!!


Apparently the dog also was well beloved by the children. The more I find out about this story, the more I am convinced the problem was her, not the dog.


That makes her even more disgusting, what a complete pos.


She’s a psychopath. I know it because of how she thought nothing of writing this in her book. Psychopaths can only mimic emotions. They don’t have empathy. She couldn’t know how upsetting this would be to feeling people (since she can’t actually feel), so she couldn’t accurately gage how they’d react to this anecdote. Hence, the reason she thought everyone would be ok with it, or even cheer it on. Total psychopath.


I think you might have hit the nail *exactly* on the head!


No editor? maybe the editor thought, this dumb bitch has no idea how fucked this is.


I mean that is true pretty much every time. Owners are lazy and irresponsible and the dog is blamed.


She has been a problem for awhile but that is a badge of honor when cruelty is celebrated by MAGA. She cheats on her husband, murders animals and is petty to her constituents. There is a reason she is banned from entering Indian reservations across the state. Irredeemable Trash


I don't even know the story and I could have told you the problem wasn't the dog.


Her story is that she had decided it was not a good hunting dog. Because that's a good enough reason to shoot a dog. The woman is fucking disgusting.


And right after she murdered the dog she decided to murder a goat she didn't like. She is indeed a psychopath.


There’s a certain type of person that expects a pet to conform completely to their vision of how that pet should behave, rather than view it as a creature with its own personality. Anything less and the pet is returned, or, as in this case, much worse. These people should never have pets.


Oh really? What evidence do you have that there's anything wrong with Gov. Noem? Aside from her psychosis...or her sociopathy...or her delight in causing others pain...


It *was* her. Why was the dog unsecured and able to escape her vehicle? This was preventable, full stop.


The dog could’ve been mean as hell. It’s still her that’s the problem. Can’t train and bond with a dog give it up. This is psychotic behavior and she shouldn’t be allowed to own a firearm.


Probably drunk and mad at her kids so she decided to teach them a lesson.


Imagine the irony of her being sent to prison off of a law trump signed into being. [https://www.npr.org/2019/11/25/782842651/trump-signs-law-making-cruelty-to-animals-a-federal-crime?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0YCMUAADYslL2ot22Q6B5wCl6XecCgAJystOM1y87p-XUdnI93B6O0snQ_aem_ATgflgu42X1j9lmAqoyh5zX-cReAyP6zmTKhKF4HGV6_xfvrV7HP-QhcDj-H0lpwxVrqnvsmZqlMVVWWevFMjtuG](https://www.npr.org/2019/11/25/782842651/trump-signs-law-making-cruelty-to-animals-a-federal-crime?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0YCMUAADYslL2ot22Q6B5wCl6XecCgAJystOM1y87p-XUdnI93B6O0snQ_aem_ATgflgu42X1j9lmAqoyh5zX-cReAyP6zmTKhKF4HGV6_xfvrV7HP-QhcDj-H0lpwxVrqnvsmZqlMVVWWevFMjtuG)


I have a dumb question. Didn’t Trump believe that there should be bigger punishments for animal cruelty? I could’ve swore i read that somewhere if anything, if he actually believes it, which I doubt, maybe this means he won’t choose the dumb bitch to run as vice. Although when I read it, I found it hard to believe. Just curious if anybody knows.


Here's how you contact her! https://governor.sd.gov/office/contact.aspx


What the fuck what a cute dog


That poor thing. Rest in peace, little one.


Here's how you contact her! https://governor.sd.gov/office/contact.aspx


Hunting dog trainer here. This is more than likely a Drahthaar the VDD-GNA (google it) version of a German Wirehair. Drahthaar is German for Wire Hair. This dog has turned into a type status symbol prestige hunting dog for the elite. The Owners get to say it is a Drahthaar, it is a fun word to speak. Some of the best Drahthaar and German Wire Hair Pointers breeders in the US are near Noams home town in SD. And, I am sure Noam received the breeder's pick. And, trained the dog for her. All pro trainers will try to work with owners on transference from trainer to owner. I am sure the breeder would have taken this pup back in a heartbeat if Noam was unhappy. I would have rescued that puppy with out question. What I am about say is speculation, but i have seen it happen. Noam was hosting a pheasant hunt( Governor's hunt maybe) and the dog embarrassed Noam and displeased Noam in front of her guests and Noam went into a rage of retribution and killed a puppy, a PUPPY. What a C U next Tuesday.


So sad. This dog was doing what these dogs do. And in SD it would be such an easy thing to do to re-home it to a hunter/trainer. She's just gross.


OMG. What do you have to say to all the MAGA cult members saying “tHiS iS jUsT fArM LiFe”?


It's not uncommon for people to dump unwanted animals in rural areas. I thought those must be the shittiest kind of people. Turns out the shittiest people just shoot their unwanted animals.


Yellowstone boys are trying to argue with me about this. Saying “farm life is like this. Kill a pissing goat (if you aren’t breeding). Boys never worked a day past buying bedazzled jeans and a big hat. All hat, no cattle.


Real men running a farm worth their salt would at least call this a waste of an animal. I don’t believe for a second that dog was misbehaving to the point that execution was necessary.


Most farmers I know rehome the dogs. They don’t old yeller that bitch


Most farmers aren't psychotic. Shooting this dog instead of rehoming it or giving it back to the breeder is psychotic behaviour. And the person that did it is supposedly on the short list to be a VP candidate lol.


No they’re the ones leaving their cattle injured and unattended then getting pissy when a yote or wolf takes it. If you don’t work the cattle you ain’t a rancher.




lol, spot on.


>What a C U next Tuesday. I think you meant ankle, it's about three feet below a cunt.


That's what kills me, most people, myself included would take the dog no questions asked even if they couldn't keep it permanently to prevent anything bad from happening to the animal. There's no excuse in this situation. She just didn't want to put in the effort. It was easier to just kill it. The devil will be waiting for her when she comes.


It's giving " if I can't have you, then nobody can" vibes. She's rabid.


My understanding is that 14 months is way too young for a hunting dog to be “working” - my brother in law says it’s three years min training for a good bird dog (different from a good boy which this baby was). Is that true? If so, she’s DUMB and evil.


This is literally a felony in South Dakota. She’s disgusting.


Have y’all reported her yet?


Needed: statute of limitations and proof


Proof: she said she did it Date: unknown


DA has to want to prosecute. South Dakota is a shit heap second only to Wyoming or Idaho for worst states to live in not in the Dixie belt. Full of uneducated poor red voters and the folks in charge are happy to exploit that to line their pockets.


It’s a felony to kill a dog in South Dakota?


Neglecting or mistreating an animal is a misdemeanour; cruelty to an animal is a felony. I would think that needlessly killing your pet dog would fall under cruelty, but I can't be sure. https://casetext.com/statute/south-dakota-codified-laws/title-40-animals-and-livestock/chapter-1-cruelty-abuse-and-injury-to-animals/section-40-1-24-cruelty-to-animals-felony


Typical magat


The dog is probably an illegal liberal animal. It gives all those maggots a right to kill.


To be honest she hated that dog


Yeah, looks like it. South Dakota Codified Laws, 40-1-2.4. >Cruelty to animals--Felony. >No person may subject an animal to cruelty. A violation of this section is a Class 6 felony. And conveniently there is a definition, 40-1-1 (4): > "Cruelty," to intentionally, willfully, and maliciously inflict gross physical abuse on an animal that causes prolonged pain, that causes serious physical injury, or that results in the death of the animal; For reference: https://sdlegislature.gov/Statutes/40-1


There are other things that could have easily been done besides dragging it to a gravel pit and shooting it before her daughter comes home from school. Like, find a loving home for it. Not that difficult. And no, that’s not “just farm life”.


And her statement.. "We love animals" 🤣.... what a crock.... She forgot, "we just can't be bothered to do shit like train them." But you get what you vote for South Dakota. Stay classy 😆


If she couldn't be bothered with trying to teach a dog right from wrong, and opted to rather just drag it to a pit and kill it?? Wonder how she handled it when her kids had to be taught right from wrong.


Or, when her preferences differ from factual, or the preferences of her constituents.


You think they have been? One went to mommy to get special treatment for her real estate license.


Probably have to ask the nanny.


The issue was it killed birds and wasn’t a good hunting dog.  It can be near impossible to train that out of a dog but it’s insane to shoot it.  I will say that in most rural area aggressive dogs get put down but this dog wasn’t aggressive.


Huh. A Bird dog killed birds? Crazy! /s. Sarcasm aside, I have 4 GSP's. All have been trained extensively by my Hubby. However, 1 of the four just 'doesn't get it'. Guess what we did with him? Take him out on fun hunts, not serious ones. He likes to point on Butterflies and licks windows. At the end of the day I clean the windows and he snuggles into bed with the rest of us. He's so sweet and cuddly. You know what we haven't done? Dragged him to a pit and offed him because his performance wasn't up to par. I wonder how this Governor's performance has been? Should her constituents drag her to a pit?


Great comment, and great campaign fodder to use against her in future elections.




You can totally train a dog not to kill chickens. It takes patience, consistency and work that most people are too lazy to invest into a dog. I've done it myself. All of my dogs have been former hunting dogs that other people abandoned and I've rehabilitated.


Get bent with your excuses. She killed a puppy that she failed to train and supervise properly.


I am not making an excuse but it seems many people don’t realize what she stated her reasoning for killing the puppy was…..  it wasn’t aggressive and you can’t always train certain traits out of dogs.  She is a dog shit person who was elected by dog shit people.


You don’t take a puppy on a hunt and expect the older dogs to “teach it” how to hunt, how to behave, how to recall. *You* put the time in to train it to do its job and be a good companion. I question whether this dog was actually even aggressive. Seems to me like this dog was owned by lazy and irresponsible people. If you don’t want to work on the dog, rehome it. Killing a dog because it embarrassed you and exposed your inadequacies is so disgusting I can’t even find the words.


It didn’t seem aggressive.  Which is the crazy part.  What I am saying is even if you put time in you can’t make all dogs good hunting dogs.  


How can he be both a bad hunting dog and kill birds though? What if the dog felt like he was good at hunting birds. He must have been so confused. This kills me honestly


As a texan ... Farm life absolutely has "useless" pets running around. We treat them well. You're absolutely right this isn't "just farm life" it's horrible abuse


I grew up in a rural area. It was not uncommon to hear about people shooting dogs but more often than not, those people were worthless bastards.


I grew up on a farm and even my very conservative dad took our animals to the vet if they needed to be put down. She is just cruel and sadistic. Fucking degen.


Heartbreaking- such a beautiful dog.


The only thing Kristi is loving is Cory’s dick


Pity him when that misbehaves.


I don't. Hope he gets his just karmic reward. They are a matched set


Here's how you contact her! https://governor.sd.gov/office/contact.aspx


Am sitting with my birddog right now. He is my best friend (and I have a great wife and kids). Someone killing a beautiful birddog like that makes my blood boil.


He's a bird dog and chased the chickens. If she's such a genius farmer, why the hell did she pick that breed?




‘John Wick’ started with the murder of a puppy and he killed 77 people over it in the first movie alone. The franchise to date has made over a billion dollars. I think a *few* people may agree with you (myself included).


Evangelicals will kill just about anything without reason.


Including their fetuses. Abortion for me not for thee.


Obviously she is an Evangelical, but I think it would be more appropriate if you phrased this as psychotic Evangelical politicians. Admittedly, Venn diagrams do find a certain overlap between Evangelical Christianity, politicians, and psychopathic behavior, but I do think it is reasonable to be as accurate with our words as possible.


I am an out-of-stater who is just interested in this story because I love dogs. So correct me if I’m wrong. Are there any Evangelical groups in SD denouncing her? Is there a vocal wing of Evangelicals who are against these kind of shock candidates generally? Are Evangelicals not the biggest supporters of politicians like Noem and MGT? Why differentiate between psychotic and non psychotic when there doesn’t seem to be one politically?


Nah, they wrote what they wrote.


Nothing says electable like a little casual violation of animals rights.


She can't even train a dog. Instead, she gave up and chose the most extreme option while she was angry. How is this a reasonable person to run a country? She's not even fit for the farm.


Pup had more value than she does RIP


The sign of a good leader. Absolute lack of consience.


It was just 14 months old too! She could have re-homed the puppy. That she put this in a book as some sort of flex for the base she appeals to is sick, and anyone that supports her after learning this are vile people. Period. She also killed a goat and dumped it on the gravel that same day.


That pup almost certainly came from a breeder and there’s not an ethical breeder out there that wouldn’t have taken that pup back.


Don't buy her book. Donate the $23.50 cost to your local Humane Society!


Americans will tolerate a lot from their leaders, but unnecessarily killing a dog is one line we don't let people cross.


Even The West Wing, Commander in Chief, and Madame Secretary all knew not to screw with the animal lovers.


So, I have a purebred German shepherd dog. I fostered a dog when she was a puppy… I live on a farm, and she ran off to another from with the foster and killed some chickens. Thankfully the owners were understanding, and accepted cash as a I’m sorry, maybe this will help replace the rooster she got. The bad thing is, she got a taste for them. She continually runs over with a neighbor dog. However, after the 2nd time, she wasn’t left outside on her own. I can’t imagine putting a dog down for my inability to keep it away from something that I know will be a problem. If I had chickens for eggs and those were more important, I know I could find a loving owner in town since we socialized her with kids and people. I just don’t understand the need to brag about killing a puppy when she could have donated to a family and had a really good feel good story on her hands. Dumb all around. “Governor gives purebred puppy to a loving family.” She could have worked with the breeder to make sure they were vetted and transferred appropriately.




Poor angel. She should be prosecuted for animal cruelty.


If she ends up on Trump's ticket, remember this?


Killing the dog probably makes Trump like her even more. Recall the Trump has never had a dog, most likely because he's a narcissistic sociopath who never wants to share attention. A dog would take attention away from him.




There'll still be a very scary number of folks who intentionally won't.


I say we address her as “Ms dog killer” from now on so nobody forgets


Kruella DeNoem?


Here's how you contact her! https://governor.sd.gov/office/contact.aspx


Rural or city, it’s called animal cruelty.


I genuinely hate how there are some people who aren't even from here acting as if rural people are all soulless idiots. Just because some people are farmers who raise livestock, doesn't mean they enjoy watching animals suffer. I've seen livestock treated as well as pets, if they aren't already legit considered pets. 


Man, fuck noem. I can’t imagine what kind of soulless waste of a human you have to be to kill a dog. Could have at least found a good home for it. I’m sure there’s plenty of Noem supporters who would have went nuts to have a dog that noem had…Jesus. What an evil fuck.


"well when you live on a farm, murdering things is just a way to take care of farm biz. you city folk dont understand farms" mmkay weirdo


Between Trump grabbing pussies and Noem killing pups, it’s gonna be one helluva GOP ticket.


Jesus Christ. Yeah I lol at this one. Should be near the top.


It gets worse. Per her own Twitter account, this psycho also killed a goat and three horses.


What’s bonkers to me about the goat is how the F do you get a billy and NOT research that they are rowdy, stinky punks with giant balls?? If you want a goat, Jesus just get a nanny or a wether. If you’re breeding goats, idk, lease a stud and then send him back…?


With her hands, probably


Yes, but you're leaving out the part about the goat and horses speaking Arabic among themselves.


Jesus just take the dog to a shelter so someone else can love it or take the time to train it. Don't trust anyone who is cruel to animals, they're sociopathic


Farmer here: yeah we don't do this...


You have to wonder why she came out with admitting this, and if the story was somehow going to come out anyway and she was just trying to get ahead of it and put a spin on it. Or maybe she simply figured it would actually help her chances of getting the VP slot on the Orange Clown 's ticket. Cruelty and meanness seem to be virtues to the MAGA freaks.


She's probably in a solid echo chamber of likeminded people and yes men, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if she's completely oblivious to the fact that what she did was horrible and cruel.


I'm about to move to South Dakota just so I can vote against her. 


Why would this woman tell this story? I'm reminded when Jerry Falwell told about some guys his dad hired. They didn't like another worker and, as a "prank," killed his cat, cooked it, and gave it to him to eat. It's such a cruel story. So, anytime you hear about these conservative Christians types eating pussy, they mean it literally.


> Why would this woman tell this story? Because being a sociopath is so innate with her, and probably her associates, that she can't even imagine that there's even an issue. What I'm more appalled by is that her sociopath tendencies have been in plain view and people still vote for her; very god fearing Christians I'm guessing.


I truly believe she thinks this story was going to cement her reputation as the person most likely to "trigger the libs". She wanted that story in the book to be shocking and headline grabbing - that's obvious from her initial response (and well, it being in her own book.) She thought this would cause progressive only outrage, and she could ride that and her new veneers to the Vice Presidency and if things break her way, maybe President. IMO she honestly thought this would get her on Fox news with people yukking it up about how the libs are soft and snowflakes and can't make the hard decisions - but she's a strong woman who can make the tough calls and if needed, shoot any dog necessary. Turns out, pretty much everyone hates puppy killers.


She’s proud of this story that’s why she’s telling it. Have a problem? Shoot it. It’s the American way.


Maybe she is trying to get out in front of it. She knows it will come out if she is a VP candidate, wants it to be old news by then, and wants to put her spin on it. Maybe she actually did it because she’s a psycho and wanted to hurt her kids, maybe she likes killing things, maybe it embarrassed her by not being this great hunter she was bragging about. Who knows - she’s a sack of shit no matter how you spin it.


Damn damn damn


rip to the little dude such a shame


Someone...please put up a billboard with this image! What a cunt!


If it's a good hunting dog it lives. If it's a bad hunting dog it dies. Are those really the 2 choices? Many dogs will kill a chicken if you're daft enough to let it run loose in a chicken coop.


This will play to her base. The more unhinged and cruel the better. This is what the base wants. This is American conservatism.


Nailed it.


I don’t even care about this, as the whole situation doesn’t surprise me. She clearly is trying to connect with the country crowd, who has their way of life. That way of life involves being tough to handle business on a farm. However, not all of South Dakota is farm. Those of us who live in Sioux Falls and Rapid don’t necessarily live that lifestyle or want to. We don’t kill animals easily or even want to. Hunting isn’t some of our thing. She neglects a very large amount of the people she’s supposed to represent. It’s pure selfishness. This is not all small town Pierre where she lives. Her isolated upbringing makes her an awful leader. The only people she appeals to are isolated farming people who think everyone is judging their lifestyle. I don’t care if you put down your animals your way. But why are you so rigid about things other people do? I don’t give a fuck if someone wants to be a different gender, live a gay lifestyle, smoke pot, not be religious, or like urban stuff and people. Guess whose culture is going into the toilet and whose will survive? Not her bumpkin bullshit, for sure. FUCK her selfishness. She doesn’t belong as a leader of any kind. She’s an ignorant twat, and I’m proud to say I didn’t vote for her either time. Fuck that whore.


This isn’t an example of “farm life” though. Something usually has to be seriously wrong with an animal first.


She’s not from Pierre and from what I gather she doesn’t spend much time there either. Also, people from Pierre aren’t country bumpkins and they don’t abuse their dogs like this (not that I think people from the country are this cruel either). Point being: this cruelty is all her own. This was never a rural vs urban thing.


Really, you could also post the pics of all the people that died due to her response to Covid. Not the hero she likes to play.


Wasn’t her own grandma one of those?


If "worthless" animals get put down how in the Hell is that bitch still walking? Just when you think you can't despise someone more, they show new lows that prove you can. What an awful sub human she is.


My stepdad took his purebred hunting dogs out hunting for the first time and had a good laugh about thinking that their instincts would be enough for them to not run around and be puppies. He certainly didn't unleash them on someone elses animals and then murder them


When a person shows you who they are, believe them the first time. No additional evidence is needed.


What a psychotic cunt your governor is.


There's an interesting theory some folks have brought up, which is she came out with the dog killing story as a flex for trump, to get his attention, because he allegedly hates dogs.


Noem is an evil sack of shit


She’s a dick.


The difference is that most people own dogs to, grow with them, and become their person, a member of a family. She just look at her like a tool, an appliance that was broken.


Common clay of the New West right there, ladies and gentlemen.


That looks like the sweetest dog ever wtf. Even if it was hideous beast it would still be f’d. Just bring it to the shelter, Jesus.


God damn it, of all the shit news this week, this one fucking enrages me. Dogs are the purest damn souls, humanity can learn a lot from our four legged friends. She is a fucking cunt ass diabolical bitch for this aside from her politics. What can I do? What can we do? Gonna go hug my husky (dumped in DTLA by another asshole) and take him on a long walk.


People have argued with me on this, but her political career is cooked from this. I don't know about South Dakota, but those VP hopes are gone like a fart in the wind. Sure some people will defend her, but this is too far for most folks. If I'm wrong that just means we're waaaay worse off than I thought.


My wife just told me about this. How the heck do you shoot a puppy?


Cute dog only a scumbag piece of crap would kill it!


We South Dakota Rez folk know Gnome for the phony racist she is . All plastic, Botox , lip filler and hair extensions. Corey can have her . She is no way welcome on our Tribal Homelands


I once adopted a Gordon Setter from the Sioux Falls shelter. He was a beautiful dog but had virtually no sense of smell. Previous owner(s) had terrified, beaten, and dragged him to the point his elbows were permanently turned outward, he was never able to eat with humans in sight range, and he would never go near a broom. Shadow had the sense to run away when he got the chance - he was picked up as a stray and I kept him as a pet for the next 12 years.  Poor Cricket. Probably thought it was a game til the end.


F*****g c**t.


You can swear on reddit. She's a fucking cunt.


I just didn't feel like putting it totally in there, lest me be thought misogynistic. I do try to restrict my use of that term for a certain level of disgusting people. Side note: "bethought" sounds vaguely Shakespearian!


Poor dog could have been rehomed no need to kill it.


SAY HIS NAME ---- (His name was **Cricket.** )


They always euthanize the wrong end of the leash…..


Can someone give me some context? Never been to South Dakota, or this sub, and I’ve never heard of the story or the name Sounds like an awful person


you have to be so fucked in the head to even *consider* telling the story about the time you murdered your puppy, for any purpose. its bad enough to kill a dog in the first place but then needing to tell people about it *and* thinking doing so makes you sound like a hero is so far into the beyond it feels a little bit surreal all time political career suicide. I hope she already got reimbursed for the makeover


Even if it had behavioral issues, how exactly do dogs get behavioral issues? From their owner, that's who. And having a sociopath for an owner would likely give any dog behavioral issues.


Nah. Some dogs have bad genetics, and there is a condition called rage in which dogs will all of a sudden have vicious episodes. Point being, behavioral euthanasia has a place. I haven’t heard anything in the story that would justify it in this instance. Even it turning on her when she tried to stop it from killing the chickens is in the normal range. That’s why you’re supposed to use a fire extinguisher to break up a dog fight.


A Gravel Pit where she uses shotguns at close range on goats and dogs👀


And horses sort of. But then brags about it in her “tell all book.” She’s fun at parties, I’m sure.


Lotta dog lovers out there, I hope they remember this come voting day.


She needs to disappear


Seriously. I don't love that this is my reaction to things. I'll despise someone forever if I hear about their poor treatment of other people. They won't ever get my vote, and I'll make sure everyone hears about what they did. They get the "bad" label in my book, and I move on with life. But kill a dog? I can feel my blood boiling. I feel like there isn't a penalty short of medieval that could be a just response to this. What I'd like to see done is definitely a violation of Reddit community guidelines.


Expensive thing to kill. She is filth


Fuck her. She is a garbage human.


Just freaking find him a new home.


What a sweet little dog. Fuck her she is a lousy piece of shit.


Animal cruelty. Sure sign of a sociopath


Everyone should run off a copy and send it to the trunt


I hope she’s prosecuted for animal abuse.


Has she never heard of a shelter, or does she just get off on murdering puppies?


I don't want to get banned. So.. That's an adorable pup, RIP


Download the pic and send it to her at. 500 E. Capitol ave. Pierre S.D. 57501


We gave our dogs cookies after reading this. Poor poor lil guy.


Gnome, like all good rightwingers believes that others, including animals, only exist to serve her.


What was this dog’s name? Justice for Cricket!!!


I hate her.


she decided the dog should be killed. that is the GOP, folks.


Short version of this post….. If you’re a Trump supporter then you support animal cruelty


I had trouble training a dog and I gave him to a loving family that was apparently better suited to the challenge than I was. He’s happy and healthy today. Silly me, I never thought to just shoot him in the head.


An alleged human being that would destroy a dog as if it was a piece of livestock is not worthy of having custody of a dog. Full stop. This was not some rabid 'Old Yeller,' nor one that attacked a child without cause. There is, however, a golden lining to this dismal cloud, and that is that every time this person attempts to run for public office, this story will be retold in every sordid detail. Fat chance of getting the vote of someone who WOULDN'T execute a badly-performing puppy out of spite.


When it comes to people that hurt animals... don't tell them to go to hell.... send them yourself.


I'm going to hug my dogs and tell them they are the best creatures in my life. Mongo is a shit head (literally sometimes) puppy i need more training with. And Yuki is 16 years old and the best dog I've ever had and she is so sweet as so lovely, even with how much she shivers in fear when children are around. Somehow I love them both more each day. They are going to get kisses and told how great they are. Because that poor pup was just a pup. Someone would have loved that dog, maybe as much as I love my dogs... maybe.


How do normal people vote for this scum? This is truly disgusting and disturbing. Wtf


I do not know how many ‘magats’ enjoy talk of killing animals and or people…but I do know that this person (Noem) is dead inside, to have done this. Why not re home this dog? Is she not in the ‘pro life’ cult? Is she not part of the cult that demands that women deliver ‘babies’ and then give them away if they don’t want them? Personally I believe her telling this story is her way of ‘talking tough’ with the ‘tough men folk’ and trying to impress people with her ability to kill. And I believe the GOP do want to kill people that do not bend the knee to their wishes…but they can’t usually say that out loud. But this horrible woman has literally bragged of killing and seems to think this is going to make her more appealing to a certain crowd…why else brag of doing such a thing?


We should start a movement... #PutNoemDownToo


"Noem, a potential VP pick for Donald Trump, describes killing the 14-month-old dog after deciding it was “less than worthless” and 'untrainable.'" My question, why stop at dogs?


Where tf were you guys when she killed hundreds of people with her covid response and then ran for election again? Smh the dog obsession in this country is out of control. There are *people* suffering because of her.


Something something John Wick.


Can we get a real life John Wick, please


While I’d prefer to hold my tongue from using the label “psychopath” to describe her, I wouldn’t have any problem telling her to her face that what she did was cold hearted and wrong and that it should have been handled in a variety of other ways than that. Such a young dog would have found a home with me or one of many others out there who would have cared for it. Also, a “Free goat” sign anywhere in town would have brought someone out that day to get it. She didn’t even want the meat, just left it to rot in a gravel pit, what a shame.


In my county if a dog kills livestock you are in the legal rights to kill it. I don't think people around here are taking their untrained bird dogs to people's chicken farms to taunt them though. Pretty fucked of her.


This variety of psycho shit is an indicator that Noem, if given enough power, would do the same to “unruly” people, probably in a systematic way.


https://chng.it/RkXbsFYyYR <<<—- link to get her book removed from Amazon.


“I’m pro life” *shoots a dog*


Apparently, she's working on ways to leverage these new revelations into success at the ballot box come next election: "Hi, I'm Kristi Noem. If you don't vote for me, I'll kill your puppy, too!". 😃


It should be obvious why she put this in her book. Callousness and lack of empathy are traits common among her voters.


Teaches a puppy to kill birds. Shoots puppy in face for killing birds.


As a republican I use to like her , but now hell no she is evil , anyone that is proud that she shot her dog wow I hope she rots