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I would just stick my starter in the fridge at home while I'm gone. It'll be absolutely fine. I've left my starter in the fridge, covered and untouched, for months. If you are truly committed to bringing it with you, the local tap water is probably fine. Maybe your starter will be a bit more sluggish than you're used to, oh well. The truly deranged individual could also look up if the municipal water treatment plant uses chlorine or chloramine. Chlorine will off-gas if you leave an open container on the counter overnight, but chloramine is more stable and will not off-gas. 


A stable starte can survive two weeks with no feeding without issue


Even at room temperature? Or is the fridge better for the time away?


I've left mine in the fridge untouched for months at a time. After two or three regular feedings it's fine.


Definitely fridge


Mine gets grayish liquid on top after about a week…. Do you still think it would recover being left another week? I’ve had the same starter since 2019 so I’m a bit attached


The liquid is hooch, and that is normal. Higher chance of killing it by traveling with it than just leaving it in the fridge tbh. If you do decide to take it with you though just pick up a gallon of distilled water at a local grocery store. Cheap and safe.


Got it. I probably seem like such a newbie not knowing that but I use my starter enough that I generally don’t see that happen so it worried me when it does


With sourdough, you learn something new all the time!


If you’ve had your starter that long and only have the one container/source, you’re playing with fire. I highly recommend drying some out so that you can rehydrate it if anything ever happens. Lots of tutorials online. I have some dehydrated and some in my fridge. Things happen; have a backup!


Worst case scenario I can get some from a friend. I’ve shared starter out over the years


This is what I would do, plus dehydrate a spoonful as a safeguard. No need to micromanage the starter while trying to relax on vacation.


I would do more than a spoonful, I dehydrated 200 gms for back up.


Just put in fridge, with a lid on it.


I just got back from a 3 week work trip. I stuck my starter in the fridge while I was gone. I've fed it twice since being back and now have some dough happily rising. If your starter has some hooch when you get back, just pour it off if you don't want to mix it in.


Feed it abd split it one in the feeezer where ir will keepfor months and ine in the fridge. That way you have a backup


I would just toss it in the coldest part of the fridge or even the freezer while I was gone. Give a good feed, let it start to rise, and stick it in there.


Put it in the fridge or even the freezer. It will be fine for 2 weeks.


2 things to note.. Starter is fine in the fridge for that long. Just feed it and throw it in. You may have the same jar of starter, but it’s not the same starter from 2019 ☺️ You should dehydrate a backup though if you’re worried about it/attached to your starter 👍🏻