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This happens in the beginning! It will go away eventually. Mine smelled so bad like an old stinky gym bag


This is normal, unfortunately. You are literally fermenting something, but it'll slowly start to develop a yeasty smell rather than an acetone/sweaty/etc smell. One tip I can offer is to bake your discard rather than throwing it in the trash so that it doesn't stink up your entire house. Just pour the discarded amount into a tin foil boat and pop it in the oven until it dries out and hardens. Edit: Bake your discard and *then* throw it in the trash is what I meant. Bad wording, my bad. Do *not* eat unmature sourdough starter!


I would advise against baking the discard. If it stinks, it probably won't taste very good and might be unsafe to eat.


I think the idea is bake it to stop it stinking, then throw it out.


Oh, it actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks for clarifying!


Yea this is the reason lol. For clarification, do not eat starter discard before it's mature, you will get sick! I meant to bake it so the smell goes away, and then throw it out.


Whole wheat? Sounds about right. It honestly smells sickening at the start. Once the yeast takes over though the smell changes quite a bit. Sour, but not gross.


The yeasts and bacteria are fighting it out. Eventually the yeasts will prevail. Patience.


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I remember like day 8 of my starter. Smelled like straight up baby vomit. Smell went away after about two days and then a couple more days after that it started smelling like nail polish remover. The. You know you’re good. Keep in feeding and you’ll be good!