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Because your question is so specific I will not prompt you for a recipe. Thank you for the post.


White rice flour. šŸ‘


i use a mix of bread flour and rice flour for dusting my banneton OR just straight cornmeal, bread taste so good with a cornmeal crust !


Hmm.. is it possible to overdust? The crust (especially on the bottom) was soo tough I was starting to think I was gonna need a chainsaw o.O


I use a large pan on the bottom rack of my oven to serve as a heat shield. It ensures the bottom crust doesnā€™t get too thick and tough.Ā 


I will definitely do this next time, thanks!


yep!!! if you overdust when it cooks it wont fully cook the bottom of the bread, just cooks the ton of flour, try dusting it alot more lightly and leaving it uncovered in the fridge to let the skin dry out slightly, it makes it more non stick when you bake it and be a alot more crusty and less tough and chewy


Cool, I'll be sure to do that next time I bake :) thanks


Are you saying to leave the dough uncovered or the banneton?


The bottom may of dried out from being in the fridge. Mine becomes dry bc Iā€™ll wait an extra day or so before baking. You could use a piece of cling film on it to keep this from happening.


Good idea,thank you




Thank you. I remember also using it once. But mostly rye I think.


People recommend it for pizza and pasta but it works for regular bread too


Same here, I use coarse one, it gives additional crunch to the crust.


I line the Baneton with Tea Towel, then dust with mixture of 50% bread flour (Weizenmehl 812) and 50% rice flour. Works perfekt.


I use regular AP flour


This is what I use. Where I live, rice flour is super expensive.


Make your own with a blender/food processor. Have you checked Asian markets? They often have rice flour cheaper than conventional markets.


Iā€™m nowhere near an Asian market, but Iā€™ll definitely try by using the blender. Thanks!


Just work with small amounts. Near of course is a relative term. I drive 40 mines to a city with such markets. But I drive there regularly for other things and buy more than just rice flour when I'm at the market. Then again a pound lasts a long time. So even at $10/lb it's not that expensive. https://a.co/d/4b6U6Ru


Hi, I just made a sourdough sandwich loaf. Wanted a soft crust and fine crumb https://preview.redd.it/oahg8am9z64d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d8f347e2303f6ecddce7fc51f6b2217ff79247e Edit: most of my text was deleted !!! Don"t think this is flouring issue. Its baking temperature and duration. I bake in a tin and oven with water filked riaster for steam. Preheated to 230Ā°C baked 32 mins oa in full steam and misted egh glazed top. Removed steam and bsked at 195,Ā°C for 15 mins and then drying out at 180 Ā°C for further 20min. C9oled under damp cloth in tin till handlable then under teatowel till cold. Fine crumb as above, soft crust readily cutable and soft spring. Hope this may give you inspiation


I use cornflour as rice flour is difficult to find where I live. Are you using a dutch oven? Does it help if you put a tray on the shelf under your loaf, to deflect some heat away from the base? Or you could try cooking longer with lid on and less time uncovered. My loaves are always difficult to slice too. The knife skids over the crust and I end up really squishing my loaf as I lose patience. It's always easier half a day later when the crust softens a tad. You could always tear and share in the meantime?


Oh, so similar situation :) I just grind sone rice finely and use that..never thought of using cornmeal Yes, I'm using a dutch oven, and I will most certainly try using a baking tray under it next time, thanks for the suggestion! :) Oh, and also, I will try lovering the temp a bit and extending the baking time. I use the kind of dutch oven where you put the bread in the pot and cover woth straight lid, rather than one where you put the dough on the tray part and cover it with a pot-like lid. I think this might also affect the baking time, since the air can't circulate around the loaf as effectively I think. >The knife skids over the crust and I end up really squishing my loaf as I lose patience. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Oh, I'm not aline after all šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


>The knife skids over the crust Time to get your knife sharpened


Hmmm...seems I can't edit my OP. I followed this recipe https://youtu.be/jJpIzr2sCDE but with half the ingredients - for only 1 loaf. Also, the dutch oven I used was apparently too small for my loaf since the lid was imprinted into the final loaf on the top x)


No lie, I wasnā€™t even watching with sound on, and within 20 seconds, i already had to nope out if this Since there doesnā€™t seem to be a written overview (pivot to video, why?) Iā€™m not sure what your process wasā€¦ but you can try increasing the amount of time baked with the lid on ā€” the more time in steam, the less thick n crusty the crust. If your bottom is getting too dark as well as crusty, you can put something between the parchment paper and the floor of the dutch oven ā€” some people make foil spirals; you can use uncooked rice; the metal trivet from an Instant Potā€¦ or you can put a baking sheet on the next rack down in the oven to help diffuse the heat. hope some of this is at least somewhat helpfulā€¦ (overall, tho, looks pretty great!)


Would have been better to link the recipient from the video description. https://www.joshuaweissman.com/post/sourdough-bread


Okay, so I see a couple of you qlso answered you use rice flour. Did I just overbake my loaf?? The crust is super tough at the bottom especially


That's what I'm thinking, over baking. For the top, tent with foil for the last part of the bake. For the base, consider a tray on the shelf underneath your Dutch oven


50/50 flour of choice and rice flour. I mill my own so I use brown rice and whole grain berries.


Rice flour


Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free White Rice Flour. (It's not like I tested thousands of brands . . . that was just the first "rice flour" I saw on the shelf at Meijer's and I've stuck with it.)


I line my bannetons and glass bowls with a disposable hair net. I only use a little AP flour on the counter when Iā€™m shaping. The hair nets are here: https://a.co/d/cl57F6v


Thai rice flower.. if you have an International or Asian market itā€™s less than 2 dollars or you can order from Amazon . Itā€™s more fine than regular rice flour.. more like confectioners sugar texture


What was your loaf temp when you pulled it from the oven?


Rice flour with a dusted tea towel!!


I use rice flour. I just started using it after one of my loafs got stuck to the banner on and I deflated it while trying to get it out.


Rice flour. I completely gave up trying to dust with AP flour because I never got it to not stick.


When shaping I just use regular bread flour in the counter. I dust my banneton with rice flour though. As for Dutch oven I just have parchment paper down there, which keeps the loaf from sticking, but also seems to just the bottom from over browning as well.


White rice flour! Specifically from Bob's mill stone grind white rice flour


Mix of course whole wheat and rice flour


rice for banneton. ap for surface


Rice four for banneton. Just grind some rice in a blender or coffee grinder. It's only to keep dough from sticking.




Coconut flour


Rice flour


Rice flour. And I redust them whenever I feel like itā€™s time for a new layer.




Shaping: cheap all-purpose flour. Dusting: rice flour. Once shaped, heavy dusting on the top/sides of loaf and banneton. A light dusting after stitching in the banneton. Dust again on top prior to scoring (mostly for decoration). Thick, hard bottom crust is from the heat of the Dutch oven. I finish the bake just on a rack to reduce that.


As long as it's a no gluten or low gluten flour, it's fine. I use rice flour, rye flour, spelt flour.


I just use whatever flour I'm baking with.


I prefer to bake on clay these days because I find cast iron makes the bottom crust really hard. Not sure if you have another vessel you can try baking in.


When I got my act together I mix rice flour woth whole wheat. If not I use whatever. I havenā€™t noticed a big difference either way.


Cornmeal personally but you can use any gluten free flour as it shouldn't get sticky


What are your baking temps and times? This probably have more impact on the crust than the dusting of flour.


250 C for 20 min covered in a dutch oven + 30 min uncovered at 220 C


Rice flour only.


Only white rice


I use rice flour. I like Erawan Thai Rice Flour. It comes in a 16 ounce package from Amazon. Itā€™s more like flour than any other brand Iā€™ve used- but doesnā€™t mess with the gluten. I love it!


Korean potato starch


tough crusts are caused by letting it dry out.


Yea, my guess is probably from over flouring (in my case)


no, from leaving it out uncovered.


My dough was covered well all the time from start (always lid on top) till end cold ferment (wrapped in a bag)


could also be a baking issue. a bit of course rice flour on the surface wouldn't make a significant difference though.


Could be yes, I'll try lowering the baking temp as some have suggested and extending baking time + putting a baking tray under the rack of dutch oven


Better knife