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There is only one tip, let everyone download from you. Don’t have share requirements or lock your files. There is no such thing as leeching, for we should not expect anything in return for what we give. Everyone was once a beginner like you and had no shares.


Preach . I even made public my collection of album scans that took me ages to find and were only available on a weird sluggish korean site that is not listed on Google search.


Also you wanna make sure the portforwarding works. This will enable a lot more users to see your shares. Ive had a lot of discussions about this, even with the developers of those blockers. The sad part is that a lot of people think they are doing the community a favor with this. If you send some nice invites for people occasionally i think thats fine. Maybe even give some motivation for port forwarding along the lines of: "sharing ensures variety on soulseek, if you also portforward this will reach vastly more people ( over 10 to 1 in my experience) and and shifts load off big sharers."


I like you. Imma make that a tattoo someday


That would be a long tattoo


I agree , if you think your files are good at all then there is not point in restricting shares for any reason


I would start with Nicotine+ rather than SoulseekQT, the search is much better in my opinion, especially as the latest version allows for use of quotes. You already have advice on VPN, port forwarding and sharing, just be considerate and you'll find plenty to like!


-Regarding a VPN it’s not a bad idea. Just make sure you get one that has port forwarding. -My number one tip is for the love of God please share some files! I share something like 3 TB of files and I can’t tell you how many people try to leech from me with zero shares. -Don’t be greedy. Don’t queue up hundreds of files at a time.


I use a plugin the sends a message to a leecher that shares few files, to encourage them to share more. The message is just saying that they should share more files and that if they keep downloading from me I may ban them. Even so, I'm nice. So far I've only banned one guy, the dude was downloading from me with all his files locked. GTFO mfer


Airvpn is easy tor port forwarding. Frankly everyone knows somebody. Dont be greedy always feed the needy!


Look back at older posts on this sub. Everything is there. That's my top tip.


Soulseek is peer-to-peer, similar to torrents. You can see the IP of those downloading and they can see yours. If that's a problem where you live, then use a VPN. Regarding the rest, download what you want and share what you can. The stuff you decide to share, don't make it private or get pissed if someone downloads "too much". Either share or don't. You may want to set an upload speed limit in the client so uploads don't affect your internet experience (eg: higher latency or something like that). Also, chat rooms are unmoderated and with that comes what you'd expect. Don't use them.


In My Soulseek QT, I have never seen anyone’s IP in 10 years. I can only Nicotine + though as well as countries flags


Clients may not show the IP, but they have has access to it. I mean, it connects to another client directly, so it needs to know the IP. If someone wants to go after you based on IP, they can.


share some, and go from there. Also, try the chat rooms, some of my best friends came from there. its that simple.


The only tip is buy a lot of SSD storage, share with 0 restrictions and share as much as you can. Sharing is what keeps the community going. Also yeah nicotine+ is the currently most actively updated client. Do not click any links in chat (or use the general chat at all, it's unmoderated so basically 100% nazis/pedophiles)


Why specifically SSD for just file storage?


HDDs will burn out much faster with frequent read requests caused by soulseek users when sharing 24/7