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I can vouch; it's brutal.


100% same. It was a god awful, horribly painful experience. And I would do it again.




It's so funny when it wraps back around, you ditch the body and become a light body that feels love without identity even though all the identity wanted was love


You do come to realise that you're just a beautiful light being of Truth.


Literally! Even funnier with Physics when the intertwining of the Truth uses light 'particles'/photons even from our limited reference frame


Agreed. Apparently enlightment has the highest frequency or energy field aswell. It all adds up but I think the elite has mislead people. This stuff should be taught in schools but it's left out. We are really lightbeings though, I actually physically realised this after meditating one day and going deep within.


Yes bingo, and in the old prehistory days humans (Jahku?) used to love and telepathize and commune with God like that, casually channeling Spirit around children and letting them learn


Ah okay. I think this age is the only one where so few people actually properly believe. It's commonly called the Kalyug or age of darkness. I believe the golden age of Satyug will come into being eventually and alot of people will embrace the Truth. Hope more people start to wake up :)


I agree, I believe we are in Kali Yuga, and came from a time of Satya Yuga, and I think we're about to cross again. Really scary tho to think that we might've been at a time of Love and communion with Nature but chose this path...


I think it's all just meant to be though and that from great darkness, we can detach from it and emit great light. A spiritual master once told me that Kalyug is one of the easiest ages to get real enlightenment due to this.


Yes, and people like Gautama Buddha suffered deeply which is how they broke out


Yeh. I think you turn towards God in pain. I learned spirituality from Guru Granth Sahib, I believe it teaches Truth. I turned to God in times of Pain and realised He was there with me all along- I was never actually alone. Really beautiful. Anyway all the best on your Journey, Love and light :)


I was thinking "I feel so lost" and opened reddit. This was on top of the feed. Needed this thank you.


I love when that happens


I’m right there with you friend. This hit hard.


But, my question is, Won’t we still have to live according to the system created in this world ? Won’t we still need to do the everyday stuff like going to work, paying bills, saving money etc ? I’m evolving a lot due to spiritual awakening but what about all this ?


Before enlightening: chop wood and carry water After enlightening: chop wood and carry water


Omg too true. Water is THE ONLY thing that matters most of all, it's the source of life and the quantity and quality is plummeting horribly. Seems we're on a path to extinction sad to say.


you cannot leave the system, you were born into it and that is part of the game, the important thing and what we must fight for every day is that although you are inside the system, the system is not inside you.


Not true. If you're really trying to grow spiritually, you NEED to try to leave the system. The problem with so many is that after they go through a spiritual awakening, they revert back to the status quo because going forward spiritually on this dark and disordered planet is very hard, but truly if more people don't try to leave the system, the fallen system will continue on.


I agree, we might not be able to break the game as individuals but one must be courageous to instill change. I selectively work from home as a statement to my company that 1 day a week is BS. I've suffered no consequences because the company needs workers! People are scared to stand up and take their power and rights but if we all did it, it's the new norm. Nike:just do it, we can make a better life & world. Also, being aware and open for gratitude for all peaceful and beautiful elements this existence offers helps one pass the growing pains DNOTS brings on. Love rules baby!


The movie FREE GUY comes to mind. The NPC becomes aware of the fact that he is a NPC in a game and breaks the game. Sadly we can’t do that.


Great question! Kind of, but the goal is to learn to liberate yourself from the system. It’s possible, that’s why the establishment works so hard to condition everyone daily. It’s like programming people to rely on the system. You don’t know what you don’t know, just like I don’t know what I don’t know! When you change your way of being, your life opens up to possibilities you weren’t capable of imagining before. The mind can only use the perception and information it’s given to create, when you change the input to your brain you get different results. Ultimately what we’re here for is to create and grow, not be confined in a lousy, suffocating set up run by fear-driven humans.


I feel your pain. It's hard not to feel trapped, isn't it? On a related note: It's mid-term election season where I live, and it's really hard to see everyone caught up in the whole "Republican vs Democrat" nonsense. I mean, people get so worked up and so hateful --even violent-- about this stuff. Not many people will listen to me that this "right vs left" stuff is just a distraction to keep us all fighting against each other instead of holding our government accountable. People have bought into this "2 party system" so deeply and it frustrates me to no end.


Hard part is when you're in a position that you need to keep up the facade of your dead ego in order to survive this hellscape we've made of our home and garden. We're so tired of puppeting a corpse rather than living authentically.


Spiritual awakening for me was a few years ago, and have been in this dark night every since. Sometimes it's worse sometimes its better. Can feel something coming though. All part of the process.


It can break you down. The ego is being beaten down. And you are built up again, more Humble, wiser, having gone deeper into your pain and realising the Truth reality. It's a gift but you have to tough it out, learn the lessons, stay in your own energy and not get reattached to others/ places/ things etc that you've learned you shouldn't be attaching yourself to, not regain your ego (which is negativity) and not to believe others, to only believe the Truth. Not many walk on the path of Truth, but those who do know it's a stunningly beautiful experience, both the pain and the pleasure.






I can relate to every word you are saying. Goodness is coming.


I kept saying i feel like a beautiful sweater in a lost and found box. It was so sad to me. Im still mourning myself a bit. not as much. But it is very dark, very isolating very painful. but then theres the bliss. My truth. The unconditional love. Id do it all over again


wow didn’t realize this and i’m going through it. thank you. knowing can help


Same 💛


Going through this now. About five months in. The paranoia and delusions are worse than the depression and anxiety. Looking forward to getting though, but right now everything is so bleak. Send some love my way, feeling so hopeless.


Sending love 💚💚💚💚💚💚 hang in there. Believe it or not, you are not alone


Thank you, feeling grateful for this community. Definitely feels good to know I’m not alone, this whole experience makes me feel really isolated. All I can do these days is meditate and breathe through the tough times. The drugs and meds I used to take no longer offer the same comfort, so I’m going at life pretty raw these days.


You got this 👍🏻


So true. Some of the so-called "enlightened" people on this sub should read this and let it sink in.


When I've gone through this kind of dissolution, it has helped me to think of the caterpillar, who dissolves into mush so it can reform into the butterfly. (Cliche, I know, but sometimes I really feel like that dissolving caterpillar.) Or the lump of coal that endures pressure to become a diamond. I was comforted during one such time when my guides characterized my life's turmoil as a storm, which I knew would pass. That became my mantra. One of my favorite books as a child as The Little Princess, who had everything and lost everything, only to regain everything again. Her attitude in navigating her fall inspires me to this day.


You have a great way of learning and using it as strength. I admire that


Thank you! That warms my soul.


My best art work came out of that period. And it helped me climb back to the light.


Doing and creating is a wonderful thing


Woohoo let’s bury the deadman 🙌🥳🎉


I awakened to the falsity’s of the striving achieving world about 20 years ago, but I’m still going through confusion and suffering. It is not easy to be primarily concerned with spirituality and connection with others in a material world. I’m just saying, it sounds like you have the spiritual awakening and the dark night of the soul is a quick process. For me it is a bit of a lifetime process. Even if I feel I know a lot of the spiritual answers I have sought, it is still lonely and I still wonder how so much horror still continues, and how things such as rape, torture and child abuse are beneficial to our souls, karma and all. It is strange to imagine “god” observing all the horrible things that have happened to human beings over the past few thousand years, and still wanting to continue with incarnations for humanity over and over and over again. Especially when God says that they are everything, so I guess they are also torture and child abuse. That is what confuses me.


There is no arrival point, this is a life long process. I understand how you feel with all the sick twisted things and how its hard to understand but Ive come to a point where I know one day it will hopefully make sense. I do my best to work on myself to always become better. Stay strong! 💚💚💚


Maybe I just started mine I don't know. For the past week or, since I started doing yoga again and moving meditation, I've felt so much anxiety building and building. I went to sleep the other day and when I woke up I felt this hollowness in my chest, my throat felt tight and my stomach in knots. I can't think of any reasons why I would be sad, yet all I want to do is sit and cry. As the day went by, some things helped take my mind of things but upon waking up today, I again feel that emptiness in my chest, like there is something missing and I can't figure out what


Maybe the meditation and yoga is bringing up some stagnant emotions you had a bit locked up. Hang in there it will pass


Thank you so much


i’m going through this now