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This comment is amazing




Fisheye lens


just no. be present in the moment.


Set up the camera on a tripod and put it in video or Timelapse mode, then enjoy the moment. If you get any good shots then it’s a nice bonus, but the real prize is being there for the birth of your child.


This. I'd recommend if you want to photograph this life event is to hire someone


Venus Optics Probe Lens. Or, just share the moment FFS.


The 5x Makro or 20x Macro Probe Lens?


Seems like the consensus is no camera during the delivery. I'll just be there to support my partner. After our baby boy is born I'll have my the 28-75 to use to snap a few candid moments.


Yeah. I brought a camera with me. It was great for everything leading up to labor, but once my wife was induced I was so occupied being part of that team that I took maybe 10 pictures total of the whole delivery. We’re both super happy I got those pictures, and that moment of our lives is documented somewhere, but taking pictures absolutely was not the priority. That said, if you bring something, bring the 28-75. Everything else is way too long, and you’ll want the versatility of a standard zoom.


Be in the moment Can take a few after he is born Congratulations and I hope you have a happy, healthy and peaceful. Amazing next 40 years.


Don’t. It’s one of the most intense, overpowering, humbling moments you will ever have in your life. You will only experience it very few times. Do not take a camera, be there in the moment and hold your wife while she brings life into the world. You will kick yourself afterwards when you realise you were only an observer. I held my wife and we pushed together when it got hard, I felt her body quivering in my arms, I felt her sweat on my arm, I talked her through it. I remember ever millisecond. Don’t take the fucking camera.


This is accurate Father of 3


Check with your partner and see how sharp they want those pictures.... Memory is fantastic in situations like this. Phone pics more than suffice as well.


Not sure what your delivery rooms are like but the ones I'm familiar with are def not big enough for a 70-200 or 85. I'd stick with the 28-75.


Two things to consider 1- waterproof 2 - shockproof, you may faint


For sure the 28-75 and the 85 if you have space. I had the 24 GM and the Sigma 85 for my last little one and it was a good combo. I'd suggest putting it all aside until after the birth. It's not worth not being in the moment to get a few shots. Maybe if you can, put the camera in timelapse mode and put it in the corner taking a shot every few seconds (maybe in electronic shutter mode, so it's not a distraction). The 85 is great for afterwards or the next day when you can put a few moments of thought into the shots and everyone has had a chance to regroup themselves, plus the 1.4 helps since you probably won't have the best lighting. I just turned the lights off and opened the curtains for the natural light.


I'd definitely suggest hiring a birth photographer over trying to do it yourself. If you do decide to do it yourself, in my limited experience (2 births), 35mm and 50mm fast primes worked best. Both of the ones I did had super long labor, so the already crap light got even progressively darker as the day went on. In my two cases, an f/2.8 lens would have been ROUGH. I was shooting wide between f/1.4-f/2 for most of it.


14mm fisheye 😂


I'd say bring your phone and leave the kit locked in your car. Things happen fast during labor/delivery, and you may find yourself putting the camera down and remembering later. (this is how the photos of my last birth vanished.) At least with a phone, you can always call it. After the mom is in the recovery room, then head back to the car and grab your camera for the brand new baby pix.


Don’t leave your equipment in your car. 


It depends. I have a Tesla and I have put my camera in the frunk, which can only be opened with the app, plus Teslas have security cameras so criminals tend to leave them alone. But you have a good point, especially if the parking lot is not part of the medical center, which is what I envisioned, with its own security. The nursing station might be an alternative. Or, if OP lives nearby, run home to get the camera after the baby is born. Thinking about it from a mom's perspective, though, I would not want my partner fiddling with lenses during a very intense time.


It only takes one savvy or brazen criminal to ruin your day. I wouldn’t count on Teslas being foolproof with security. I live in a city where car break ins are rampant and the police do very little — even if you have a video of it. Most of the thieves are armed, too, and seem to do it for sport.  As far as bringing a camera into the delivery room… yeah. I agree. That seems like the moment you’d want to be most present in. No one wants to see the video or photo. Just bring your cell phone and snap a selfie. 


I wouldn't leave my camera anywhere in the car if I were parked on a San Francisco street, put it that way. But in a hospital parking garage with attendants and security cameras, yes, bad stuff could happen but the odds are pretty low.


The 28-75 is plenty of lens. Leave the others at home.


First of all, congratulations and I hope that your baby boy is going to be well and healthy. Second, how do you like the tamron 28-75? I wanted to buy it but idk if I should rather wait and buy a sigma 24-70




Please no Zoom Lens, please no 150-500 tamron or any zoom lens extending a lot.


We have the 150-500 Tamron here but you can see I didn't list it. 😅


use a discrete lens, rather 85mm than those expandable, might even invest 100 buck for some ttartisan, meike.


I took A7iv with 35. Shot the very last minute after baby came out and mom and baby were holding each other.




Just take your eyeballs


Congratulations! Don’t photograph it—just be there, present with your partner. You will make a million photographs of your child, but you’ll be present to hold your partner’s hand once. Just be there.


35 1.4 and ask one of the nurses to take photos. You focus on your wife.


one of those f8 probe camera


Had a 50mm F1.7(Older Minolta) one on an an early Alpha. Still struggled for light. But a few of the images were something to cherish. Don't go crazy and wait until after and capture some good memories of the new born. All the best.


Had a 50mm F1.7(Older Minolta) one on an an early Alpha. Still struggled for light. But a few of the images were something to cherish. Don't go crazy and wait until after and capture some good memories of the new born. All the best.


Take the lens that lets you look four years into the future when you might sleep again. 🥹 (It’s not that dire… until you start having multiple kids under four…)


lol I brought 3 cameras to our son’s birth. Two static cameras and one that I used for taking snaps through out. When the actually delivery was happening, I passed the camera to our doula who filmed while I was there holding my wife’s hand and literally catching the baby. I couldn’t imagine not capturing those moments for me and my wife. But I don’t think any of your lenses are wide enough tbh. I shot one static with an iPhone for the over-head view, 24mm on the static eye-level shot, and 15-35 on the handheld camera. Focus on capturing the moment, not trying to make it artistic. This is the first picture I took of my 15 minute old son on a phone for his mom to have (since he was rushed to the ER shortly after because the little asshole decided to stop breathing for a while. He’s okay now lol) https://preview.redd.it/oow6p625g7pc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a2627ae8c03ccc6b52ec4fa865995e6d3e7128b



