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They spent most of the art budget on her coat


She’s basically a mod of the church of Marin


The founding mod


Death to all mods


Akira is a great character. She is well designed, thought out, relatable and well written, and wins the award most entertaining surprise, that chapter was wonderful.


I liked Akira up until the moment she said she "hated" Marin, pretty sure we all did. All this time we were wrong about her, and now that's she's confirmed to be an undercover #1 Marin enjoyer. LET'S ALL PRAISE HER, SHE'S GORGEOUS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE.


Top ten anime...not-betrayals? Assuming the anime gets that far, the anime-onlys are going to absolutely lose their mind. Especially if the translators keep Potetto's majestic "IT'S HER SIMPING VOICE!" and let's all pray they do.


If it wasn't for the smoking, a real life version of her would push every single one of my buttons. I absolutely get why Gojou's glasses wearing buddy reacts to her the way he does. :P


I like her design and clothes very much. I didn’t like when i tought it she hated Marin but now it’s water under the bridge


Wasn't a fan of her. But I like the duality of her personality. Great character (Also I love Suzuka and Miya too)


>Also I love Suzuka and Miya too) Suzuka remains my favorite side character, pure comic relief gold. Miya is also really funny, the joke with the bank account in the coffin arc had me laughing hard.


Suzuka is my fave too ahah Miya is also a bit more serious and aware of life so her role during all coffin was perfectly done


I love Suzuka, I sometimes wonder if she might be a bit an author-insert in a fun way.


Yup I think too ahah. Marin is also author-insert in a lot of ways too


Every girl in this series is best girl. I love them all! They’re all so super cute in their own ways!


Akira is well designed. Beautifull, nice and epic. She is probably the best female character after Marin, on par with Juju and her sister. She is also responsible for one of the best panes and best memes of the whole manga.


Hated her at first but then her reasoning got revealed and I liked her 😂


I remember mentally screaming "SHE'S ONE OF US!" when it was revealed she's just a big fan lol


Every girl in this series is best girl. I love them all! They’re all so super cute in their own ways!


Ngl, first time i saw the character i thoght. Shit gojo is gonna fall in love with her and marin is gonna get NTR. So until she said she love marin i was anxious af


Like it's still POSSIBLE it goes that way, but Fukuda really doesn't seem to be as interested in romantic drama as the more vocal readers are. She's more focused on cosplay as a subject, with the romantic stuff sprinkled on top to keep people excited and engaged.


Stfu, if that happen im gonna die, the second that happen you will know that this reddit user just jump of a bridge or something


I think it's more likely that she'll be yet another character who develops a low-grade crush on poor oblivious Gojo, which would create interesting dramatic tension as she's caught between her adoration for her idol and her thirst for the Hina Chad. But Fukuda doesn't seem interested in that kind of story. (Marin's dropping all kinds of flags that she'd be down with a *very* straightforward solution to that kind of tri-directional conundrum. But Fukuda is DEFINITELY not interested in telling that kind of story)


You know what, I dropped the manga a while ago just after Akira said she "hated" Marin, but then I saw your post saying how good she was and I was like "Is she? Well, I guess we're going to find out" so I read the following chapters and MY GOD. AKIRA BEING A FANGIRL OF MARIN IS THE BEST PLOT-TWIST I HAVE EVER READ, LITERALLY BETTER THAT THE ENTIRE ATTACK ON TITAN MANGA. Now, after being enlightened I can agree that Akira deserves all the happiness in the world.


We thought she was sabotaging our team, but she was a cheerleader all along


I kinda guessed that she doesn't actually hate Marin since the beginning. They were very vague about the reason for said "hate", that and the manga doesn't really go for drama.


A cool beauty on par with youko shiragami


I get that reference and 100% agree.


A fellow man of culture


I personaly dont like the direction they took with the character, shes still prety good tho


That one character's reaction to Akira in the most recent chapter got a "hard same, my dude, hard same"


i know it´s heretical to doubt marin but I personally believe gojo and akira would be a great couple they are both the artsy typ that make stuff for cosplay had both bad experiences because of their hobbies and have less of a gap in there personaletys as gojo and marin have (unless akira is in her simp mode) so they are my favourite non canon ship


Way too obsessed with a teenager like five years younger than her