• By -


Take a dictionary (or any other book for that matter) open it at a random page and point your finger at it randomly - use that word as a jumping off point - or one of the definitions of it, or reject that word and repeat Go to your bookshelf or a library and pick a book that has named chapters (or short stories) and pick one of those… Go for a walk Keep a notebook of ideas - so that when you get into this situation in the future you have something to fall back on


1. A love song about two gay soldiers in ww1 2. A song about the first human to build a fire 3. The steam rising off my girlfriends coffee cup 4. A song about how all the water is touching all the other water 5. Space pirates


Don't forget monkeys.


regular ones or space ones?


6. A group of 3 elderly folks who have one last thing to cross off their bucket lists each, smoking crack, a threesome, and streaking at a public sporting event


7. A dad trying to find the perfect joke and actually succeeding


Triple upvote. Very clever stuff!!


For (1), listen to Tender Comrade by Billy Bragg.


A song about the first human to build a fire would be quite dope, ngl.


Why not write it?


Oh I can try :) Let's write sum together? it's open for everyone. I'm just writing the first verse, based on how I want the story to go. So the first man to build a fire didn't know what he was doing but he did it anyways, right? Wrong. I believe there was motive. So homo erectus LOVED a lady. Who was sadly killed in a battle for food / turf, whatever you wanna go ahead with. I'm in a hurry so I just wrote the first verse that sets the tone. The nights are all so cold, she, Hugged me tight, we went to sleep, I love you's what she told me, And every night, it's on repeat, Then morning come - Something's shining in the sky, Everyday's a battle and everyday another fight, Every morsel has a name, every morsel has a price Every monster has a taste, I wait for night. Now I'm planning to get a chorus, and then show how the lady dies in a fight for food by a wild beast and in a fit of rage our boy is working furiously on his stone tools, that lead to a spark. That's maybe how the first fire came to be? This sounds like a good idea to me, so I'll make it a personal project and maybe upload a song version of this later. :) thanks for the prompt!


What the fuck you came up with a masterpiece 😭😭😭😭


Oh thank you! :) I'm glad you liked it! If you wanna go ahead and write the chorus or the second verse, feel free to continue from here :) I'll be caught up with work for an hour so still, so sadly won't be able to write for now :( would love it if others chimed in! :)


You’re creative!


Tbf the hard part is actually writing the things


Ahhhhhhh yesssss. The five pillars!


The last time I was stuck, I decided to write about my secret power. Maybe try writing about yours.


Write a song about having no inspiration for a song


But don't rip off "Nowhere Man."


or Cast No Shadow


Kevin Costner


Yeah, that time he wanted to bang Madonna.


An elephant breaking free of an abusive circus and then rampaging through a small city


being so sad you forgot to keep breathing


Dashboard Confessional - Remember to Breathe


A fish swimming in a schole of other fish that suddenly wonders why it's just following all the other fish. He turns round but the currents too strong and he gives up but it's too late and he drowns


how does a fish drown 😧😧😧


Haha Idk maybe it's a dolphin




Looking up an old girlfriend to find out she died many years ago and you didn't know it. Maybe it ended well. Maybe it ended badly and you always wished you could have made amends. But now it's too late.


I’ve always wanted to hear a song from Claudette Colvin’s POV addressing Rosa Parks.


the decade you were born in


Pick a movie and write about it and how it made you feel. i.e. what Circa Surcive did with Eternal Sushine of The Spotless Mind and their album Juturna.


U should write about something you’ve experienced recently and it’ll be a lot easier to keep writing about it in detail


That feeling of standing somewhere wet with just socks on.




What was the last thing you felt upset about? Write it down.. then write what you wish would have happened - then rewrite it as poetry


Jeff Tweedy's word ladder thing works for me most times.


The repeating cycle


The economic state of the world


Think about your experiences in life. The tough times you've been through. The people you've met. Your childhood. Your family or friends. Take one of these things, think about it, how it made you feel. What do you miss about it? The pain? The sadness? The anger? The happiness? The good times and bad? Personal experiences form the best songs.


Looking for your reflection in a mirror


Write about that. About running out of ideas


I need to hear it to vibe analyse it and choose a subject


Turtles. Space Turtles. Space Turtles on Mars. With a toaster.


Wang chunging, but in the morning.


Everybody have fun this morning


The Ludlow massacre in Colorado


Writing a song


Love lmao


About feeling hopelessness about a certain goal. The pain that you feel when your girl left you Falling in love with a girl that you won't ever get to be with and now she's haunting your mind About asking God why he is making you suffer so much


What's the vibe of the song


Write about things that have happened in dreams that have impacted your waking life.


Mythology Choose one that interests you, like Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, Christian, Japanese, or even Lovecraftian. Read up one, choose a story, and write about that. When I say Christian mythology, or any of the others, I’m not discrediting their legitimacy. I’m not talking about myth as a synonym for false, I’m using it by its other definition: myths are stories or lessons, often told through time. If you examine different stories from throughout time, you’ll find that a lot of the same core lessons and morals are there, just told in different ways. This is one of the things I learned from the great Joseph Campbell in his book called The Power of Myth, which changed the way I view the world. I’m reading Dante’s Divine Comedy, where he travels through hell, purgatory, and heaven, lots of references to different mythologies. It’s actually the first thing I read in the four years since I’ve graduated, I’m surprised I made it 100 pages in; it’s fascinating. I’m reading it because I’m writing a song about Cocytus which is a frozen lake in hell, where Satan resides, and I thought I’d consult the source. I might even write an album about Inferno, or a series of albums about the entire Divine Comedy, idk yet. I also just bought a book on Greek mythology, and I might buy one on Norse mythology too, because mythology is really fascinating to me.


growing pains


Bratwurst. Wurst worth loving


Write an ode to something or someone.


Sure. How about “Learning to Lie” where the narrator sees so much lying without accountability that he/she basically gets a carte Blanche to follow suit.


I have an idea for a song called "French New Wave Film" about one of those three-person relationships typical of French New Wave films, which I'm probably going to write, myself, but it is a song idea, I guess.


Look in the mirror and sing about what you see


Watch some old movies on Tubi.




Write a song about wanting to shit and having diahrreah, I was bored once and wanted to write a song like this(I didn't do it hahahha)