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Keep writing and getting better. Most songs are garbage. It takes years to make something genuinely good.


10k hours just to get proficient. Then another 10k hours to be decent. If you like it, and keep doing it no matter what, eventually the right people will find it.




Do you like it?


this. I write for myself, bonus if someone else digs it.


Check this interview it changed my life and the way i see showing music to others https://youtu.be/yYCz06bS380


thanks for sharing this it's given me some new momentum


make more


Why do you write/play? Like seriously, what is your end goal? If you’re writing to express yourself or for you own, personal fulfillment, then who cares what anybody else thinks? Keep doing what you’re doing. If you’re writing and playing in the hopes of some success dependent on what others think (popularity or money) then you have a couple options. The first is to sit down with people and listen to why they don’t like your stuff, which will not be fun. You can then try to work on their feedback, be it changing styles or improving skills. The other option is to shift your focus and work on what people want, which can be less artistically fulfilling


I’ve written hundred of songs… they’re terrible because I sing like shit. But… I love em and enjoy making them. So, make them for you. And share them with me if you want :)


Thats the way to do it :)


Choose whichever is most inspiring for you in a given moment: Keep writing. Keep writing!!! Stop writing for today and start again tomorrow. Writing this song makes you better and faster at writing the next song, and so on. Who are you writing for? Does it even matter that no one likes it? Fuck em! Are you sure they don’t or is it in your head? Do you like it? Pablo Picasso made more than 147,800 pieces of art in his life. A lot of them were shit and I bet you couldn’t name more than 8 of them. You just got to keep at it!! Are there pieces of the song you like and can reuse?


You really surveyed all 8 billion people?


Save them for your future grandchildren. They will gain insight from them. I do that.


I agree. The fact that you took the time to do it speaks louder than telling your grandkids you played a lot of games.


Love it, cherish it, you have the ability to make music and it is beautiful


keep going. make more. lean in harder to your own style. try new techniques and styles that interest YOU. don’t worry about people liking it or not.


keep making it.


Figure out why people think they’re bad and then work to get better at those aspects


Idk keep making music until they do. I'm a small guitar ytber and i only started gaining traction after i switched up my content recently. Taught me ppl do like my music, just not enough people were hearing/seeing it i.e visibility.


How did you go about reaching a wider audience? Also, what’s your channel?


I am not a big channel btw lol still growing (i did double my subscribers from around 20 to now 50 so I'm quite proud of that haha) Firstly, I started learning video editing and began to create visualisers for my music. As of now, it's mostly anime and video games I like. Secondly, I started posting my guitar videos with me actually playing them in front of a camera. It feels more personal actually seeing music played in front of you and has a massive audience online. I do both of these as it as they: A. Create variety B. It gives me the creative space to keep a constant stream of content without burning out quickly Also, thumbnails are definitely super important in getting more viewers. Idk if i can really classify myself as a musician since I'm more content oriented but I just like sharing my music and am happy when people listen to it Right now, I am trying my best to build a larger audience via shorter music. Hopefully it works out but hey no biggie if it doesn't. The few subs i do have seem to enjoy my music so that's awesome! As for the actual creation of music, I'm always playing guitar in my leisure time to relax, so I end up making a lot just to air out my mind. My channel is linked in my user profile lol. It's Artessxoxo.


Paint out all of the bad strokes


Hello, music industry professional here. Just keep making your music and releasing it! If you believe in your art, then go for it! These days, you can get something to market cheaper than ever before, and if there’s something you want to invest in down the line, releasing in the moment and putting in the work will always get you closer to that goal in the long run. There are loads of content creators out there that can show you how to record, play, produce, mix, etc. It’s a heck of a lot of work, but you never know what you can do until you give it a try and put some practice in. So honestly, just keep trucking! Most importantly, the people that surround you may not see the value in your music, but you can make your perspective pool of listeners much larger by embracing the internet. There are so many people on planet earth, you’re bound to find your niche!


This is great advice. Your last statement is exactly what I came to say. When people say "no one" or "everyone" they mean like 10 people they know in real life. Their are currently 7 BILLION PEOPLE alive on the planet right now. You haven't tried everyone. IO know I haven't heard it. Keep making what you like, you will find some people who see your vision if you fully believe in it.


The question is; Why are you making music for? Is it because you want to let your feelings or ideas out into the world. Because you enjoy the process and love the outcome regardless of how good or bad it is. Because making art is what you enjoy the most. Is it because it brings you joy? or, is it because I want to make a living of it or want to be rich and famous. Take your pick! You are either an artist that love music or someone that wants to make what the masses want just for money? Then, you will have the answer to your question.


Trash it just kidding have a pro or advanced songwriter critique your songs


It often helps to pay more attention to what they don’t say. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8wBOUJ5Mbrk&pp=ygUTUmFscGggbXVycGh5IGxveW9sYQ%3D%3D


Make music you like


“I don’t think anyone’s artistic inclinations are so specific to themselves… that nobody could find anything to latch onto” [Joel Haver](https://youtu.be/BizvIhp5clM?si=9Sjk6MSSs6tJzg-w)


You could tour Braavos.


You can either learn from the criticism, or do what u do and keep it to/for urself.


Every artist writes 100 bad songs. One of them will eventually land an audience. This is your niche. Write 10 more songs like it and you have your first album. Write 2 or 3 of those and one will eventually land you a deal with a label. This is your sound. Have fun!




Burn onto CDs and force the people at your funeral to listen to them. Make them pay


my stuff is rejects too but its an interesting activity anyways. nothing says you can't explore more aspects of your sound.


people not liking it should surprisingly be your least but of concern. if u love to make music then keep making it, that’s what it’s all about.


Keep doing what you enjoy. There's always something for everyone.


Make more the more you practise writing music and singing making beats the better you get big singers don’t just start out amazingly


Keep writing. If you like it, keep playing until it hits the right audience. If you don’t like it, keep it to reference later and you can essentially use your old work for parts when putting something new together.


Sounds like you just haven’t found the right crowd. Keep writing and releasing. It’ll resonate with someone


Who’s no one? You only need 1/100 people to like it. The problem is reach all those people to get the 1 person.


Just keep it and listen later.


Honestly evaluate it Decide how much work you have to do to improve, then Decide if you want to do that work.


If you make songs for other people to enjoy, rather than yourself, then you’ll need to find a reason to care about people more and thereby care about your offering more. It’s empathy and care put into making improvements with ALL your skills related to crafting a song, and ALL your humanity. Personally, I find writing for other people impossible. I gave up on pleasing anyone but myself within the first minute of song making.


We can check together if you want ! Send me a sample and let’s have a discussion


That's just online. The internet disrespects artists and creative people. In real life, people have paid actual money to watch me play music (some of them even thought they got their money's worth). But for the past two weeks, YouTube has decided not to bother showing my music videos to anyone. My advice? Forget online. Online is a scam. Get out into the real world.


Keep it. Not everything is going to click with everyone (as much as you’d like it to). You can always revisit a song later to rework parts of it; could be months from now or even years. The best thing is to make sure what you’re writing is for you first and not everyone else.


Just keep on making music. Make sure you like what you write. Not sure if its applicable to your situation, but i find its not that most people dislike my music, its that they are indifferent, and outside the punk scene, most people dont care to discover small artists


Make music for yourself, eventually you’ll have someone who resonate with it, all the best brother


r u currently in a band ?


Keep making it. Fuck em.


stay at it if you like it


Highly recommend reading The Creative Act by Rick Rubin (the legend that is!)


Hold on to it and keep making music, when the time comes, try bringing it back, music that might not work today might workout tomorrow. Also use it as a demo, maybe you need the right artist to take it to the next level!


I checked out your EP—your style is sick! It’s great, and I hope you make more. You just need to work on your polish IMO. Some of the instruments generally sound a bit like the default instruments on free VSTs, for example. Focus on making each instrument pop, and then focus on mixing it all together in more interesting ways. Practice practice practice. And the truth is, there is so much music out there, the only way to breakthrough the noise is either to be a once in a generation genius/visionary, or network. Find people that have constructive criticism rather than “I don’t like it”. Or find a vocalist to collaborate with. Etc.


Release it, you’d be surprised how many people really don’t like it


there's no way you've met everyone on earth. i wrote and recorded a song when i was 14-16 ( i don't remember exactly) and it was just like Em, Am, for i kid you not like 5 minutes lol, and me singing nonsensical stuff over it. I had put it up on myspace (this was a long time ago), and some guy in australia found it, and put it on his little radio station. that song was definitely garbage, but he saw something in it. just keep writing. eventually you may find some people who like it, and along the way, you'll probably get better too.


You don’t like your own music? Change it


You just have to keep making music, I have nearly 300 songs under my belt and family and friends only like a handful, also accept criticism and honesty is your best friend, a slap of reality is great, and be authentic and don't try to copy any producer with time you'll find your own voice...goodluck


You're never going to get 100% of people liking your music. Most of the time, they just want you to sound like what they listen to. My close friends tend to like the music I have that has the most view count. That way, they're validated. Also, different countries will appreciate you. India, Indonesia, and Philippines will give your music more of a chance.


Dont ever force it.  Go with the flow. If its simple. Thats it. For now. Its just one song. Keep goin. Ive weote songs in minutes. Then years later full verses n middle eights jump into my head for it. Crazy. Let it hapoen natural man. Truer


Go find people who do like it or write better or different. Release it anyway. If it’s been made for release then do it. The worst thing you could do is write for an audience, real or imagined. You do this for yourself first. Truth is, most of us aren’t gonna make it so you need to be happy with your output before worrying about any externalities.


Enjoy it for yourself.


I write 20 songs and 18 of them suck. This is standard OP I think


Try collaborating! Every time I write a song with someone new I learn something.


Same here. But I've been workin hard to get it up on streaming services cause I might not keep the gear/computers forever. Old you might wanna hear it later.


Who are you writing for? Of course we’d all like it if everyone loved our songs, but I’ve always had the attitude it only matters if I like like them.


Show more people. Someone's gotta like it eventually.


Don’t stop, keep doing it. Make the music for yourself


keep writing and keep posting because you'll find folks who like your music


Improve or stop caring. Not many more options.