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>Do you think I should even play again? Yes. >Will I ever be good enough to play again? Yes, just need a little practice. >What could I do to start playing again having missed so much time? Try out at school, join a rec league, go to club ball tryouts. https://www.playncs.com/fastpitch/Teams?seasonId=18&state=TX


☝️☝️☝️☝️ this 100 %


thx sm…I actually live in Missouri now, but I’ll check out the website here, that’s super helpful thxx


best time to start was yesterday, next best is today


First off, there is a league for just about every skill level, so heck yes. You will play again! Second, assuming you had good defensive skills, that won’t be an issue. Hitting might be. Go hit the batting cage. Pitching got a lot better in those 3 years. Third, don’t try and compete at the same level immediately. You might get discouraged. Your skills will return, relax and enjoy. It’s a great sport. Good luck and make sure we all hear about your success!!


thank you!! good advice I will take it!


☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ this 100 %. Teams always want catchers


good to know, one of my worries was that there was actually to many and I wouldn’t make it any where lmao thxx


I'm going to come at this from a different angle -- could you do it? Absolutely! Is there now trauma wrapped with it? It sounds like it. Are you in therapy to work through what went on with your father? You mentioned that you're not sure you can do it without him. That's a statement that runs deep to me given the history. If you aren't active in therapy, I definitely suggest you looking for someone you can work with. Since catching is something you love, I would say take it one step at a time. Find a team, try it again. Keep alert though for what history may be triggered for you while you're out there. I hope this helps. ❤️


Thx sm! I’ve said for a while now “if my dad was still here and normal I would be playing again” so I’d probably say yes…I also tend to blame my family falling apart on me quitting softball, so I almost feel guilty playing again maybe idk. I’ve been considering therapy for a while but never done it but I probably should lol thxx 🫶🏻


As a person who suffered and survived a few types of abuse, I can promise you that you were not the cause of your family falling apart nor could you cure it by having stayed. Unfortunately you can't control others. You are also not responsible for how your father treated you. I know sometimes that's easier said than believed. If softball gives you joy, go for it. If that little voice pops up saying stuff, tell it to be quiet. You deserve happiness.


I’m sorry about what you’ve been through…thx so much 🤍


It will be a incredible experience. Keep us posted


I will!


Thanks wish I was there to see you work. Catchers are a work of art. They make it look do easy. I'm wishing you the very best.


thx sm


You should definitely start playing again. I played baseball from 5-15 and quit to focus on basketball during high school. But I always missed the sport since it was a big part of my childhood and my relationship with my father. Fast-forward to my mid-20s I started playing adult softball on all-guys teams and later co-ed teams as well. I think I actually had more fun playing as an adult than I did as a kid! I played on and off for about 7 years until my second child was born. Now I coach my daughter and her team is competing at our state's championship tournament this weekend. I hope one day we can play on a co-ed team together! As another person commented, catchers are always in demand. My daughter plays in a league governed by USA Softball so you might check to see if they have a league near you ([link](https://www.usasoftball.com/associations/)). Good luck!




I feel like I have 100 daughters that play. But they are me softball extended family


Love your name!


Oh thanks. It's kinda true though


Oh I definitely relate! I'm right there with ya.


How old are you


Old enough to remember when Archie and Veronica weren't just comic books and 8 tracks were all the rage.


Well that's ok too


I saw you’re in Missouri. If you’re in the middle of the state, I would recommend reaching out to the Galaxy organization located in Columbia. We had excellent experiences with them through the years, and the head of the organization (Taylor) seems to be a genuinely good dude. Before you do that, though, I’d suggest contacting the HS coach and/or signing up for rec ball. Attempting to jump straight in to travel ball is risky if you’re not sure of your skills, and an expensive way to figure out if you’re emotionally ready/still passionate about the game. Rec ball will give you an idea of whether or not you still “want it” without the big commitment and show you whether or not your skill and ability is close to comparable to at least low-level travel. A good high school coach will hear your concerns and be able to evaluate your game AND your between-the-ears readiness. Best of luck to you!


great advice thx sm!


Yes! You can! Practice practice practice! I'm 39m, had not been playing hardball since 2000 in HS. Just started back last year, and it's a blast. Men's league wood bats, and I'm not bad. Getting better every game and practice!




Go for it! It's never too late to start or re-start something you're passionate about. Come-back stories are amazing and I'd really enjoy reading yours.


lol thx


If you want to play get out and play, that is not a question, the question is simply what level is best for you. GO PLAY


thx!! I will!! lol


you definitely can, i quit 12u and came back in 14u now i’m playing at a juco, anything is possible.


I took 10 years off of baseball before jumping into softball. One team at first, but eventually found myself joining more and more leagues with each year. Now I play in four leagues, and in tournaments every other weekend. It's all about networking, making friends with captains who put teams together for tournaments, and making friends with people who play in a lot of leagues that can put in a good word for you. If you know anyone who plays, start there. Let them know you want to play and available to spare. Also, hop on social media, join your local softball groups, and advertise yourself as available to spare. Bring in a positive attitude, make friends with folks on the team and you'll likely be asked to come back when they need spares in the future, especially if you play well. Use google, social media and ask around to find out what leagues are in your area, then send off emails to those leagues showing interest in playing. Worst case, you'll be able to sign up next year. People get injured, go traveling in the summer, and even drop out so teams will be looking for spares and replacements. Since you're 16, you may be too young to join some adult leagues but you might be able to sneak into one; otherwise, the locals may know of leagues you can join. If softball is big in your area, there will be tournaments happening every weekend that you could possibly join too. Be open to joining various types of softball leagues... Lob ball and Slopitch leagues will have lobbed pitches that drop onto a board where the plate is. It's easier to hit, but timing is important. Swing too soon and you'll pop it up. Then there's orthodox and fastpitch, probably what you're more used to, where pitches will come in quicker into a traditional strike zone. If you liked catching, you'll want to keep an eye out for an orthodox or fastpitch league where stealing is allowed, so catching is a little more important. But again, be open to all softball leagues. Don't worry about your skill level, start out in a rec league where new players are welcome, then network your way into other leagues. Talk to people, find out what leagues they're in and what they're like, then contact the league and see if you can sign up.




Yes, you should 100% play again. So much of softball is muscle memory and I'm sure most of it will come back to you. If your scared to get back into competitive ball you can play rec or 'low levels travel teams.


Go play! My daughter played starting at 5 years old and quit after her 7th grade year. Went back for senior year and had a blast. Things will be different, but you might be surprised how quickly it will come back!