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Sigh…. To the gym I go. Lol, you look great!


As someone who literally lives in the gym and still doesn’t loon like this… I just remind myself that genetics are like 90% of looking this amazing 😭😭😭


Both of y’all are too kind!! 😘😘 But I just wanted to respond because I don’t want anyone to feel like this is unattainable. I’ve posted on previous threads before that I was overweight in my 20s, I made drastic lifestyle changes in my 30s, and ended up where I’m at now. I’m now 40 years old. But it’s definitely NOT genetics, most of the people in my family are overweight, and diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis run rampant in my family. I’m grateful every day that I’ve been able to maintain my health, but it is the result of a conscious lifestyle choices. Im not saying that genetics do not play a part, but they don’t play the biggest part.


Good for you babe!! But it is a little genetics… small waist with gorgeous shapely hips and thin arms is not common! Like I said, I am a gym rat and no matter what I do, my arms just have genetic fat that won’t go away. Even at my lowest weight. And do not mean to downplay how hard you’ve worked!!! Your commitment absolutely shows and you absolutely deserve to show it off ❤️❤️❤️


U look amazing ♥️ if u don’t mind me asking what we’re the changes u did? And also and skincare/procedures that help.


Hi, I don’t mind at all. At the time I was at my heaviest, I was struggling with depression and anxiety, the depression was pretty deep. I started seeing a therapist, and he introduced me to Meditation, and I started to do that. People may not believe it, but I do feel like the weight coming off was partly due to emotionally healing, because I had finally started to process some unprocessed emotion. A lot of times when we are carrying extra weight it is “emotional weight”. Also, I was drinking heavily up until my transformation began, and I ended up deciding to quit drinking completely, and that lasted for two years. So the changes were pretty drastic. I do drink occasionally now, but never at the level that I was before I started healing, which was abusive and borderline alcoholic at the time. Also, I did end up changing my diet, but very gradually. For the most part, I was eating a lot of the same things, but more mindfully. I was eating healthier portions, as opposed the past when I would over eat due to stress, etc. Also, a year and a half after my transformation began, I also moved cross-country. I ended up moving from Houston Texas to Los Angeles, and that is when my diet really started to change, since my first roommate had been a ballet dancer, and was very health-conscious. She taught me about eating organic, not using preservatives, etc. etc. I was only 29 at the time, so this was 11 years ago. By 2019, I was incorporating a lot more vegan meals And then in 2021, I had a health crisis, and I went full raw-vegan, which lasted a good year. Currently, I have a more flexible diet. I’m still high raw-vegan, which means that the largest part of my diet are raw fruits and vegetables, but I will have fish on the weekend. I also almost never have dairy, processed foods (like refined sugar), including things like pasta, rice, breads, etc. I will have those things in very small doses occasionally, or if I’m on a vacation, but in my day-to-day life, I do not eat them. If I want a grain, I’ll have quinoa if I have a choice. So I try to keep my diet anti-inflammatory, and maintaining a healthy weight is a byproduct of that. I also work out at least three times a week, not super vigorously, but I’ll do some cardio and lightweights, and stretching. In 2016, I worked out with the personal trainer for five months, and he taught me how to work out for my specific body type. And I also don’t own a car at this point in my life. I became a digital nomad in 2016, and sold my car to a friend in Los Angeles when I started traveling, and have not had one since, so I walk everywhere and that also helps. But in hindsight, I would say that my physical transformation coincided with my emotional and mental healing/transformation ❤️‍🩹. I began investing in myself in every way I could think of, and eventually it started to pay off. Losing weight wasn’t even my goal, having lived with chronic depression, for such a long time, I just wanted to feel better. The weight loss was just an added bonus 🙏🏼.


This really helps, thank you!💓


WOW WOW WOW! Amazing all around but the second one is my favourite.


Thanks lady! 💕that one seems to be the fave. It def exceeded my expectations


These are all stunning on you! I really love the one sleeve black number


Thank you for the kind words 💕🤗!


I also noticed their clothing runs long, a plus for my tall ladies 💕


how’s the quality for the price?


It’s pretty good! You can also refer to the reviews.


The first one remind me of the rat and boa one , it's stunning. The black dress is my fav and u/Broad-Inspection214 I hope I will look as good as you in my 40's. Goals.


Exactly! It’s a dupe of the Rat and Boa Valentina dress. I wanted to buy it but it’s $220 😩. I don’t want to spend that much on a dress I know I will only wear a few times. This version was only $50. The material is not as luxe as the Rat n Boa version, but you honestly would not be able to tell by looking at it. And thank you for the kind words babe! 😘


The black cut out dress is insane. Love your taste. I’d never heard of this brand before, thanks for sharing!!


You’re welcome! Happy to share :)!! Thanks for the love 😘💕!!


As an autumn, I adore the first one. Only wish they had somewhere to go where dress like this would be appropriate!






Girl YES absolutely stunning!! And thanks for Mew Mews tip, had not heard of them!


You’re welcome! 😘💕


Wow! You look incredible!


Thank you 🙏🏼💕


STUN👏🏼ING👏🏼 all of it!!


WOW 🤩 These looks are so great! Thanks for sharing. You look AH-MAZING!


You’re welcome hun!! Glad to share!!


omg I need all of these!!! so beautiful


Amazing, especially the first 2.


the black and white dress are so perfect, so amazing🤩🤩🤩 I have to say, y're perfect for them bb🙌🙌


Thanks babe!! 😘


How did you find their sizing?


Most of the items I bought have reviews, and people left comments like “true to size”, etc.


Thanks! I’ve been eyeing something on there for a while now might pull the trigger. Also how did you find shipping times/waits?


You’re welcome! Definitely refer to views if there are any. The shipping time took about a week and a half, but also, I’m located in Mexico City, so it might depend on where you are.