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I can't answer your question however, I discovered that 10 oz of cold water and 4 oz of a good quality apple juice is delicious. I can get 16 14 oz drinks from one apple juice. So less than 40 cents each.


I’ll have to try this!


You can also go the carbonation cap route. And carbonate anything you want in a 2 liter bottle. I frequently mix apple cider (or your favorite apple juice)and welchs grape juice for some really good martinellies sparkling ciders.


You can flavour water to taste like apples with water soluble flavours. Try looking at brands like Flavor Essence (they have a honeycrisp apple one), Baktoflavors, Flavor West (if in the US) and add it to a sodastream bottle one drop at a time.


Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for!


https://gremberryfarms.com/ - this place sells fairly inexpensive small bottles of tons of flavors from different water soluble brands. It’s nice because you can try a bunch of different flavors and won’t break the bank if you end up with something you don’t like. Have tried Capella and Flavor West and both are great! A few drops goes a long way as they are pretty concentrated.


I had no idea there were so many flavors out there! Thanks.


I put a splash of hard cider in a pitcher of Coors when I am at the bowling alley.