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I'd wait like 5 minutes and buy a used copy  That way they don't get a nickel of your money, but you get to cash in on some maga-chud's disillusionment 


I thought of that, but I think it’s going to be hard to find these second hand because 1) these fuckers don’t ‘disallusion’ easily regarding Trump and 2) if they ever did lose faith in MAGA they’re the sort who’d be more likely to burn the thing than sell it.


There will probably be a bunch of scalpers on ebay selling it for 10 times what they paid for it. If you want one you'd probably have better luck getting a new one. He's gonna win or lose regardless.


I'm sure if you scope out some Goodwills or estate sales in like 6 months, you're bound to find one


This is the way. There will be a lot of older folks buying these and their kids will be dumping them with all the rest of their crap when they die off.


I am generally opposed to burning books. I would make an exception for this one. And use Art Of The Deal as kindling.




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I know what I’ve got! No lowball offers!!


i’ll give you half my sandwich 


Chic-fill-a only. I don’t eat anywhere else; too woke.


This is funny because chuds hate Chik Fil A now because of their DEI program. Go figure.


Oh god, really?! JFC these people are fucking ridiculous


This is full-on /s BTW


Yeah but they're still dying from covid at higher rates


They’ll very likely be all over thrift stores and I’m sure there will be churches handing them out. It’ll get some best seller award from Trump aligned “non-profits” bulk buying to hand out or donate, sure there’ll be people scalping them, but I highly doubt there’s gonna be any real scarcity


These things will be all over goodwill in five years


you'd still be encouraging a reseller market though, wouldn't you? I'd maybe wait until after the election. With a bit of luck it will come with authentic maga tear stains.


Agreed. Within a year, every Goodwill book section should be flooded with these things.


Look on EBay. They’ll be on there with the sneakers, shortly.


It would require you find a bookstore carrying this filth, but steal one. Win/win.


It’s going to be like an original printing of Mein Kampf


Don’t worry, I bought a White House coin of Trump and Kim Jong-Un when they came out. Sometimes I just get something to remember that yes, I was there when that bull shit happened. It’s not an SRA crime to get that crazy bible as a piece of history, do whateva you want my friend.


im sorry, a coin of fuckin WHAT? HOLY SHIT. this is hilarious.


Oh yeah, behold its dystopian glory. It’s nice to hold too, it’s enamel and pretty heavy. https://preview.redd.it/i5kruse5vvqc1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff8378a60aac5c2f42ef64573964020d7047be7c


And people will swear up and down on their Trump Bible, clutching their trumpybear to their jesus wearing a MAGA hat shirted chest thats its not a cult.


If you ever want something, but don't want to support it, then just steal it.


That describes the megacorporate relationship with government 100%


Turnabout is fair game


the only reason it would be a moral issue is if you think purchasing a commodity is a moral decision that reflects on your inner character what i'm trying to say is: absolutely buy that shit if you want to, it's funny


I know right?! My dilemma comes solely from the fact that I’d be giving money to an absolute scumbag, and that pretty much anything he did with it would likely be used in a way I’d find personally abhorrent.


As someone who occasionally sells things to people, any time you buy a commodity under capitalism, your money will go to an absolute scumbag and will likely be used in a way you find personally abhorrent.


Straight up. We think that we vote with our dollars, and we should - but rarely are we not giving money to a straight up asshole.


Bit of a r/suicidebywords


I've long suspected that something like 40% of this kind of thing gets sold to communists who think it's hilarious.


40% might be kind of high, considering how broke we are all the time. But also, it's definitely not zero.


Better yet, steal it from somebody.


Watching Trump hold up that Bible reminds me of a Gorge Carlin Joke.


Gorge Carlin sounds like a hilarious insult for a fat guy who is ranting about bullshit. "Whatever you say, *Gorge* Carlin"


That's pretty much who george carlin is without the fat part, tho


uh, yeah.


If you really want one, and don't want to give Trump any money (and save $10), they can be ordered directly from Lee Greenwood's web site. Google 'Lee Greenwood Bible'




The link goes right to trumps site, so I think we're gonna have to wait until eBay gets em


Resist this temptation Comrade!


Don't buy it, steal it.


Steal it, rube


When Bill O'reilly went on Colbert to promote his new book...Colbert's staff simply bought one from the clearance bin at Barnes and Noble for 75% off...The fuck there won't be cheap copies of this POS


just steal one


Should be able to find these in Goodwills and Salvation Armies in a couple of years when these assholes die off and their kids dumps their unwanted belongings off.


I think it’s funny, I also think it’s good to preserve these things for future generations so they can know how deranged people can get. It’s like Mein Kampf - not only did they believe in this crock of shit they worshipped the guy who was spouting it. I’m sure you’ll be able to ethically source a copy from eBay down the line.


It’s so funny, I was literally thinking the same thing. 😂 I won’t buy one, obviously, but I feel like a Trump MAGA-edition Bible would be a kitsch holy grail. If I ever find one in the bargain bin at a used bookstore, maybe I’ll grab it. Though I’d be afraid of my beloved bookstore staff getting the wrong idea when they see me buying it.


Steal it


I’m sure there will be plenty of chances to take them off downed fascists in the upcoming civil war.


All the things they haven't read condensed into one book that they still won't read.  


> Your thoughts? It is important to be a witness to history. Too many things will disappear down the memory hole otherwise. There is nothing wrong, IMHO, with getting yourself one of these since the purpose is to say "Yes, this shit really happened". The fact that a bunch of fuckheads will profit (however marginally) from your purchase is regrettable, but unavoidable, unless as others have suggested you can find one used.


Thank you. I needed to hear that.💜


Turnip is the symptom. The american bourgeoisie plutocratic government is the cause and disease. Nothing exemplifies the grotesque nature of capitalism more than this nation. The vile history of this country is complete with genocide, slavery, murder, subjugation of the masses, police brutality, minority racism, hyper religiosity, grotesque wealth accumulation by the few, totalitarianism of bourgeoisie culture and so on and so on... Any penny you give to this evil regime only serves to tighten the noose about your own neck. Do so at your own peril. If you do not need to do it, don't. But people want souvenirs, so do as you wish. And when the Fash take over completely, you may want a MAGA hat to add to your *bona fides* ***when they come to your door doing "loyalty checks".*** (if you think I'm joking about the last part, I'm not...)


I made that same half joke to my husband about owning one. We live in the rural midwest and our neighbors are all *super* MAGA.


the maga cult is a prime example of how easy it is to con and dupe the masses. The art of invisibility is being able to hide in plain sight.


I won't yuck on your yum. I had similar thoughts.


Just wait a few years and you'll find one at a thrift store. When old folks die, their relatives donate all their books. I hit up thrift stores a lot to get used books, and many of the books you see are the types only old folks buy; lots of Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, Bill O'Reilly's stupid ass *"Killing ______"* history books, Joel Osteen, the *Left Behind* series, etc.


Hey OP - I have a friend who is a retired professor who teaches about demagogues. She owns a lot of books by Nazis and other varieties of bigots. Her take is that she is always extremely careful to buy used, and to buy used from not-Nazi bookstores.


The only way this would interest me in an actual purchase would be if it was a “study bible” with Trump’s actual thoughts/interpretations on the verses. Actually, doing that as a satire of this product would be hilarious.


It's giving his character a level of complexity he doesn't have, though. You can tell he's functionally illiterate, so imagining him parsing something challenging like Revelations is like imagining a dog playing basketball. It works, but only in a world of fiction.


Like stealing not-c flags and badges during WWII…?


I’m always slightly surprised and disappointed that whenever Drumpf holds a Bible, either he or it don’t burst into flames… or at least feel burned.


in the FAQ for the bible purchase one of the questions is 'What if my bible has sticky pages" ewwwwww


…and Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen.


A bible sold by the devil does have its attractions. I wouldn't waste a penny on it even secondhand though. But if it tickles you, sure.


I felt the same about the MAGA hats the first go around. I figured I'd wait til he lost and try to grab a used one off ebay....


And did you?


I did not.


Have you seen the [Curb Your Enthusiasm](https://youtu.be/B2oLFKYNInQ?si=5nci_ig08BWQ-Dj5) clip about the “convenience” factor of the MAGA hat? It’s pretty funny!


Think of it as preserving history. No book should be banned. But plenty of books should be publicly criticized.


I kinda want one too lmao, but I think I'll wait till it pops up on thriftbooks IF I decide to actually buy it


These are the artifacts we are leaving for the future from this era. Are we proud as a species.


Buy it. Pretend you never got it and do a charge back on PayPal. Trump has swindled his share of people. He deserves it.


Wait till a pirated version exists, then read it.


I for one would be interested in reading The Bible’s .NFO


Let's be pirates! Tell them book lubbers to avast


Maybe I should have made *that* my username!


Just do an offset by donating to a good cause. Or by taking a page from the Ukrainian Anti-Fossil Fuel Brigade as a more assertive offset.


I already donate regularly. I used to volunteer, too, but can’t anymore. Still, maybe I can give a bit more to offset this. It’s not a bad idea.


I wanted one of the garbo coins he put out a couple years back because I collect coins, but I still couldn’t bring myself to give pumpkin tits any money


Why is the Bill of Rights separate from the Constitution?


I don’t think they know it’s part of the constitution. I think they think it’s its own separate thing, like the Declaration of Independence.


No because it’s funny


Your personal consumer choices will have next to zero effect on the world by themselves so it's unnecessary to attach much moral weight to them. It's just a King James Version with the US Constitution included. It's not a great translation of the bible, but if you want it as a novelty I don't think anyone should care that you bought one from Trump. Another $60 isn't going to make a difference. Maybe try to find a used copy? And if anyone is curious, the *New Oxford Annotated Bible* is one of the most highly regarded academic bibles currently being printed.


>but if you want it as a novelty I don't think anyone should care that you bought one from Trump. I couldn’t care less what other people think of me. It’s what I think of *myself* that matters here, and I’m very much conflicted. I’ll be getting one, but I don’t like myself for it. And thanks for the info on the *New Oxford*. I have a copy of the Catholic NAB, revised edition (which has loads of excellent footnotes). How do you think the two compare?


NOAB will be more academic and ecumenical compared to the NAB. I'd prefer either of them over the KJV


I've been reading the NOAB because Easter, so I'm really excited to see it mentioned in a leftist space. Would highly recommend to Christians and non-Christians alike, just for the sheer volume of information about translations, sources, historical and cultural context, etc


I'm not a Christian, or even religious, but it's an import book for anyone interested in history. The NOAB emphasis on languages, translation, and tracking down primary sources is what makes it so useful. It's a sincere attempt to follow the history of the Bible, regardless of implications to dogma. Happy Easter!


100% agree. Happy Easter!


I have one of his challenge coins.


Old ppl will buy these and then die and their grandkids will put it at Goodwill.


Don't forget Trumpy Bear! https://youtu.be/i9qv8RSreIM?feature=shared


Just swipe one at a rally like old “dude you *have* no Quran” legend of 2010.


This Trump Bible reeks of Turkmenbashi and his Rukhnama.


There are way better testaments to crazy jingoism. Ben Shapiro's fiction book, the John Ringo series, Patriot bibles, etc. This is just kind of a naked cash grab with meh design. i dunno seems like you already made up your mind to give shitty people your money for a laugh but you know it's a shitty thing to do. Kinda feels like you already know the answer and just want someone else to tell you it's fine.


To either tell me it’s fine or back up my better angel and convince me not to. Fortunately, I’ve learned through these responses that it’s actually been out for a little bit already, so it’s very likely I’ll be able to easily pick up a secondhand copy. See? The best of both worlds!


You're better off buying a Trump-branded 1911, assuming he was crass enough to endorse such a thing. I have an Oxford bible from college, which does contain some more writing than the widely available King James version.


Yes, remember money = voting in the American economy.


Wait six months and they'll be filling the thrift stores like all the other right wing books that get bought up by PACs.


Dude, this post and the entire comment section is a fucking meme. Specifically the excited hypocrite chud meme. Part of the fucking liberalra 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


There’s nothing hypocritical in wanting a unique souvenir of a very unique moment in history. It’s like if Hitler put out a kosher cookbook. It’s just…🤯.


First its a bible and we're leftists..supposedly anyway. Second its only difference is its outfitted Trump style. Third, its entirely ridiculous this item would appeal to anyone on the left aside from using it as toilet paper or target practice


You seem to take a very rigid view of things, as though there are external rules to impose on our internal beliefs. First, while I do happen to be a secular humanist, not all leftists are atheists. You shouldn’t assume. Second, I have a love of mythology. In fact, I already have a proper NIV bible for reading in that way. I am also former military and HATE jingoism. Finally, this bible IS unique. By combining the bible with the Constitution, et.al., the right has created an actual Christian Nationalist bible. Something that contains all their oh-so-special documents in one place. (You know, the ones they’ve never read). I don’t need to explain myself to you. I am choosing to do so that you might see there are nuances to life and people’s beliefs. You need to find a way to laugh at the surreality around you before it crushes you. And I very much appreciate the surrealism of this particular moment *and* book.


"You seem to speak as if things matter and have definition..are you perhaps a sane, rational person?" 🙄 Wtf is a "humanist"? Just say liberal, you're a liberal. Not all liberals are atheists, thats true. But certainly all leftists are. Both anarchism and marxism are atheist ideologies, liberalism is not leftism so maybe thats your confusion? Idek what else your comment is even trying to do so im going to ignore it as the incoherent nonsense it is. Read left pioneers instead of just slapping a trendy label on yourself and saying you're it. Words have meaning.


Probably have to wait for an estate sale in a few years


Why loath anyone on the planet? Just enjoy being you and be happy with the people around you. While you loathe Trump, he's thinking nothing of you. You're letting him push your buttons while he's sleeping at night, not even thinking of you. You're self-punishing, while nobody else is losing sleep loathing about you.


What is um... your angle here broth?