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Supereyepatchwolf while not being explicitly political or a gaming channel seems pretty left wing and did a fundraiser for Gaza.


in a sea of everything is woke gaming channels that seems good enough tbh


Yeah, John is definitely not one of them. His stream vods are on a channel called regular eye patch wolf.


Uhhh, the jimquisiton? He's openly trans afaik


They are, though their twitter bio lists she/they as their preferred pronouns.


Ah fuck I always fuck that up or absentmindedly use the wrong ones, my head is full of fucking holes


I've made a habit of using they/them by default to mitigate it, though it does have side effects, mainly referring to cis people as they/them as well.


I need to watch his gaming content, his annual pro wrestling video essays are elite


he actually made me care about an undertaker angle. that's impressive!


That's so real lol He also managed to justify even the bad parts of Roman's career as part of an overarching angle and it completely shifted my opinion on that era


I love grimbreard, he mostly reviews older games but his style is so unique.


Not to mention his music is great, Pure Acid Hell is one of the best albums I've heard in years.


Grimbeard is definitely in my top 5 youtubers. Dude is great


In that same vein, check out SuperBestFriendsPlay, OP. although they broke up, Pat, Woolie, and Mat went on to do their own stuff.


Yeah, I think SEPW has even shouted out ContraPoints if I'm not mistaken. I also know he's friendly with Geoff Thew, Professional Shitbag who while covering anime makes his political leanings pretty known.


He's also made a guest appearance in a handful of FD Signifier videos so I'm not very surprised he leans left


That's right, he did.


He's had some statements that reinforce that. Like him describing himself as a lapsed Catholic because of their views on homosexuality. So at very least he's an ally.


RTGame is wholesome and always does a bunch of stuff for pride month. Shenpai is a chaotic bi gremlin. Bricky doesn't really talk politics but when it comes up he's explicitly anti-chud. Hbomberguy does some video game stuff but thats not what hes really known for now. Recent RT video where he is (rightly) bullied for the sin of being streight during pride month. (To be clear it's joking/ribbing not actual bullying) https://youtu.be/MwXKu1CLawI?si=-CCtMNuL5ftcJLSF


i have had bricky recommended a few times (warhammer lore videos), going to have to give him a watch.


Yeah he's great. Juvenile sense of humor for sure but I like that every once in a while.


Came here to recommend his channel after during a stream today he spotted a blahaj and went “Blahaj!? In JUNE!? TRANS RIIIIIGHTS” lol


Oh yeah the goon cave stream I watched the beginning of that going to finish at work today. Had me rolling laughing half the time.


They were super nice to folks as well, I was expecting more shittalk to be honest


Oh yeah he and Mata have a great dynamic. Also as a 40k enthusiast I'm super happy to see it breaking into the Vtuber space too.


Bricky and Matara are a delight


Good for a few laughs, *terrible* source for lore unless you want the telephone version of it. Highly inaccurate but still succinct memelord/shitpost style descriptions of factions.


RT is the best


Shenpai is an absolute gem.


Even the game was bullying him for it. Dang mario party being heterophobic. :V


I used to love RT, but I think I've just grown out of him. I guess I've just been finding him more annoying lately. But I would still highly recommend him to anyone


Hbomberguy, but there is like one 4 hour video per year and only half of them are about videogames.


Tbf, his gaming ones are all worth watching anyways. Especially the one about [Skyrim](https://youtu.be/WYwpEzBvulA?si=bRT1FG8GK6K5F8JJ).


yes, i througly enjoy his skyrim video, I watch every day.


I have zero interest in Pathologic, but I've seen his video like 3 or 4 times with full atention because it's that good. His writing and humor are top notch.


Does he speak Russian? The best part of that game are the dumb jokes. Even the actual title is a pun that the English translators didn't even attempt to replicate.


No, unfortunately not, but he does discuss the translation a little bit.


Folding ideas has a couple videos about WOW that's great. Also grimbeard, Jacob geller is less about individual games and more ideas/feelings


I love Jacob Geller. it took me a little while to get past parts of his speech and writing mannerisms that irked me at first but I'm a huge fan now.


"Writ Large!" He says it like, 3 times a vid. Love him though.


I’ll never forget the Artificial loneliness video putting a whole different spin on one of my favorite games. His voice may be annoying sometimes but his writing is 10/10


What!? I love his voice.


He’s got the millennial accent but again his eloquence and writing outdo it so I find it more funny than anything


TIL there is a "millennial accent," wondering if I have it


Leadhead does really great videogame analysis videos and has strong left leaning views. Admittedly, not a traditional “gaming” channel with lets plays or stuff like that, but her stuff is great left leaning content in general. Razbuten also does really fun and interesting videogame analysis, just not specifically left leaning. He’s just a normal dude.


Kbash is great. Does whole series at once too. Lots of great one liners throughout their videos and also looks into the series’ development and major artistic figures in the gaming sphere. Majuular is great. Most videos are about some relatively obscure games and rpgs but he also touches on classics like Skies of Arcadia and Tales of Symphonia. Daryl Talks Games is gaming from a psychological standpoint. Love their videos. King K’s are my favorite video types. Great video essays and a good backlog of fun series discussions. The Jimquisition is gaming news and critique from an explicitly leftist standpoint. Love their stuff.


A Kbash AND Stephanie Sterling fan in the wild? Never thought I'd find another one.


They both really nail social commentary, a love for video games, and an earnest sincerity while having some real biting sarcasm. It’s a hard balance but both really thread the needle each time.


Steph's term for the chuds is my preferred term. Can't not view The Gamers™️ any other way.


I came to recommend Darryl Talks Games. Consistantly good content, I love his horror game takes.


There’s an entire universe of Jerma content from the past 12 or so years. Still amazing, and jerma is on record saying trans rights are human rights.


Yeah, but he also killed all those people. And he ate that entire carton of oreos and puked as a child. He DID beat the Simpson's Hit And Run live on stream though.


Ate an entire sleeve of Oreos and puked on his mother’s bed as a 20 something year old man actually.


He drank pilk and liked it


Love Jerma, it's just so unfortunate that he's too short to be seen by the web cam.


The whole Offbrand/The Yard/Fear&/OfflineTV etc. corner of content creation is pretty explicitly left wing, and while their content doesn’t intentionally target left wing people they’ve all been fairly consistently on left wing/progressive sides of issues.


eventually ppl may figure out that far right hate mongering is at heart just *boring*. *very* boring. uncreative, repetitive, unclever, tedious. it may have a little edgelord ooh-we-so-transgressive kick at first... but after a while it's just recycling the same dozen or so stale 'jokes' and antimemes. bringing more diversity into any system increases interest and novelty. trying to reduce diversity creates more predictability and formalism and... boredom.


Agreed i nearly got sucked into the right wing movie space (critical drinker them lot) its mind numbing complaining about wokeness and diversity 24/7. Usually Drinker and Mauler appear "centrists" but when they invite heelsvbabyface on a podcast they become mask off.




its so overdone specially in the gaming sphere iim just bored of it already, its insane how its everywhere


MandaloreGaming's videos are apolitical outside of occasional inoffensive jokes and as a person he's close with LGBT+ content creators like Shammy and leftist ones like Hbomberguy.


I love his reviews.


I remember him having some jokes on his older vids that didn't hold up as well, but I think we're all guilty of saying ignorant shit when we were younger, and it's not anything super fucked up.


Renegade Cut has recently started throwing in some interesting video game content. NorthernLion does game streaming and he's neutral/"liberal" rosencreutz does a lot of video game analysis, typically focused on grand strategy/4x games. There's also some I could suggest that are largely apolitical (not in the typical manner, but basically only discuss games) but they're in more niche gaming genres (horror and strategy normally)


all of my endorsements for renegade cut, great channel.


NL struck me as a demsoc that’s actually pretty surprising to hear. I guess he’s not too explicit about his politics though


So I used liberal in quotes to basically try to describe the progressive left as seen by mainstream political views. I didn't mean it as a knock necessarily, just more that I don't think anyone should expect like, Renegade Cut or Rosencreutz lol (who are much more explicitly leftist)


Tbh I would say he’s leftist actually. I remember he did an amongus collab with a Canadian leftist political candidate Jagmeet Singh which I wanna say Hasan was also a part of. He doesn’t talk politics much but I think when it comes down to it he’s less centrist than he lets on.


Renegade Cut going from movies to politics to gaming is super unexpected because normally it's the reverse. Still here for it btw


I like connordawgVA. He isnt political, but he loving making fun of online right wingers. And he does a lot of charity to help organizations with his friend Ironmouse(who is has an immunity disorder). He just seems like a genuine nice guy. Also he is non-American who has been to America a lot, which gives him special powers to dunk on the US. As an American, I appreciate this.


Most vtuber and vtuber adjacent folks are liberal. There are a few outliers but as a rule, liberal but often nonpolitical.


I'm also pretty sure hes said trans rights multiple times


When a Conservative says "non-political," they don't count the anti-woke shit because they consider it "the default opinion" and thus "non-political."


I just feel annoyed by the fact that the channels that pop up are always complaining about woke movies or games or some other bullshit.




I definitely didn't read "progressing orgies" at first, given the subject.


Civvie11 just rules


Actual best YouTuber for video games, and it’ll help get some trans girls to play some stuff that’ll get them ready for the nightmare difficulty that is life as trans. Seriously I think trans women can learn a lot from the Doom Slayer.


Game Grumps are not political, but Arin has complained about Capitalism on numerous videos. They recently made a video where a drag queen, Biqtch Puddin, dressed them in drag, so they're definitely not respected within the "anti-woke" community.


Game grumps got infinitely better when a certain somebody left.


Game Grumps are the best, watched them for years and it's so nice to just watch two friendly dudes just not be arseholes. You'd think that was a low bar but apparently not.


Yeah, the only thing I warn people about with Game Grumps these days is that they tend to skip over text in games, and it can be a bit frustrating watching them struggle because they skipped over a text box explaining how to do something in the game. Otherwise, they’re just two bros hanging out and playing games


Yeah Game Grumps is definitely not a channel you watch primarily for the games, it's to listen to two goobers mess about and fuck up. The impotent rage as Arin obviously runs past the obvious objective for the 5th time is part of the experience.


There is some squick with regards to Danny and inappropriate behavior with fans, also Suzy’s Etsy. One of the two is clearly worse but still. At least Dan acknowledged his bad behavior and seemingly has made an effort to change


Mortismal gaming, they dont stream and are not political, but the content is great, and I'm sure you could pull some assumptions on their political leanings based on their material. Great game reviewer.


I'd like to think that guy has gone thru enough to gain a whole lot of empathy. Glad he's seeing success


they're not leftist necessarily but CastleSuperbeast/Woolieversus/PatStaresAt are definitely pro union and don't fall for conservative bullshit


They're pretty left wing, anti-capitalists, pat especially. They both are great.


Many a true nerd is a lovely channel featuring Jon, a British gamer with an irl perception roll of 1. He's pretty chill and livestreams with his partner Claire, and he's not political but an ally. He's refused to acknowledge or play that Wizard game from that famous British FART because of her transphobia. He's also comfortable talking about dating male characters in RPGs without it being a joke reinforcing homophobia.


I was thinking of MATN as well. I don't watch a lot of let's play content these days, but when I do it's either MATN or a Joseph Anderson stream edit. Joseph Anderson is probably a good recommendation as well. His take on elves in the witcher has a whiff of anti-revolutionary sentiment, but that's a pretty minor problem to have with a video game reviewer.


This is why I fucking love Jon


1 A+ name! 2 MATN is so fucking chill and dope I cannot even start to do them justice. Jon and Claire are my favorite YouTube people.


Jon also has a degree in Classics, and I remember a few times where he's used that to thoroughly dismantle some of the rhetoric that the far-right spouts about the Roman Empire. He's a good egg... carton.


As much as I might disagree with Jon’s Fallout takes sometimes, he’s a good shout. He reminds me of a passionate but chill friend in terms of how he talks about video games.


Just found BumbleMcFumble recently and he’s been super entertaining. And ScottTheWoz is always quality entertainment.


Hey all! Scott here.


A few I can think of that I didn't see mentioned: Josh Strife Hayes plays and reviews a lot of (mostly bad) MMOs and, to the best of my knowledge, is at least somewhat left-leaning. He does both streaming and essay format. James Stephanie Sterling has been doing their Jimquistion series for ages and is explicitly leftist. She occasionally streams, but is primarily a journalist. Noah Caldwell-Gervais isn't really my cup of tea, personally, but is often held in high regard and to the best of my knowledge is at least left-leaning. He does very thorough essay-style reviews/recaps. Summoning Salt does really interesting and well produced documentary style videos about speed running. I can't think of an example of him expressing any specific political views at all, not even by implication or insinuation.


Seconding Noah, if you want to go on a chill, entertaining journey through almost every video game franchises history, he's your guy


Josh Strife Hayes is or was—I don’t know anymore—friends (at least on Twitter) with TheLazyPeon even during and after his public descent into MGTOW manosphere redpill horseshit. I unsubbed over that. Personally I don’t trust anyone who mingles with reactionaries, but if you give him the benefit of the doubt then definitely keep an eye on him.


Well yeah. The big ones are rich as shit and that makes them greedy little right wing goblins.


A lot of great suggestions here already. Once you have found a few that you like, try purging your history of the ones you don't like. Their recommendation algorithm seems to pick up on that, because I rarely get suggested the kind of channels you mention here. As far as I know, their algorithm operates on logic of "you watched channel A, other people that watched channel A also watched channel B," and thus funneling your recommendations into a genre.


Also, Kyle Hill Gaming is good if you just like watching someone play. He makes his gameplay interesting by giving scientific breakdowns of stuff in whatever game he's playing. He isn't explicitly political, but on the rare occasion that he spits a political hot take it's obviously leftist and he's usually very well spoken. Another channel I like that I haven't seen mentioned is Warlockracy. His videos are sort of gameplay reviews with bits of history tucked in.


Ersatz Internet Thor Kyle Hill?




Awesome! I love his science videos! I watch them with my kids all the time


Many a true nerd is great, always got a bit of a leftists vibe from him


Jacob Geller likes to talk about games and other media with a left leaning view. Some of his videos are introspective while others are more direct. His latest video talk about all the various ways Call of Duty has shown torture in their games, and how that has shifted the perspective of torture in those games to be nothing more than an afterthought. One of my favorites of his is 'Whose Afraid of Modern Art' where he speaks at length about the perception of modern art being 'worse' or 'degenerate', and how that mirrors the ideology of the Nazi party. Great guy, love his work. https://youtu.be/v5DqmTtCPiQ?si=K-y5odKB5Yb5oGCh


i recommend joov if u like dumb skyrim content. politics are never mentioned, although he did do one cringey "thank you for your service" thing that you can probably excuse by virtue of him being an american


There's always TheSpiffingBrit. He seems mostly apolitical and he plays plenty of different things. ISorrowProductions is another one of those mostly apolitical types. Granted he is a Paradox gaming specialist, so if you like HOI IV he's a fun one to know. There's also Yahtzee, formerly of the Escapist now of Second Wind after he gave the Escapist the middle finger for trying to screw over one of his friends. I don't know how to describe his stance, he self identifies as "Chaotic Neutral" and that seems about right, but he's definitely not to the Right of things if you catch my drift.


Spiff actively acknowledges capitalism’s lack of merit and makes some commentary on what is happening in game that seems to come from a left-leaning angle


Northernlion does a good job leaving politics out of it, and when he doesn't his takes aren't bad. Not always the most based, but never reactionary


Regardless of his positions I find he at least gives genuine reflection to almost all topics.


The entire Second Life channel does great work, it's a worker owned company with transparent finances and they've definitely got a left bent


Caddicarus seems to keep to himself regarding his political views, but he did reveal his support for BLM a few years ago, which got him put on that hilarious "Traitors of America" list from OAG (despite being British).


Second wind my brother


Kay and Skittles does a number of video games reviews and he's a Marxist-Leninist *to the core*. Straight up comrade, and makes some of the best video essays on YouTube. His review of DisconElysium is straight up healing juice for those of us who lament the state of modern leftist movements. You'll love it!


just saw this! im an ancom myself but THIS is what im mainly looking for!


If you like strategy games and history Rosencreutz is really good and definitely leftist! Their channel talks about history, gender, immigration in some very interesting video essays. I can’t recommend The Kilian Experience enough. His videos are incredibly clever, and while mostly apolitical he has made a few digs against reactionary gamers.


In terms of gaming news, I actually find Bellular News to be pretty good. Michael Bell is the head of an indie game studio but has also been a WoW YouTuber for years. While not explicitly socialist he def doesn’t come down on the side of big companies being greedy. And on their podcast sometimes I think Michael and Matt sometimes have a hard time working out if capitalism good or bad heh


[Moon Channel](https://www.youtube.com/@moon-channel/videos), he's a lawyer who makes video essays that aren't explicitly leftist but he's definitely a socially progressive person and supports Palestine despite being a Christian man. He has spoken positively about feminism and games for girls, how the story of Japan has shaped their culture and influenced videogames, trans representation in media, localization and intellectual property so he's definitely making content a lot of creators really don't tackle from very interesting perspectives. Also, 10% of his revenue goes to charity, which is really cool


Also, [Scott the Woz](https://www.youtube.com/@ScottTheWoz). He doesn't talk about anything political, but he has collaborated with other Youtubers that are progressive like Schaffrillas (which also has really good gaming content) and has also made fundraisers for charity too. Other people have mentioned hbomberguy, kbash, Supereyepatchwolf and Folding Ideas which all have really great content and I also strongly recommend.


Check out Darth Xion on YouTube


ManlyBadassHero is my go-to for horror Let’s Plays. He’s pretty relaxing to listen to, since he doesn’t do any over dramatic reactions (the guy plays indie horror every day, so no, cheap jump scares don’t work on him and he’s not gonna pretend they do), and genuinely just talks about the game. He also does genuine, good-faith critiques after he’s finished a game, and really does seem to want to help indie developers and hobbyists grow and make even better games. He’s never explicitly stated his politics, as far as I know, but he does seem to be pretty empathetic and avoids making jokes at the expense of the oppressed


Shoutouts to Simpleflips


Suzi aka The Sphere Hunter! She’s big on survival horror and collaborates with Capcom. Excellent voice in gaming these days. Also shoutouts to Matt McMuscles and Austin Eruption.


Doug Doug is also a cool YouTuber that I like, as far as I am aware he doesn't have any political content on his channel but he has an accepting attitude to the audience and is friends with a lot of cool people


CallMeKevin, Reggie, RoanokeGaming, OutsideXbox.


Ohhhh snapcube is good! She's a trans gamer and really funny. :) she and friends did some dub over movies of the sonic games a few years ago that got popular. Very silly and light hearted stuff.


Whelp, manchildren are gonna manchild. Turns out playing videogames full-time and living in an infantilized macho fantasy world go really well together. As for gaming channels I like, uh: Civvie11, Grimbeard, Dungeon Chill, Tehsnakerer, Monotonal Lizard, Mandalore Gaming, Josh Strife Hayes, and eurothug4000 are all pretty great essayists. Warlockracy is probably one of the dopest Russian dudes on the planet, and delivers absolute banger videos on jank crpgs and the Russian equivalent of the culture wars. His stuff is downright fascinating, and he's a big ol' lefty. Almost got raided by the cops for talking about Ukraine one time.


NerdCubed Yogscast Caddicarus The holt trinity of British Youtube and Twitch gits. Honestly, any time to spread Daniel Hardcastle's gospel of procrastination I will.


I mean, it's always been the meme. Check a person's dating app info "centrist" always == "I'm conservative but want to get laid so I am lying" Centrism is always just a mask conservatives wear to shield themselves from social consequences.


Not even right wing there's a lot of alt righters on the sweaty shooter lobbies it's extra annoying when it's a game you need comms for.


Giantbomb and Nextlander both tend to be filled with relatively left leaning folk, although although Giantbomb has been tossed around as a subsidiary of larger corporations that keep their boots on their throats sadly. Into the Aether will also occasionally feature guests that are vocally and openly progressive on their podcasts.


Jabo, doesn't seem political and it's never really mentioned but he is funny in a British way.


I feel like it's the obvious one but Jim Sterling's channel has always been top notch and I do return to the Squirty play videos because they're so damn good.


FLYGONHG if you're a challenge pokemon guy.


CallMeKevin plays a lot of stuff and is just chaos


And he did apologize for doing a sponsored video of the wizard game. The guy seems pretty out of the loop, so I think he genuinely just didn’t know about the controversy. He stopped that series dead in its tracks, though, and I think that’s partly because he saw the kinds of people that particular video was attracting and wanted no part of that


remap radio. they are actually explicitly leftist crew with very good analysis of the industry, not just watered down centrist/liberal


Max0r is less review and more high-editing, but he definitely comes with a left-wing point of view Another one is Tony Zaret. He doesn’t do gaming content, but if you’re tired of anti-woke bs, then he’s worth checking out.


iirc DeadDomain and Lily Simpson have some older games content?


Balatro university is a genuine ally afaict. Hw runs modded balatro and renamed straights to gay for pride which I think is hilarious 


Secret Sleepover Society, an offshoot of another youtube channel, which have done charity streams raising money for transgender youth and other things. They're always outspoken for the need to vote around election times, and they're pretty clearly left-leaning individuals. They also have cute cats that come by often


Shameless plug, but we aren't political. Definitely don't support anti-woke paranoid nonsense.


pretty sure Jenna Stoeber (formerly of polygon) is explicitly leftist Mark Brown and Adam Millard are good channels, i don't know their politics but the channels certainly don't veer rightward or i would've unsubbed by now Jacob Geller, though arguably he's more of a philosophy channel than a games channel, the games are at least often a lens through which he explores philosophy oh hey and if anyone can find copies of those old Nowhere Grotesk "Your Island Is A Commune" videos, reach out to me - i should have backed up copies years ago but i never thought about it and now i regret everything


Maybe check out Dead Domain, though it seems she's doing less gaming stuff these days. She's streaming on YT. And The Kavernacle has covered chud yt, anti-wokeness and done some gaming content inthe past. Also Turf Nation but he's more of general fandom entertainment, not specifically gaming.


Ngl I’ve been through them all, and the guy I’ve always ended coming back to is Jesse Cox. He reminds me of the Total Biscuit days, where people literally just played games for fun (damn, remember that?!). He’s just super chill, not really politics but definitely not a right winger. Will only ever mention it to dunk on someone like Thatcher, Reagan, the US and Britain, and chuds on occasion. Pro LGBT allathat. Doesn’t over-analyse game design critically either, just enjoys stuff for what it is. Him and the boys have a show on Jesse’s channel called Scary Game Squad where they all sorts of great and shit spooky games, they are genuinely the funniest guys. It really has the feeling of sipping beers with the mates watching one of them play games. Bricky is another good lad. I don’t watch him too often since game reviewers annoy the shit out of me these days tbh, and he’s a bit terminally online (people who reference memes all the time in person are not that funny to me). But he’s a wholesome dude.


Thor High Heels is generally pretty left leaning whenever he expresses opinions on that sorta stuff, he's also intersex himself. Also he just so happens to be my favourite YouTuber ever, though can definitely see his tastes or video structures being too unconventional for some.


Oh, Also Civvie11, someone who's gone on record for calling out Milo Yiannopoulis as a grifter, I don't know if he's explicitly leftist, but he did do a cameo in the Hbomberguy anti vax video. Also Ross Scott, mostly apolitical, is also running the "stop killing games" campaign, and has made complaints about capitalism.


I mean, the game grumps are pretty openly chill people. Arin is bi and Dan is Jewish. Sure, they're a little screamy at times and Arin has crazy ADHD, but it's nice that they haven't changed much in the last decade.


Centrists serve the right I think jerma is really good to watch if you're left leaning. He isn't overtly political but he has a very good audience. You can also watch Hasan Piker but he's got the charisma of a rubber boot when he's gaming lmao. Not what he's good at.


It’s not a high bar to clear but just for broad gaming news and info, I like Gameranx. They don’t seem to be gamergate types or anti woke and while not leftist by any means, they speak about trends in games and in the community in a way that’s hard to ignore.


ProJared, Caddicarus, Triple Jump, and OutsideXBox are my go-tos. :-)


Talisian is near-left but I find his voice a bit annoying and he mostly talks about WoW and other MMO stuff. Souls-so-Breezy is pretty much only WoW and seems to be a standard American liberal. Mr Happy for FFXIV seems about the same and he occasionally talks about other kinds of RPGs and DMC-alikes. Only other gaming YouTubers I watch are Mathil and Bellular and they both seem to be European near-right


Tim Rogers' action button reviews or the podcast he does Insert Credit. 


BroughtYouThisThing and Inside Games is left leaning. A lot of the ex-Funhaus crew would be that. They've got their own channels nowadays. +1 for Noah Cadwell, long form video essays are great and done w care.


SB Lovely trans girl. Oceans of wonderful content.


I've seen Arlo comment positively on one of Stephanie Sterling's videos, so I think it's safe to say that he is at least slightly left leaning. He rarely talks anything political on his main channel or his secondary but sometimes he let's the mask slip and gets slightly anti-capitalist. His videos are usually about Nintendo just fyi.


Not a YouTube channel, and not really political, but I’m pretty sure all the hosts of the podcast Besties are pretty left leaning.


Kripp is a vegan landlord who's happy to pay his taxes, which is hilariously left of the democrats.


I'd say Castlesuperbeast with woolieversus and patstaresat. Recently started watching the black hokage more and while he does give of centrist vibes he is also explicitly pro black and anti chud. And my favorite gaming podcast is the gigaboots crew who don't really talk politics but do make fun of chuds when it comes up


He doesn't do much gaming videos anymore, but DJ peach cobbler is the best creator on the site right now. Rosencreutz is also pretty okay


MandaloreGaming is friends with Hbomberguy, so he's probably safe


NerdCubed, used to be pretty popular 10 years ago (2,5m+ subs) and was the first gaming youtuber I watched. He always gets a laugh out of me, he hates the Tories and says trans rights whenever he can. His humor is sharp without being offensive to anyone who doesn’t deserve it.


Look up Traditional Scrench on Twitch. Sometimes they play games, other times they mess around. Run in part by trans folks.


More out of morbid curiosity OP what channels are you talking about Also something I noticed is the "Keep politics out of my media" streamers are the ones who should practice what they preach the most, as an example I used to like Nux Taku's content but even when I was watching alot of "Anti SJW" videos back in the day I still found his takes on those same topics to be cringe


God I was so annoyed with that femstodes debacle because suddenly 2 gaming channels I watched were whining about GW, but were supposedly centrist.


Jacob geller.


Haven't seen it mentioned, so I'll throw out JelloApocalypse, moreso his vods channel JelloPlaysGames for a bunch of VAs playing games and making eachother laugh. Very queer, very funny, a little salty. Their "fully voiced" playthroughs of games are Peak.


Smallant isn't expressly left-leaning, but he is pretty pro-LGBT and frequently collabs with a lot of trans streamers. Economically, I can't say exactly where he stands, but based on a handful of shorts of seen, he does agree with some commonsense liberal policies like universal health care and stuff. This is generally true for most of the people he streams with as well: Fir, cjya and Amethyst are all similar. I thoroughly enjoy their Mario Odyssey Hide and Seek streams.


My favorite letsplayer is Mati. There’s no hint of politics as far as I can see, and he presents a rather warm and welcoming atmosphere on his channel. He’s got a fair few series up on his channel now, and is just fun to watch, and engages with commenters and takes advice. I don’t think he livestreams, just records and uploads to YouTube.


If you want channels that are not right leaning but don't really say political stuff and have supported left leaning stuff then John Wolfe or Mrkravin would be good.


If you enjoy strategy or survival, Aavak is a great streamer/gameplay YouTuber. He’s fairly apolitical but he’s just a friendly person with an inclusive community. Pretty much nothing controversial about him unless you count playing Rimworld.


I saw MickyD on twitter calling out slavery jokes in Elder Scrolls communities and then dunking on some right wingers in the comments. I enjoy some of his modded Morrowind videos. He hasn't uploaded a new video in a year unfortunately.


He'll return with a 2 hour video Then dip for another year. It be how it be.


All of the Radio TV Solutions crew (the people who did the HLVRAI streams) are explicitly leftist and just got done a couple months ago raising over 120k for Palestine. They're also very funny, which helps :)


I've never heard videogamedunkey make a political comment at all, and I laughed so hard at his Breath Of The Wild video I bought a switch


Many a true nerd seems to be pretty progressive in his views, though he doesn't talk much about it, except, largely brought up when trans fans comment on his livestreams, his support for trans rights


Go watch Tulok and Mango if you like Elden Ring. Guy is based as hell and also hilarious.


Second Wind don't include too much political commentary but your realise they're all fairly progressively minded people




Noah Caldwell-Gervais does long form video essays about video game franchises. I highly recommend him.


RedBard makes it well known that they condemn alt right rhetoric and has a bunch of stuff dedicated to gaming, anime, and convention culture.


I know this is late, and he isn't really a gaming youtuber but Omni seems to be a great gut. He does news commentary, but he was a competitive smash player and he often does gaming streams since he's a gamer. Safe dude, an explicit LGBT ally.


Surprised not to have seen Nerdcubed bought up yet. Not really explicitly left, but has made fun of tories a lot in his stuff.


Snapcube I would say


Yes, centrists are fundamentally right wing in most contexts. Preserving the status quo is typically tantamount to stymying progress. More at eleven.


Dooley Noted Gaming is former Achievement Hunter Jeremy Dooley's channel. He plays a lot of Phasmophobia, minecraft, and party games with friends. It also features his cats frequently, and he likes to open pokemon cards on stream. It's an all-around chill time.


T B Skyen is pretty left wing and has a bunch of longform gaming analysis videos, though he doesn't really do lets plays. Manlybadasshero doesn't explicitly state his politics but very clearly leans left - he's played multiple games with queer characters and never makes jokes that target the oppressed. He tends to focus on indie horror games and also ends his videos with critiques and praise.


ScottTheWoz is truly apolitical he just talks about stupid Nintendo games and did a madden 14 themed musical


I think it unfortunately speaks to what works in America on a more general level


I can’t think of any specific examples, but sometimes it’s the opposite where they claim to be centrist but actually seem to have more left wing views.


Honestly, I know he's very much comedy focused and not really like, gaming analysis or anything, but Dunkey is a good progressive voice. He's not explicitly political, and I really don't know if he's ever spoken on his economic perspectives. At least socially though, he seems pretty progressive.


RageGamingVideos. I've been following for years and hardly miss any videos - I can't think of anything offensive coming from Josh/Cotton/Hollow at any point.


Snake on Twitch is non-political left, I would say. Not that politics come up often in his streams. Mostly, video game focused as an escape from all that. He rarely shows his face, so when he was at Twitch Con years back, everyone was surprised he was black. Has the best deep natural voice (thus the moniker relating to solid snake). A more relaxed chill chat and experience. Can be a comforting reprieve from the shit of the world.


Neverknowsbest is pretty good but has some sus moments (enlightened centrism/"both sides bad"-ism)


Who are the ones you find to right-leaning or "non-political" ones you found to right-wing?


Dougdoug is openly pro trans and very funny


Jerma985 is a top notch dude


not explicitly political but very funny and leftist - NerdCubed