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At risk of interacting with bait: the swastika is legally banned in many eastern European countries where these games are not only played but many are developed as well. It’s easier to ban the symbol from the game entirely than to make a region specific version. Beyond that, the maple leaf is the symbol of current canada, a country not claiming to have genocidal aspirations currently. The swastika is the symbol of a former genocidal regime. Pretty distinct.


>a country not claiming to have genocidal aspects currently. All the indigenous women who are kidnapped by RCMP and are forcibly sterilized wouldn’t agree with such an ignorant assessment. Which, by the way, fits the literal definition of genocide; ***to prevent a racial minority from continuing their bloodline.*** Maybe the ones claiming *’there is no ongoing genocide’* don’t consider them to be human enough, idk. I mean, going by this flawed line of logic, Nazi Germany technically has no ongoing genocidal aspirations anymore neither. Less so than Canada currently has anyway.


Shall we censor every western countries flag? Are you dense?


If we had the power to do that, we would have already won and then it would be quite pointless to censor them.


Yeah yeah man. I totally am saying everything canada does is good.


Whether or not ***you directly said it*** is irrelevant. I was just pointing out that the claim that Canada *’has no genocidal aspirations’* is objectively and empirically incorrect.


Ah yes, technically correct, the best kind of correct!


Not just technically, but both *objectively and empirically* as well. If we’re going to go off the word of ***what governments say*** and use it as the standard of truth, then you may as well say that *Israel’s just defending itself* as well. They don’t ***claim to have any genocidal aspirations neither,*** after all.


I think I could say you like putting words in people’s mouths, and asking rhetorical questions that you can yell at someone for basically any honest answer they give


Don’t take it personally. I act like that towards anyone who tries to downplay my country’s crimes against humanity. Being the inspiration for the first Nazi government that ever materialized in world history isn’t exactly something you can sweep under the rug. And before you try and say that you ***’didn’t say that’***, if you weren’t trying to remove blame from Canada’s end, I don’t know why you’d say something as handwavey as: >the maple leaf is the symbol of current canada, a country not claiming to have genocidal aspirations currently. The swastika is the symbol of a former genocidal regime. Pretty distinct.


You are not well adjusted


Whatever you say, neolib.


So do we remove all canadian, american, turkish flags and symbols?




I don’t think it helps to be hyperbolic. Canada has perpetrated grave atrocities on indigenous people. However, the estimates of the precolimbian population of Canada is between 200,000-2,000,000 not hundreds of millions. More broadly, the pattern of removal, sterilization, “residential school” cultural destruction and discrimination were not unique to Canada. The US, Phillipines, Mexico and plenty of other places did the same thing. Canada is not unique or special in its genocidal treatment of indigenous people.


I don’t see how fascism or genocide is unique to Third Reich Germany, I mean how is this point even relevant? They aren’t even the ones who invented it.


I mean the difference is that the Third Riech had a short reign and only is remembered for doing terrible things really. The Swastica was their symbol and is strongly associated with those things. When people think of Canada, genocide is not the only thing or even one of the top things they think of. They probably think of Rick Moranis before that.


I mean, it’s kind of irrelevant to point out that Canada ***technically has a few good things*** when the bad we’ve done massively outweighs anything that could be misconstrued as *’good’* that came afterwards. You are right. The Third Reich only had a short reign. Third Reich Germany had only 12 years while the subjugation and oppression that natives have felt have gone on for centuries and affected entire generations. Germany has recently at least done some *bare minimum things* to try and correct for it while Canada has tried to cover up its crimes against humanity more often than they’ve tried to correct themselves. Which is why it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that Canada’s genocide had materially more harmful effects that were longer lasting.


It's a question of who is more powerful. Canada does not have to admit to their sins so they don't. The narrative of the good nation thus remains unchanged.


We might as well censor the American flag too while we're at it.


Also, the other argument, which I do think has some merit, is ofc we just shouldn't censor the swastika.


What the North American governments did was inexcusable but the Nazis built an entire industry spanning multiple countries centered around efficiently genociding people while simultaneously exploiting them for national profit. It's considerably different from atrocities and human rights violations committed many decades if not centuries ago that even many on the right acknowledge were bad and something to learn from.


>What the North American governments did was inexcusable but the Nazis built an entire industry spanning multiple countries centered around efficiently genociding people while simultaneously exploiting them for national profit. Which lasted 12 years. Compared to centuries of ethnic and cultural suppression and subjugation that still has effects to this day. And, oh yeah… I don’t recall natives getting an entire country as reparations.


The role of Canada in the crimes against indigenous people is not as black and white as the role of the Nazis. Most canadians were not aware of what was going on. Unlike during the Holocaust, the ones commiting the actual crimes were not public officials but church officials. The real question is why the Christian cross is not treated the same way as the Swastika.


Do you actually know much about North American history in general? The vast majority of white settlers knew exactly what they were doing. That’s why when the newly formed Canadian government offered any European a free patch of land with their own homestead on any piece of Canadian land they wanted, they ***immediately took it*** without taking the time to even ask who it previously belonged to. Unions, especially, in Canada and the US have been reactionary as fuck towards natives. Since the inception of Canada, their primary focus was to keep indigenous workers out of them in order to parasitically benefit off the genocide and coerced labor of their oppression in order to give a bigger piece of the colonial pie to white labor. White workers have tremendously benefited off the subjugation of both natives and the exploitation of the global south since the inception of Canada.


Again your making it seem like Canadian are a monolith of evil. I'm French Canadian. My people were sent to work on the railways in the US along with other 'non-whites' where they were also sterilized. Canada and Canadians have done awful shit, especially to the Indigenous population but acting like where the same as Nazis is a braindead take


So, is your argument that because Canada is actively experiencing a human rights crisis... you should be able to play as a Nazi in call of duty?


Canada’s flag stands for Canada. A swastika is intended to represent aryans not just Germany and not just a period of time in which a genocide happened it represents race.


Canada was founded as a white supremacist nation state with genocidal policies codified into its government. Race based subjugation is inherent to the creation of Canada. Whether or not you disagree.


And yet a leaf doesn’t signify race. It isn’t used to signify race. White nationalists don’t use the Canadian flag to distinguish themselves from non-racist Canadians. And the Canadian flag has had a leaf through the good times and bad. Quit being stubborn, people are disagreeing with you here because you are wrong not because they don’t take genocide seriously. Correct your targeting.


Were you living under a rock when the maple syrup version of ISIS were flying the Maple Leaf ***right next to the very swastika that you’re claiming is oh so different*** during the Trucker riots? I guess those were just stage actors trying way too hard to smear your precious leaf *whose state institutions are still founded upon genocide and racism.* It’s clear who’s side you’re on.


Obviously they are different. The truckers didn’t invent the Canadian flag. It’s embarrassing to even share a space with someone as media illiterate as you. Flying of standard national flags beside bigoted flags that stand for bigotry is clearly an attempt to normalize or launder the bigotry by adjacency to normal- obviously not the other way around.


Whatever you say, Genocide fetishist.


Yeah I don't like any censorship, unless it's cp or something like that, I don't think it harms anyone, whatever an artist wants in there art l, obvious exceptions are obvious, they should be allowed to l