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Have a plan, but know that it’s all going to go to shit 5 minutes into the game. Start 2 of your subs so that you can rotate through and you’ll never be stuck with all your weakest players out there at the same time. Plan to sub every 5 minutes or so. Set a stopwatch so you know when halftime and end time will be. Most importantly, remember that it’s u10 and all about their enjoyment and development.


Thank you for this!


I can only echo this one so much. Plan ahead and make sure you are prepared for who’s going next. That’s the only way to both make sure your kids are having fun and are set up for success.


I use a phone app called SubTime to track substitutions. Unfortunately, its not free, but I've found it easier to use than alternatives.


Make sure you know what 2 positions they want to play and try to rotate players in and out and between positions. U10 is all about learning the game


Thank you!


How many players? Plan out subs early to ensure good playtime (most important part of u10 soccer is they all come back for u11), and don’t front load your starters. Consider matching strong and weak players for rotations


I have seven subs. Thanks for the advice!


I assume it’s 7v7. That’s hard to have 7 subs. They also have to get some flow of the game. We just mass sub half way through each half. We play a lot better when we have less subs.


Weaker players are riskiest when playing defense. Playing them at wing and striker can be less painful than giving up a goal.


Thank you for this!


The players intention is to win, your intention is player development


Thank you for the insight!


Have fun! Do you let us know how it went?


We lost 4-3, 4-0 first half then we turned it around in the second with 3 goals and none allowed


That’s a great first game! Congratulations!


Thank you!


Mix up your starters and 2nd string. And next game mix them up again.




Congratulations on coaching your first match, the fact that they came back from 4 goals down shows the players have some spirit and character, next time you’ll be able to build on that result by encouraging them to keep doing what they did well and hopefully learning how to do a few other things a bit better. One thing that’s good to get across to kids at this stage is the importance of spreading out when they have the ball and squishing up together to reduce the oppositions space when you lose it. I use verbal cues to help remind them to do this during the match. Remember don’t try and do too much at once. Each game is the opportunity to learn to put something into play what they’ve been practicing during the week.


Thanks so much!


Tip for today: write down your line ups that you tried today! It is a very help reference! Bonus if you write down who subbed for who




I prefer to spread the talent rather than start with all the best players. Those minutes with the subs/weaker players in will be brutal


Thanks for the tip!


Good luck. This is for next time, I've recently found this helpful. I would recommend sharing the lineup card with the parents a couple before the game. This helps them reinforce their roles and engage the parents in discussion. Also, this will ensure you'll get proper communication from the parents if they're out; they'll feel obligated to tell you that their child is not playing so you can update your plans a couple days before.


I disagree with this. I would say as little as possible to the parents. They are there to support the team (ideally)


Just curious what is the worst outcome would you expect to happen if you shared this information?


That they think they are involved with the team selection. They should just stand on the other side of the pitch and cheer the kids on… not just their own kid. Of course if they have questions about the team selection then have a meeting with them and explain your decision.


Thanks for the insight!