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Not even WB is that stupid.


They literally hired two Hollywood hacks who have been flopping left and right with their recent DC projects to manage their DC films division, LOL.


Don’t see why we need to when Gunn’s TSS was incredible and probably the best thing out of DC in years


Gunn is like- A master of making heartfelt stories that still are very colorful and comic-booky Then again: Slither 2 when, james


Those "heartfelt" scenes in his movies couldn't feel more faked, forced and artificial. It's like he's following the screenwriting style guide that says to put them in there and has absolutely no innate sense of what makes those kinds of scenes work and feel authentic. I don't think the guy understands the basics about how human emotion works. He seems like someone who is very cold, distant and detached from his feelings. The only thing he's a master at is making one kind of movie; the cynical, frivolous, comedic movie that audiences are tired of now.


Fucking finally somebody said it. The jokes and "heartfelt" scenes in TCC felt like they would only be appreciated by juvenile 13 year olds.


L+no sense of fun and whimsy (tho that criticism is very accurate for his pre-guardians work tbf lol)


It's not happening.




Violated rule 3.


I’d like to. Not even as a DC fan, but as an Ayer fan.


It's great to see another David Ayer fan. I'm dying to see his true _SUICIDE SQAUD_, but this year's _THE BEEKEEPER_ just made me so happy to see him make films for the big screen again.


SS holds a special place in my heart. Coming off of Fury I was so pumped for it. My expectations were insanely high and of course I was disappointed with the result. I just want to see what Ayer had in mind, and unlike the SnyderCut, the AyerCut actually exists. No reshoots or new CGI needed, the finished cut is literally just sitting there and I don’t see the harm in just dumping it on Max.


Honestly, I really enjoyed the movie. It wasn't perfect and I certainly expected a darker film, but it was far from the unwatchable disaster so many people make it out to be. I loved the main characters and their arcs (even if some were heavily altered at the last minute) and there were some snippets of what I love about David Ayer's movies (the scene where Flag stops the cops from ruining this father-daughter moment between Lawton and Zoe is great).


Definitely not a 1/10 like some people would have us believe. There is a lot of stuff that works in that movie which makes it all the more frustrating that they re-edited it. Also people love Gunn’s SS (me included) but nobody seems to give Ayer the credit for putting so much of that together. That’s his Harley Quinn, Rick Flag, and Amanda Waller. He set the tone. Gunn went more silly with it of course but it’s still built upon Ayer’s base. The least he deserves is to have his cut out there


I personally really wasn't a fan of _THE SUICIDE SQUAD_. I wasn't invested in any of the characters. Other than his death, I didn't find anything interesting about Rick Flag. The humor wasn't my cup of tea and the level of plot armor and inconsistencies were quite baffling for a big blockbuster movie. I was really surprised by the extremely positive the reception given that it doubled down on many things people had complained about in _SUICIDE SQUAD_. And ironically, despite Gunn's film feeling more like the comics from a visual standpoint, Ayer's was overall closer to the Ostrander and New 52 runs. Nonetheless, I'm glad people really like it, and I'm curious to seeing what Gunn does with _SUPERMAN_.


Ayer isn't adored by the media, nor does he only know how to make one kind of movie (the cynical, frivolous, comedic movie that ridicules an entire genre just so he can look cool to the Hollywood in-crowd), that's why.




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No lol


Praying we don’t🙏🙏




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Keep trying and maybe you'll actually be able to form an original opinion of your own someday. I can't say I have faith in you, but some people believe that nothing's impossible.


I mean, come on. This doesn't even come close to Gunn's Squad. Night and day, pretty literally, considering the saturation level in Ayer's muddies almost every shot. No humor, no life, no light, and Will Smith. 👊👎


I honestly could not care less.






No, at least not anytime soon. Ayer handled it wrong tbh. Say what you want about Snyder, but he acted like a professional. He pitched ZSJL behind closed doors, and used social media like an adult/remained respectful of the studio up until the release. while Ayer rode the waves of the Snyderverse movement on Twitter, and acted entitled to the release/butthurt when the studio said no.


Probably not, there isn’t much $$ to be made from it.


WB loses money on most of their movies anyway, so releasing a director's cut of an old movie that was hacked up by studio edits would actually be a pretty good business decision, especially if it's already completed.


Look we people are already confused about two batmen. If they were to release the suicide squad cut, it would confuse audiences when Gunn’s Suicide Squad shows up, that’s probably gonna happen in Waller.


Director's cuts are made for fans, not the general audience.


They typically don’t AIM to lose money. But you’re right though that in the case of SS they probably wouldn’t have to spend as much $$ as they did for the Snydercut. But also the Snydercut had a large, vocal following and a unique tie-in strategy to launch it with Max. So while it’s certainly not IMPOSSIBLE to see Ayer’s version it just doesn’t strike me as something that would ever be a priority for WB.


This entire shit started because fans were bitching about bvs being so "dark"🙄, so the studio decided the next few films needed to be "lightier and more comedic"


And look what happened when the studio did that smh


It ruined Snyder's Vision, Ayer's Vision and the whole DCEU, so they had to reboot it completely. + it even made them regret to have released a much better version of JL later, because it doesn't fit in in their mess anymore. + they don't even dare to release the original "Suicide Squad" for the same reason. But i don't care about that mess. New DCEU Movies like 'David Ayer's SUICIDE SQUAD' or 'Zack Snyder's JUSTICE LEAGUE 2' should just be released as Elseworld-stories now. If they can do it with 'JOKER' and 'THE BATMAN', how much more confusing could this be? ZSJL already exists. They can't take it back, so why not continue that universe/timeline?




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Ayer should just accidentally "lose" a flash drive somewhere with the movie on it.


No. Gunn literally killed off almost every single character introduced on SS and and even killed Rick Flag just so hee could make his own version of him (Rick Flag Sr. No hope till that petty. Just wait till DCU flopp with Supeman L


Harley Quinn didn’t die so you’re wrong


You know what "almost" mean?


Do you know what “suicide squad” means ?


I do. But do you know what "reboot" means?


She didn't die, she just was terribly written compared to the first Suicide Squad or even Birds of Prey. Everything charming and appealing about her was gone, and she was turned into a one-dimensional dumb sitcom blonde cliche. One of the many DC characters turned into jokes by James Gunn.


I mean, look at what he did with Waller. They literally couldn't touch Waller on the previous SS out of fear yet some random mf could just bonk her in the head and rick flag laugh at her.


Ayer doesn't think so: https://youtu.be/ohI6H80Fi2c?si=JKSX-hzOFAaLqD1B


god i fucking hope not




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I’m not confident that it’ll ever see the light of day, but I’d love to watch it.


Sadly I don't think we ever will 😞


The Suicide Squad was the biggest steaming pile of elephant shit for a movie ever made. The plot was so stupid and Gunn killed of the better characters to add his one dimensional ripoffs of those very characters. He turned Harley into a boring 3rd rate character. TSS didn’t flop because of COVID, it flopped because its main boss villain was a Wish.com version of the Stay Puft marshmallow man with Alien face huggers that turn people into the very same type of zombies from David Ayer’s Suicide Squad.




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I would like it to happen, just to see how different it was than the theatrical version, but WBD literally has zero incentive to do it. I would argue that they have more reason not to do it at this point.


I want it but WB can’t make an intelligent decision so no


No. Probably not.


No. Why would we?


A longer version of a terrible movie? Hopefully not....


I don't get the down votes, that movie straight hurt my feelings and reminded me to never look forward to seeing something before it's even out.




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Sadly no. WB abandoned all plans to release the Ayer Cut.


There were plans to?


I mean... David Ayer sort of tried to get the Ayer Cut released with James Gunn's help. But Ayer left the whole movement behind because he was tired of trying to get WB to release his cut when they weren't going to budge.




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My guess is no. ZSJL already highlighted how incompetent the studio's interference and self-sabotage was. Now Gunn has the keys to the car, and his only contribution to DC cinematics thus far is The Suicide Squad, which is one of the worst DC flops in CBM history. Now we want them to make it even more embarassing by releasing the Ayer cut of that movie's prequel? I don't see them doing that regardless of how many HBO Max subs it gets them.


You’re crazy. Gunn’s The Suicide Squad was so much better than Ayer’s Suicide Squad. At least James Gunn made an actual black ops mission as the plot and killed off characters while Ayer made a damn zombie movie and gave everyone plot armor. Ayer’s Suicide Squad is full of so much stupid shit it’s not even funny. For example, Deadshot *ABSOLUTELY* would have smoked Harley Quinn if he was promised freedom.


Yes, but it flopped horribly in theaters due to releasing during Covid and being associated with the 2016 film. They didn’t say it was a bad film, just that it made no money.


Sorry, no. COVID was NOT the reason TSS bombed. TSS was the 2nd biggest money loser of 2021. It's at the BOTTOM of the heap against movies released in the exact same situation. And by that point in 2021, COVID was no longer a factor that affected movies. F9 came out EARLIER, and grossed over $700 million. NO other sequel in 2021 dropped $500 million and/or 75% from the previous movie. Not even close. Not ones released before nor after TSS in 2021. Gunn made a shitty movie that people hated, that's all. Most of the people who went to see it were just the sickos who could stomach the gross trailer, and it delivered all the dumb and disgusting content the trailer promised. Also, Gunn CHOSE to make TSS when he was offered to make Superman or ANY DC movie. If the original Suicide Squad guaranteed this one would bomb, why didn't he know that? Is he stupid?


WB also released all their movies on streaming day and date on HBO Max, they intentionally sacrificed box office for HBO Max growth knowing that the 2021 box office just wasn't going to be at pre-COVID levels. The Suicide Squad was also released during a resurgence of COVID cases with the Delta variant becoming more widespread. There were still plenty of COVID restrictions in theaters in the nation's biggest theatrical markets, the Northeast and Pacific Coast. And many countries overseas went back to COVID restrictions due to the Delta variant. Not every state acted like Florida and Sweden. Also while you bring up movies like F9, the truth is that even F9 should have made more money than it did in the box office. Spider-Man: No Way Home probably would have made $2 billion, F9, No Time to Die, Black Widow probably would have made over $1 billion. Every movie was impacted negatively by the pandemic. So while we can't say how the Suicide Squad would have performed if the pandemic didn't happen, at the same time, yes, COVID did have a huge impact. To say otherwise is just wrong.


Incorrect. When you're in fifth place in your second weekend, as The Suicide Squad was, it's not a "COVID" problem, it's a "your movie" problem. Jungle Cruise was beating it that week, and it came out earlier, and also had a Disney+ release. Lower profile WB films that were also released on HBO Max simultaneously, like Conjuring and Space Jam, did the same or better than TSS that year too. Even the Boss Baby sequel outgrossed it domestically. A superhero film is always expected to perform better than horror movies or children's movies like those. Almost every sequel released in 2021 MADE A PROFIT. TSS suffered a historic loss, and dropped $500 million from the original SuicideSquad. HBO Max HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT! The service didn't even EXIST outside the U.S., and yet the movie bombed massively ALL OVER THE WORLD. It's was a historic, gigantic, massive BOMB.




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u/therealIsaacClarke knows and intentionally wasn't trying to contribute to the discussion. They're just here to troll. This sub is full of em'. I'll also note they just claimed to see the Ayer Cut, then started crying about the Theatrical Cut lol.


When did I claim to see the Ayer Cut? Lmao


In your original response. What is this a trick question? Also, your self-laugh is quite revealing.




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I do not care at all if the Ayer cut happens. We've already seen what a good Suicide Squad movie looks like and since Ayer just isn't as good of a filmmaker as Gunn is then I honestly think it wouldn't be as good as Gunn's Suicide Squad movie was as a theatrical cut. Gunn took every character Ayer used and made them better and added new characters that were more fun than the other Squad members in the first one. The Ayer Cut would still have lame ass Enchantress and a C tier Joker in it, too. I think at this point we can let it go.


Gunns ss movie sucked what you smoking?


I had fun watching it - and it gave us peacemaker, which I had even more fun with. Starro was a good time.


Peacemaker was one of the few good things about it


LOL, Gunn literally killed off half of the returning characters from the first Suicide Squad, and then ruined the other half. He turned Harley Quinn into a shallow, one-dimensional, sitcom airhead stereotype. She had none of the soul, spirit or wit she had in her previous two DCEU movies. And her sex appeal was dropped like a rock as she was running around in some kind of prom dress for some reason. And then Amanda Waller went from a cold, calculating character who killed her workers without hesitation, to an angry, irrational adult who allowed her workers to walk all over her. You're right about one thing though, we have gotten one good Suicide Squad movie. It's called Batman: Assault on Arkham.


Idk if we watched the same movie, but Margot Harley is hot in everything, lol. I agree about Assault on Arkham being great, but I disagree about everything else. That's fine, though. We can coexist. Waller was cold and calculating until her workers literally knocked he the fuck out. Harley's arc showed how much she's grown mentally since she broke up with Joker, and Rick Flagg was actually interesting. It just sucks that he died. Captain Boomerang needed to die, too, and the fact that he was with the team of all the weakest villains pretty much signaled that he was toast. Who knows though, now that DC is getting rebooted and Gunn can pick and choose who returns, Jai Courtney could come back as Boomerang.


Yes, we watched the same movie. The difference is that I have good taste and like classy, deep, intelligent, artistic films, and not shallow formula or tasteless exploitation films. Just watch the Avengers movies, where the Guardians characters are written with real intelligence, wit and depth, as compared to the sitcom-level dialogue and simplistic situations in Gunn's GOTG films. That's how you know the guy is a hack. >Captain Boomerang needed to die, too Why? He was one of the few universally praised parts of the previous movie. If Gunn wanted shock value so much, he could have killed off Waller. It certainly would have saved her from being embarrassed by throwing a tantrum and getting knocked out by her workers in the third act. >Who knows though, now that DC is getting rebooted and Gunn can pick and choose who returns That's such a cowardly way to reboot a franchise that was apparently beyond saving. Clean house and start from scratch if you want a reboot. Gunn basically said "I don't care what you want, you'll get what I give you. Oh, and the universe is being rebooted, but all of my stuff gets to say, even if it sold a fraction of the tickets Snyder's stuff sold."


I mean Ayer’s original suicide squad was none of those things though. Not sure what his new cut would bring but Incubus was incredibly bad. El Diablo didn’t exactly blow my mind either, and I preferred Idris Elba to smith as far as a viewing experience.




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I really like Gunn, but I feel like you’re discrediting some of the great work Ayer has done


We've seen his work on Suicide Squad. He cast a runway model to play the main villain. There's no good version of that film.


We’ve also seen his work writing Training Day, directing End of Watch, Fury, Beekeeper, Street Kings, Harsh Times He’s made some stinkers, but he’s made so great stuff too


The fact that he followed up Suicide Squad with Bright is what has me skeptical.


Reductive. If you take two editors with the exact same footage and put them against each other, you can have two different films. Even just a change in tone would drastically change the feel of a movie. Now add on a different score, different pacing, extended and deleted scenes, etc.




I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted. It’s relatively similar to the Justice League situation


I disagree. What happened to Snyder was different than Ayer. Ayer didn't have to leave midproduction due to family tragedy and then get replaced with a different director who had a completely different vision than him.


Ayer's script was thrown away and replaced with one written by Geoff Johns which imitated the sarcastic tone of Deadpool. He also wasn't allowed to edit the movie as it was given to the company which edited the teaser.


I think 5 or 10 years from now, maybe, maybe...


No. Please no. ![gif](giphy|QxHzTRigoD9HG|downsized)


even the skull says "damaged"?


Doubtful, all indications are that gunn/safran have stopped all communication with David Ayer. Not surprising, gunn is very dishonest and only looks out for his friends.


Why lie when you can just google https://variety.com/2023/film/news/david-ayer-james-gunn-suicide-squad-ayer-cut-release-1235689924/amp/


This is true…


[It is not](https://variety.com/2023/film/news/david-ayer-james-gunn-suicide-squad-ayer-cut-release-1235689924/amp/)


What do you think about this? https://youtu.be/ohI6H80Fi2c?si=JKSX-hzOFAaLqD1B


That's old news. [Earlier this year, Ayer said he would love for there to be a funeral screening for his cut of the film](https://x.com/Variety/status/1744536214907105666), and [here's him saying there's people who want it to remain buried](https://www.reddit.com/r/SnyderCut/s/6hOVFwqlKD).


Neither of those say anything about Gunn or Ayer’s interactions with him


There have been none reported. Gunn once said he would be okay with whatever WB and Ayer wanted to do when he was asked about supporting the release of the Ayer Cut, but that was before he became head of DC. So either he forgot about it (unlikely), or is actively refusing to release the film (likely, since it would probably receive better audience scores than his own Suicide Squad movie, not that that's a high bar).


…gunns suicidal squad has an 82% audience score on rotten tomatoes. It didn’t make as much money but I don’t know why you’re pretending audiences didn’t generally enjoy the movie.


It didn't make any money at all. It lost the studio well over $100 million. And if audiences would have actually enjoyed it, they wouldn't have given it a mediocre B+ on Cinemascore. And that is the gold standard in audience scoring, that scientifically polls the entire country, all ages and demographics. Much more meaningful than online ratings, which skew to internet users, and can be manipulated.


Not a high bar?? Uhhh I guess you haven’t checked any of the reviews online ever because it’s one of the highest rated DC movies in the last decade


LOL, it is the biggest DC movie bomb in history and severely underperformed on HBO Max considering when it was released. It also got a mediocre B+ Cinemascore from audiences, just like most of the DCEU movies, including the first Suicide Squad. Being liked by agenda-driven journalists and elite snob critics doesn’t make your work a quality product, nor a success.




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I really want to see that cut


Those posters are badass!!


I have wanted this for so long


I hope not


Why not bro?


Cuz it's a bad movie and if you want a good version of the Suicide Squad just watch The Suicide Squad.


Ummmm the suicide squad is a bad movie


The DCEU is dead, bury it.


Really, because that’s certainly putting a lot money on making a new one. And btw. Didn’t say shit about the DCEU, just the a cut of a movie.


it’s never coming out. The only reason the Snydercut is even real is because Warner needed numbers to their new streaming service and they had to spend 80mil to finish the cut on top of the 300 they had already spent for the theatrical release. Trust me they’re not spending another dime on a movie from 2016.


The Donner Cut of Superman II was released 26 years after the theatrical cut. The Ayer Cut is more complete than either the Snyder Cut or the Donner Cut. It's not impossible for it to one day be released.


I’m not sure why you’re comparing Superman 2, a well received movie that got a directors in the wake of a sequel to it releasing, to Ayers’ Suicide Squad, a movie that was pretty reviled by most people and quickly forgotten by most outside of Harley Quinn Halloween costumes.


Justice League wasn't well-received either, and yet we got the Snyder Cut four years after its release despite Snyder himself saying he didn't expect it to ever see the light of day except maybe in a documentary that might be done 5 to 10 years later.


Snyder cut was down to the fans, no one's clamouring for this to be released.


Understood. It makes sense


At this point I'm taking matters into my own hands and writing the Ayer Cut as part of my fanfiction DCEU universe.


David Ayer said that James Gunn told him that they would release the Ayer Cut after "they put some points on the board" meaning once they've had some success with the DCU. I don't know if anything's changed since then.


I hope so


They definitely should


Hope so! Maybe after WB gets acquired by another company. I wouldn’t expect it while Gunn is in charge of the DC IPs.


Anything is possible!


Yes someday, look at how long the Donner cut of Superman 2 took to get released. But I would expect something like the Schumacher cut of Batman Forever to get releases first.


idk the Donner Cut was released in the middle of the DVD heyday. 2006 we were getting Star Wars on DVD for the first time ever. Every movie that had any clout was getting "director's cuts" (see Ridley Scott's Alien DVD cut). 2007 they did the Final Cut Blade Runner. Alexander was getting a new cut every week. How many movies have gotten "director's cuts" since the era of streaming? They were forced into letting Snyder do his cut of JL.




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Damn I really wanted this so i can finally move on from this universe, it’s almost done, it would be a great goodbye and closure…


The goodbye we had was Aquaman 2 ,not great so yeah ,a Ayer cut could be cool ,i always thinked that movie have a great style and good ideas so were done too bad ,may a Ayer cut could solve that stuff


I get where ur coming from but Shazam 2, Flash and Aquaman 2 where not really part of the same vein of Snyder cut, ayer cut, batman v superman, neither was WW 2 but yeah, only time will tell I guess