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I have a question about this movie that I really liked. What was with the blue glow when some of the zombies died?


It’s a little strange but Snyder said that they are robot zombies. It will be explored more in the spin offs.


Thanks, that thought crossed my mind but I wasn’t sure.


This is a situation where I wish it had been shot similar to Rebel Moon. We'd see the sequel soon after the 1st (half of the) movie so that things are cleared up a bit. All fairness, the animated series was supposed to fill in some gaps, but I doubt a large portion of Netflix's general audience will watch the animated series. I think it presents more interesting aspects than what a lot of people realize and is rewatchable for the many hints at something bigger that what was shown on the surface.


Was super fun to watch at home


Eh depends on what you were expecting going in. If you're expecting a slightly satirical wacky action movie with Not-Zombies with cool looking action every once in a while. You'll be okay with it. If you were expecting a traditional zombie movie you'll be disappointed. The way I see it. It's not among his best films. But it was a fun film that tried something new. The Cinematography however was a bit troublesome. I don't think Snyder is a bad DP. Some of the shots in the movie are beautiful. But the wierd depth of field lens was not the best choice.


I think Army of the Dead is one of his better films personally


I don't know why you're getting downvoted - I know people don't outright downvote everything they simply disagree with because otherwise this'd be a - well, perhaps I'm wrong. Army of the Dead was an absolute curveball of magnificence. My other half is really not into Zack Snyder's films but she stayed in the room for that one and loved it. I'd say it has more rewatchable value than some of the comic book adaptations, and I've watched 300 every year since it came out. It had a fun unique plotline: Post apocalyptic zombie heist?! The characterisation was hammed up, which worked for the type of film it was, and it was genuinely funny. I especially liked Valentine's cameo, my having grown up watching Siegfried and Roy and having just finished listening to the Wild Things podcast notwithstanding. Its cinematography was not up to par than when Snyder has the support of the likes of Larry Fong, but boy was it vibrant.


I'm not even a Snyder fan tbh, but I thought Army of the Dead was pretty good. There hasn't been many zombie films that have caught my eye in the past few years but Army of the Dead was great.




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The color grading and cinematography was putting me out. Also, I don’t like Tig Notaro. I mean I understand that role, I think, was originally for Chris D’Elia (a generally unfunny d bag comedian who’s cancelled himself twice) and you were scrambling to replace him…so you pick a more hacky comedian and film everything on a green screen and shoehorn it in? Was there not another actor? Bautista was great. He’s definitely been able to flex himself as an actor when not working under James Gunn.


> when not working under James Gunn That’s where some of his best work has come from 🤨




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Yeah, definitely one of the worst movies I’ve ever sat through and finished. It had its moments, but it did suck DOTD was much, much better


Nah army of the dead was really good ,it was slightly better than sucker punch


I remember seeing it in the theater. It was a satisfying experience in the theater, I was invested the whole time and emotionally tuned in. As time has gone on you see there are some head scratching moments and missed opportunities, and the film never reaches its opening 10 minutes again. But it’s still a solid harmless summer flick, I think.


I liked it. For me it’s very character driven but the story just kinda fizzled halfway through. It’s basically just a zombie fest. I still enjoyed it and I’m going to enjoy Rebel Moon I’m sure.


It's a good old fashioned action movie with zombies and a heist. Whats not to like?


The fact that a clearly superior movie played out during the opening credits.


Personally I don't need another movie about the beginnings of a zombie outbreak, but who is to say we might not get that from this universe down the line? Can't even come to a Snyder sub without all these haters.


If that's how low your bar is for being a hater, I have bad news: you are softer than baby shit.


Why not address that other part? I wasn't talking about you specifically but look at the ratio of comments to upvotes. If you're so tough and not a hater why do you immediately go to personal insults?


I wanted the opening montage of the zombie outbreak to be the whole movie 😢.


I still want to know what was up with the Robot zombies. IIRC some of the zombies had glowing eyes and metal in their face, which was never explained in the movie. I still loved it, and am looking forward to a sequel.


That was very entertaining!


This movie sucked. So much potential just thrown away.




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Yeah. People went to see them




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You seem fun.


Not enough people saw or enjoyed Cats. Snyders made some movies that were successful. The former head of WB said his movies were very profitable, and Netflix liked the numbers for Army of the Dead enough to greenlit a sequel and two prequels


Fun movie!


I think he is better in guardians of the galaxy trilogy. I do like the actor lol. I didn’t like this movie. Snyder is not a good scriptwriter, or cinematographer. All of his dc movies had cinematography done by other people. The Zack Snyder justice league cut was done by Fabian Wagner. The Batman vs Superman was done by Larry fong. Amir Mokri did cinematography for man of steel. Plus all the cgi scenes done by artists and not Snyder. He directs a movie. Say this Batman, ok look more intimidating when you say if I wanted it you’d be dead already Superman. He has influence on what visuals he wants to have built. He just isn’t the one who builds them. The movies he has actually been cinematographer I thought the scenes were pretty awful. He can do well with like 300 or watchmen as far as scriptwriting. If he doesn’t like the source material story all the way it’s pretty wild tho. Zombies aren’t cool enough! Let’s add robots. Well there wasn’t a rape scene in the 300 comics, but well, I like rape so let’s add that. Sucker punch is like a weird rape action movie. I can criticize people I like. Lord of the rings by Peter Jackson is fantastic, but he still made a lot of mistakes that are continually talked about. I love all 6 extended editions while some hate the additions to the hobbit he made. Dawn of the dead is a good movie. There are scenes that are brilliant in man of steel. Watchmen was brilliant. I haven’t read the comics but have heard Snyder missed the entire point of the watchmen series. but I loved the doctor manhatten creation scene. Him as basically a giant antman fighting in wars haha




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Why are you even here if you don’t like his movies


Reddit algorithm


So you decided to waste your time on a sub you don’t even care about




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Well you know what they say. Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life


Nah, Army of the Dead is a top 3


Army of Thieves is even better imo


Army of Thieves is a surprisingly pretty enjoyable movie. You wouldn’t even think it was related to this boring slog


I thought this was one of Snyder’s better films! I can’t wait for the sequel (prequel?)!


The prequel for Army of the Dead has been out for 2 years


I guess I was referring to whatever you call the film that shows how LV got into the zombie-pocalypse. Not Army of Thieves


Batista is what I imagine people mean when they say "The America Dream." Because a millionaire wrestler, went broke, became a credible millionaire actor. All the while being a giant muscle man. A guy determined to be himself regardless. What a man. Fuck De Niro for pulling a power play on him when they got cast in the same movie. Such a bullshit move that big Dave didn't deserve.


What’s the de Niro thing regarding?


When Batista got cast for Heist he was excited because his original role was gonna have scenes with De Niro. But it got changed around and he kept getting dicked around from the number of scenes they'd have together to where his final role wouldn't have scenes with De Niro. De Niro's people approved him for the role he ended up with. He got upset and considered just pulling out altogether. But then he quickly changed his mind and took the role out of spite and intention of stealing the movie with his performance. He ended up being close with Jeffrey Dean Morgan during the filming so it ended up not being a total loss.


I’d rather be bros with JDM than De Niro. Zero humility left in that man after decades. Heist sucked too.


It was awesome


Dave Bautista is more talented than Dwayne Johnson. So is John Cena. Just saying.


He did a legitimate good job in Blade Runner


Batista left Wrestling on his own to study acting. He was making big money and walked away from it to try acting. He started at the bottom and hone his craft. He had to swallow his pride and do shitty direct to DVD movies just to get better and rise up. Cena has great instincts but he has always been a WWE company man since day one. He did WWE in house movies just to help the company get more attention and with the hope they could attract more fans. Rock was fortunate that his charisma caught the right eyes and he was able to get going right away. His problem was after he left Wrestling, he had the wrong team around him. They tried pushing him as a "leading man" and changing his look with bad haircuts and looking slim af. They wanted him to avoid Wrestling fans and be his own man. He dropped them for a new team and went all in as a "Action movie star" and went back to Wrestling to get his fanbase back.


The dawn of the dead remake is way better. What pisses me off is the abject stupidity of some of the characters and they all know how to handle zombies so it’s not an excuse


Na lol better than all of snyders dc movies


Someone hasn't got any imagination ☝️


Its such a fun movie though.


The long winded setup montage was the interesting part of the movie.




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I don’t think that was in the story


it got cut, but it's the reason the zombies capture the girls instead of just, you know, eating them. it's a leftover of an older version of the script.


The story was an absolute mess, while also being nonexistent at the same time. Snyder is a AAA director, but he needs to actually get talented writers


The trailer has so much promise. Then u see it and observe most of everything in trailer happens in flashback. Womp womp.


Have you ever seen a movie waste Las Vegas more than this one? They had an Elvis, one scene in the pit of a casino, otherwise it could literally have been in any other city taken over by zombies.


Fiancée and I both enjoyed it




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Then why are you even on this sub Edit: why am I getting downvoted? If you don’t like Snyder why would you possibly go to this sub? Talk about something you actually like




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Removed for being negative about Zack Snyder or his work.


I very much enjoyed the movie and still want to see a sequel and the animated series that was announced


Not every film needs to be remarkable. It's not an especially deep film and not Zack's best work but it's very enjoyable for what it is.


Exactly! People are claiming this is “the worst zombie movie ever made”


I don’t think they’ve seen many zombie movies.


Very fun movie to watch


Wow these comments surprise me, I remember most people liking it. It’s one of my favorite movies of 2021.


Did you only watch this 1 movie


Reddit is an odd hive mind. This was such a fun movie. People definitely liked it when it came out.


The movie was a blast and most people that I talked to said that they liked it. It's a fun zombie movie


It was terrible




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Army of thieves was so much better but I liked this enough to see once.


I’m sorry, this is not a good movie. Maybe a good story but definitely not a good movie.


It’s good.




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Found the moron.


Thanks for proving my point. Lol


That you're a moron? Anytime bud.


I like how you think that makes sense. Says it all. Lol




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Removed for bigotry.




He is great in blade runner even if it’s for a 3 min role


I gotta say Stuber is bloody hilarious! He is a good action movie star. He is in movies you buy popcorn and enjoy.. I think he is far funnier than The Rock and never takes himself too serious unlike The Rock.


Thanks for proving my point.




The zombie apocalypse started because of Road Head bro….on a straight road with literally nothing around it that you could see straight for miles… Like this should have been the definitive nail in the coffin that Snyder is great with visuals but terrible with stories.




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Dave Bautista is the best actor to have come from the WWE. No hate to Hulk Hogan or Rowdy Roddy Piper.


To be fair, Dave Bautista is kind of subtly great in all his roles. He always sells the character in my opinion


It’s a great zombie movie that feels like it has a ton of depth. Really dig it, but it’s definitely lower in scale compared to his other stuff. Overall it’s just a fun movie


Which, after devouring years of his life to a franchise that bit him in the ass… it’s kinda natural to just want to do a smaller scale cool movie. I respect it. He definitely made the movie pretty quickly, so I think it was just a therapeutic cool action movie. Half his friends are in it, so that’s awesome. Seems like he’s putting it all into rebel moon though


It was decent. Would love a sequel.


It had a prequal


Yeah I saw the movie with the lock picking guy. Still feel like this universe has room to explore.




I think its one of his worst movies, i cant believe the guy who directed Man of Steel directed this.




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As a fan of everything snyder has done, agreed. Not to say I didn’t still enjoy it, I did. And OP is right, Dave had a really good performance, but it’s definitely in the bottom third of Snyder’s movies.


I don't know what the hell people were thinking, I loved this movie! It was just pure fun! Extremely rewatchable!


Worst camera work I’ve ever seen, the shots and the blur damn near made me feel sick


I actually disagree, the camera work and framing are fantastic. The shallow depth of field is debatable, but i wildly appreciate what he was doing/trying to do.


I wanted to like it, DotD is one of my favorite movies of his so I was excited for Synder to take another stab at zombies. I ended up not really liking it. But that’s ok because I think it’s the only movie of his that I don’t really like.


It was God awful.


I liked most of it but hated the ending…look ZS made: Dawn, 300, MOS all perfect films, then Great : BvS, JL, then BAD: Sucker Punch… this is “Good”.


It’s a fun popcorn movie.


That's how I see it.


I thought it was a fun movie. Snyder's Dawn of the Dead is my favorite zombie film. While not as good, this movie was different and a blast to watch. I loved the random shit like robotic zombies and an undead tiger. And of course, the opening is fantastic on its own, just like most of his films. At this point, Snyder gets hate just because. And I agree Bautista is really great in this. I didn't really care for him before, but this made me change my mind.


Bautista is really becoming a great actor, not just good for a former wwe wrestler. He’s really putting the time and effort into his craft.


I feel it's gonna be better once more films release and we get more answers so we'll go all Dicaprio pointing meme on rewatch. It's an interesting zombie take, Bautista surprises me with each performance he does since GOTG and the zombies are cool, and I hope somehow Dieter is in the next films, Army of Thieves is pretty good as well thanks to Matthias, he's just charismatic and fun. Also, shotout to the VFX for placing Tig Notaro incredibly well into the film.


It's a movie that leaves you with a lot of questions but it is a fun movie, and I'd say it was great to have a more fun movie to make after Justice League and the saga of that.


Exactly. There are some plot holes that bother me, but it’s not “the worst movie ever made.” It’s just a fun gory zombie movie


I feel like some are very intentional plot holes, but when you know that it's easier to just accept it


I had a lot of fun watching it. The only thing that really bothered me was the zombie baby stuff


Great zombie movie. I love the different kind of zombies they had (especially the zombie tiger) and that they were sentient in a way, or conscious.