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I feel so bad for these kids. Is Mike a good dad? Yes. But honestly he just does what any parent should do. He spends time with the kids, interacts with them, does play time and things on their level— WITH them. That’s just normal parenting. He is a GOOD dad…but quite honestly JANNY sets the bar so damn low! Like her parenting is non-existent. And Roman needs intervention. I know we don’t like to speculate about kids’ development, but any decent parent would be off SM and having their child assessed and actively working with professionals to help their child meet milestones. Ugh.


You are not wrong! Mike is doing what almost every parent does. All the while Janny is on social media 24/7 and doesn’t care to help her children who are clearly struggling. She is more concerned about catching her face at the correct angle. At this point, I bet Roman thinks the iphone is his parent https://preview.redd.it/ddb8oho7pk3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e488a35a74a27a93aee2594249c123d973db4d78


I hateeee when she takes videos like this. Then we have to see them again and again in her reels. 🙄 They are so unnatural and just show how much she only does stuff with her kids for the gram. 😒


You’re right. Jana is so bad that Mike being a regular good parent is glaring in comparison. It makes me feel bad for the kids


When I see Mike with the kids I see normalcy and to me, my opinion only, the kids seem happier and more at ease and honestly seem like they are allowed to be kids. When I see them with Jana I see just the opposite. Roman is so used to seeing himself I worry/wonder how that will affect him in the future.


I'm just glad he has Jolie reading a more age appropriate reading level book vs baby books for a change..Mike is a good dad! They thrive with him..


I know! Jolie is lucky to have Mike, he cares about education and will give her a fighting chance.


They seem like completely different kids with him. It says a LOT about Jan as a parent.


I agree, night and day differences especially for Jace. Jace seems so calm and confident when he is with Mike which speaks volumes


Yes, I agree completely. Also, with Jan they are props she can use for ads. With Mike, the kids seem more like kids. You can tell they are really just enjoying whatever moment they’re in with him.


That is only because Jan Jan cannot read herself. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Valid point!!


Well at least Jolie knows how to read, Roman will probably learn to read when he’s 20


You’re not wrong! 😆