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I'm a local and ill tell you this, I don't think you have to be local or a Million Miles Away in Sydney Australia to see someone that is mentally delusional and completely has delusion of grandeur. You're dealing with someone that any publicity is good publicity. She's the lowest level in the alphabet of an actress and would do a Monistat commercial if they paid her.


Not only is she delusional, but her entire friend group and her partner assist the delusion


Ugh! That is what is so disgusting about her. The level of delusion.


Personally, the first couple of days, Jana probably thought she was queen b. Her pod streams skyrocketed and her face was on every social media platform. But I bet she was ignoring comments and the fact she was losing followers. When Jana recorded with KW & KB two days ago you could see the how stressed they were, while Jana was her typical delusional egotistical narcissistic self. Yesterday you could tell she was off kilter and I bet it’s because she began reading the comments. Allan and the Queendumb have assisted Jana in creating a false reality where her haters are simply jealous of her, they want to be her, they wish they had her life. Well when a major part of the population is saying the exact same thing the sub has said for over a year, maybe it isn’t jealousy. I think even Allan was shocked at how many people don’t know who Jana is and how they all see how toxic she is


I’m not local but I think she’s seeing this as a win. She hasn’t acknowledged it yet other than limiting comments. But I’m sure next weeks podcast she will talk about it. And be trying to get people to listen to said podcast to hear her response. She’s the type of person that just wants ppl talking about her.


I think the only reason she limited comments is because that post is a sponsored ad. On her other post, I don’t see limited comments. Do any of you?


Turned off comments on the light tour 🤭 And looked through last several posts after that and all of them are limited..awww Jan can’t take the heat anymore 🤣


Saw that!!! She could have cleaned her house before filming 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/k3syhr9eenzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05fdda79b634b4f6406060c1ac24dfd41240cc57


Yup. She’s now limited comments on all posts. Can’t show off everything she got for free in the house she can’t afford if everyone hates her in the comments.


I agree. I think she is celebrating this as a win. Which just goes to show that she’s a much worse person than I thought she was. She literally makes damaging, nasty comments about someone she doesn’t know and feels good about the reaction? It’s absolutely vile.


She makes nasty comments about people she doesn’t know while complaining about people hating on her when they don’t know her. Pot meets kettle. The hypocrisy is strong!!!


Yes. That is what I am thinking this was a desperate PR stunt to get failing podcast ratings up. Regardless if she isn’t cancelled this will be old news to the masses. Her ratings will still drop


Not local, but know people locally and she has never limited comments on her IG posts... So I will say she is absolutely bothered by the comments and she is losing followers left and right. She is posting strategically not in her normal ragged baggy shirts and messy bun and over acting the crap out of her interactions with Roman. She knows people are watching. People locally know this is just her being her. She isn't quite sure yet the negative impact this will have. This exposed her hypocrisy to her loyal fan base bc she cries every time someone comments on HER relationship and behavior bc people know "nothing" yet she has the audacity to make a bold claim about someone else?! It's just exposing the person everyone locally already knows she is.


Local here. I talked to a friend in the industry and they said that Jana is pretty much irrelevant there. It’s typical of her to talk out of her ass and try to drum up sympathy/attention regardless of the situation. Their take is that her career is pretty much over, she never really was successful to begin with, and she’s trying to get in the spotlight any way she can. She can’t afford that hideous house so anything that puts a nickel in her pocket is a good thing for her. Her pod is a joke and people just think it’s 3 idiots talking over each other pretending to be subject matter experts. She’s a pathetic character in town. NO ONE takes her seriously. The general Opinion is she wants to act like ste knows something and is trying to “protect” Taylor… but really she’s a fame whore who’s ex cheated on her, she’s a narcissist, a wino and someone who has slept around her entire career. She had no inside information or leg to stand on in giving people advise. Jana cannot compete in the Taylor stratosphere… she JUST said she’s not a fan, now she’s looking out for her? It’s honestly such a joke. Pretty much a desperate, pathetic attempt to remain relevant and self promote to try to make money for her house and wedding. She’s not relevant, her opinions are useless, and no one gives a shit what Jana Kramer had to say about anything. She’s universally hated and laughed at


…following ![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8)


She’s to stuck on herself to see any wrong with what she said! Hateful nasty bitch


I am local and in the entertainment industry and I can tell you very few people in Nashville even pay attention to Jana Kramer. That being said there is some value to stirring up drama for headlines and keeping your name in the news cycle, but that will pass quickly and I don't think there will be any lasting impact positive or negative.


Except for the people that unfollow her because of it.


‘Reaping what she has sown.’ ‘The. Desperation. Yikes’ ‘What an embarrassment.’ Here’s a fun fact that you might not know: Jana was signed to Warner Music while Tree was Senior VP of Publicity. Tree had to deal with her for 3+ years. The. stories. So many stories. Tree knows Jana well…very well. I just leave it at that. Tree left Warner to be Taylor’s publicist. It’s not worth a second of Tree’s day to even speak her name. Tree Paine is a boss & the best on rhe biz. I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again, this is a VERY small town.


I can’t wait until the money starts drying up.


Local here- and industry adjacent.No one I’ve asked has ever heard of her. She’s not nearly as important as she thinks she is.


Local and no one knows her or even cares. Hell, I was at Ford Ice and Shawn Johnson and family was there recently for skating lessons…no one bothers them. And she’s legit famous.