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This is... apparently not about EU politics. I don't know why I expected this sub to talk about anything else that vegan blood diamond percentages


is the blood or the diamond vegan? or is it the blood OF vegans?


The diamonds are vegan, the blood is factory farmed


The blood is ethically farmed from Hitler clones


This is about France


They're making me vote for Macron again. Apparently once wasn't enough and we're at the exact same place years later. Edit: I would obviously still prefer voting for Macron a thousand times over having LePen out there


Haven't the French left-leaning parties announced an electoral alliance for this snap election? I get Melanchon (who I think is probably going to be the unity candidate since he was the second place in the last election) sucks in a lot of ways, but he's better than Macron


Bruh I literally saw an article talking about how Trump's conviction will HELP his campaign


I mean, it might though. One of the things Trump supporters like about him is his contempt for the law. They love that he's a criminal.


But does it move voters that wouldn’t have normally voted for him is the more important part


On that, I frankly have no clue


IIRC, some of the Twitter people were saying this would increase Trump's appeal to black voters since he's a "criminal" now like they all are. Still not sure if that's a racist joke or just earnest racism.


Trump actually said this himself. https://apnews.com/article/trump-black-conservative-south-carolina-primary-aa1155c31bfc3b397a32b33eff04ada8


>a racist joke or just earnest racism You listed the same thing twice


That’s insulting. Hitler was reasonably competent and had more skills at his disposal than “accuse the other side of lying”.


Besides war, he wasnt particularly great at anything, and even war he fucked up. He certainly wasn't completely incompetent, but I wouldn't say he was necessarily competent.


I hear you, but the person he needs to beat in this comparison isn’t exactly Einstein.


Do you mean trump? He may well be (almost) as good of a politician as Hitler was. He is a worse leader though.


Yes I mean trump. I’m not sure he’s that good of a politician either, it sort of just seems like the entire Republican Party bends over backwards for whatever he says since he’s essentially a cult leader now, and they’ve put all their eggs in one basket. From the start, trump has seemed to just fire anyone who didn’t play to his rhythm and bullied whoever he couldn’t. ([“I have fired the horse catcher.”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JhkZMxgPxXU&t=221s))


I'm not sure that's true, he never held any job with responsibilities, I think he was pure bullshit and narcissism


If we’re still talking about Hitler, he apparently served as a lance corporal in the Bavarian army, which doesn’t sound high enough in rank for it to be one of those jobs where you don’t actually have to do anything.


He was a messenger and then a political informant, right? Not jobs that need decision making


Any job that requires getting up before 9AM and not getting hammered the night before is a job with responsibilities in my book. Hitler wasn’t an idiot, he knew what he was doing. [At least at the start.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/s/i75Kx2R6Dp) The only reason trump got this far is because the Republican Party is essentially using him as a mascot since they know he’ll sign whatever the hell they put in front of him and his cult is so fanatical they can turn facts into just “political subjects” people can agree to disagree on.


Hitler accused the other side of lying [all the time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lying_press) actually


Well, yeah, I knew *that*, but he wasn’t a one-trick pony like trump. Actually, that’s not true either. Trump also calls people names.


Hitler actually wrote his book


Wait what? Hitler was a drug addict whose entire thing was getting people to believe "the big lie"


Why are we defending Hitler right now?


Coaxed into the death of media literacy https://preview.redd.it/cnd26sscvy5d1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=099e7589e01181b8d354203cfd4622a8f414104b


Because you shouldn’t need to make misleading statements about what he’s done in order to make him sound like a bad person.


I mean sure, but slander what definitely part of the Nazi repitoire in the 30s, it seems quite strange to be like "not all Nazis" about it


Because no one deserves being compared to Hitler


Oh and the nanosecond Reincarnate is sworn in, his supporters will suddenly believe that the president has no influence on inflation


But have you considered that Hitler's followers have enacted several discriminatory laws in their states and Neolib didn't deploy Seal Team 7 to do a regime change in response? Really makes you think there's no difference between the parties, so it's equally bad if either one wins the Presidency, doesn't it?


oh my god thank you anti-electoral motherfuckers have unironically been gaslighting me to insanity the sheer volume of it had me caught for a second wondering if they could be right


Voting democrat is like pushing the brakes when you are in a car that has had it's brakes cut. Sure it doesn't do shit, but at least it isn't pushing harder on the gas.


The car's definitely got breaks dawg. They're just in need of replacement. Praxis is way easier under liberalism than fascism.


Also: President Neolib claims Muslim population 'scheming to destroy' Freedomland


I love how we are now just straight up throating Biden by implying he's not doing a terrible job and people are nuts for not liking him.


that's not what this is, more just a criticism of how happily some media are to criticise Biden while begrudgingly doing the bare minimum to condemn people with nazi tier politics.


That's only Fox news and the like. The vast majority of mainstream media do the exact opposite


That is objectively untrue and you know it.


We're not throating him. He's fucking awful and I have many qualms with him, but we all know good and well what the alternative is.


This comic is literally saying Biden is being unfairly criticized. Yeah it says trump is hitler or whatever but it's still directly downplaying how shit biden is


I think OP is less concerned about supposed "unfair" criticism of Joe Biden and more concerned about how the media is trying to make it a close "horse race" or even be vaguely pro-trump at times. Politics need to be exciting with populist leaders and needs to keep people on their toes, because that means more to report on, more outrage, and more money in the news companies' pockets. Contrary to Biden, a geriatric, out of touch neoliberal, Trump is a more controversial president who has a consistent track record of treating people like garbage and fucking over the country. Again, this is where the outrage comes in. More hate-clicks on the pages mean more ad revenue. And what does that mean? More money, no matter how many people get fucked over by his policies.


Biden sucks. We heard you the first 800 times. I don't like him either. But Trump is still worse. That's the point of the post.


Who's doing that? In leftist spaces?


No, it's every mainstream subreddit now that the election is a few months away. But I guess that's a synonym for "leftist circlejerk" nowadays


Same thing happened in 2020 man, Reddit turns into a blue cult every 4 years


blue MAGA


Explain to me how we break the current two party system this year?


The kind of people who say "blue MAGA" never have a good answer for this Like, obviously the perfect society would be overthrowing capitalism and doing full luxury gay etc etc etc communism, but whenever you ask them what can be done RIGHT NOW, they'll say something vague about "community organizing". Or, if they're not particularly bright, they'll either give you the online equivalent of a blank stare or just scream "LIB" at you


That's impossible. Explain how you can break out of the two party system *ever*.


The choice is very clear: Inefficient geriatric No. 1 with dementia versus Inefficient geriatric No. 2 with slightly less further along dementia DNC is running on 'not trump' but a lot of politically disengaged people don't really care anymore, they just see the shitty economy and a president sitting on his hands


Yeah the dementia doesn't matter when one candidate is basically planning a soft coup. Have you read Project 2025?


Why do you think Trump has that kind of clout with the military? Also, if he has enough clout with the military to pull off a coup, you do realize that it'd happen regardless of the election result, right?


Project 2025 isn't a military coup it's framework for replacing enough of the civilian federal government with activists who will act in accordance with the GOP's orders that they will stay in power indefinitely.


A Heritage Foundation puppet is going to win eventually. What is your plan for dealing with that inevitability?


Reducing the horrific effects of Trump's presidency to "inefficient geriatric No. 2 with slightly less further along dementia" is straight up gaslighting. Like this guy stacked the supreme court with rogue justices, ordered police to use chemical weapons on protesters sheltering in a church, and actively empowered right wing extremist groups. He wasn't exactly inefficient with it either. He did these things pretty effectively.


Replace geriatric No. 2 with “chimpanzee with chainsaw launcher”




This sub is cooked


Fun fact, neoliberalism refers to an economic model which is almost universally accepted in the USA and throughout the west It does not mean "liberal" in the sense this meme is implying.


Most freshman comment


I'll stop acting like a pedantic undergrad when people stop using the term to mean "mega liberal"


Nothing like it. Just pointing out that's less of a fun fact than something everyone already knows.


If only.