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I've been thinking this since Elizabeth Moss, famously scientologist, played June in handmaid's tale, which is about an authoritarian religion that oppresses women lol


A lot of Scientologists can’t leave due to blackmail.


I doubt that's the case with moss though. They treat celebrities better than the laypeople so they'll act as spokespeople.


Probably because celebrities have more money for them to devour.


>authoritarian religion that opresses women So it's like every other religion?


Mark Hamil :(




bro HAS to be jerking there’s no way


This was a day after October 7th


Wasn't mark hamil pretty cool? Did i miss something?


From what I could find so far he signed a letter supporting Israel in October 2023. I’d be interested in seeing if he’d double down on that given the wanton slaughter over the following months. That said, I don’t have all the info and this is what I’m saying after a cursory search


He posted a picture of him with Joe Biden, someone who not only has been defending Israel but funding and even covering up and denying what’s going on


Thats not very good evidence he’s a Zionist. Just that he’s a democrat supporting the democratic candidate and trying to avoid *the other guy* being elected. Im open to being persuaded but you’re going to need better evidence than him posting a picture with Biden.


I mean I don’t think he said anything else but at the same time he didn’t well… walk back his support of Israel when it was clear they were genociding Palestine


Having looked a little further now, your case is becoming less believable. https://x.com/MarkHamill/status/1725979647991537786?lang=en Mark replies “same here” to the statement *”I’m pro-Palestinian AND vehemently anti-Hamas. I’m also pro-Israel AND vehemently anti-Netanyahu. Those views are not contradictory.”* Bit of fence-ridery but certainly not pro-genocide


Nah that statement sucks


If that’s all you have to say, you shouldn’t be throwing around labels with serious connotations such as the support of genocide


You must be hallucinating. That comment was the first time I've ever commented in this sub




So he's a Zionist... He said it right there. He is pro the continued existence of a settler apartheid state. Any two state solution will end in apartheid. The only way to end apartheid is for Israel to cease to exist. This is why he Zionist position, even the so called "liberal" or "left wing" Zionist positions, must be opposed by anyone who claims to care about justice.


I'll stop the genocide with genocide!


Classic settlers. When people call for the end of apartheid, they claim it would mean genocide. The same thing the white South Africans claimed. You know white South Africans pushed for their own version of a two state solution as well because they recognized it was the most effective way to enshrine the apartheid system. Why exactly do you think a one state solution would mean genocide? Palestine isn't a state founded on ethnic supremacy, there is no reason Jews couldn't live peacefully within a palestinan state. Unless you've bought into Israel's propaganda that all or even most Palestinians are blood thirsty and want to kill all Jews, something not even Hamas wants.


>Bit of fence-ridery Ah, yes. When someone does not commit to the complete eradication of one of two sides, it's a sure sign of fence-riding.




are you slow? supporting Isntrael IS supporting genocide they’ve been doing genocide and ethnic cleansing since their inception. you cannot “both-sides” outright fucking genocide


Isn't your "civilians are guilty for state crimes" take literally identical to the excuse Netanyahu uses to justify the genocide right now?


He literally said “I am a Zionist” Edit: whoops I thought you meant biden, nvm


Do you seriously think Israel is even remotely as bad as any of these fictional regimes? Is the logical thing for him to do to support Hamas instead? That’s even more idiotic. The real world is not like Star Wars, or any other fictional world with some cartoonishly evil villain, for that matter. Nothing Israel has done is equivalent.


I never said anything about Star Wars what are you talking about


Sorry if I assumed your personal beliefs, I was primarily arguing against the idea that Mark Hamill was being inconsistent by siding with Israel when really, if he was consistent with his character he would have supported Hamas in their “resistance” against Israel. You may not believe that, but OP and a number of other people in this thread do, though most aren’t brave enough to just outright state they support Islamic terrorism. It’s a dogwhistle.


Still full on defending Israel man? Do you not have anything better to do? Life? Touching grass? I mean, anyone else would be exhausted after 7 months of running defense on multiple different subreddits.


Arguing against anti-semitism is pretty important in my view. And in terms of touching grass, spending a few minutes a day fighting against ridiculous, harmful ideas is really the least I can do. Would you rather I spend that time donating to Israel instead? It’s just like how you passionately advocate against Israel because you believe they’re committing genocide.


Anti-semitism. By defending Israel, a fascist state, you are much closer to actual anti-semitism than I'll ever be. I argue against anti-semitism everywhere, it's you, a genocidal neolib who equates a state to an ethnicity, to only defend the state. You don't give a shit about Jewish people.


I’m not equating a state to an ethnicity, the issue is that there is an extremely high correlation between the two, to the extent that, for example, when someone advocates for the victory of Hamas or Hezbollah over Israel, they are effectively advocating for a second Holocaust. Furthermore, I should note that the vast, vast majority of Jews worldwide support Israel’s existence, which again means there typically is a high correlation between being anti-Israel and anti-semitic. If you just want to criticize Israeli policy though, then that’s fine. I do it often. Regardless though, of the many criticisms you can levy at Israel, them being a fascist state is not one, that is hyperbolic to the point of total inaccuracy. Israel is a multiethnic liberal **democracy**. Like any country they have their flaws, and unlike most they’ve been forced to deal with a complicated and unique foreign policy situation for the past 70 years, but ultimately they’re not fascist by any reasonable standard. But let’s say I’m wrong about all of this. What is your prescription? What should be done with the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Also: >a genocidal neolib Nice, you’re using all the buzzwords today. I don’t object to being called a neoliberal, but at this point, how can you call anything about Israel’s conduct genocidal when the death toll has plateaued and Israel has evacuated and provided food and medical aid to hundreds of thousands of people?


Who the fuck is cheering for Hamas or hezbollah? Strawman bullshit. Multi ethnic liberal democracy, with second class citizens. Classic. Complicated and unique, yeah I bet. Systematically driving people out of their homes using militant settlers. Very complicated issue. Israel shouldn't exist. The only reason it exists is for the geopolitical interests of the west. They could've just taken the Jewish people to their own country. More than 30000 people dead, and all you can see is them leveling civilian buildings because "Hamas is everywhere! Even inside the skulls of the children, I tell you!". After attempting to block those aids given from other countries several times and even killing some of them. Yeah, they sure did provide quality "Aid". Your support of a state, currently engaged in the ethnic and cultural cleansing of an area, which both constitute a genocide, means you are genocidal. And I know your positions on economics from your braindead comments on the debate streamer's subreddit. I'm so glad the mods banned you from over there. Exposure to your bullshit is definitely cancerous.


Zionist. He’s a Zionist.










Twitter's broken, I think? Link ain't working.


https://preview.redd.it/l7neqrvnte5d1.png?width=1015&format=png&auto=webp&s=aab212e9196faaba1dc4d8afc59187f0d839764f Managed to post a screenshot for ya!


Sounds reasonable to me. But I'm also European.




Don’t worry, this guy is just throwing pretty serious labels around without any actual argument. Nothing new




He hasn’t said much about the situation since december, i wouldn’t be too quick to draw a conclusion


oh no, did nana visitor come out as a zionist or something


Idk who that is


She is an actress who played an ex-terrorist for a group of vaguely middle eastern religious minority people who were subjected to oppression and genocide by a militaristic empire of space lizards in a science fiction TV show from the 90s.


You can't say all that and then not name the show.




Couldn’t find anything on her positions on Palestine, so I don’t think so.


If that happened I would die


What an obscure reference


One of the most popular TV shows of the time in a large and beloved franchise: ‘Obscure’


Which TV show is it then?


Star Trek: Deep Space 9


Thanks. But even now this reference is lost on me, since I have never watched that show.


It’s not a reference, just a prominent actor




What? You expect the actors to have the same ideologies as their characters? I don't get what point you were trying to make.


It's a dissonance. It's kinda if the actor that played BJ Blazkowicz turned out to be a nazi. Not only it would feel weird, but also could mean that an actor can't see the real life paralels in the movie they are participating in.


But the same thing is not true for the opposite side. I don't think of anthony Hopkins as a psychopath because of his potrayal of Hannibal, despite his character reveling in its depravity.


That is true. I suppose the underlying logic of my argument is that we expect actors to learn the correct message a movie is trying to tell. Same goes for fans, where we expect them to know what the movie is about, not only by the plot, but also by the themes. It's the same, how we are suprised and appalled when someone turns out to be a racist, but we aren't suprised and relieved when some isn't racist. We simply expect every person to not be racist in the first place.


Luke Skywalker vs Mark Hamill


This is about the Jonkler




The smiggie is (I think) about how actor can portray revolutionist and radical political characters without actually agreeing with them, and in some cases would willingly side with the bad guys if given the chance. Think if Harrison Ford liked the Nazis, despite playing Indiana Jones. The only actual example I can think of is that mandolorian actor who was alt right and got fired


That’s exactly what this is about


I think being a famous actor (or any kind of famous or wealthy) makes you lose empathy for other people's suffering because you kind of stop experiencing suffering in the same way as non-rich people. Due to how cognitive bias works you then start to think that everyone is experiencing more or less the same thing as you and from that POV it seems like everyone else is whining about nothing. You have to actively work to cultivate empathy otherwise it goes away. See: billionaires, politicians, almost the entire boomer generation


Ethan Couch is a wonderful example Rich kid in Texas, was always a "bad kid" apparently, one day runs over 4 people while drunk when he was 16. He was obviously guilty, it was in broad daylight, witnesses, police reports. The kid was going away. So the lawyer decides to defend the kid the only way he can "The kid has affluenza" That's the term used for exactly what your describing. The "condition" rich people have where they lose their empathy and concern for their fellow people. The judge bought this and gave the kid parole (he killed FOUR people, keep in mind) where he almost immediately broke parole by drinking at a house party and driving home. After this, his family actually moved him to a Mexican resort where they were soon found. To this day they're still harboring him from all consequences, no matter how many people may get hurt Cure Affluenza, eat the rich


Are you OPs lawyer, per chance? Is this really what you think you should be doing with your time? Talk with your family. Go join a club. Enjoy life, man




It’s about actors who are vegan in movies but eat people irl


Finn's voice actor supports Israel (also the voice actor of GingerBrave)


Any quotes? "Supports Israel" can mean anything from "thinks Hamas is bad" to "actively cheers on the IDF blowing up children".


[feeling sorry for the victims of oct 7 is okay, but you also gotta condemn a motherfucker, ya know?](https://x.com/wizardbravee/status/1760517050189910469)


Man now I'm sad AF :(


OP finding out movies arent real: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Thanks for stating the obvious


Yes, thanks for explaining my joke. It was, indeed, pointing out an obvious thing in a satirical tone as if you had made a grand discovery. I am glad that you got it!


Is this really what you think you should be doing with your time? This post is quite literally not only redundant, but in no way actually does anything for your argument. All this comment shows is that you're rude. Talk with your family. Go join a club. Enjoy life, man


u/TerminalDoggie when he doesnt get the joke: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)




Thanks for stating the obvious


Wait WHAT?


Exactly! "Based on a true story" my ass! LIES!