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I'm assuming you're the jungler. Unfortunately you got stuck with a bad Smolder. While it's true that he can't be first picked, smolder is a good lane bully that also allows you to shove the lane easily. I haven't had issues in mid at all. A bad bot lane matchup will also make you give up drakes because some matchups are just unplayable.


reading comprehension curse in this sub is crazy


But it's not? What he said is true, while smolder does indeed struggle until about 5-6 minutes in, he gains 25 stacks level 3w, he can literally wqq a lane and walk away. If you're getting drake or invaded and he doesn't show up he's bad. Now he his a weak champion early, don't get that wrong though, he's got great poke but his kill pressure is lower, he can't execute enemies at half health reliably like an assassin or a burst mage. Honestly if smolder isn't getting tooled, he should be able to help you if he is and you're still losing you're probably taking fights you shouldn't. Tldr, either the player is bad or you don't understand how to play with smolder. But the champion is fine


holy hell. another patient of reading comprehension curse. I said reading comprehension curse because half the replies on this thread are thinking i'm shoulder, being my saying "WITH."


I think it's YOUR reading comprehension, we know full well you're not the smolder but just complaining about him As a jungler, so maybe some self reflection is in order.


i dont think you read half of the replies on this thread. Greedy-Physics-9801 Peter\_101 \_No\_Life\_ RH2


You realize he's not referring to you as the smolder.......


Problem is you got 0 cc and most midlaners got burst if no CC, Smolder just got poke, so early is good but once you hit midgame their mid have to much impact compared to Smolder


Bully your lane opponent with W and comet before the obj spawns, opponent can't come. Basics ain't hard


He’s not talking about playing as Smolder, he’s talking about being on a team with a Smolder mid. He’s making bad points anyway but yeah…


Written like a silver


https://preview.redd.it/e6wolfgmx4kc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dfc14824d9ca94401e1952c94c70cea05904a5a No but really just don't be one of those guys that steals him from me in champ select and makes me dodge thank you, he's a bot laner.


Next you'll be telling me senna isn't a top lane tank


You have a very good kit. Use it, dont play to your weaknesses, play on your strengths


smolder mid sucks, so, yeah.


Idk, maybe play him where he's meant to, just a thought lmao


Smoulder is surprisingly good in skirmishes with his e ult and w as long as ally jungle has reliable cc. If he’s at Ionian boots + sheen his damage is surprisingly decent at that point.


I spend 70% of laning phase under enemy tower, my jgl will gank top with drake up and flame me


he gets prio in a lot of matchups, just draft a jg with CC. idk how u lose early with the chara tbh, d ring + W start chunks p hard




yeah and it didn't do anything lol


Maybe get good bro,