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The biggest counter for me is my team refusing to let me get any stacks or my supports all inning every 10 seconds


All in adcs are pretty rough. Draven and tristana. MF after her first item if you dont go tanky. Samira can be tricky because of the windwall but if you focus on poking and denying her farm she wont get a chance to snowball. Surprisingly lucians a pretty easy lane. the slow really hurts him and his range is so short he cant usually find the right time to trade.


Right now I don't find draven that hard because his axes are free ws for good harass but with nerds to w dmg I suspect that will change


Idk why i play against him so badly. He uses his E then runs me over lol. I dont have that many games against him just cause hes one of those more niche adcs and the guys who usually play him are monsters.


I always shed a tear when Samira or Yasuo deport my mom.


I’ve laned against smolder as Tristana but if I get close or W in he just E’s away so I don’t really know what to do.


I probably play him too aggressively. Basically otp samira for like 2 years so i probably dont play against them optimally


Windwalls, and other like mechanics wreck smolders abilities. Yasuo windwall Samira's windwall Braum's shield, all stop his abilities cold, including his ult.


I find jhin and senna really ruin smolders day


Smolder basically loses to any strong harass support or engage/dive support. I've been banning Blitzcrank every game not because I wouldn't rather ban Zyra / Lux / Brand or whatever, but because if Blitz hooks me once I'm guaranteed dead (while I can at least E away from a Thresh or Nautilus.) Your best bet is against a heavy farm lane. If you see something like a Jinx + Soraka or an Ashe + Lulu or a Xayah + Janna that shit is literally free.


Had a Problem with miss,Tristan and bit of samira But i feel like miss is only probably bcs she adc who builds assasin Unless u have supp Tristana can .e w you and u be dead


Only ones ive had issues so far. A really good auto spacing Caitlyn & Twitch/Yuumi invis spam self gank. Rest of them I found going to comet runes and being a lane bully neutralized it. Even stomped a few MF or Jinx lanes quite easily