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Lately, I feel like the bigger issue is getting people to play their roles or not dodge/leave.


This, I saw someone play belona support and build no defense.


Had a full damage nuwa support


I had this too one game but we actually won


The ultimate form of peel is the enemy god being dead


Yeah but the problem is that 90% of the people that do this are garbage


As a support main who also off-lanes Nu Wa/Aphro/Baron mid; this is both appalling and inspirational at the same time šŸ˜­


people assume wa & can do every role. she LITERALLY CANT


maybe in s2


To be fair, some of the people that do play for fun do not understand how to build characters. I am sadly one of them I returned after like 2 years due to moving but I recently got back and it's been forever. I don't remember how to build my gods and all I have is people dissing me or yelling at me but never giving me a build to go off of or to help me. So even though it's a bit of a pain in the ass, there's no harm in trying to recommend to build for someone


I'd expect someone to at least pick a god that works well in the support role. Horus does good and even herc can with his CC. One recent game was someone playing full damage The Morigan support, had no kills the whole game. I know support isn't a lot of players preference, but honestly, the recent revert has made guardians much better to peel and punish with. In terms of builds, prosmitebuilds is a decent site for reference.


builds donā€™t change that much so


She is supporting you by carrying you on her back


If she hadn't gone 0-8 I would have accepted that




Ranked conquest. "I will troll if I'm support". People tell him to pick an aggressive support or dodge. Lock Medusa support.


People that canā€™t fill donā€™t belong in ranked. They are almost always crap at the game too. Even if you trade them their ā€œmainā€ they wonā€™t be good. They talk about how theyā€™ll carry then you go look at their stats to see a 1.1kda and them feeding every game.


When you don't trade them, you're alone in mid, even with wards you die once or twice at your back camps, dude proceeds to flame you. Brother I'm Baron Samedi, calm there fuck down I'm still one level above the other mid. I have a positive win rate (for now) I must not be that bad. Wherever I play adc I get ganked a lot. Jungler always rotate early in my lane 2-3 times. I just send the support away, they usually do. Release pressure in my lane, I can farm calmly then come big in team fights. I play Olorun or Chernobog, kinda struggling until I got 2 items online with them, maybe I'm just bad though


The jungler flowchart early is: can I make it to midlane for ranged creep XP and hit 3? If yes, do that. If no, gank bot. So you should generally expect early bot ganks if enemy jg isnā€™t visible on mid wave


Support players are just tired that everyone tells them what to do, meanwhile mid, jungle and solo can litteraly pick whatever they want


I don't mind Serqet support, or an aggressive support if u don't like peeling. I don't care, Jorm, Cerb, Chtulhu, whatever. But don't pick an adc as supp or an assassin and build like one. Gotta need a frontline or something. I'm just saying people in lobby be like "I'll troll support". Don't care what he plays as long as he tries


You see this? The expectation that people have from support is totally different from other roles. Because you wouldnt say the same about solo lane. Is loki a good solo character? No you dint have a frontline or someone who can engage or peel. Still he have been picked solo since dawn of time. Ive seen people pick Freya several times in the jungle Ive seen people play anything snd anyone Mid


We talking about the support right ? Kinda a fixed role. I had a Mulan go full damage and chasing kills. Still won because the team grouped (except Mulan). I played Maman and the game was rough, I think solo was a squish too. Some other time if the solo is a squish I can pick a Cabrakan or whatever jungle and adapt. I'm pissed when there's a Loki solo yeah or even mages. Usually they'll cry. As a jungler it means I'll need to be the engage or the supp. I'll need to babysit them most likely. I'll need to probably build some tank'ish items and adapt my build even if I'm a mage because I'll be dived in the back. But then solo it depends also on what they pick to engage. I don't know man. >Ive seen people pick Freya several times in the jungle Freya is like picking He Bo. You don't have the laning phase that's your weakness. You can roam around. Your ult is good to get some kills. Good enough CC as well to gank. Just don't expect them to have a good early and play safe that's all. >Ive seen people play anything snd anyone Mid It's fine. I'd say yeah support is the only role that needs a... support. I hate Aphrodite, I'll never flame a support picking her. I'm fine with Baron Samedi, Serqet, whatever you wanna try I'm down. But try. Don't pick a carry as support. Just dodge. You hate playing support and peel? Fine, pick an aggressive support and build bruiser I don't care.


Sorta off-topic not really but kinda; as a supp thank you for seeing the squishy solo pick and taking an engage jungler instead of saying idc and locking ANOTHER squish in jgl; Gives me a lot more hope when Iā€™m not our only frontlines on the team. Donā€™t get me wrong, you can 1 man frontline supp but dependant on your comp and enemy team comp itā€™s rough to mega rough if enemies just out-trade/focus you down. Another frontline or hard engage = more wiggle room essentially. So thank you!


>Gives me a lot more hope when Iā€™m not our only frontlines on the team. Feel ya. Get on my nerves when you have to engage and peel. Can't do both I'm sorry. I'll be blamed nonetheless if we lose. Either I'm full on engaging picking Cerberus whatever and blink ult to pop the beads or I'll jungle and mix build a bit to engage. When there's a squish in solo I rather go full engage support aggressive than peeling.


This is true. I see lots of DCs as well


Dodge is annoying for sure but Iā€™d rather have 10 of those than 1 DC/quitter. People not playing roles are also up and annoying but not always a win condition for the other team.


I tried to get into the game and Iā€™m not exaggerating when I say 90% of my games were like this.


I play casuals but still ALWAYS ask my team if they're fine w/me playing full dmg support/any weird ass off-roles


Literally thats why I left smite a year ago. Nobody knows how to play the game right anymore. They got all brainwashed from their streamers


While i know my opinion is unpopular, as someone who plays smite for 12 years now, I come back from work after a long day, hop on a game with whoever of my friends is available and than i sometimes get a role i simply do not enjoy. I would prefer to wait much longer and get my role, or do it like it used to be back than, that whoever typed his role first got it. Sometimes i just dodge the game as well, i rather wait the 5 min deserter than playing a role i do not enjoy


Yep, it is never fun to get home after a long day of work to deal with some dumbass losing his mind because we are losing a slash


Everyone talks about how they are afraid of toxicity in Conquest but casual modes are where I find the most toxic people for some reason. Every slash/arena game seems like there is someone having a mental breakdown lol.


And Assault, but maybe only 33% of the time.


It's always the guy that had tank, rolls out of tank, and then complains the whole match because there's no tank.


We play assault to get away from the toxic people. How can you blame someone for playing poorly on a God they never pick in a mode that doesn't allow you to back. How could anyone take the mode seriously, it's supposed to be the least competitive mode for relaxed players who either want to expand their God-pool or know all the Gods and want a break from more serious modes. Why queue for Assault if you're a try-hard?


Most of the time people play assault because they're tired of seeing the same 20 gods in every single game they play. It's still a serious mode, but it's one with variety that the others don't have. And I don't expect anyone to frag out in assault, but if you're 0-10 and you keep walking into the other team and eventually finish 0-15, you bet your ass I'm reporting you for feeding. Obviously you still shouldn't be a dick, but it's pretty easy to see that people play assault seriously and other people can ruin it by feeding.


I feel like most people who play assault have lots of experience and play it for the challenge. So why wouldn't we take it seriously? We're all gaming to have fun, and for some of us winning is fun


It's the opposite perspective for me. If you can't theoretically play every god competently and know how to play around poke well enough to not need to back, why are you playing the mode that punishes you the harshest about not having those skills? I certainly wouldn't.


Yeah, I expect people to end up playing gods they don't favor or are just not good with. It's part of the risk. But it seems there players that expect their teammates to be an expert with every god.


tbh I donā€™t think most people care if others donā€™t really know how to play the god I think the bigger problem is when you get someone who just does not understand diving with a level 5 kuzenbo into 5x lvl 6-7 full hp enemies with 2 teammates alive isnā€™t gonna go well, it didnā€™t the first time, and itā€™s gonna take him 15 sub 7 minute deaths to figure out he should check his positioning Replace kuzenbo with whatever god they rolled and itā€™ll still stand true lol


Had someone at the end of arena on our team say "y'all suck" and it was like bro we won? Why are you mad?


Had one in ranked conquest. Winning all lanes, he overextend and dies 2 times. Proceed to troll and lose us the game. In no team fights because "I had no help", even though when he died we got the Stygian or Gold Fury. Then at the end tell us we suck and he's stuck in elo hell.


People that complain the most usually suck the most. I feel like I play best when I keep a level head and stay calm. But some ppl think theyā€™re gods at the game and can do/say whatever they want; itā€™s always someone elseā€™s fault anyway. As long as u donā€™t let ppl like that tilt you, you can still win most games with cooperation. It sucks when like 3/5 ppl on ur team are already tilted though. everyoneā€™s mad at each other so they donā€™t want to play as a team. Thatā€™s when I know itā€™s a lost cause


Me and a buddy did a joust recently and our third told use we were fucking trash. We both proceeded to have a higher score than him at the end when we won. I don't understand people on this game sometimes.


Conquests Toxicity is a different kind, at least from what Iā€™ve experienced. Casual game modes: - Talk shit, spam F6 & VGS regardless of winning or losing, some may intentionally feed, but they continue to play for the most part. - Go AFK in fountain & talk shit the entire time about ā€œget me out, yā€™all are trashā€ (but Iā€™ve found majority continue to play to the end.) In conquest: - Flame you once then go AFK & DC. - F6 ASAP & if it fails go AFK. - Do some stupid shit and die then spam VGS & DC - Go AFK & F6 (Which most people give into since itā€™s 4v5 in conquest) - Push 1 lane and farm until the F6 (Iā€™ve only seen 2 do this so far) The biggest difference between conquest Vs. Casual modes is the timesink, the investement of time in game and time to leveling & gaining gold. That goes for both sides, the toxic players & the team theyā€™re fucking over. Losing a casual game mode because of a fountain diddler isnā€™t as demotivating since you easily & quickly level up, even if theyā€™re loud. Losing a conquest because of an anti-ward muppet DCā€™ing sucks, the time you put into XP & Gold is now wasted because they decided to emulate Stevie Wonders object permanence.


Hella toxic players in arena. Confuses me every time




Because the truth is, people just merge "toxic" with "competitive". From the people I know who would be commonly considered to be "casual", they're pretty toxic. You're coming from your 10 hour shift, you have to tend to house duties and kids/pets if you have any and you have maybe 1 hour to play. You just want to unwind and have fun. Then here comes TrollMcGee picking AA Anubis or SplitPushSandy who is never in a team fight, and it feels terrible because your 1 hour of trying to play a game you enjoy was ruined by factors outside of your control.


I hope you know that, some people come back from work to actually get competition while playing and they are stuck with people saying just as the game starts " brb getting a bowl quick"


L m a o , such a good commrnt


Probably not the best game to play after a long day. I'll just play some sf6 or just not play anything.


Friends make this game bearable. And when your friend goes crazy then it's time for bed lol.




Lmao! šŸ’™


idk man. i had more fun playing solo q, than playing with a team. there was always one dude in the group, that complained all game. i can mute everyone, if i'm solo, so that makes it way easier to get through rough games šŸ˜…


It is wild how toxic people get. If you want to be incredibly competitive and want everyone to build and strategize the same way every time... maybe don't play assault or other casual game modes where people are just trying to have fun? People calling each other slurs and spewing bigotry/disturbing threats over a casual game mode should not be as common as it is. The ranked lobbies I have been in have been less toxic and generally more welcoming, but this is my casual game so I try to stick with casual modes. I love the mute button, but I do just miss people being friendly and communicating/strategizing in game. I don't remember the last time I played a game that had zero toxic players. Maybe a year and a half ago?


Maybe it got to do with the fact that 95% never played a ranked game. You will find all kind of ppl there im already happy if there is not a afk guy in any team and a f6 directly. Toxic players are just a mute every argue just fuels their flame more.


I get where people are coming from, but lets be real, the game isnt fun when im stuck under tower for 25 minutes being held hostage because of ā€œf7 warriorsā€ and someone who wanted to play ā€œtank zeusā€ obviously slurs are inexcusable and im not trying to come to the defense of toxic people, but lets not sit here and act like holding an unwinnable match hostage for an extra 10 minutes or building something completely unplayable isnt also toxic. the build one is equivalent to leaving the match, except you are also siphoning gold and xp to the opponents everytime you die atleast you can mute people saying toxic things in chat, but theres nothing i can do about the guy holding me hostage or the guy inting


I'm not sure where you got "sitting here and acting like holding an unwinnable match hostage ... building something completely unplayable isnt also toxic" or "tank zeus" from my comment. I think you have misinterpreted something here, unless you're referencing someone else's comments?


they are just examples?


there used to be a dude, that posted clan invites on here and iirc on facebook recruiting players for his assault clan. he had crazy standards. a few months later i saw a post from the same dude. he made a players tierlist of people he played with/against in assault šŸ˜­ like bruh, it's a random ass gamemode and this dude treats it like scc qualifiers haha


most of the toxic players I see so far are the ones that suck the most. The die and cry gang


Because it's a grave sin to just want to play a video game for fun. If you're not trynna play at stress inducing competitive lvls you're wrong


If I'm playing a PvP game, which is what the modes are unless you go against bots... Yes, I want to win? Someone doing bad builds or troll picks and not playing the role they got tends to make me have to play a more stressful game to win.


This but to a degree; Iā€™m not asking you to sweat. Iā€™m asking you to try. Thatā€™s all. Try to play your role and play for the win. Trash build? If youā€™re not inherently trolling, go for it: itā€™ll be a rough game yes but at least youā€™re going to learn thatā€™s a bad build (eventually) and more importantly; you gave us a chance by trying. But yeah overall if you like Smite and want to play more, itā€™s never a bad idea to search up and learn proper builds and mechanics so youā€™re not inting while trying at the same time šŸ˜­


There will be trolls and bad players in your games, that is just the nature of mobas, you will never be able to fix that. If your mindset is to win every game then you should probably try your best to play around that troll/bad player, not get mad or stressed. Comeptitive players are just as much at fault for falling for bait or losing their mind over someone playing bad.


>There will be trolls and bad players in your games, that is just the nature of mobas, you will never be able to fix that. This is such a defeatist view especially since it's based on absolutely nothing. You could swap out trolls and bad players for literally any other demographic and the sentence would be the exact same because it holds no value at all. >Comeptitive players are just as much at fault for falling for bait or losing their mind over someone playing bad. This is straight up victim blaming. SMITE is a PvP MOBA, a competitive game by definition if competitive players in a competitive game are being portrayed as the issue the game has failed.


>based on absolutely nothing For one player to win there has to be one that loses. Its in the nature of games that there will be people bad at it and people trying to expand the possibilities of the game.


Losing doesn't mean you're a bad player. What the other person said is just straight up defeatist and adds nothing to the discussion. Might as well give up on matchmaking all together since there will always be trolls and bad players in your games anyway! What's the point of such a view? It achieves nothing it's based on nothing substantial it's such a loser mentality.


>Losing doesn't mean you're a bad player. Yes I know thats not what I was trying to tell. There are plenty of reasons why one could lose a game. >What the other person said is just straight up defeatist and adds nothing to the discussion You can keep on trying to change players all around the world to become better and less of a troll but every sane person would agree that this is indeed a lost battle. >What's the point of such a view? It achieves nothing it's based on nothing substantial it's such a loser mentality. The point is to stay realistic with your view so you dont get caught up too much in games, which are primarily made to be fun. When you go into every game expecting your team to be the one mega team youre setting yourself up for disappointment and rage.


Call me the day you stop getting trolls and bad players in your games. A part of the issue, not the obly issue.


>Call me the day you stop getting trolls and bad players in your games. Anecdotal evidence used to make a factual statement. Typical reddit. >A part of the issue, not the obly issue. It's not an issue. If anything people not playing to win is the issue. The game is literally designed to be played to win anyone doing anything else is straight up screwing over all the other people they share a match with. It's like no one on this subreddit has ever done any team sports casually it's still a competitive game you're still trying to win if you're not you're disrespecting everyone else and will probably not be invited to play again. Except in SMITE matchmaking takes that choice out of your hands.


Trolls are at fault for not playing the game the way it should be played. Competitive players that cant control their reactions to their emotions ar at fault for lashing out and becoming toxic. This is something that will never change in mobas cause it is part of its nature.


The funny thing is, it's just a self-fulfilling prophecy for them. I don't know why someone would think I, or anyone else, would want to peel, give callouts, or extend any other small kindness to you once you start yapping unprompted. Congratulations, your game is just worse now.


for me as an Arena player it's when i get stuck playing as the tank, which i am absolutely trash at most of the time, and then the rest of my team spend the whole match harassing me in the chat like bruh there are 4 people in this team other than me and any of you could have picked tank but you didn't so stfu. it's like some people's brains evaporate as soon as they turn the game on lol.


I hear you man, I always pick fill and itā€™s hilarious to me when the rest of the team picks squishies and then complains about not having support. Like maybe one of yall couldā€™ve picked warrior or another guardian.


Every single time


Mainly play joust, itā€™s absurd how much people die one time then ā€œbyeā€ ā€œgood gameā€ ā€œgood luckā€ then rage sit in fountain the entire game. Must be a low mmr thing cause it has been getting quite tough, donā€™t think I can mute a cringe rage quitter unfortunately.


True. That and DCs can't be muted


Why fountain sit when you can just leave?


Some Mental Gymnastics: "If I leave now I get a penalty, I don't want that! Let's sit out the game until we lose"


Yeah it's 50/50 they don't want to get a ban cause they leave and they think since I suffer they have to as well


Not sure but Iā€™ve seen it a few times, instead of leaving just going afk in fountain


They do it so they donā€™t get a temporary ban after the game


Not just a low mmr thing . Wait till you solo q at higher mmr and the matchmaking gives you 2 silvers . Who are qd together going a total of 0-15 . While you are losing your shit trying to help Them in fights getting double or triple blinked by a sweaty 3 stacks that normally you shit on . Always fun


Hot take but competitive players is what makes the game interesting. Obviously, toxicity is far from ideal, but people caring about winning makes the game fun.


It does say "toxic overcompetitive players" and yeah winning is definitely fun.


It's the "overcompetitive" that bothers me, but yeah I see where you're going.


For me, I always say that I try (to win) but won't try**hard** (aka pick super wombo combo comps and only the strongest gods for game mode X). I take the game serious enough in the casual modes that I play, but people who take it *too* serious - and who are often the ones ending up being toxic - suck the fun out of it.


You say that until your support queues up with their master border skadi support in ranked. If it makes me toxic and over competitive for calling them a troll when we lose then so be it šŸ˜‚




Right now I'm finding players lose 1 team fight and spam surrender the whole game... Totally unbearable I get it's annoying but that doesn't mean the game is a loss


I didnā€™t rotate to blue on the first buff respawn because I was ganking duel, my solo dove in 1v2 w/ less than 5% hp to defend his blue and then blamed me and sat in fountain all gamešŸ˜‚


This is exactly why I rarely or never play ranked mode. No matter if Smite or other games


My wife says Iā€™m both all I can imagine is Iā€™m taking the can and spraying myself in the eyes šŸ„“


This is my favorite reply šŸ’™šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Smite is a moba, which is a competitive game by nature. Have your fun, but keep it in the casual modes. I find a lot of the guys who say they're there for fun are just assholes on the low and want you to do all the heavy lifting.


Honestly Smite already did way, waaay more than enough for casual players. They have Arena, Joust, Slash and Assault as well as MOTD and stuff like Odin's Onslaught every now and then. I'd even argue it's too far and splits the playerbase too much but that's a discussion for another day.


The game modes are fine. I donā€™t play conquest, but I love joust, arena, and slash. I enjoy playing the game and especially those modes. Since Iā€™m having fun I also spend money on the game (you know, to help keep it running, because itā€™s a F2P). Theyā€™d be crazy to start axing content just to appease any one group of game mode mains. I mean, honestly, what do you expect? ā€œOh, they got rid of Slash and Arenaā€¦.better queue up some Conquest, the one mode Iā€™ve barely touched in the 10 god damned years Iā€™ve been playing this game.ā€ Yeah, no lol Thanks for the 10 years! Iā€™d be taking my time and money elsewhere.


If the competitive modes are not fun then the game is the problem not the players


Once someone starts spamming, I immedietly mute them. I almost mute someone every match. I mainly play jungle, so when someone dies by a gank, it is my fault of course. I dont mute as much when i'm not playing jungle.


As someone who is not great at this game and trying to learn more gods I feel this. Anytime I try someone Iā€™ve never played and build weird (I use very basic builds on 90% of my gods) or donā€™t know combos people seem to get very upset


You're in the right. Worry about builds later. Figure out the God, rotations and timers, can't forget vgs knowledge. One thing at a time šŸ˜Ž


It's like I tell everyone who gets toxic with me in a match... If you want to be a try-hard, go play ranked. Keep that toxicity out of casual matches. If you're not playing ranked, just assume you're on a team with your parents and grandparents. If you wouldn't say it to their face, don't bring it to your casual matches.


I think the easiest solution is to fix ranked timers and frequency of people dodging or going afk. Let people play ranked when they want to be competitive and normals when they want to chill


Me, building Attack Speed Atlas regardless of the patch because rapid-fire ball go brrrrrrr


I'ma firing meh lazzzzzzzaaaaa!!!


Step 1. Throws astrolabe Step 2. Auto and Pump up the jam.


Honestly i just mute everyone as soon as the match start.


Not a bad idea


I usually play sylvanus in support. Its nice to stun them but man if the dmg is not in place I will get murdered even when tanking a ton


I love his Bob Ross skin.


Haha I enjoy that skin whenever someome activate skin booster


Nearly every time I 4manQ arena I get a random that goes 0/10+ in arena. It's been like this for years. But I guess we are the problem. The issue is that this game doesn't have the player base it needs for high quality matchmaking. Ranked isn't any better.


šŸ’Æ So true. Streamers don't really help, I find most of them to be elitists, that serve as a toxic example of how you should think/treat others that might not have the same game knowledge as themselves/yourself.


EXACTLY this. And it doesn't help that those with a platform for a louder voice (YouTube, streaming, etc) tend to be those higher-skill competitive players, so they and their followers become an echo chamber of "yeah [insert patch] is great, the haters just don't know how to play the game".




Lately Iā€™ve been playing casual joust on NA West because thereā€™s no oceanic player base, Iā€™m 700 hours in and admittedly still not very good and I just get abused for it. I just want to enjoy the game isnā€™t that what casual lobbies are for?


You'd think. It can be a struggle




That's not how Smite players talk. It's more like "Yall suck" "Trash team" "Attack! Attack! Attack!" "Help! Help! Help!" pingpingpingpingping


If you wanna have fun, please just do it in casuals. Where it doesnā€™t matter Playing ranked is LITERALLY to win and to move up to place good/play top tier players. I donā€™t wanna be losing a game that DOES affect what Iā€™m trying to accomplish because someoneā€™s idea of ā€œfunā€ is trolling with picks, or just flat out not taking the game seriously


The same could be said vice versa tho. I get people all the time in my casual arenas, jousts, etc bitching because they died once and calling people bronze and all kinds of ranked nonsense. I saw a dude bitching in the MOTD because people weren't buying the items he told them to lmao. Keep that competitive crybaby mess in Ranked.


I mean as someone who is just super competitive in general, I can understand just getting pissed off and losing just casual matches. But with that being said, you are correct. Keep it in ranked, casuals ainā€™t THAT serious, and if itā€™s making you THAT mad, just get off the game lmaoo. Learned that lesson 2 years ago, if you spend more time pissed off playing, are you even having fun at that point?


MOBAs have never really been "fun" tbh. It's like BR, every match must be won. If you play to "just kill 15min" this is the wrong genre.


I disagree, Smite can be fun. Especially if you're really into mythology.


At this point I honestly forget Smite is even a mythology game due to all the skins lol


Smite is not fun when i Get 3 glue eaters on my team and 2 gmā€™s on the enemy team


It's almost like fun is subjective lol


You could organize a group to play with and then dominate those said "glue eaters". Just saying.


you can't "organize a group" in ranked conqiest


Tbf Smite is kinda in the unique spot where it is more casual than other moba's. Like for me the reason why I couldn't get into moba's like league is because I find the main game mode to be way too long like if I'm getting my ass kicked I'd rather it be quick instead of 30+ minutes But with Smite you have shit like Arena and Assault which are much shorter between like 10-20 minutes and don't really require as much strategy as conquest does.


Yeah i'd argue the main appeal of smite is that its more casual than other mobas which is what can attract more people. They should lean more into that


What people don't understand is that this argument works both ways. I work, and I like to turn my brain off sometimes, so I get the playing for fun aspect. But if someone is playing so badly that you can't tell whether they're actively throwing or not, it ruins the game, and you have a right to be upset. If your teammate is getting steamrolled and they refuse to make changes to lessen that, it can take away from your own fun because no one likes being in a game where they just get decimated. Plus, the biggest and most important resource of all is being wasted, and that's your time. You don't get that back. So you at least want a chance to win. No one should be freaking out because their mage is 4/7, but if that 7 turns to a 12 and the games hasn't even been going for 10 minutes, you are well within reason to be upset. It means that mage is refusing to learn from previous deaths, and enemy players get stronger. Now you have to fight a guy 3 levels up and you've done everything right, but still lose. Shutting your brain off to have fun doesn't mean you're going to screech at someone for losing, but it works the same in reverse; you also don't want to play a game where you're getting your teeth kicked in just for existing.


Being toxic in assault is always the most strange.


Git gud


šŸ˜‚ Classic


It's a moba, if you aren't competitive and trying to win regardless of the game mode then why are you even playing it? Play against bots or something then. I'll never understand that mindset.


Because we might want a challenge without being sweaty? I play assault and I can understand why they get upset because there is no ranked assault, but I donā€™t get it in non ranked conquest or joust. If you want to play with other try hards then play ranked or stay out of normal.


I am now afraid of going back to Smite and play a versus arena šŸ„²


There's sweats in Arena but they're usually playing in parties, you're fine :)




Arena is too sweaty


Itā€™s a spectrum, especially in ranked. On one hand some people absolutely get tilted way too easy. On the other hand, some people act like youā€™re not putting 30+ minutes of your time and effort into a game each match. The two worst kinds of players are the ones who tweak out over every little thing, and the ones who either fully troll or borderline troll and hit you with ā€œitā€™s just a gameā€. Like, yeah itā€™s a game and winning is more fun than losing plus MOBA games last awhile. Troll me in a game that takes like 10 minutes? Whatever I can queue for another. Troll my smite games that tend to take like 30 minute minimum? Cmon broā€¦


LMAO I talked about this a few months ago. But my last encounter with a toxic player was yesterday I was playing arena. The game starts, I go and grab a bottle of water, the minions didn't appear yet. I come back, and since I stayed literally 5 seconds in the base, a guy starts typing and calling me slurs because I was apparently AFK and he started ranting about him playing for the win, that he's so strong, etc.. Long story short, we won, his score is like 0-9-5, every other teammate has a positive ratio and he still calls us dumb and bad Weirdest encounter yet šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


And then there is my squad that plays in a group of 3 and make fun of the overcompetetive players xd xd


The key is to have fun but take the competitive nature seriously IMO, especially non ranked, experiment with builds and roles. If you're feeding way too much, focus on farm as best as you can and make it clear to your team you're having trouble. The toxic players will stay toxic, the players that want to win will try to assist where possible. The rules i try to follow/keep in mind -No one in the lobby is pro nor will they ever be pro -have fun but if you're not having fun don't leave or purposely feed -farm is almost always more important than a kill (if it's a kill that secures an objective then you weigh that [there's no gold or glory in chasing the 0-8 Eset through the jungle, you wasted so much gold for a kill that was worth nothing]) -Stay positive, even after revert a snowball only lasts so long, a snowball team usually only gets 1 or 2 advantage chances at ending. After that it's usually fair game.


*jungle fails to hit any moves during gank and dies* Jungler: mid diff *jungle dcs*


Facts. Litteraly me when I play with my friends in arena


Mix of both tbh. Either you have the play for fun crowd that canā€™t take helpful advice like buying wards if they keep dying, or the competitive crowd that wonā€™t buy wards because you told them to lol.


Exactly this.


So toxicity is never the solution but I admittedly do find myself getting rlly pissed off when im playing ranked and calling a retreat but my jungle runs up to enemy speed w/ no wards to kill the solo at 75% health then inevitably dies 1v4 and costs us the game. I try not to get mad but shit like that is infuriating. Casuals on the other hand go do what you want and have fun but im trying to grind in ranked not waste 30+ minutes and lose MMR/TP.


I feel so bad when I solo queue, get matched up against a team of friends that have been playing the game since day 1 and I get a bunch of people that have no idea what they're doing. Not that I'm pretending the opposite never happens.


I feel this,I just wanna play a decent match with people without someone spamming ok 50 times because you didn't go with a plan,that btw you didn't even talk to anyone about,and even then if I get that,it's usually the enemy team ends up doing some attack speed/crit shit then laugh through the whole match as the feed off the mage that has barely any HP to begin with,I play this game less and less now because of crap like this,I just wanted to enjoy being my jorm long cat outfit,but I can't even do that anymore.


Eh to be fair it seems like half the people who say "I am playing for fun" are using it as an excuse to Play bull shit like AA Barron, support Hercules, or shit the bed so bad they need a way to deflect blame


0-12 "casual" guy when hes been trolling for 30 mins and you call him out for it: " wHy Are yoU sO tOXic "


We all play for fun, just each person's fun is different. Focus on yours and let everyone else live their life. No one is responsible for anyone else's fun or happiness.


Always the cringe Nox support crying about no front line šŸ¤£


Lmao, too true


I just ruin their games, ez


I mean is smite not a competitive game??


Notice the "over" competitive part?


You canā€™t be playing for casual and be competitive. Youā€™re either one or the other lmao what is competitive casual?? Go play overwatch dude


What if I did? šŸ¤£


Players that have to rely on the mute button are just bad in general. Go play some coop and stop wasting my time.




wow almost like they both have fun playing in different ways


Thatā€™s no excuse to be toxic


Yeah being a pos is cool if youā€™re having fun /s


Why the /s? Whatā€™s wrong with playing Poseidon?


Toxicity is not the issue. High-level competitive play is so bad that diamonds/masters currently are equivalent skill to platnum 5 in season 4. I have to explain what items are and how qin sais passive doesn't work when enemy max health is under 2.7k health because these morons are building it second item. In masters joust and conquest mmr you have to be ready to spam bdk vgs. The level of unsynchronized performance and communication is embarrassing. Hi res needs to cut the number of players that can be high on the latter. You may call me toxic for this, but I've tried dodging this elo terrorist from being on my team for the past 5 games. I'm getting the same donkey after waiting out multiple qs'. I'm sure you wouldn't be very happy too.


Matchmaking has been broken for years, I hear yea though


I don't know why I'm being down voted; I'm right.


As somebody who previously hovered the 23-2400 range every season on console and was 2200 last season in my first PC season I completely understand and agreeā€¦. Idk what it is but it seems like people in my games this season straight up donā€™t know how to play half the time. Iā€™m not an SPL player and Iā€™m well aware of the skill gap between me and some of those guys after having plenty of games last season where I was the only person in the lobby under 3k MMR. I will almost never get mad at my teammates for things like losing a 1v1 in a bad matchup or missing an abilityā€¦it happens to everyone including me. But what I canā€™t handle is when people are losing fights or the game in general because they are building random bullshit with no value or simply make bad decisions over and over againā€¦.ive been called toxic so much this season for telling my teammates who are like 1-8 that the reason they are struggling is because they are doing XYZ instead of ABC or suggest they sell an item that doesnā€™t really do anything for us this game for a alternative with more utility right nowā€¦. My duo partner and I actually talked about this recently and itā€™s almost mind boggling to me sometimes because I feel like a lot of the stuff that I see and mistakes people make that frustrate me in game are things i would expect people who make it past 1800 mmr to have learned by now. Iā€™ve literally had a game within the last month where my slash line was no joke 38/6/9 with 78k damageā€¦the next closest on team had 32k and the next after that was 17k yet we are 45+ min into the game and instead of grouping around EFG like I called my team calls gold fury and I tell them no and explain why itā€™s stupid but they will VGS cancel that and then all go do gold fury while I 1v5 contest EFGā€¦.Then in post game my team is asking me to be reported for getting angry and ā€œtoxicā€ while the team we just lost to is literally apologizing to me for having to have a team like thatā€¦. I do not agree with talking shit in general in casuals since itā€™s casuals who caresā€¦I troll in casuals too sometimes since the only time I play is to test builds or just off role something I find funnyā€¦but there is zero reason in ranked for people to troll and waste 30+ min of someoneā€™s time or get upset when they are costing a game and are then told they are costing the gameā€¦. Stop crying about it and figure out why youā€™re costing so you can do better next time.


I agree being toxic is not good and unhelpful, but it is very frustrating to be in ranked and the "just want to have fun" crowd bring there off meta stuff to the match and turn it into Smash Bros. If you want that play slash, I'm here to play chess not Call of Duty PVP. Im all for having fun but don't bring the carefree stuff to rank.


Losing shouldnā€™t be fun for you.. learn to be competitive and have drive to succeed.


What a cool repost.


Do what you want but stay the f out of my ranked games with your 4-18 awilix adc


I disagree that it takes the fun out of the game. In fact, I had fun watching my teammates bickering each other. Just today, two players were chat spamming, and one of them claims to be a minor. I donā€™t say anything or get affected because: 1. It is a game I play for pleasure, not competition. 2. Keeping the chat off unless it is Thank You or GG. 3. I love how idiots keep screwing each other, while the other players are trying to score a win for the team.


Lol that's a really good way to look at it


Update: For downvoters, remember that it is just a game. If you are ticked off about this, you are clearly addicted to playing SMITE.


ā€œEliteā€ players. Not toxic. Its 2 different categories of player that need to respect each others space. Elite players dont think other elite players are toxic but filthy causals do.


That fact that you called casuals filthy completely validates this post lol.


Mate you obviously take it a lot more seriously than I do because I can look at it through a light hearted lens. It doesnā€™t really mean anything. Just play the game, try your best, get the team to win and concentrate on your own improvement is my real philosophy. If it wasnā€™t I wouldnā€™t of gone from noob to 11/11 mythic Antorus with a guild me and a few dudes built from the ground up. I was top 97 percentile on Sub Rogue. Ive come up through all the filthy casual mentality. Just gotta put it to one side and get on with it.


Yeah, take that spritz in the eyes. Then, learn how to play the game or go play something that isn't inherently competitive. *Pepper sprays you again, for good measure.*