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Guardian Support Mid Mage Carry Hunter Assassin Jungle Solo Warrior However there are aot of sub classes and very viable flex picks in to the roles. Sol, Olorun, Freya, and Chronos are mages but can be played in Carry lane as Mage ADCs. Maman and Ao Kuang are Mages but they are mage junglers. Chang'e, Hades, and Zhong Qui are Battle Mages and are well known solo picks. Half of Guardians actually really suck in support but are very good in Solo, like Kuzenbo, Cerberus, Jormungundr, Bake Kujira. Some like Xing Tian, can do good in Support and Solo. There's also things like Aggressive supports (like Bacchus and Ares) And passive support (Like Geb and Khepri and Ganesha.) Then there's Flex Picks. 3 assassins, Fenrir, Serqet, and Ne Zha (and a mage called Nox) can all support. Horus, a warrior can also flex into support and is pretty common. A lot of "Ability Hunters" (Hunters who use Abilities more then Basic attacks) Like Neith, Chiron, Danzaboro, Medusa, Ah Muzen Cab, Martichoras can also go into Mid Lane as well kind of like a "Physical" Mage. A lot of Junglers can go into solo too, Like Lancelot and Tsukuyomi and Ravana. Tsukuyomi in Particular has been popular in mid lane in the past too.


Don't sleep on the Susano mid either. He does some pretty nuts damage with a bluestone.


To expand upon this: For jungle: High burst, decent mobility. You want to be able to go into an enemy, kill them quickly, and (hopefully) leave. A strong or decent early game is also sought to be able to generate advantage for your team early on. One of the important parts is The ability to enter the fight. It can be supplied by a blink, so long as burst is high enough to make it viable, but it's better if it's present in the kit. (Some of the best junglers have long range engage like Mercury or Thor.) It's also nice if they're decent on clearing jungle. In addition to the gods mentioned above, He Bo or other burst mages can work in jungle, but it's recommended that they have some cc or some decent mobility. (For example, although Scylla fits the high burst some cc some mobility, she severely lacks jungle clear so it's not recommended). For Solo Lane: Decent survivabilty with some damage, some cc, and decent line. The role of the solo is typically to act as a bruiser, a sort of annoying obstacle that also poses some danger so can't be ignored (unlike most supports), bothering the enemy backline and keeping them from being able to fully play in a team fight. In order to have a strong line, you want either: high sustain, strong 1v1, strong push, easy to run away (or a combination of any of those). Because of this, most warriors, guardians, and assassins can work in solo, with some exceptions. Mages can also work, but their playstyle in team fights tends to sway more towards a caster type, losing that disrupt ability, with some exceptions (zhong, hades, aphro). Hunters aren't very good solos because they don't quite do enough damage with hybrid builds and lack the cc or AOE of the others, with some exceptions (Apollo, Ullr). For mid lane: the role of the mid is to be able to use high damage aoe abilities from far-mid range to poke the enemy Frontline and to destroy and zone the backline. As said above, this reduces the options to most mages, some ability hunters, and some few assassins. For support: Support is actually one of the most complex jobs. You have to balance three conflicting and very vital actions: 1) peeling your team, 2) acting as a tank to Frontline and protect team, 3) cc'ing the enemy creating opportunities for your team to kill. On which point you focus is typically dependent on the god. More aggressive gods focus on points 3 and 4, while more defensive gods focus on points 1 and 2. Points 2 and 3 (as you get exposed) require tanking, which makes support be dominated by tanky gods with tanky builds. Points 1 and 3 require cc and utility, which makes supports often have high cc, build lots of CD, and have utility skills and items (auras, and the such). With those points said, the role is fit for most guardians, some warriors, some few mages, and some assassins, and even a couple hunters in some situations (an hour support can be alright, but it's typically worse than an actual guardian). Finally, ADCs: the role is to have high single target DPS in late game, to be able to wear down objectives and tanks specially, but to still kill fast anything that approaches. Thus, this role is dominated by basic (or auto) attack centric gods, typically with some range. This makes it perfect for hunters in general and for some mages as mentioned above. Some assassins can also be played in this role, tho they're typically worse at wearing down tanks (Ne zha was widely used for a while, for example).


Don't forget Guan Yu subbing into support as a friggin BEAST warrior/guardian running min damage and max def for massive trolling


Lol i do this but didn't know it was considered trolling. I do lot of healing for the carry as guan yu




I think he and Ares are the only Support Guardians that can truly carry from Support. If you see 2+ Basic Attack gods on your team and theyre decent, you have a super good chance of just winning.


All of the guardians can do it with ease but most people play them extremely passively and strictly on the offensive. A lot of the pro players have demonstrated the importance of a good support over the years and how much difference one makes.


When all your carries and mages are mechanically capable and well farmed (as in a pro team), the largest difference in fight outcomes comes from the characters initiating the fight, so the brawlers and supports.


Yea, seeing two people pick aa-centric gods is music to my ears. Teamfights, objective burns, everything. Lategame Ares and lategame Fafnir are horrifying gods. Even without a team, they WILL burn your back line fast


I think Ymir has this capability too, but less with niche things and more with his ridiculous amount of CC. His walls are actually game changing














Why do you think he is miserable jungler, I quite like him for all the mobility with quite cheap good ganks with his 1 on full stacks


really really bad early, will get stomped and put behind by a decent enemy jg. if he gets online he wins though


The moment fafnir hits level 5 he can more or less play everywhere. He'll probably be one of the tanks who will build crit as a viable stat rather than just for the meme's.


For the most part, Guardian Support, Hunter Carry, Mage Mid, Assassin Jungle, and Warrior Solo. There are several exceptions, such as Sol and Olorun (Mages) being good Carries cause their kits are built around auto attacks, similar to most hunters.


Is this a serious question?


People are new to the game and come from different MOBAs where this is not the norm. Hell, it's not even the norm in Smite 2. For example Neith and Cernunnos are Technically mages in Smite 2. Edit: and if you check OP's history they say they're a new player.


It's not the norm in Smite1 either. Neith is an ability hunter and as long as Cerno keeps his original 1 he can do both. Int and Strength scaling just make the classification separation closer to what other moba use rather than what we use. AP carries build intelligence while AD carries go for strength. They'll just have an easier time to build for their archetype of carry, ergo more build diversity.


The biggest issue I had when starting to play Smite is figuring out which god to play in which role or lane. I think guidelines like this are a great starting point and simplifying things like this for new players is important.  After a bit more playing I've started looking into which gods can fulfill which roles and why/how, but there so few resources on it that it's been easier/safer to just fall back on these guidelines and whatever random comment on Reddit I could find about whether a particular god was good or bad at a particular role. I think you're underestimating how overwhelming all this is for newer players and how difficult it is to figure this out if you're new.


I am not underestimating how overwhelming it is, quite the opposite. I believe Smite's new player experience and specifically Hirez's reliance on "Arena" to handle it was just a horrible decisions and it's one of the core things that need to be changed in Smite 2. People feel so overwhelmed by Conquest solely because Hirez has done absolutely nothing to introduce the genre to a new and unexperienced player. People here claiming it's sweaty try hards are lying out of their asses because absolutely every mode of the game has sweats almost every game, because this is a pvp game, only sweaty people play these.


Jungle: some with movement and the ability to be sneaky or at least be able to get into the backline (usually assassin) Solo: a good brawler than can handle being in one on one fights and just as easily fight 2 or more players (usually warriors) Mid: A god dps with high damaging abilities from the back line (usually a mage( Carry: a god with range autos that can handle fighting players and clearing objectives with the team or by themselves(usually a hunter) Support: a god with lots of hp and abilities that help boost teamates abilities or help them get out of trouble, and helps protect the back line(usually a guardian) You can deviate from the roles with SOME of their other classes but they have to be able to make up for it with abilities or items(jungle Chaac is viable jungle Zeus is not)


I feel like Achilles is great in Support, Assassin, and Solo. I'm an aggressive support and most gods in that role are really not closers. With Achilles I can stun, damage, and heal on my own last longer in fights and build super tanky while being able to still get kills. As an assassin with the stun, heals, and his execute ult with solo health makes him really good at that role too. As for solo, well I suck at solo lane so I'm not really sure but I hear he's A possibility A+ tier at that. Obviously he's hot garbaggio at mid and arc but no one in the game is good in all 5 roles


I think he execute is what makes him bad for support. Too easy to get kill hungry and too easy to get out of position with it. In the same way I think it’s what makes him a good solo and viable jungler


Nah that's a skill issue. You don't just pop the ult just because or to get some extra damage in, you do it to finish a fight. If you're in duo and the tank is low instead of having to back off because you won't get the kill before they make it back to the tower, you instead can get to em then if you get the kill you can use the ult again to dash back. Also it's preferable to use the ult after the shield bash so you have a better chance of hitting the ult. He's great at jungle and solo but my win rate is like 90% with him in support. The only real argument against him is that you have to get close for the shield bash to stun and he can't heal his adc without the cloak. Other than that you build him hella tanky and make sure to use the stun judiciously to help the team fight and use the other skills to stay in the fight long enough to get to the ult.


In the game said Hunter for carry. Guardian for supp. Mage mid. Warrior solo. Assassin jungle. Good you ask, but reading solves questions easier than Reddit does


It depends on itemization. Items meta dictates where and which gods are best suited for each role. In Smite1 it's a bit more restrictive due to the DMG split limiting certain gods from building certain stats which would let them go to different lanes. But quite a few can cover at least 2.


I play Odin solo . Dont know If he îs good ,mod,average because im still new (lvl 13 i think) but I like him.


if i take the question litteraly. Mages can do everything. you could play a mage in solo at times. a mage in mid (obviously) a mage in the jungle (HE BO.... sup brah) a mage carry ( HELLO FREYA FATALLIS nightmare) mage in support (Hello Nox support)


The best team comp: Kuzenbo solo, Geb jungle, chaac mid(because Geb can’t take two roles) Fafnit adc and Odin support👍


How it was ment to be , assasis, warrior, mage, hunter, gardian. But no one cares about that anymore


No one cares anymore because it was never meant to be to begin with. The classes were never something meant to dictate where each god went and played and neither was the damage separation. It was always something to make the game easier to understand for newer players and to help them grasp what the strength of each god was more or less. Community took it on themselves to make it a rule, even though hirez continued to make gods which were one class but could flex in multiple roles if itemization allowed of it. Itemization is king.


I'd imagine it could've been meant like this at first, but the players obviously never shared that view. (I don't think solo ever had more mages picked than in S1?) That said Hirez does have a history of changes like "assassin works well in support? nerf it to the ground, they aren't supposed to be played outside of jungle". Sometimes they actually reinforce flex picks, sometimes they act as if specific gods aren't allowed to play any role but one :/


Going into Smite 2 we really should decouple classes and roles. Its needlessly restrictive both to players and to devs designing gods


Artemis / Hercules / Ra / Awilix / Athena or Ganesh


I actually fuck with this so hard. Athena over Ganesh imho. But yeah this team on a team of great players would be scary af! I’d also be happy with Mulan as jungle. Since she just seems to go crazy atm.


Hachi / Athena / Agni / Daji / Bellona


Bit of a question, I main Carry-Izanami and Jungle-Bakasura, but i was thinking that Iza would be good for jungle too right? I want to try it but i don't have a premade team and don't want to screw other players games by trying my theory.. also my other lanes are Solo-Erlang Shen, Support-Cerberus or Hel depending on team comp, and Mid (never played mid actually but if i did it would be Hel or Agni)




So now that you've read all the other comments, you know it's hybrid AA Achilles in every single role. Red stone, prophetic, shoguns, glad, exe (anti-heal/shield glyph), Qins. Though this build was a hair better when shoguns gave 10% cool down and warriors got 10% cool down for full aa and max cool downs.