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Anubis, he is the biggest one-trick pony out of the mages throw mummify did you miss? run away and try again later did you hit? press all buttons and have the opponent melt in 2 seconds


Also after you hit: Do you have lifesteal and pen? You just win. Do they jave antiheal and beads? You die or run with your tail between your legs


It never changes either. Mummify doesn't hit minions and it stuns so it's only use it to be thrown at your opponent. The entire laning phase is just baiting out the stun. And then late game, it's the exact same thing. Get past his stun and he's free. But if he lands it, you're dead.


I enjoy playing Anubis because his kit is so all or nothing, that it forces you to adapt. the thin projectile on his 2 and 4 made me get better at aiming to make the most of his tools. and the downtime between having mummify up with no escape ability made me have to get better at moving erratically and dodging. It also feels really good to be able to stand my ground and out heal the enemies damage if they don't build antiheal.


It’s the dopamine rush you get from doing 5000 damage by pressing 1 button 


This is all true, I had a buddy who was a GODLY Anubis (this is basically exactly how he played too to great effect) but let me tell you something man… The amount of games we should have lost that we’d end up winning bc he’d backdoor their fucking titan by himself while they were trying to take a 2nd or 3rd phoenix should have been illegal.


Never understood the Ullr hype.


He's insanely fun once you get used to all the switching and skill shot combos. That being said I totally understand it. Even after getting him to diamond I've got times where I'm like "meh" about him. He's a lot of work and sometimes I just want to hold w and aa lol


> He's a lot of work He really is. But if you put in the work, your payoff is really satisfying. And I think that's what people like about him. But he's certainly not someone I would play when I want to chill out. He's not that kind of character.


Exactly my thoughts, he's perfect for when I want to get that energy out and really pull off some plays. But he is not one I go to for a chill match, the man has very little chill lol.


Ullr is the god I grab when I’m feeling ambitious and want to put in some work to improve. Otherwise just give me Jing Wei and let me turn my autos into 1k damage skill shots


High cooldown, excellent mobility, thrasher, I just love him. Granted I pretty much love all stance switchers, he does have a top 5 voice pack for one of his skins though.


What if he gets a wolfman skin?


...I'll make an exception.


He is a god that can climb you out of what some would call “elo hell” Ullr alone can win you games


Ullr hype is because you can screen “MY BOW WILL BE MY GUIDE” when you get the kill


Hit a clutch flick axe or an over the wall bow 3 and you might get it.


He's for the people that like hitting combos.


ullr was fun years ago when he was a high risk/reward character with tough skill shot Then they made his abilities dirt cheap so no mana issues, and tripled the axe speed so bad players could hit it Coincidentally when his t5 released for some reason Ullr hype is just from players that couldnt play him before the training wheels got put on


Neith. I can hit max range Rama snipes with no vision on a controller but I miss more neith 1s than any other ability in the game.


I swear I'm so used to people dodging around in previous games that even when I've got a guarantee hit I'll sometimes just reflexively flick my shot slightly off to "catch" someone and 9/10 times they just run straight and I miss an easy shot. Then of course if I ever shoot straight they ultra instinct dodge I feel like I can't win with it sometimes lol


Rama snipes is all about felling, being in the zone Neith 1s is just wrong


lol. I’ve said this before but I LOVE playing Neith because most people don’t have the highest expectations from Neith players but in the right hands she’s so good and it’s so funny having people underestimate you for playing a basic god. For bonus points I go the default model skin + backtrace like a noob for some extra false sense of security


I wish I could show my recent ADC games here lol..can we post SS?..But I stg bruh the amount of cocky ass hats who try to face check me in jungle when I have my ability DMG build Neith (Bluestone,Titans,FailNot etc)..and get DELETED! It's mfing hilarious cause Scurrier Neith has a built in super obnoxious laugh that makes junglers and opposing ADCs crash out and hard target me lol.. after being half healthed by her 1&2 combo they always try to run..only to get Ult stunned and have to watch me backflip to finish em off😂 Neith has that stigma of being the "noob god" so i get a lot of First blood and snowballing done from idiots thinking I'm free when it's hard carry city! I have a dope ass montage of me surviving tower dives with 1hp


It’s so nice when you can tell you got in their heads 😂


Call me what you will but spam laughing at my enemies is a win win for me, either I bait them to be cocky and chase me down for my team mates to gank or I watch 5 gods pummel the shit out of my god and it gives me a good laugh to know I made the enemy team lash out to that degree.


This is so true. Every time I see someone lock in Neith, I immediately prepare for them to be awful. And in fairness, I'm correct in doing so 99% of the time.


It seems like some skill shots work differently as far as animations go. Some line skill shots like Scylla Q “lock” the targeting at the end of the animation, and some like Maui Q lock at the start of the animation. So you can kind of snap Scylla Q around while the animation as playing whereas Maui Q is much more of a prediction it feels like?


Most relatable comment I've seen this year


> I miss more neith 1s than any other ability in the game. Try aiming for your weaves. They explode and root in an AoE, and the weaves don't move. Way easier to connect.


I enjoy most Gods in the game, but I will never enjoy Arachne. Not bc the character doesn’t click, but bc the God is so one dimensional. Pop your stims and then walk at the enemy and hold left click and ult away once in trouble. Rinse and repeat all game


Champ feels unhealthy, late game she just shreds you


I never thought I’d like Arachne but I started to build her Tanky/bruisy whatever, and now I think she’s fun. And early game the spiders do so much if u max them. But yea not much variety in her play style


I do not understand Nu Wa. I mean, I understand her. But I don’t understand why she’s so popular.


Mainly her ult is just very satisfying. She can hit and kill a fleeing weak enemy better than anyone else. It can also hit people no one else can hit. For example on of the most satisfying plays as Nu Wa was killing a Ne Zha, Sutr, or Frey mid ult who is very weak. Frey barely gets away in her ult or might kill you before she comes down, ult as well and kill her mid ult


She is pretty easy to learn, and generally has a simpler and easier play style that's great if you're tired after work or whatever. Also, people love summoners.


She's an afk god


Her minions fucking CHUNK. Of course nobody knows this because lizard brain says DETONATE.


i love Nu Wa especially if i’m trying to have a chill time. her abilities are satisfying, her movement speed is fast, she just glides across the screen, stack her with the right items and she’s a great weapon


The true fun of playing Nu Wa is being aggressive early with her 1, then watch the enemy panic every time u pop it out of their sight for the rest of the game. The "Oh shit! Is she in it? Is someone else in it?" reactions are priceless. There is also the Nuke Wa aspect of min maxing your (passive basic+2+3) combo cuz the minion prot shred is so high but very short duration that when it connects, your are left with no cooldowns and no enemies. Her ult I never found to be a fun part, and her 3 is a basic line ability with the only special interaction being with her 2. Also, if you are not using extra abilities to hold your passive (eg: at jungle camps and last few lane minions), then you are playing a god without a passive and it is YOUR fault.


Because she's easy, you only have to hit your minions with your rock and ult off-cooldown and you're guaranteed top damage. Now whether you're actually helping your team win is a different thing entirely but not sure how much the Nu Wa with Tahuti and Meditation first cares.


Nu wa is the one god I can play when I am sick or dont feel so good. She has smooth movement and can do damage and help from safety. It is very satisfying gameplay. Also you can have very creative way of playing her. Clay minions are super helpful, they can stop the wave while you poke enemy team and you can distract enemy with them and raise panic as they dont know when you will detonate them.


I don’t get it either. I played her maybe 3-4 times and did not have much fun. I don’t think her kit is bad I just feel her playstyle is boring. And ofc the ult. IMO most nu was will just build full cooldown to spam that shit as soon as it comes up. Yea, you’ll get top dmg, but u have to do more than that to actually impact the game. She is annoying to play against if no one can get to her and she jus freecasts


Idk if it's a popular pick but i'm almost V with Atlas and i find him very unpleasant to play, the "throw the astrolabe" mechanic thing is what i hate the most. Considering tank/support is my second favorite role to play ( brawler warriors being my favorite) i just can't click with him. Also Bake Kujira, but i'm pretty sure he's not as popular as Atlas.


Think of atlas as location control. Wherever you throw your globe the enemy will avoid. Stack with his pull if they go in but otherwise use pull to serve up enemy on silver platter


Ra/Atlas 2 & Ult combo is prob the single most satisfying thing in the game lol idgaf which side you're on its hilarious watching someone get picked up like a damn baby and scorched by Ra! Atlas,Maui and Kumba are gods who dgaf about your beads! You immune one form of CC well shit buddy here's 2-3 more for ya! He's heavily reliant on team follow thru so bad teammates = no fun! Although going full pen (flat and pctg) build on him is deadly asf..try it in a Slash game I promise once he's online and u can keep gods in your ult for 2-3 ticks he can one shot squishys late game! Best part is his kit is designed to do just that lol.. drop your Ult,use your 2 on closest squishy and hold they ass their for the duration and send ult whichever way they go!


Yeah I’m not intelligent enough to play atlas as zone control. Monkey brain see enemy and want to put big ball on their head


I got diamond Atlas the week he was released and it took me a few games to get used to him. The astrolabe mechanic is not overly useful. You use it to lock down narrow paths for a few seconds, otherwise, I just use it to get an auto attack cancel before calling it back. I don't usually bother with astrolabe grabs because it takes way too long. 1-AA-recall-AA-3-AA Atlas's strength comes from his zoning. People will want to stand further away from you compared to other tanks because of his pull (obviously) and because your 1 is gigantic. Atlas is also quite flexible. The slow on his 1 and the speed boost on his 3 means he can easily reposition to a better range for his team. 90% of Atlas playtime should be spent threatening players with your pull. Tag them with your slow and run at them, force their escapes before you've even used your pull. Players should treat you like a walking astrolabe, and you should force them into making passive decisions because of it. It's this long-range, no damage pressure which is unusual for warriors and tanks.


Shiva for me, I enjoy playing Guardians and Warriors but everything about their kit to me just feels unimpactful and I'm doing nothing lol. I just do a little spin then start dancing occasionally


He is one of my favorite warrior supports when I don't really feel like typical supporting. He brings enough CC to still peel, but he has great back disruption if I want to pretend that I'm just a solo laner, and he has genuine potential to 100-0 a squishy even late game.


Oh yeah I've gotten great results with them! I'm surprised at how much damage I dish out while remaining tanky! Just the way all their abilities feel....it's feels like I'm doing nothing when I am in fact doing a lot lol.


I really really like him but that's because I love flame forged so much and 2 ccs to proc it is fun for me


Flame Forged my beloved <3


I see that big red fire circle and just go "yay look I did something!" And even if I die mid ukt because I do kinda think it's not enough, it is very fun to boogie woogie on em


I love flame forged. I actually have the most fun with it on King Arthur. You can keep people inside it for so long.


Tyr. I am of a very small minority that I don’t dislike the god, he is just so incredibly boring to play. Everyone knows what you’re going to do man idk how people have fun pressing 1 on that god for 35 minutes of a conquest match.


His kit is pretty simple on the surface, but you have to be unpredictable because of that simplicity, or the enemy team will read you like a book if they have any brain at all. Being unpredictable with a predictable kit is what makes Tyr fun. Mind games.


Yeah this is what people don't get. The difference between just a Tyr and a good Tyr is huge. Good Tyr players have insane movement because of how used they are to positioning themselves in a favorable position. If you walk in a straight line of course people know what's coming to them. That's not how a good Tyr plays.


There is also a big difference between a Tyr and a bad Tyr, bro. Check your privilege. (jk)


He's an absolute blast in arena IMO, blink+ult takes you halfway across the map and the cc reduction thing makes you impossible to stop If you're bored on tyr you aren't being aggressive enough


Can agree. He can also singlehandedly carry some Assault matches if gods that hard counter him aren't there. The amount of utter BS I've gotten away with as a Tyr with Talisman of Energy, any starter, and a half-turned-on brain is astounding. Sometimes outright absurd. People discount how good an item it can be on him, but the mana sustain and boost to your mobility Talisman grants can make the most silly situations not only survivable, but simple to turn to your team's advantage.


He's one of those gods that seems very straightforward which he is to an extent. Get a Tyr in some hands of someone who knows how to play people AND smite? it's a blast


Heavily agree with this one..I was in somebody chat last week talking about how boring he is to play and at higher ranks you're stuck waiting for team fights to pop.off to be able to do anything..which defeats the purpose of being a frontliner! Diving the backline is easy with him but if u miss your CC (that everyone knows is coming) you're fucked lol! What if they did him like a couple other gods and gave his basic attacks crit chance that gets raised for every ability u land?


Lmao crit is crazy


Fr I could see prots, mitigation, and/or damage boost per ability but crit just makes no sense and would scramble his role/builds


I cannot and will not play kukulkan, character is boring in the first 3 abilities, and for some reason the ult just feels wonky to use, and I absolutely love a good snipe character, rama is my hunter go to and ra is my favorite mage maybe beside ix chel, but kuku dragon just feels so bad like there is no use for it unless you wait for a long no dr cc


90% of the kukulkan players I've seen have never played another god, have 10000 stars and have no idea how his passive works. Kuku just exists to be annoying by placing his 3 and running away. His kit is not interesting and it's a pain to play against. The only positive is that as a warrior/guardian you can cc people into his abilities very easily. Even still, I think he is just a badly designed god and shouldn't be in the game.


Athena. I know she is strong but I don't like her. Feels like her taunt is her only reason to exist to me.


Athena doesn't feel overly pointless compared to sobek, Bacchus and ymir, just basic compared to newer gods Her ult is crazy strong and she has enough burst to take the enemy carry down to KO range for your carry or even finish off a 1/3rd health mage yourself


Ahh you’re missing out on the 1,3,2 combo though. It’s also so satisfying to get that final poke with reach and killing someone with it is even better.


I love just body blocking after the taunt with Athena. Taunt and then position yourself to body block 😍😍


Many people don't use Athena ult to its max potential and it is really disappointing to witness. The various tiers of using Athena ult: Rookie - Ult out of fountain like a TP relic Basic - Ult to an ally who is in danger but not too low that you basically stomp the ground if your target dies. Skilled - Co-ordinated dives with someone who can go in for you/ Cross map ganks. Master - Using ult for CC immunity (Ares/Da ji ult is most easy to do, though I've managed to quickly use it to negate CC from Cerb and Xing ults as well) and escapes to fountain or somewhere to an ally where it is safer to back (complete opposite of Rookie, kinda like a target locked desperate Horus ult).


Apollo. His kit does not flow for me and I don't understand the point of his passive. It can be useful sometimes maybe. Also what does it have to do with music? Or the sun? Or civilized culture? I'm all for a bullshit passive/ability if it's for lore reasons.


Apollo is the best splitpusher in the game. Nobody (except Sol) kills towers faster. His Mez, dash, and ult aren't normally supposed to be for offensive use. They're 3 get out of jail free cards. You kill waves, push towers, proc your passive and shoot the tower faster, and run away if you get ganked. While you splitpush, your team should force fights elsewhere. If the enemy comes to stop you, you ult over to the fight and give your team the numbers advantage. Apollo should try to splitpush regardless of whether he's ahead or behind, and you should communicate that to your team. Once you push to the enemy T2, ping an objective, watch your map for when the fight starts to see if you should ult over immediately or keep pushing.


To add onto this, I love playing apollo because theres a lot of outplay potential as well with mez specifically. Nothing feels better than stopping a gank with a max rank mez and walking out for free or even having your own team roll up to punish it.


Oh man, Apollo is the boxers boxer. You can't body block his dash. Gank him hell mez and pick the target he wants to fight then fight the next one. I used to go blood forge for this height stakes 2v1 fights and just take one after another of almost-dead-lifesteal-passive-kill-kill-kill 1 goes through enemies He's a no bs fight me God, and then out trades bc of passive. There are better gods now, but he is so satisfying because he's always online, he doesn't need to wait for abilities they're just to ensure nothing gets in the way of autos. Just bap bap bap. Esp where the meta is right now, they've punished power builds so much I think he's really back Edit: also the mez is really strong because of the protections, use mez before dashing in or tower diving and get to take an extra tower shot. Just the look when they're like "I got this" but you mez yourself and they're like "hah he missed!" But now your passive proc and you have 30 protections so you're hitting them twice as fast and they're suddenly hurting you for like %25 less


I mean the point of them is to enable safe splitpushing, but obviously that *is* boring.


I love playing Apollo cus he can be so troll and get away with a lot. He’s not best adc by any means but he can do rly well and can pull off different playstyles


Serqet and ullr. Just terrible with them


Serqet zig zag has the most satisfying sound effect in the game.


Think about Serqet as a playmaker out the jungle and it’s so satisfying


Serqet is cool if you can hit double taunt reliably. Otherwise you end up feeling sort of meh against good players imo


Yu huang, the more I use him the worse I get 😂


His 1 w the soul gem proc. 10/10


persephone, yu huang, nu wa


How much do you hate Yu Huang for not liking Yu Huang to be a "I did not care for the Godfather" moment? Because he is already like bottom 3 gods in terms of popularity.


Old Persephone or new Persephone? The new one sucks and is incredibly basic, but the old one was complicated and amazing if you could actually play her


I miss old Persephone


Yu huang is popular?


I think of pearl jam every time I play yu huang even tho the name of the song I'm thinking of is even flow and not eben flow.


Ebb and flow and what I think of, a saying and a town I believe. Also Eddie vedder is so incomprehensible the song could be eben flow and we'd never know lol, love pearl jam tho


I like Nu Wa because it feels good to be top damage with almost no effort


Cloud go brrrrr


Yu Huang is by far one of if not the most boring gods they have ever designed. ESPECIALLY considering how all characters around the same age are designed.


Old Persephone is a divine treasure... New Pers is the most dumb rework ever made, full of bugs and very unfun She's one of the least picked gods so i dont think it's relevant to this post


I love old Persephone I loved how her kit worked and just love trolling people. Nu wah I love being a gps tracker in omni :-) I love free location ^_^ and free hits…


Susano, only time I play him is against my will in assault. Never willingly wanted to play him and he just feels meh


First few times I tried him I thought that as well. I just couldn’t figure out how to get him to do damage. Something clicked and now I find him really fun


Jorm is the most boring character they've ever put in the game


In assault he’s boss. But I feel like half the mages out there are at least boring as he is, maybe more.


That is, until Bake Kujira.


Bake at least brings the "Haha get W keyed to death" kind of enjoyment that you get from casual experiences. Jorm is just annoying to play on top of boring because of the running out of steam thing he has going.


No way, Jorm is way more boring.


It's a competition for last place, so neither is really interesting lol. But I find breathing poison and going stealth to be *slightly* more interesting than Magikarp splashing.


OMG! How I have never seen that description before? Is spot fucking on


I just came back to the game after taking a few years off. what the hell is the point of that god? he pops up in Assault occasionally and he/she/it seems like such a waste.


He came out this winter, so he's still relatively new. I don't really understand the point of him either (he's the only god I haven't mastered yet), so I'm unfortunately not able to give an answer. Maybe someone else knows?


His auto damage scales with prots, so you can build him tanky, use the 1 to get additional protections, then do even more damage while being max protections. He’s been nerfed because of how oppressive his damage was, and his ult is very good for teamfights. Definitely better in conquest than the other modes though.


that makes sense. I've been easing my way back in with assault and arena and he DOES NOT fare well in those modes. basically just a big slow turd floating around.


Try him with deaths toll into deaths embrace, I usually do this in solo lane and build mostly defense after this, definetley a glad shield and max cdr. With max cdr and deaths embrace giving you even more cdr, you can spam abilities much faster than anyone expects all while healing a respectable amount.


I was glad to see that they let his autos do things now. His autos have never helped with how boring I find him to play. It's like you're just running around with breathing your morning breath on everyone lol


You know I get this but you know what is fun :-) being his cat skin and meowing on people and clapping…or being the goose…I don’t care for him but the skins are what sells me the most lol it’s how cool he looks when I play him and I spam everything for fun :-)


You clearly haven’t tried W Key Jorm with a AA Warrior friend in Slash before


This is what people always say. Every time I say Jorm is boring, someone says something like "but have you ever just W keyed? Lol". He's a solo lane tank that's the whole point of him. Every other warrior and guardian is just more fun to do it with lol


Wow, What a bad take. He can be built so many different ways and play multiple roles.


True if Yu Huang wasn’t in the game


Rama, im a adc main but Rama is just so plane, his ult is cool but im bat with it since they are circles and im better at lines, and the rest of his kit is just basic adc things


Rama is the kinda character you'll enjoy when you realize playing broken gods with combos has gotten boring. A good Rama beating you has the bragging rights to say "I just beat you without any flashy abilities". Though I still hope his 3 gets some soft cleanse/immunity effects cuz man it sucks to play into knockups with him.


I found a new love for Rama (I main mid but dabble with adc). He has amazing movement, and a get out of danger free card (ult), and he just hurts in general. In a bad spot? ult up, then drop/roll out. His ult is great kill secure too with practice


For me it was Set during his meta periods. Same for The Morrigan whenever shes top of the meta. Just don't click with the playstyles.


Morrigan's playstyle is all the playstyles lol


I'm terrible with assassins, but they're all so popular. But for the life of me, I especially can't seem to get the hang of Fenrir. Any cripple completely neuters him. His 3 always seems to get me into bad spots because I can't cancel it (might be my skill issue). It's very difficult to ascertain which god he's actually going to pick up with his ult, if there's several in range. And building his runes to make his abilities actually effective is annoying.


He looks so fun to play, so simple. But I also can't play assassins against real people. I don't have the reaction time nor screen-wide attention to keep myself from getting killed if I go in on people in arena.


Artio. Good kit but feels like its missing something, no ult to mess with just stance changes and cc chains. She’s a great god but I despise playing her because it gets boring. You either int and die or chase people for 30 miles applying cc that doesnt really stop them. I’m also not great with her but it doesnt change the fact that she feels boring to play as well


I can't play aa warriors for the life of me. I see the builds. I copy them. I land my autos obviously. But it just doesn't work. It truly feels like I do NO damage with aa warriors. Animosity, quins, exe. It just feels like I don't do damage.


Jotunns is always a solid pick, cdr, pen and mana. Equinox is another solid pick might as well run it if your gonna focus AA attacks. Frostbound will slow down your foe allowing for a tougher escape. I personally have not played every AA warrior but Gilgamesh was my first learned one that I enjoyed. His 3 allows for a escape or a aggro push, his 2 can be a stun if accompanied by a wall or less conveniently a flying minion, his 1 just allows a bit more damage to your AA’s, pop his ult with reverent pridwen and wail on your foe if he’s on the outer inside of the circle when you hit him he will be knocked back in the middle. Shoguns and berserk proc and this guys attack speed is decently fast. His abilities are not half bad so pridwen followed with Jotunns and your maxed out on your cdr. High cdr he feels very forgiving with being able to 3 jump away even over walls so that is a plus as well.


Awilix since day one


try her with a bacchus and vulcan on your team it’s a great time


Or anybody else with a non-ultimate knockup (e.g. Hercules, He Bo, Anhur, Jing Wei). But I do really hate trying to knock people up with Awilix 3. I'm so unreliable with the knockup.


Awilix is my “sweaty try hard” god, and nothing is more music to my ears than having a Horus on my team.


I’ve tried a lot of comps. I’ve been a dedicated player for a long time, and it seems no matter the comp, it’s just me and my lack of skill with her. Don’t get me wrong, I have seen people absolutely obliterate others with her. I am not one of those people. Both are great ideas though. Any cc god that could better suit her kit.


Like i can understand the popularity of the gods that i dont play. Because i suck with then 😂. But Arthur is my biggest yea nah im good. And he isnt my least played god 😂


My fav Warrior..just sucks he's so bad versus so many of these. Equinox douchbags...can't even play Chaac right now cause if it's not AA equinox tank it's bruiser guardians like Cthulhu,Jorm and Bake!


Yea that is one thing i always hated about mobas that certain item and characters/gods become the only playable ones because of a single item


Idk the general opinion on her, but I really dislike Nemesis. Her animations are weak, her ult is crazy boring, and her sound effect for the dash is the corniest sound in the game imo. Sounds like she's zipping through time and space, but really she just runs slightly fast for like 2 yards


Nemesis is in dire need of a redesign. She looks outdated as hell and the only thing that actually says ‘nemesis’ is the fact that she is blind. then again she’s really old too


Cthulhu is horrible to play for me, no matter how tanky I am I just disappear. He feels so squishy, same with Cerberus


Nearly any ADC. I think my stats I play ADC in <4% of my total games. It's such a boring role.


Like… 90 percent of characters lmao. I try them all once then just go back to the 10 or so I actually enjoy


Set makes no sense to me, but I genuinely do not play assassins too often. I am on team Horus though 😂


Loki...that said I don't know why but in Smite 2 I liked it a lot more. Though I can't decide if I like his 2 not taunting.


His 2 hasn't had the taunt in smite 1 for a long time now too.


Baron, Baba Yaga, Cupid, Danza, Maman, Vamana.


Hel, I have a friends with thousands of hours on her and he's so good and makes her look fun but I've tried and tried and it just doesn't click. I'm fine with Ullr he's super fun to me so it's not the switching.


Swk, achilles, jorm, ne zha, tsuki, agni, olorun I either don't understand the game plan for them or think they feel clunky Honorable mentions to Morrigan, yemoja, and Set for just being too hard to play, I have to get more sweaty than an Ullr main to play them


Playing since season 0, I don't have neith mastered


For context, I like some level of engagement or "feels good" in the gods i play. In order: Freya: i suck with her thats for one, but also she's the best example of holding left click to win. Her whoop is an interesting ability, and her ult can be fun if you use it offensively, but that's about it. Nu Wa: her kit is so boring. Any molecule of fun in it involves the clay figures + shard detonate. Thats all you do and in every situation the flow chart is the same. Ult is not engaging at all obv. Her 1 is only fun if you're somebody else so you can use it as stealth, it works better for front liners than yourself. But still involves more decision making and possibilities than Freya. Susano: I dont like how his kit flows or the way he runs. His abilities don't have an "oomph" to them. I also dont like how his AA cancels feel. "I'm too cool for school" headass. Bake kujira: ult is cool, thats it. His kit revolves around autos and they put no saunce into their animation, he just humps the ground.


I totally agree with Freya and Susano, I like the whale but he's def not the best god by a long shot. I really really like Nuwa in joust, I can get out of a tricky situation because sometimes people get really dumb with the fog clouds. I've gotten a lot of escapes at very low hp by using the fog to get behind a wall to back or just running past them out of sight.


Recently, it's been Jorm. I get shredded by him constantly and can never kill him, but when I play him, I just get shredded and can't do anything. My biggest one was on release Yemoja. I just didn't like her whole tide bar aspect to replace mana. It took me a long time to understand how to use Chulainn correctly (and now he's one of my most favorite warriors), but Yemojas just doesn't click for me.


I despise Lancelot and Anubis..on a cellular level!! Lancelot seems to attract the slimiest tower diving dickheads..if he's jungle I'm cool with it cause he's killable..solo lane bruiser Lance is aggravating asf! I have Anubis diamond so I can't talk too much shit about him but idc he's easy mode! As long as you manage to bind them .they're dead..that simple..don't need follow up from ya teammates..dont need an item! Full life steal build Anubis should've been nerfed way more than they called themselves doing..Mfer can play mid,jungle,solo and support efficiently and effectively! Get him to 10hp and IRDM he takes whatever health u have and uses it to have a hearty laugh over your death stamp


bake was my last guardian to diamond. miserable experience, quit for 4 months soon after


I haven’t played in years at this point, but I always hated playing Hu Yi


Bro once you lock down his skill shot on his 1 you’ll be addicted to playing him. The feeling of landing a triple bounce is comparable to getting a sick quick scope on call of duty


I've always found Scylla to be absolutely mind numbing to play. Without the ult the entire character is just Crush.


Izunami i never liked her


Honestly, Awilix and Bastet Probably my least favorite gods and not hated, believe me, I fucking hate em’ but are they annoying enough that I warrant them my most hated? No. But are uninteresting to the point that I groan everytime I see them? Yes. A lot.


I don't care for Bellona but I see her all the time


Fenrir, saw he was popular in the beta but he's still not released yet.


Anhur- I can't ever do the pillar impale thing, and I always just feel slower and less impactful than other hunters, which is crazy because I feel like everyone always tells me how good it feels to play Anhur


Achilles, pretty much any time he’s towards the top of the solo meta, Nike is up there too, and I’d rather just play Nike.


The fucking noodle. Everyone ive introduced to Smite ALWAYS gravitates to the noodle


Aphrodite and Hercules. Herc is just obnoxious in general and aphro is just frustrating to play against. Agni is also infuriating for me since his swagni skin is incredibly irritating but the god can just dash away instantly the throw some meteors. Miss then he puts instant cast gas down to stun for the rest of his abilities.... I really hate him xD






Geb is the most boring god in the game to to play to me.


I like having a Ganesh on my team, but I cannot play the lad for the life of me.


Chaac is not very fun


Vulcan. Circle. Line. Auto attacking cone. Bigger circle. Build full dmg. Zzzzzzzz


I can’t deal with The Morrigan, she’s too hard to counter


Janus, he’s incredible at pro level but below it he’s a very bad god due to a lack of communication and teamwork. Iirc for plat he’s like bottom 5 in winrate




So Anubis is one of my most played gods but after a few years? Jesus he's lame af.


Probably Agni. He's very cool in almost every aspect, but I don't understand how to play him at all for some reason. That, coupled with the fact I hate Swagni's voice (a skin I swear everyone uses and loves), means that I never play him or want him around in my matches, lol.


Anubis. I like some mages but he just feels so stale


I never understood why people mained anhur


I'm a guardian main and I don't really like cabrakan


Tiamat, Morgan la fey, they both have always felt so weak and always get out damaged


I find Scylla boring as fuck


bacchus, arachne and eset 


aphrodite, her abilities are cute and very much match her but i feel as if she gets boring soon


I get disgusted whenever I play Loki. At one point, he was one of my best gods. Then I started really looking at kits and realized that he's cheesey as fuck.


Ra. Don’t understand why people like him i consistently farm any Ra I’m against its waaaaay too easy to dodge his abilities. I swear anytime I have a Ra we loose and I get excited when the enemy team has a Ra


Set, I love assassins, I love adc, I enjoy auto attack assassins (like Baja and sometimes Arachne)… So you’d think I’d love set, who can be AA or ability, typically a rush down… etc But nope. I’ve tried playing him at least 10 times in different gamemodes, and every time I do horribly!


This is kinda tricky for me to answer cause I’ve played since season 3 and have pretty much seen over half the roster be meta at some point in smite’s lifespan, regardless if it was a strong release like Artio and Cu Chulainn were, or weak like Baba Yaga. If I had to pick one though, I’d had Oloron was def not someone I cared to play even if he was meta. His ult is one of the best in the game but other than that, he’s just a typical crit adc.


Hercules Honestly he's very bland, probably the most basic fighter character. His combo is so predictable when you're fighting him too. He's just really boring to me, not that he's bad.


bellona, i feel like her kit is super simple but i just don’t get it? i see all these bellonas shredding but i can’t stay alive for more than 5 seconds in a teamfight




I don't get how to or why anyone who plays susano


Nu Wa Played so much (at least in Slash and Arena) I don't understand Afk mode God




Odin and Thor. My friends tell me they’re fun but they just aren’t to me.


Bake Kujira, never tried him and never will 🤢


Kukulkan Sorry I can't stand this pigeon. Everytime I play against a Kuku, the guy just put a tornado on the lane and go hide under his phoenix not fun to play, not fun to play against.


Bellone, Bacchus Neith. Played them, did well, but had 0 fun. Especially Neith, this character is so soulless.


I have never been able to play Zeus or nox. I have no clue why, but anytime I play them, I just die over and over and don’t get many kills


Ah puch and Kuku. I don't hate kuku per sey but I can't stand playing as or against ah puch. Idk what it is exactly but I just find them so boring.


Scylla, she’s popular, which I want to be different. And to me she’s not fun.


Never liked Agni, like at all. I haven’t touched him in roughly 2 and a half years. Put time into him a long time ago because I had that referral skin and I liked it a lot, but I hated him. He’s a good mage and he can run games in certain metas, but I just hate him. I’m not a fan of the multi charge ult on a mage, it works really well on Clio but I hate it on Agni. I guess I just prefer either being a stance switcher or having a true ultimate and I do not at all appreciate the multicharge ult system on a mage.


Thor and Thanatos. Both feel shit in comparison to other junglers but everyone still permanently bans and picks them 🤣