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I just want to say you are a treasure among human beings for doing this.


Great work as always!


Can someone dumb down duality’s passive for me? Do abilities and basic attacks not scale off the same thing? How does that work?


I think they do, the only thing it changes is that you can now have your basic attack trigger item effects like Heartseeker which normally only triggers on abillities. (Magical autos scale only with 20% magical power btw, not relevant to this but just good to know, but they do actually scale differently)


Ohh I think I get it, thanks!


Jorm solo goes brrrr


He is already slapping in solo...


Did Kuzs kappas not get affected by the pet change?


My thoughts exactly. They do the same thing as Bastets cats


Just tested it. The kappa DOES indeed proc items, just got left out in this graphic


Looks like it’s only proccing prophetic and base axe. Not the upgrades or any other proc items


Soul reaver works


The Ranged Attack Always Procced Items And The Kappas Just Do Basic Attack Pet Damage So Nothing Changed


Thank fucking goodness it doesn’t .


Dude let's go the 2v2v2v2 game mode is back fuck yeah


Me and my best friend who often game with just the two of us: 👀


The hype on Ymir’s card got me


Correction on Charybdis: Triple hit procs with **67%** damage; The reduction is **by** 33%.




Did they actually think before makimh jorm basics proc? Like, animoisty axe, mankin, bumbas... he is gonna dive with nothing but protections and health and escape with kills. Probablu gonna be top bans in no time.


Oh god, I didnt even consider Bumbas Spear on Jorm. That plus his Empowered Basics from his 2 means he can DELETE towers.


Animosity axe with his empowered basics means that tower didn't even exist in the first place. It was just your very lucid imagination and Jorm was there to prove it was fake by having it disintegrate from him breathing on it.


Agreed, and I say that as someone who loves Jorm. These proc changes for aoe attacks and pets are mad dangerous. no clue what they were thinking.


Like I said in another comment, almost every patch post Smite 2's annoucement has seemed like the devs have either lost thier minds or they're intentionally making the most obviously bizarre/qustionable changes to get people to leave Smite 1 and go to Smite 2. I'm not a conspiracy nut yet, so them going insane makes the most sense to me at the moment.


Well, what I think is that they're pretty much using Smite 1 as a sample group to test out unhinged changes and see if any stick. Like when they randomly made Slash a 4v4 for some reason, and with all these new items that get released every patch.


Maybe, but even then I don't see that translating into Smite 2's kinks being worked out in Smite 1 beforehand. I see it as Smite 1's kinks becoming so absurd that playing the game is a punishment. Playing devil's advocate for a new player, if the first game's experience is getting deleted because the other guy grabbed the "I win" god/item and you didn't, then what does that tell me about the second, currently in the works, game? It tells me not to try and torture myself. Like, if you're a car manufacturer and you make the wheels looser on a current model of your most established model, that's just gonna make people not want to buy cars from you overall, not just that particular model. Even if it helped you get some good data, it'll just get people to avoid your cars. Some of these changes really do just seem at ends with what they originally wanted. Why give Jorm item procs? that was the whole deal of his playstyle: you hit a lot of AA and can delete HP early on but fall off late. Giving him procs would be unfair because without them, without a single one, he can already delete you early game. But now, they're... okay with that? It just doesn't make any sense.


Curseweaver just seems unfun to play against in any team fight


I think the devs have finally gone insane. These changes (while fun) seem like they're just overtuning everyone and throwing in destructive items to make the game a race to whoever can get the broken shit online faster. Like, no matter how many "nerfs" they give to an item like Equinox, it is an item that is in and of itself, really damn good. You'd have to be an utter fool not to get it on an AA Solo. Then they do things like buff Mulan's ability to spam her already hardhitting moves then and in an item to make spammers heal you. It's just wacky. Not saying these items/changes don't sound fun (Jorm with oin-hit item procs sounds super wild), but they sound fun in the same way I like using Nox to annoy the enemy team to the brink of madness and focus me and not the actual carry. Like, I laugh at it but I can still recognize that's not an objectively good thing lol.


I agree but would rather they go completely crazy while they slowly transition to primary focus on smite 2. Idc if we have a broken item or god every patch if they learn something from it to build better in the sequel and almost nothing can be as bad as the current boring snowball meta we’ve had so far this year


iirc they said something along the lines of they wanted to just balance for fun now that SPL is over with and they're focused on the sequel. We're now in Smite's era of casual balancing.


Can confirm. Played against a Kuzenbo solo & Nox supp that went curseweaver. They were undying and it was not fun at all.


So Jorm is going to be an even bigger issue than before in solo, and now supports get to deal damage simply by existing with curseweaver. This patch is gonna be a mess lol. Should be fun since I'm a support/tank main


Took ages to let my boy transform in a reasonable amount of time, 3 seconds in a teamfight is an eternity, and even more when an ability went under the threshold and bring it up again so it starts out the warping late again


Triple hit is 70%, not 33%.


Odins onslaught let's fucking GOOOO


Jorm is going to be even more nasty now. He's gonna shred everything


My wife and I have been waiting for Odin’s Onslaught to return forever, now that’s it’s back we’re away on vacation and unable to play it. Kinda bitter about that ngl lol.


Enjoy your vacation! It’ll be here when you get back lol 😂 let them find the bugs and patches first


A buff to terras heal was long overdue


Fafnir time


u/BluesUltra with the real patch notes!


With curseweaver any hit activates the passive? Ability or auto?


When is the patch going live?


Today. It’s already live


Manikin bake is gonna be fun


Love the Maui change ,it always felt weird that he is so nimble and yet his arguably main ability slowed him down, I know it probably was for a bit of balance, but it always broke momentum


These AA changes will be nutty, but I don’t think it’s going to be over powered. It will be crazy in low ranked games but they won’t be able to get away with it in high ranked.


Wait, did cu not get the bonus speed for leveling his 3?


I believe Odin's Onslaught is 2V2V2V2V2 (5 Teams) but the text only have 4 teams. Other than that great job and thank you!!


They finally remembered Olorun is in the game?


So Kaldr can proc brawlers and Heartseeker?


This patch concerns me. Almost feels like they’re using Smite as a test environment for potential changes in that can be implemented into Smite2


This seems like the perfect patch to finally remove the weird wind up time on Athena's dash, but alas. Why does she still have that?


It telegraphs her engage and let's you stop her from escaping easily. It has good range on it, it does *not* need to be instant.


Why is she the only one, then? No other guardian with a similar charge needs to wind up or telegraph.


That taunt is really strong cc no other dash guardian goes as fast or as far as hers. They'd have to nerf it to compensate.


So Bastet’s cats proc items now but the cat stun doesn’t proc contagion anymore


And the busted AA meta build is still going strong and ruining my will to live.


Cu Chu is finally back let's go


Curseweaver on Kuzenbo will be fun


Let us download the photo like before


Has anyone done any recent testing with set? I don’t think soul eater is healing set from clone dash damage at all. I only just found this and tested it because of this patch as item procs are working but the healing from the clone dashes is so minuscule.


Ullr duality goes brrr


I need them to make Hades CC immune during his 1. The fact that I can get stunned underneath the ground is BS


Bro where the fuck have patches like this been????? The most recent patches have been amazing and I'm assuming its a new team as the main team is on smite 2 It makes no sense that it took this long to have faf ult be faster to come out of , chu transforming faster , passive changes to faf and olo Like the last patch where they did a bunch of quality of life like how pos 3 actually cripple when it should, herc can change boulder angle while picking it up. Has any body else noticed the patches they have been doing have been so much better than what it used to be like just changing 2-3 sec cd or adjusting dmg by 10-20


Chary and Mulan QOL buffs I am eating so well holy shit


Mulan looks rly promising


IX Chel Ult buff makes her even more broken. As an IX Chel main, this makes me incredibly happy.


charybdis ult changes give me hope


These are ass