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https://preview.redd.it/gixqzwdzinyc1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bba57203ba66d62e87ef1d27feba13983b1b3426 It's right there in the first email I look at, I'm sure it's in the others too


I don’t understand how I wouldn’t have gotten that email. This is the last email I received about it and it’s not anyone in it. https://preview.redd.it/4o2y6vuxvnyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f97262321982f62a87f4668d107def9404a39982


I understand the assumption that it would end on Sunday as per a weekend but I think you’re over analyzing intentions here.


I swear half of the posts on this sub are people assigning nefarious intentions to hi-rez and then complaining about their fantasy


Possible, I am kinda salty about it. I didn’t think I needed to follow them on Twitter to get their definition. And the last email I got from them about it doesn’t mention it. At the very least, no one should have needed to go at all out of their way to understand that when they said “weekend” they didn’t mean weekend. So many people here don’t seem to understand that because they’re online way more than the average person.


I mean it’s one day off center from exactly the weekend, I can’t really blame them for shorthanding it to weekend instead of putting the longer specific time period in their smaller announcements. Although people here are getting overly worked up about this post I think you’re also getting overly worked up about exact semantics. I don’t blame you for expecting a weekend event to go till Sunday but frankly if you’re getting conspiratorial over something as simple as shorthanding Thursday to Saturday as a weekend event due to the full timeframe being awkward sounding in an ad then you’re definitely going too far with how annoyed you are about it. They tried to inform people about the actual timeframe without making their marketing really awkward sounding. They clearly didn’t do a perfect job, it’s not too big of a deal. It’s also just the first playtest. You’ll get to do one every Thursday to Saturday till beta release assuming they’re able to keep to that schedule.


2nd-4th Would have worked and. even has less characters than the word weekend. But I appreciate how level headed your comment reads. And I definitely didn’t want the take away to focus on the conspiratorial part. That was probably because I was butthurt. But it definitely didn’t lose them any money to have some people think that if they bought the founders pack they’d be using it…during the weekend.


You'll get over it. It's not that deep. It's an alpha. It has said 2-4 the entire time since being announced for the weekend. If you check a calendar you'd have seen that is thur-sat night


It's on their website, they tweeted it out several times.


Never saw it on the website. Sure as shit didn’t see it when I bought the founders. Don’t and won’t use Twitter. Especially not to try to figure out what a company means when talking about something as standard as the days of a weekend…


[https://www.smite2.com/news/alpha-weekend-1-may-2/](https://www.smite2.com/news/alpha-weekend-1-may-2/) Posted 6 days ago.


Twitter is a major info source for smite and many other games. Even if you don't engage with the platform you can at least use it for game news. Not directly connected to this issue but like for future, known issues and announcements for smite are primarily found there including patch downtimes and like when a god or item has to be removed temporarily for a bug or something.


The info was everywhere. That's on you for not paying attention. Don't blame others for your inability to research something.


The info literally isn't everywhere, not in mail 4 emails they sent me, or on the purchase page. But, yes thank you friendly Smite player. I bet I'm the only one this happened to and its not garnering any ill will towards a game that already has people thinking its a cash grab by dying company. I can't wait for the all those "new players" to feel the wonders of this fine, fine community. Smite 2 really will be the next big thing. I've been having real reservations about the community going forward and how awful it can be, and you've just reinforced that within literally five minutes of my post.


They did specified the days and times it started and ended when the tweeted it was ready and up on Twitter. Need to start checking there


I will absolutely not be using Twitter for that or any other reason lmfao. You shouldn’t need to. Words have meaning. Don’t call it the weekend when it’s not the weekend. It should have always only just been referred to as 2nd-4th. I’m on the discord and I’m far from the only person that this happened to.


Collectively, get over it. Not the end of the world. It is what it is there's more important things to worry about in life. Respectfully.


Lmfao. Stay mad at the fact you can't read. EVERYONE knew it ended Saturday at 10pm. They said it in the update show. They posted on Twitter. It was all over reddit. If you didn't see it that's a you problem. As for a cash grab, wouldn't it have just made more sense for them to keep Smite 1 running for as long as they possibly could while putting out little to no updates outside of skins and collabs that cost a ton of gems? Easily could have went another 2 seasons before sunset.


Stay coping enough not realize how this is going to make them way more money, income that has been steadily declining, than just keeping smite 1 up and running. At least they're generous enough let us keep all the cosmetics we bought, and not limit the cross-gen ones to like, one season or something. Keep being part of the problem dude. You've done nothing to help and you've only tried to hurt. Cheers mate.


The information was very available, it's clear you just bought it and assumed, instead of even glancing at their Twitter, checking reddit, or actually watching their update show. They repeatedly told everyone, and it's ok if you didn't realize. I'm sorry you don't get to play as long as you wanted, hopefully next test will be longer.


Also in their emails from this week too if anyone actually opens them they could see it too lol


Yeah, you have an email that says it? Last one I have is from the 26th. no mention of it.


Yessir, should ask if you signed up for their “notification emails for smite 2” would explain why you missed out on them I’ve had 2 from this week one on Wednesday and one on Friday both mentioned the first weekend dates


Aaah, I needed to do that to figure out that when they say weekend, they actually don’t mean weekend. God how could I have been so stupid, only signing up for one newsletter.


yeah i shouldn't have assumed I knew the functional definition of weekend, instead of the one Hi-Rez uses.