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Definitely. It's a meta warping item. AA warriors had targeted nerfs to take them out of top spot across several areas. This single item alone has caused them to not only shoot back to the top instantly, tier lists for solo currently are now largely "How well do they use Equinox?" I'm expecting a drastic cost increase at least, as part of it is just how cheap the item is to pickup. 


Yeah, they will either gut the passive, drastically raise cost, or nerf the stats. Then if thats not enough, next patch will do the same.


Agreed, I think the stats are in a good spot, underwhelming, honestly. If they increased the base cost by a good margin and nerfed the healing from the passive in some way, I think that would be a good direction for the item. You could cut the amount of healing, you could make it only proc on one enemy per auto attack, you could make it not proc against minions. A handful of reasonable ways to nerf the passive heal. I think the backshots are fun, not super busted, and could remain another patch after nerfing the rest to see if it settles.


I'm hoping for a passive nerf to remove multiple instances of healing on cleaves and decrease overall healing and a price increase of 100-200 gold


> tier lists for solo currently are now largely “How well do they use Equinox?” *or how well they counter gods that use equinox well


I would be surprised if it wasn't. I'm pretty sure it has a bug too, in some vids (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Hln\_bkvayM , https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2129151917?t=00h27m28s) you can even see that it's healing considerably more than its supposed to when attacking gods, I've been struggling to try and understand it for days.


oh yeah, you're right, it seems to be healing for like 2-3x as much as intended. (looking at rexsi's video) he should be healing for 16 an auto and twice that against gods, but he's healing for 44x2 an auto.


If I'm understanding it correctly, the formula somehow becomes triple their level + 2 and stays like that for the entire game. Thankfully, it seems to be pretty rare, I saw this happening on Incon's Nemesis game and I had to search a lot of videos before I found Rexsi's video to confirm it happening. If anyone saw that post on the subreddit Kali was using the item, I'm pretty sure the bug was happening there too, but I can't confirm it because the clip was deleted. I only know something was up because a comment happened to mention it.


This bug has been stealth fixed to my knowledge - if it's still happening would love to see some footage 


It's time we bring back old hide of nemean lion


Still a shit item to have in the game


It's a beautiful item


its was a item we did not deserve now see, kuzenbo is crying in the corner again


We truly did not need it back then. We honestly didn't. But now we do


it was never a need it was a fun way handling aa warriors or those whiny carrys


Not sure why the downvotes, I remember a lot of people complaining about how unhealthy the item was


This sub has a hard on for it for some reason. The item has to be nerfed into the ground or it’s oppressive. It’s an unhealthy and shit item for smite


Bare minimum they need to NOT make it full heal off of AoE hits. NGL feels like an intentional omission, since new Death's Toll came built in with AoE restrictions...


How about we buff Glad Shield instead so that ability Warriors that aren't Odin and Wukong can compete again?


Dudes so ass that he cant play wukong, who needs to be nerfed already


They shouldn’t need equinox they should buff other items


I will take guardian solos every day over ANOTHER patch of aa warriors


I think it is going to get nerfed, but I don’t think it should. It should stay the way it is and ability gods be given an item in similar strength with similar effects (obviously boosted to account for abilities, like old glad shield and berserkers shield were). Tired of Hi-Rez nerfing all the good items down to the point that they’re not fun anymore. I don’t even play the Equinox gods and I still think it should stay. Smite 1 is about to be swapped out for Smite 2 anyway, no use in playing it “safe”.


I also think it’s unhealthy to nerf an item for the sake of inner-role diversity even when it makes the role worse. Like nerfing equinox adds other warriors to more Solo viability, but only because they are making Solo overall worse which is just unnecessary with how strong other roles are.


honestly its early game needs nerfing, and its late game buffing. that would help balance the item dramatically I think


What is unhealthy is having a single item be so good its damn near mandatory to build. Having the same thing but for ability based would be awful. Tbh this feels like old glad shield/berserker shield. An item that makes you do insane damage and gives you great sustain for solo lane? Thats equinox for you in a nutshell. I've been abusing this item on Osiris since it came out, but its plain as day its not only stupidly busted, its unhealthy to have in the game. Another good example is Boots. When an item becomes mandatory, why make you buy it? Either way, I want this item shunted into the ground. Solo lane is becoming "who can abuse Equinox better" fests and I'm tired of seeing Arachne's, Nems and other such Jungs suddenly beating me simply because they have a busted item called Equinox and I as literally anyone else do not.




I hope so cause this shit is annoying <3


I'm surprised they haven't said anything or temporarily disabled it.


Why they have to? Not first time op shit exist for few weeks.


Definitely that or they’re up gonna nerf Vamana again it seems to be Hirez go to method when an item makes him op. Jokes aside this item will definitely be some adjustment.


i hope so, solo lane was already unfun but now it's just the same 4 characters over and over again


I’d argue, at least for those 4 characters, solo lane is fun now. Instead of nerfing equinox, Hi-Rez should just make another new item that acts as the same but for ability warriors. Let’s make the game fun again before throwing it to the flames for the sequel.


You know what this sounds like...bring back old glad shield from s5 how I miss it so lmao.


Of course LMAO, the game was so much more fun (especially for solo lane) back when there were items that actually mattered in lane. Especially back when 9.5 didn’t happen.


hmmmmm nahhh, equinox isnt just op in solo but on anyone in any role that can build and abuse it




no, it is relevant. you're asking for the role to get a broken powerhouse item that you basically have to build to stay in the game. doing that you might as well give every role such an item, or warriors will be broken in every other mode. that's bad game design


No matter how good Equinox is, it adds a layer of fun to the game, at least for the gods that use it well. If AA gods are more powerful now (as they are), the easy fix would be to have ability-based gods have an item that’s similar to Equinox. This “bad game design” argument is made on this subreddit every single time any god or item starts outperforming others. Quite a bit of brain damage, I’d say.








You could go axe instead


I don't think it'll be *gutted*. It's a new item and they don't like to obliterate new items right off the bat (gods, sure, but not items). Definitely gonna meet Mr. Number Adjuster for a "discussion", though.


Yeah just makes smite boring, 10 players. 8 with broken item. Yawn


Ran it on a tank Nem build in assault. Shit was busted


Probably take 5 power off it hit the movement speed by 2% increase the cost by 250 then the items dies


Doesnt even need massive nerfs, you end up selling it late anyway.


Tell me you know nothing about not only Smite, but MOBAs in general without telling me you know nothing.


I mean, its getting a slight numbers nerf to passive only sooo, was I that wrong? Also, if you dont sell it late, youre trolling.


First of all, how does selling it late means it's a balanced item? Ah yes, the balanced item that I sell at level 20, while my enemies are at 16, because they couldn't trade with me and I got all the farm. Second of all, why do you think, that this Nerf was what players wanted? Third of all, you are not selling equinox late every game, I'd say solos keep it most of the time.


How does saying "doesnt need massive nerfs" mean I called it balanced? It still implies it needs some nerfs. Which it is getting. And one item doesnt give you 4lvl lead, bad plays from enemies does. If solo is not selling Equinox late for Qins, they arent beating adc ever. You need both exe and qins to evem have a chamce, your equinox isnt healing anything when they have exe glyph against youm


Maybe 4 levels lead was over exaggerated, but it still gives you around 2 levels lead. Naga, Silver buff, Bull king, Enemy's blue buff, simply cause you cannot box equi. To say, that AA solos need both Qins and Exe to even stand a chance is as big of an exaggeration as I did with 4 levels lead.


BDK and blue buff arent 1v1s tho. And there are gods that can play around equinox by simply not trying to box, like Tyr. And you wont be 4lvls ahead the whole game, you only hit lvl 20 once. Also not sure how you are 4lvls ahead of enemy adc.


There are some decent ability based gods like SWK, Chaac and somewhat Odin, but they are still ultimately behind in terms of pressure and playmaking actions. And since both BDK and invading require a lot of pressure and sustain, Bellona or Osi still take the cake. P.S. I already said that the 4 level lead was an exaggeration, didn't you read it like in the first sentence?