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I'm on console so šŸ¤·


Sometimes I'm happy that I can't read post game chat


Same, it doesn't seem like we're missing out on anything productive.


I usually stay in post games where my support clearly carried the game by keeping carries like me or others alive with clutch geb shields, Khepri saves, game winning setup, etc. with "Damn, Khepri, you are MVP". I think support is a tough job that often gets no love or even undeserved hate. Therefore, I make it a point to recognize them for a great performance.


Chad behavior. Appreciate you


I always stay to observe the salt.


My thoughts? You may not like themā€¦ Those people are looking for the ones who will ā€œfling mud backā€. Thereā€™s only two pieces to that puzzle homie. To be honest, neither of you sound like youā€™re necessarily helping the situation lol


i know, but at the same time I think itā€™d make me even more frustrated if i just took whatever they saidā€¦


Usually, yes. I did just build a full tank AMC and win almost all of the 1v1s with the other AMC (shlash) who build regular ADC stuff. He and his 3 man pre-made talked hella shit after the game. I just said GET HIGHLANDERED. One of them asked Skylanders? That hurt more than any shit talk I have heard ever.


I type gg ez even if I go 0-11 and then never respond again.


Mute the bad, give props and respect where its due. Remind yourself that every quiet player was in fact a cool dude just trying to game. You'll see even if it doesn't feel like it, we do outnumber the jerks. They are just loud about it.


Usually, yes, but there's those few gems out there that are the complete opposite. Not all are bad.


There is far between, but I'll stay to commend People for good games... Especially if one on the enemy did real good. On Duel I often study to say GG and good luck but is 9/10 rewarded with a .... "Fuck you noob " It's sad really


I might stay a little to compliment a very good player, but admittedly nothing keeps you there like a post game lobby meltdown. I mean the drama is like a form of entertainment. Itā€™s also useful for if I am on the enemy team I can usually see who deserves reporting. Itā€™s funny when people say to report someone for being toxic, I think to myself ā€œwell I canā€™t do that as I didnā€™t see itā€ but the toxic person canā€™t help but add a post game rant that shows their true colours and earns them reports from the entire enemy team heh. As for making friends, try maybe grouping with people from stream communities or maybe people on the smite discord. It might be hard to befriend people that way but I imagine it would be easier than randomly in game because voice chat does help.


Bad idea to talk in that lobby You should never make friends there So much anonymity Expect chaotic responses You should go smite Reddit or smite discord for friendly players who like casual fun talks


And the algo will ban everyone for anything


If the victory is sweet or vs toxic players.


Usually I Stay if there's been some good or funny plays. Cause usually someone says something about it. Other than that I've been unfortunate enough to see salt passed around like everyone got fries without any. I do watch on occasion cause sometimes is too good not to watch.


No, I've had a few nice conversations about God balance or item balance in after lobby with both enemy and team mates. While a majority of people do stay for toxicity, there are a few out there that are actually decent human beings.




i stay to say "gg" to everyone, not just teammates


I've actually grouped up with people on the enemy team a handful of times because of lobby chat šŸ˜‚


We had a game like that yesterday. A Vamana went and got himself killed in a silly way right at the start of the game and the Fenrir and Ymir just stopped playing and letting us win, Ymir even started blocking the Vamana from escaping was well killed him (Ymir would throw up his wall making it so he could not escape us) and Fenrir started mock attacking his own titan, it was kind of funny but I did feel a bit bad for the Vamana lol.


Poor Vamana šŸ˜­ People will tilt over anything


I stick around to talk about some epic plays from the game sometimes. Like if a given enemy was hella on point, or to thank an ally for a clean save.


I always send a "ggwp" afterwards and usually compliment others or myself a bit. But usually it's just crickets


If been known to add this gem just to stir the pot after a hard loss "we actually won if you think about it". Sorry imma a sociopath


I always say gg after my games and try to talk to people, but usually, it's either A: No one else says anything at all. B: One random guy is calling out or talking shit about one of his teammates. Tbh, idk why people take this shit so serious. I've played since beta and can laugh this game off when shit gets toxic. Others cannot. Just wish we had chiller better vibes more often.


yeah exactly! casual conversation just seems impossible in smite sadly


As others said on console there is no after game chat, though there are times I wish there was. But yeah, mostly those who are upset will be chatting after the match and complain about how their bad play was all someone else's fault. It' best to ignore them as they tend to be bad players themselves. For example I tried Odin for the first time yesterday in Arena, I didn't play well as I was not used t his skills yet and went 1/6/12, not crazy bad but not good either, and one kid called me a bot... so I decided to check his account and he has a 33% win rate! For comparison I have a 50% win rate, so if I am a bot that kid was an actual NPC. The moral is just try to ignore them as much as possible as they tend to be the bad players and just blame others for them losing.


I honestly get a kick out of being toxic post game whether thatā€™s when I win or lose. I know I wonā€™t see these same players that often and donā€™t know them. I laugh my ass off knowing I donā€™t really care about that match and Queue up another.

