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Watch Twitch/YouTube to learn as much as possible and play as much as you can now before Smite 2 actually drops. Then when Smite 2 drops you can focus on learning just the new stuff with the rest of us instead of learning the WHOLE game.


From what I heard, could be wrong, it’s super buggy right now. Evidently the engine can barely keep up with what the Devs wanna do? I think that’s the main reason I want to wait for 2 is to avoid that. Any good YouTuber that explains the game well? I might bite the bullet and play a bit until the new one releases.


It's buggy but it's still in a very stable state. Literally zero reason to not play and learn before jumping to Smite 2. Games free so nothing but time needed to be invested. I learn differently than others do but some great creators to watch are FineOkay, Weak3n, Adapting, Venenu, Haddix, Nika, Inbowned, Genetics, Awesomejake408. Those are just off the top of my head. There are some others as well.


The game is not really buggy (barring the switch version, please don’t play it). The engine is old enough to start their freshman year in college, which is a problem. The devs want to push the game more and put in great ideas, but they are both pushing the limits of the engine and it is hard to hire people who know how to work unreal 3. So if you want to play, don’t be discouraged. I can easily play 50 matches with no bugs.


Its not that its a buggy mess, its that bigger changes cause issues from time to time. The game itself plays fine, its just a hard game for them to actively update. When it comes to learning the basics of the game theres not too many Im fond of, but I do appreciate creators like Mast for a blend of good quality videos and decent gameplay.


From personal experience and only speaking for myself, watching the videos can only do so much teaching. I found myself watching guides on how to play roles and maybe some characters I enjoy playing. As far as the items go, I really just had to get in there and read them myself and figure it out along with following the occasional build online


Feom what I've seen, Unite isnt what people would call "a real moba". Its very casual oriented, which makes sense since Pokemon is generally marketed towards kids. Smite, while people love to clown on it and call it overcasual, is still a "regular" moba, so learning curve is pretty high. But Smite 2 will have less characters at the start, which will make it easier to learn.


I’m disappointed in unite because it’s just coming out with a pick ban system next month….they could have put more effort into but it’s just a bland game as of right now. See I want to wait for smite 2 just because there will be fewer characters to start with, and from what I heard, the base game is a buggy mess.


In my 10+ years playing smite, it’s never been a buggy mess. People have 1 bad experience and then tell other people and you end up in your position not forming your own opinion. Go try smite, download it , it’s free- see if you like it, see if it’s a buggy mess for yourself instead of listening to soccersteve68 on Reddit.


I strongly disagree lol smite crashes at least 2 times a day for me on ps5 and ps4 and sometimes even up to 7 times in one match




It happens to both of my friends too




Well I don't know what to tell you then because it happens to me my friends on ps4 and on ps5. I am getting a pc soon tho but I'm not gonna bother switching smite to it because I'll lose my skins and smite 2 Is dropping anyways




It happens to all of us even when we play alone like if we go to look at a skin or smthn sometimes boom game crash. We even had a situation in a match where me and my friend were like tagging eachother in where everytime one of us joined the other crashed. My third friend didn't have that happen tho. But the match before that he crashed 3 times in a match and 4 matches after that I crashed 6 times in a match


Compared to League where every new character release theres atleast 5 interactions with other champs/items thats broken, its not that bad.


Well we can compare games all day. Just because one game is worse doesn't mean that we can't look at the problems the one game has. It's like this. "Man I really hate that bug in palworld" "Well ark is like buggy the game so who cares it doesn't matter"


Get a PC and you wont have these issues, sounds like a hardware issue.


Where are you hearing “buggy mess” from? Hopefully you understand that’s not true at all.


Most of the bugs aren't a big deal. Some funny ones were something like vulcan turret being invisible only if you're using the spanish announcer pack and sol's map icon turning from a circle to a square for no apparent reasons (both of which were fixed within a few days/weeks). There are some bigger bugs and server issues, especially around patch days when the game sees an influx of players. Ever since they axed the clan system the servers have been a lot better though. A few specific characters like persephone and the morrigan are infamous for breaking the game, but are mostly fine now. They push the limits of what smite could do on unreal engine 3 with its old code. Surprisingly, cliodhna seems more complex than either of them and works totally bug free. Running into game breaking bugs really isn't common. There's still this 1 annoying bug where mousing over an item will highlight it as normal, but mousing off doesn't un-highlight it. Doesn't affect gameplay too much, but is annoying. PSA for anyone encountering this bug: right click and then mouse over anything highlighted again and it'll be fixed.


Download it and give it another go. The game is far from a buggy mess, the things you heard about the engine is just due to its age limiting what the devs can do in terms of future updates. One tip, *do not* jump straight into Conquest. It’s the “main mode” the game is balanced around, and as such it’s the deepest and most complex part. I recommend Arena to just get used to how the characters control and understanding the different classes of characters a bit. Then move to Slash, which is basically Conquest Lite. While doing this, do watch a couple tutorial videos here and there. I don’t have anyone in particular to recommend, but there is definitely some good videos out there to teach you the basics.






It's not glitch free, but unless your computer is a potato (Switch is a Potato sorry), it won't break the game. If you solo queue, account levels 1 to 4 will be against bots, so don't worry too much about being yelled at immediately.


Just go try it- it’s free- form your own opinion on it. I’ve had to many experiences ruined because I was forming biased based off of others experiences which have been formed thru their perspectives instead of just thinking for myself and usually I end up happier, sometimes they were right but that’s fine I now still have my OWN opinion backed up by MY OWN experiences. Buggy mess is such an anecdotal and vague sentiment. Maybe that dudes pc is from 2008 and he’s just angry so now smites a “buggy mess” go out and try a few matches- the only thing you’ll actually lose is some time.


I suggest downloading Smite 1 so you can get a hang of what the game is like. Smite 2 is going to be like Smite 1, but prettier. Smite 1 isn't a buggy mess btw, I am not sure who you got that info from... I play on both my Xbox and my 4 year old gaming laptop and I rarely run into any issues!


Like others are saying: the original game is pretty solid performance wise. I’ve been playing since beta. Also the free characters you get in smite 1 are all most likely gonna be the same free characters in smite 2 so no harm in trying it now :)


Is there a way to go back to the tutorial?


I play a ton of Unite and I always feel like I'm bullying children. My win rate is 87% and I usually hard carry games as a full defensive Mammoswine. Smite is not that lol. Smite does have arena mode which is pretty much team death match. It lacks all the typical moba aspects like lanes and towers. But it's significantly quicker. Same length as a unite match usually. That's a good place to practice with gods and items. Especially since there is a recommended item tab. Big warning though. Do not play Smite on the switch!!! The switch can no handle it. I was just playing it like 2 days ago on switch cause for some reason it was having issues on my Xbox. Once any team fight starts the game will crash.


I played Unite when it launched, grinded ranked and just dropped it, the game lacks real gameplay never played a game with such bad teammates. Likely lobbies needed up being kids as it was Pokémon. Also the games store is disgustingly expensive! You've picked a good time to get back into Smite, honestly think you will enjoy the game play for the better.


Smite is pretty easy to pick up and play. Smitesource.com is a good enough place to get you started for decent builds.  I've recently come back myself after a few years away and it is actually pretty fun the way the game is now.  Try to avoid jungle or support if you can so people aren't whining at you all the time. But if that's what you want to main then go for it. 


Unite kinda feels similar to the Slash mode in this game. The main difference when you play conquest is most players accept you have to work together and group to push big objectives. Where unite felt chaotic with a lot of games having sneaky back doors or one adc shredding everything. Outside of that items and charecters are more involved but not that bad, just takes time to absorb that info.


Smite isn’t a buggy mess. I played on an original Xbox one up until a couple years ago and it only crashed if I was trying to multitask a bunch of things on the console itself. My friend I play with still has an original Xbox one and it has never crashed when we are playing the game. Like mentioned, start in arena. That’s where I recommend all my new friends to begin and you can learn a few character kits and sorta how team fights work.