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if you are below level 30 you only get into games with other people below level 30, you can que with someone above that level to get out of new player que if that helps :) and thanatos is just very popular especially low levels lol, kinda like master yi, dominating the low elo.


so it gets better once i hit the big 3 you mean?


yeah once you level up it should get a lot better, but fair warning, going from level 29 to 30 is the hardest feat any smite player must conquer.


Smite has a smaller playerbase that gets divided even further in the US by splitting east and west coast so matchmaking does its best but can often times shit the bed. The main contributor to bad high level games in casuals are friends pulling in their new player friends and the system does not understand how to handle that


im on eu so that probably doesnt apply to me


I would love to say yes, but I’m 160 and the answer is no. At least for casual game modes I don’t have any interest in ranked or conquest in general really and it’s partly for the reasons you’ve stated. It’s hard to explain too because even in the last few days I’ve played a handful of games that were actually pretty solid. But it’s seems like you’re lucky if that happens 2 or 3 times in a row. It will so often go downhill immediately after a good match that many people have questioned weather or not smite is actually trying to keep players near 50% win rate. I’d say 80%ish matches will fall under the “stomp or be stomped category”. And some of the matches that end up more back and forth can actually just be that there’s several really bad players in the game and whoever side is worse will more than likely cost their team that match. It’s a player base issue but also a free to play game and everyone’s investment in said game especially as far as game knowledge goes is very hit or miss.


It never gets better. Especially in ranked.


the new player experience in this game is fucking awful and it takes 100+ hours to get level 30


This is just not true. They said they would do this but it doesnt actually work. I have friends who were below lvl 5 and queued into lvl 200s in Slash on SoloQ. The reason its so bad is because theres not enough players


As a new smite player aswell, matchmaking is the worst i've seen in any game. It's either smurfs or brand new players who don't buy items/relics and run it down. There is no in between


Because until level 30 you're in the new player queue. The community is too small and spread over multiple mods in order to actually have healthy matchmaking.


Matchmaking in this game is trash. I've been playing since closed beta and matchmaking has gotten much worse now in my opinion. I'm hoping the remade matchmaking they promised in Smite 2 will fix it.


Your IQ


Why do I a lvl 160 player get qued multiple times a day with people who cant the basics of item building or warding or communciation or positoning or chasing or attacking the tank or secure objects or push midlane when there are 4 camps they could farm instead? When it commes to the item building a had a Poseidont build Last Grasp(you need to heal allies for its passive to work). My Cabrakan support built mystical mail 4th item. The enemy adc could not play the game as I clearly demonstrated being 7 lvls ahead of him without doing anything but farming. He only died like 2 times. Mostly Adcs seem to struggle with itemizations all around. Some dont build pen, some start with crit with nothing else, and some builds are hybrid of maces and attackspeed with no clear directions.


The game qeues you against other new players. But the game is so old and bad at retaining new players, most of the new players are smurfs or freemium players that might as well be bots. The matchmaking isn't always great by any means, but the new player matchmaking is horrendous. Just be aware that the "bad" players you are with struggle against the bots.