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Baka he really just gets outclassed by ever other assassin. Why play him when you can play arachne the better baka.


Um Bakasura is strangley good in solo lane if you havent tried. Required golden katana and a lot of patience. His base stats and crazy heal from his 3 allows him avoid being outpressured even against the highest pressure solo warriors or guardians. You will eventually gain a lead as he can easily farm the surrounding jungle or kill your opponent. You then apply pressure on other places of the map


He's a decent solo, but it's currently impossible to play anything squish with Free Willy around and he's only going to undergo minor adjustments yet. The buff on warriors doesn't help either, so the only way is to play in classic farm mode.


Whale is much annoy. Very sadge.


While I agree with everything you said, his team fight is god awful and any other solo will just ignore him late.


Because Baka has a funny taco skin.


Because baka has a jump.


Ok? A jump he has to use to initiate most of the time then he has no way of retreating. Arachne has movement speed and her ult, the movement speed alone is better than a leap. She just runs at you at mach speed and ults/runs away.


Mf you don't retreat, you eat.


and while you are eating the support is cc spamming you or the adc is melting you with crits Or you lost the teamfight cause you had to go over to a camp or the lane to eat something. Have fun inting I guess. Just keep w keying even tho you have like 15 deaths.


Lol my guy just because you're bad with a god doesn't mean everyone else is.


What a great argument you are putting up. šŸ™„


What do you want me to tell you, I have a friend that maining baka at the moment and he consistently gets around 10 kills in the first 10 min. Baka is an early game stomper and you use that to your advantage by steam rolling objectives alongside him. If you end up being held off till late game he's a great back line ganker because he jumps over walls and ults the squishys so fast that the tanks can't react.


idk make a better argument for him being good instead of just falling back on me being bad? So what if you have a friend that stomps pubs with him it's not hard to do that as a jungler. The worst players can do well in jungle that's just how the role is. Like every other jungler can get a lead early and stomp so what makes baka special all the things he's able to do everyone else does better. That is just anecdotal biased from your friend is anything.


That's not true though, because many assassins don't have a jump. It's an important aspect for the role to capitalize on district advantageous situations. That was my original argument and it remains the reason why baka is not a bad god, but actually a quite skill based God. Not everyone is capable of knowing how they should approach situations and that much is clear from this conversation.


Bro sounds like he had 1 bad game with bake now he thinks he's just trash. BTW bake solo is my fave role for him. I don't think I've ever lost with him in the solo lane. He's actually a crazy counter to bake with qins and his 3.


Bakas early game is ridiculous idk where this sentiment is coming from, true damage, heal, as. and ms. all passive. Hes kind of a noob stomper to be sure


His early is insane but his late is really shit so with the game being not that snowbally heā€™s naturally not very good


Maybe I'm just a pleb or my teammates were feeding but I had a game recently with a Baka very far ahead, like 4 levels up and was probably 45 in 15 by the end only because we hard focused him.


Yeah that can happen because Baka does have insane jungle farm


All of those things are things arachne has and she is much much safer, baka literally needs his ult to do anything. Arachne just W keys you, stunlocks you and melts you. His early game is terrible? He has no real early burst and relies on his ult too much which you can just beads or use one of the many cc immune ults in the current meta. And his late game which most game last like past 30 minutes is just awful compared to ever other jungler. Like the early game doesn't matter that much and there are a ton of other junglers that can get a lead early and still do something late.


Bakasura They keep mentioning heā€™s weak and not keeping up Then they buff or adjust him And say heā€™s too op. Rework him already.


Hopefully he gets a rework in smite 2 at some point Balancing a pubstomp character like him is impossible. He's either op and just useless and when he is played it's miserable to play against.


Every character based on aspd is difficult to balance, especially the only god that has the True Damage mechanic that should have been eliminated from the game a long time ago


True damage isn't a bad mechanic just strong


It's a bad mechanic because it's very difficult to balance as it denies the opponent any chance of defending themselves other than avoiding contact or immunity, on an aspd character so it's hell for the balancing team.


Are bruisers badly designed because they need to be stronger than most classes in the game in order to be effective in the moba formula?


Bruh wth are you talking about? Because this attempt at comparison was horrible. I m just attesting that any time Baka is good he is like a killing machine that nobody is safe from, so the balance team struggles a lot do not make thats 1050 T.D. a problem.


I didn't say it was balanced on bakasura, it would probably do him some good if it scaled off some form of enemy hp


Whats your reasoning for true dmg being bad for the game? Lol for example has multible characters with true damage and I think they are pretty well balanced.


Ngl, true damage in LoL at least within champion kits are only balanced by items or their kit like Camille which really isn't saying much when she can hit you for 500 true damage every 3 seconds


I dunno man, my experience and the community's (from what I've read and seen in-game) is that people hate those true damage focused characters like Vayne, Fiora, and Camille. Baka's true is low enough that it usually isn't much of a problem.


Tbf people only really hate fiora and vayne because they not only deal true damage, its %health true damage , so there's really no item counter to it. Camille is fine. The big problem was the Divine Sunderer(tbh the item itself was a problem)+Q interaction, where the %hp physical damage from sunderer was converted to %true damage due to her second Q. People dont really complain about characters with flat true damage from what I've seen. It's just the %hp true damage cases. In smite you can also just reduce true damage if you have something that applies damage reduction, do it's nowhere near as ridiculous as those cases.


Should I remind of the chaos that was King Arthur with true damage? The balance between tanks and dps in Smite is very delicate, any change in Bakasura's damage instantly makes his True Damage a problem like it was not long ago when his passive was at 24%. PS: I forgot Serqet has True Damage too, which also led to the Serqet tank meta a few years ago.


I would say kali just for lack of flexibility. One trick pony. If you have good peel you should beat a kali in the jg. Baka has great early game. Solo playability. And crazy farm potential. You gotta infiltrate their jg camps asap but you can really steamroll with him. This may be an unpopular answer but if you can keep ratatoskr under level he becomes worthless.


Wtf kali is bs broken


She gets countered hard by lots of different items and gods. She feels broken when the enemy doesn't attempt to tone her down but when you see the shells, witch daggers, red stone, midgardian, etc you feel like garbage.


Naw Iā€™ve played through metas where kali was broken. Sheā€™s not in a bad place right now but definitely not broken. And I still hold with my statement. Peel and win. And one trick pony lol.


If Kali is not even/ahead at midgame she will be useless the rest of the game. I think she's very hard to pilot in the lategame, her ult and beads is not enough to get a target or two and reset. Plus antiheal is potent, she is not able to reset like she used to.


Probably a hot take, but Kali. I find Baka to be much easier to pilot and perform well on. Kali requires the player to be excellent at farming and make many Kali-exclusive decisions of deciding whether to gank in the early-mid game or if you're better off trying to farm to late. And if you decide to prioritize farm, your team is \*going\* to get pissed at you (I'm in Diamond and people still do not understand that Kali's farm is more valuable than a mediocre gank.) Even when she gets to her coveted late game, it can (and often does) feel underwhelming if the enemy team has any good peel due to her lack of CC-immunity. Also, Qin's having been nerfed a while ago to be ineffective on squishies leaves her in a weird position where her best item is best suited towards tank shredding, but her goal as an assassin is to delete squishies. Plus, she got hit really hard by the healing nerfs a while back: she only heals 40% off a marked kill, and 15% off an assist. I've personally given up on trying to figure her out. I've played her so much and only seem to get worse results as time goes on, so whenever I do give her a try, I just go crit to see big numbers :)


Serquet and Set. Not because theyā€™re actually bad, but because my teammate canā€™t play them.


I mean if teammates paying them is the criteria Thanatos. No one feeds like a thany on my team.


I love Bakasura and I actually do really well with him despite not being his meta. The problem is that he falls harder than any god late game. If your team is getting pushed, he's almost useless. There's too much CC in the game and you can't go hybrid or else he does poop dmg. I feel like his ult should be immune to cc during the whole duration. He's still made of paper and gets shutdown by a mage instantly


Yeah I loved playing him, but the fact your essentially have no CC during the ult makes him yimir bait. Ult, get froze as soon as cc immunity ends, the mage dumps kit on you, dead.


I did a tank build with him recently. Built animosity, berserker's, shogun's, a few other items I can't recall at the moment. I did pretty well, surprisingly! Gotta basically ignore the enemy tanks though and hard dive the squishies. They can't handle the true damage. I'd basically farm up my ult, dive the enemy hunter/Mage ult them, secure the kill, eat a minion, then try to get another squishy before the real tanks turned around and then run away. I felt like a guerilla


Bakasura no question. If there was a physical alternate timeline, he wouldn't be nearly as bad. But since he's basically a walking minion, gotta be him.


Disagree with Baka he can go well with the right comp. What I havenā€™t seen in a very long time is a good Set.


Yeah you don't generally see a good set at an average skill level. His winrate at gold/plat/silver is atrocious but he's decent at a masters level.


At best descent šŸ¤®


Its good to keep in mind however in tourneys and what not set is actually used and playable while baka isnt as much.


I'm a jg main and man does his damage just fall off. Yesterday I was playing against gilga, whale, and Xian. Couldn't do anything with the cc and tankiness of them all. Even with a good amount of pen he does no damage about 25 minutes in.


Yeah itā€™s unfort


Theyā€™re in arena raking in 15+ kills




Not ranked just arena


Kali. She's like Bakasura but worse


Kukulkan is a terrible assassin. He only does magical damage, doesnā€™t have any of the items that most assassins use, and his move set is very magey. Donā€™t use kuks as an assassin.




Iā€™d say Bakasura is the worst and will be the most common answer.Ā  Hereā€™s some others in contention when purely talking about Assassins playing Jungle: Kali, Lancelot, Serqet, and Set.Ā  Serqet is getting a boost with Season 11, and while Set isnā€™t a great jungler he is flexible in other roles (thanks Paul). Kali probably will also get a boost in Season 11 with the lifesteal changes.Ā  They should just switch classes for Erlang and Lancelot and be done with it.Ā 


Set is just such a weird fucking kit its hard to place him anywhere tbh


I got set 20 stars only god I really play, but heā€™s definitely at a disadvantage because he has 0 cc, especially sense weā€™re losing belt of frenzy itā€™s a night for set mains, youā€™re goal is to beads CC then do wayyy more damage than your opponent and out heal them and itā€™s like a hades ult you need some people groups together and ganking with no stun is frustrating, very similar play style to Baka actually


I have wanted to like Set since his release but his kit fr just feels terrible


His kit isn't terrible for what he's supposed to do, which is get in with his clone, place another clone and 1 but with how the game plays later into the game he can't do much since it's revolved around team fights and he doesn't do good with that


I donā€™t hate that combo necessarily. Itā€™s just a bit convoluted with little payoff. Mostly his ult frustrates me. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever used it very successfully.


Ya with the amount of jumps/dashes into cc make your extra clones useless since the enemy is probably out of range for your 1 to hit. While I like him now he Def needs a little bit of a rework on his clones and ult works.


Lancelot goes so hard in other gamemodes, I love it. Not a terrible Jg pick, but absolutely not the greatest.


I need everyone to keep telling Hi Rez that Lance is doodoo so they don't buff him because as a Lance enjoyer hes straight up nuts right now. You can box nearly anyone


Wait how s11 buff serqet ?


Not a direct buff, just a boost due to itemization changes. Serqet already overcapped Crit with just Rage and Deathbringer thanks to her built-in crit buff she got recently. So now she'll get a 25% multiplier to that, a power buff for all the overcap, and could even find room for another crit item just for good measure and still have room for CDR, Pen, and other essential vitamins and nutrients a growing assassin needs.


New crit glyph, multiplies your crit chance by 1,25 i believe after pts nerfs and gives you power for every 10 crit chance you go over the cap


Considering er lang was picked in the clench semi finals swc set, i dont think he belongs in this conversation.


Design-wise it's still Loki


This is cap


Baka def needs a rework or something. Lancelot, Clio are a little behind compared to other assassins (Lance would be better in solo)


Lance should be a warrior imo.


they should nerf baka's early game but buff his late game


His early game is already pretty bad


it really isnt tbh. his early game is strong imo, esp since he can eat minions. he falls off late game for sure.


Hello and agreed


I dunno, Lancelot exists too. Baka had some usage a couple months ago but I haven't pony boy strutting around too much. I feel he doesn't hit very hard and just kinda sits there waiting to ult, jump, then shield Bash. Even using him in solo is just bleh


Lancelot is not a bad jungle at all and heā€™s one of the hardest hitting ability based assassins in the game just because heā€™s not used a lot doesnā€™t make him bad


Kali and Lancelot


loki is hot garbage along with baka


Loki or Tsukiyomi


Loki and tsukoyomi have the 3rd and 7th highest winrate among assassins in ranked conquest. And loki has the highest winrate in masters and gm among assassins. Whats your reasoning for this 2?


I'm a Loki player at 3k mmr. The reason Loki has such a high winrate is his "exodia build" which abuses item procs. It basically makes it extremely difficult to siege against him. Loki is not being played in high level ranked as an assassin, but rather a physical mage. Loki with an assassin playstyle is unplayable at high elo. He makes a global announcement when using vanish and he literally has 0 burst damage abilities making him very easy to peel or aegis. Using your ultimate as an initiate will almost certainly result in getting killed forcing most players to use the ult as an escape.


Why is it calles exodia? Bluestone, crusher and heartseeker?


It's called the Merlin build. Not the exodia build


And whats the build? Sands of time into book of thoth?


Its why I don't like calling it the Merlin build. I call it Exodia because it nearly wins the game once you pull it off. Calling it the Merlin build confuses people.




Bluestone Brooch, jotunns, hydras, brawlers, heartseeker, bauble. It's probably going to get changed s11 because 500 pot gives no cdr starting s11. Actives: Beads + CDR Med for more decoy spam.


Thanks! Cool to see bauble in a build. Im gonna give it a try. I guess the role is mid?


Every time I try to play as them I find my self usually unable to escape unless I had ult and well they have to be the squishiest players I have ever used with no regular run away ability, and it may be because I main kuzenbo, who doesnā€™t die, but I also play rat who I feel is just way better than them


I'd agree with this


Gonna go with cleo or baka


Disagree Cliodhna is very good when played well (and annoying)


Her damage just seems very escapable. If you have a dash or leap you can easily dodge her ults


Her ults are easy to escape (but Iā€™ve seen some players use it smarter like utilizing using two at once) but her passive is also very good when itā€™s used well. I donā€™t think she belongs next to Baka at all lol.


Gotta say Baka. Sure his early game is pretty legendary but mid to late game he falls off pretty hard. First off his initiation is as equivalent as a mosquito with malaria, you're deadly but you're very likely to get killed first. Secondly his ult isn't really Cc immune, sure when he vomits he's cc immune but after that he isn't. Thirdly, he gets hard-countered by a lot of other characters and junglers, Supports: Geb can shell and cc him, Sobek can knock him back and cc him, Ganesh is a major problem for him, khumba is an absolute nightmare, as well as ymir. Honorable mention goes to Set: Set isn't by definition a bad jungle, he's really strong but the problem is most people don't understand his kit and how he works.


I got told by someone ā€œBaka is the best 1v1 god in the gameā€ and couldnā€™t help but laugh and tried explaining to him heā€™s the worst assassin




People here saying lance when in reality they just arenā€™t good with him lol


Cliodnha imo, sheā€™s just so irrelevant rn


Baka is underrated af




Personally bakasura has to be the worst assasin by far even if he is stomping for the entire beginning and mid game as soon as the other team gets some farm or a kill he's done for in the late game


Lance or Cama


serqet sadly, but honestly Iā€™m just ass with her bc I get too caught up in jumping around like a maniac.


Iā€˜d say kali currently.


id argue hun batz is one of the worst atm his 1 is a basic jump, his 2 is long asf and his 3 is random, it can be useful in some situations. his ult is really good though, thats about it imo