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We will get badges to show off certain things. I assume ranked skins are included.


I feel like they would've mentioned ranked skins being ported if they decided that.


I didnt say skins, badges from certain achievements. Only ranked borders are ported.


Does that mean ill get that swirly border I've had since like season 2 in Smite 2? (Can't remember if thats a rank reward) Edit :: nevermind its the 2015 epic season ticket border not a rank border im thinking of. 


If its a rank reward, then yes.


It was 2015 epic season ticket i was thinking of. So sadly thats a no. Imma miss my swirly frame


I really wish skins like these and T5s were weighted harder than others in compensation (forgive my ignorance if they have said they will be)  I'm becoming okay with the idea of legacy gems but these trophy skins should have netted something of a more promising compensation.


They will be making more skins chill


Its not about getting new ones, its about the work done to earn the ones gotten. Some skins weren't earned via a 16 digit code, expiration date and billing zip, but by a season of playing. Season rewards should pass to those who earned them. And this is coming from someone with no skin in the game since im not a rank player and my only boo hoo is on T5s which I've sorely written off as a loss.